
Young Writers Society

Kiss The Damsel Chapter 5

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Tue Nov 07, 2006 8:18 am
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 5

The next day, Jane found herself trying to forget about Marcus and how he was so close to kissing her---again! Jane shivered at the thought of it and it nearly killed her just thinking how it would have felt. There was nothing more vexing than the feeling she got every time Marcus was in her presence. How was she going to act? The carriage ride to the Hyde’s summertime ball was quite intense. Her mother was oblivious to the fact that she was fidgeting like a mad woman and tapping her foot. It was odd how her mother had not noticed anything peculiar about Jane. That realization made Jane feel more at ease. The less people notice her nervous state, the better she could forget about her stupid encounter with Marcus Daniel.

The ball was a pleasant scene. Everyone looked as dashing as they always would. Of course it had to be that way, considering how many desperate mothers there were just looking for any means for their daughter’s to be betrothed and off their hands. Really, it was an interesting sight---and some of these mothers even took it upon themselves to search for dancing opportunities. Jane, however, thanked God her mother was not as hot headed as the other mothers.

“I do think that I may ask Mr. Marcus Daniel to dance with you tonight. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”

But then again, her mother did act a little too anxious.

“Oh that would be magnificent---spectacular!” Jane said, not at all serious. She was beginning to think her mother was betraying her. But then again, her mother had her time for being down right diabolical.

“Oh I am so glad you think so.” Lady Dorsey chimed, then greeting the Hyde’s. If there was something she wanted to say in that moment, it was “Please end my life now before it gets any worse.”

“Good God…” Jane mumbled under her breath.

“What was that dear?” Lady Dorsey asked.

“Nothing mother. It’s just a bit warm in here, don’t you think?”

“I rather think it’s perfect. Come now dear, there is Marcus Daniel in all his splendor.”

Jane’s jaw dropped opened. Did her mother just refer to him as some praised prince? This was beyond…sane! Her mother was completely insane!

“Mother, if you just referred Marcus Daniel to some prince, I believe that is the most blasphemous thing you have said all year.”

Lady Dorsey eyed her daughter curiously, “What ever is the matter dear? You seem to be in a little snit this eve. Has someone upset you?”

“Of course not. I just think that you, setting me up for a dance with Marcus Daniel, is---is ridiculous. Anyone could see that you are trying your utmost to get me tied to this man.”

“But I thought you were setting your cap for this man.” Lady Dorsey said, a little flustered.

“I have never once said I was. What had you thinking that?”

“Why, Mr. Marcus---”

“Ah, Mr. Marcus.” Jane frowned. “That little prick. If that man had any sense, he would do his best not to toy with me.”

Jane looked to Marcus and at his side stood his brother Trevor. Marcus looked as he always did, serious. That didn’t scare Jane one bit. He could hide behind that serious gaze all he wants. There was no way she was going to make him get the best of her. Jane realized that her mother had left her side and Jane saw that as an advantage. To the many onlookers, Jane was going to make them wonder. It wasn’t everyday a lady approached a man.

Marcus walked into the ballroom as he listened to Trevor ramble on about how he was going to be the new Duke of Mayfair. Here their father was on his death bed and all they could think of was what they were going to inherit. It didn’t matter that his brother was going to inherit the title, in fact, Marcus could careless about it. He’d rather die than to resume the place of his father. Marcus was minding his own business when he saw Jane nearly stomping her way over to him. The look she gave him wasn’t pleasant at all.

Dear God. What now?

Trevor noticed her too and he smiled, “Oh look, Miss Dorsey seems to be coming our way…” Trevor took another look at her, “She doesn’t look too happy either.”

“Shut it, Trevor.”

“Well, I’m going to leave, I don’t want to be caught in the middle of a scene.” Trevor laughed and walked away, leaving Marcus by himself.

Just as Jane approached, Marcus put on a formidable face, “You know, many people are watching you.”

Jane said nothing, “You are a complete incorrigible rake. You are beyond redemption.” Jane said, not understanding what she had just said. She didn’t even make sense.

“What a thing to say.” Marcus said, placing a hand over his heart.

“You---You are nothing but a complete imbecile. It’s no wonder your father rejected you.” Jane spoke louder and the room stood silent. Everyone’s attention was turned to them. Trevor was right, this was the first scene that Marcus had ever had.

Marcus didn’t care; he was already put on fire. There was nothing more that he hated than the mere mention of his father. Marcus shook with anger and it took all his self control not to grab her by the arms and shake her senseless.

“That is none of your business. You go around looking like a complete innocent, but in reality, you really are just as depraved as I am. My life is none your business.”

“How dare you!”

Marcus shook with laughter and anger at the same time, “How dare I?”

“I never met anyone so---so evil!”

“You may be right in that area, I am evil. Now you do your best to stand out of my way.”

“Well then, you do your best not to try and kiss me.” The whole room erupted into loud whispers, “Your lack of self control amuses me.”

Marcus looked about the room and didn’t know whether to reply to that or just keep silent. Marcus stared at her and that was when he decided that he liked her spirit and her arrogance. She wasn’t afraid of anything.

“You know darn well that you had wanted it…” A few gasps exploded from the ton.

Jane was so embarrassed that she turned bright red. She tried to maintain her position, but she could not find anything to say to him. It was true and oh how she wished it wasn’t.

“As always…beautiful is what you look like when you are red in the face. Now tell me Miss Dorsey, which one of us is the scoundrel?”

There was no answer because they it was already obvious that none of them were saints and they had their share of faults. Jane stared at him, breathing irregularly. She couldn’t breathe and it was too darn hot to think and the most unordinary thing occurred…Jane had fainted. Marcus caught her before she hit the floor. Everyone began to shriek, gasping and whispering and Marcus paid no attention to the people that came to help. He just looked at her and admired her womanly features. Indeed, she was breathtakingly gorgeous. Why did he feel things every time he looked at her?

“Mr. Daniel?” Marcus snapped back into reality.

“Hmmm?” he replied.

“The young miss…we need to get her into a room.”

Marcus nodded, “I’ll take her home.”

Marcus found Mrs. Dorsey and he immediately expressed his deepest apologies. Fortunately she accepted it with a smile and Marcus had followed Jane and her mother home.

“It isn’t like Jane to make a scene.” Mrs. Dorsey said as she sipped her tea. They were seated in the sitting room and it was quite late. Marcus was staring into space when she had said that and he wasn’t even sure if he was paying any attention to anything she was saying. “Mr. Daniel, are you alright?”

“Yes?” He said abruptly, “I’m just…exhausted, that’s all.”

“Do you wish to leave?”

“No, of course not.”

“Dear Mr. Daniel. It is well past midnight. I think I shall retire for the night.” Mrs. Dorsey gave a little yawn and turned to him. “You may take your leave when you are ready.”

With that, she left him to his thoughts and there Marcus pondered why he was falling madly in love with Jane. If anything, she was an annoying little minx…yet, she was everything he wasn’t and that was what made her extraordinary.

Marcus, didn’t realize he was staring into no where until he heard a horse whining from afar. Marcus decided it was time to leave, but something urged him to see Jane.

Why not?

Marcus then headed to her bed chamber. I was dark and quiet. Marcus then sat in the darkened room upon the chair that he once sat in. he then began to speak.

“Miss Dorsey…I am very sorry for what I have said to you earlier this evening.” Marcus said softly, “Could you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?”

There was no reply. She was probably still recovering.

“I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on and I am sorry that I failed to notice it the moment I met you. I was too caught up on how vexing you were…but now, even though you’re the biggest gossip in all of London, I…rather admire you…”

Still no answer and a chilled wind rushed in.

“For your fire.”

Marcus felt like a fool and decided to do what he longed to do. Marcus pulled at the sheets to reveal her---but she wasn’t there! Marcus felt panic rise inside him. Marcus lit the room and found that she was not in bed. The door to her balcony was slightly opened and Marcus immediately hurried outside. Looking over the edge of the balcony, he saw Jane upon a horse, heading down the road at a fast pace.

Without second thought, Marcus ran down stairs and took a horse of the carriage. He whacked the horse as hard as he could and the horse went racing toward the direction to which Jane rode. Marcus could see her cloak floating in the air and her hair flowing out of her hood. Indeed she was trying to run away from all the humiliation---but she didn’t have to for Pete’s sake.

“Jane!” He yelled at the top of his lungs. “Jane! Damn it all. Jane!”

Jane glanced back at him and didn’t stop. She rode even faster and Marcus was infuriated by her arrogance.

Bloody hell!

Marcus was too determined to give up. He couldn’t let her roam through the night my herself. By God, he was willing to, but he just couldn’t do it. Marcus then found himself heading toward the woods. Jane was way ahead of him and Marcus decided to take a short cut by the river. Soon after, Marcus slowed down and all he could hear was Jane’s horse galloping through the woods. Marcus listened as she slowed down and knew that she was near…by the river. Marcus slowly made his way toward her and low and behold, Jane was washing her hands in the river. She was a fool to think she had out rid him. Marcus was far too skilled to lose her in the woods. He was well trained and too alert at the moment. Marcus then dismounted and watched her silently behind a large tree. He saw how her hair fell beautifully at her back. She was a sight. Suddenly, Jane took off her cloak and he saw that she wore a dress that bared her lovely shoulders. It was a good thing he didn’t approach her right away.

Marcus then drew out of hiding and revealed himself to her. Only, she didn’t know until she turned around and gasped. Marcus was shaking his head.

“You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” he said.

“Leave me alone.” She grounded out.

“Or what?” He lifted a brow. She said nothing. “Where are you heading to, Jane?”

“That is none of your business---and don’t call me Jane!” Jane tried to pass him, but he stood there with arms crossed.

“You are not going anywhere…”

“Yes…I am. I’m leaving this wretched place. I don’t belong here and I don’t need to be treated so---so rashly. I’ve had enough.”

“Would you mind telling me why you are up in such a rage?”

“Why? Why?” She asked, her eyes were filled with so much fire that Marcus thought if he got closer to it, he’d burn under them. “Because of you. You made me look like an---idiot! Because of you, my reputation is now in ruins. I can never show my face in society again.”

“Now I wonder why. Wasn’t it you that approached me and made a scene?”

“I don’t have time for this.” Jane tried to pass him, but he held her by the arm.

“Let me go or so help me God, I’ll---”

“Are you threatening me?” He said, his eyes dazzling with humor.

“I might as well be!” She nearly yelled.

“Why, Miss Dorsey, that is funny.” He laughed, “But not funny enough.” He then frowned, “Now see here, you brought this all upon yourself. If you weren’t such a hot headed minx, then nothing like this would have happened. Yes, you have been exposed of your flaws as was I. Now we are considered equals…You and I know that we are not perfect though we try to seem like it…”

Jane was silent.

“Now, stop being so irrational and accept what you can not.”

Jane lifted her head proudly and Marcus just had that urge to kiss her again. “You keep that up and I’m just going to have to kiss you.”

Jane didn’t listen to him, instead, she yanked herself from his hold and stepped back. “Just…leave me alone, Mr. Daniel. I need time to think.”

“Think? About what?” He said, slightly disappointed. He then saw the sadness in her eyes as she lifted herself upon her horse. She stared at him and her expression was solemn.

“Good bye Mr. Daniel…” With that, Jane rode away and left Marcus in the dark. There was no telling why she had left like that. In truth, Marcus had wanted to tell her of how he felt, but he just couldn’t get himself to do it. Now he would go home, feeling so incomplete and not having a decent night’s sleep and that was all due to Jane’s treatment. He should have chosen wise words before he had said what he had said at the ball. What was he to do? That night, thoughts of Jane floated through his mind and Marcus…well, he was depressed and drank himself to sleep…
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Wed Nov 08, 2006 9:32 pm
Wiggy says...

OMG I'm loooovin' this story!!!! Post more, more I say!
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
"You pierce my soul." --Cpt. Frederick Wentworth

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Sun Dec 10, 2006 7:05 am
falling in love says...

The suspense is killing me. I can't wait until you post more. PM me when you have more.
"This was my first bus ride."
----Ardeth Bay from the Mummy Returns

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Tue May 08, 2007 8:30 pm
Night Mistress says...

I am loving this story.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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