
Young Writers Society

Forever and Always chapter one and two

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Reviews: 155
Sun Nov 13, 2011 6:57 pm
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hockeyfan87 says...

It was the summer day I loved; the sun beaming down on my blonde hair and making my bright blue eyes shimmer from the reflection of the harbor at the local boat marina. I could feel my already tan skin getting even tanner.

“I can’t believe summer is almost over, it seems like just yesterday school got out,” I said, as I watched the water droplets drip off my bare feet into the harbor. .

“I can’t believe I won’t be going to school with you both this year, it’ll feel so weird going to public school,” my best friend, Alana said, the sun making her blond highlights in her brown hair stand out even more. Her father had lost his job right after school ended, he just got one but he had already dropped her out of Saint Lebanon United and signed her up at public school in case he hadn’t been able to get a job again, she would be going to SLU again next year.

“Just don’t fall in love with those annoying public school boys,” Austin joked, as he entwined our two hands together, I still got butterflies when he did that, even after eight months.

“Like I could, that would mean getting over Luke, which I am pretty sure will never ever happen,” Alana has this major crush on Luke Billip ever since we were in third grade.

“Alana, I know you have liked him forever but maybe it is time to move on, or tell him how you feel. He could feel the same way, you’re gorgeous, honestly, you have the perfect body, perfect hair, perfect everything,” I said, as I looked at her, her bright blue eyes were shimmering from the reflection of the marina.

“Can we just change the topic? Please,” Alana said pulling her wavy hair up into a ponytail, and looking down at her phone, “Holy poop, its three o’clock, I have to be at work in ten minutes, I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Now that we are alone,” Austin said, leaning in for a kiss. I still hadn’t got used to the feelings I got whenever he kissed me. He could make me smile just by kissing me. When he kissed me it was like the whole world disappeared and it was just the two of us. The way my body sent tingles up and down my spine made it even more romantic each and every time.

“Austin,” I said, pulling away from the kiss, “My mom said that since her and my step-father won’t be home for dinner you can come over and keep me company, that way I don’t have to deal with baby Aliya alone, please?”

“Well if you say it like that, Sofia, I would be honored to. I don’t have to cook though do I?”

“Like I would put anything you cooked in my mouth,” I said, leaning in for another kiss.

“Am I picking you up for school tomorrow? You know, now that I am a legal driver,” Austin said, grinning. Austin was a year older than Alana and I. He had one of those weird birthdays that made him seventeen when the rest of us were just turning sixteen, yet he was allowed to be in our grade.

“I don’t know if I trust you, I mean after all you just passed the test a few days ago. What if you crash and I die?” I said, half jokingly, half serious. I had seen him drive golf carts before; I honestly had no clue how he passed his driving test.

“God wouldn’t let you die, you are too pretty,” he said in a sarcastic, but serious tone.

“Ok, wise butt, I’ll drive with you, but I swear if you even go five miles over the speed limit I am never driving with you again!”

“How will we ever go on our romantic dates?”

“Babe, McDonalds isn’t a romantic date,” I said, using my feet to splash him with water from the marina.
“Aww man, then I guess I will have to cancel tomorrow night’s reservations there. I got the table closest to the

“Ha-ha! You are just so funny! Why am I dating you again?”

“Because you know that I love you more than anything else in the world, well besides McDonalds and my dog and that sewer beside my house oh, and the,”

“Enough,” I said, cutting him off, “I get it. You love me, I love you. Blah blah blah, we should be heading to my house soon, babysitting time!”

“Home alone in your big house. This may get intense, you know what I’m thinking? Pillow fights!” Austin said, giving me a quick kiss on the forehead before helping me get up so we can head back to my house.

My house was only a few blocks so we could walk easily to it from the harbor. After about two steps of walking Austin entwined our hands. He was my first boyfriend and I was his first girlfriend, so it still shocks me how romantic he is. He always knows the right thing to say or do. That is one of the things I love about him.

“So, will your Mom and John be there when we get there?” Austin asked curiously. My parents had always been a fan of him, ever since we were kids. They were so overjoyed when I started dating him that they invited him over for dinner often and for family bonding. When my parents got divorced five years ago, Alana and Austin were the only people who I could talk to about it. Then when my mom got remarried to John, Austin was the one I could talk to. Alana had been on vacation and I didn’t want to bother her. That was the summer Austin and I got extremely close, we have only gotten closer since.

“John probably will be, I don’t know about my mom,” I answered. When my parents got divorced I lost touch with my dad, we still call and he sends me presents and money but it isn’t like it used to be. He and I were extremely close. Then it all went away. John has been a great step dad. He doesn’t act like he is my dad, he is just like a friend to me, “I can’t believe Aliya is going to be two in a few weeks. I remember the day she was born. Remember I called you, and you and Alana saw her before my grandparents did, they kinda hated you for a while for that.”

“They hated me?” he said, sounding kinda hurt. It was that kinda tone that I couldn’t tell whether he was actually hurt or he was just playing me.

“In a love hate way, now they love you. Trust me, grandma is always like ‘That boyfriend of yours is a keeper don’t do anything to ruin it, savor him,’” I said, rolling my eyes. My grandma never let me forget how much she loved Austin.

“Well she is right, I mean you should savor me, I am pretty amazing,” Austin joked. That was one of the things I loved about our relationship. We could joke and be ourselves around each other and not worry. He has seen me in pajamas and a t-shirt with no make-up and still thinks of me the same as when I am all dressed up. That was one of the things I love about him the most.

“Ha ha, but for the record I do realize how amazing you are. That is why I kept you around for this long, otherwise you would’ve been gone, buddy.”

As we turned onto my street I saw John getting the car ready. He always parked his BMW in the driveway, which I never understood since our house had a three car garage.

“John!” I yelled, as I ran towards the house sensing he was in a rush. I could always tell when he was in a rush if he had his sunglasses on before he was in the car that was the dead giveaway.

“Sofia! I am so glad you are here, your mother said she got there quicker than expected and is already there, are you sure you are ok watching Aliya?”

“I am fine with her. Plus, I have Austin to help me if I need help and I have both your numbers, enjoy the night out,” I said, as I gave John a hug goodbye.

“Oh, I didn’t even see you Austin, nice to see you, well I left money on the counter for dinner if you want to order instead of making. We should be home before midnight,” then he leaned in to whisper to me, “Don’t tell your mother,
she wants Austin out by nine, but he can stay until ten or ten thirty. Just don’t make me regret letting you do this.”

“Thanks, and I won’t be. You should hurry, you don’t want mom to get mad, have fun!” I said as John shut the door to his car and pulled away.

“What did he whisper to you?” Austin asked me curiously, as I opened the front door and locked it as soon as we entered. We had moved to this house after my mom married John, I still was breath taken by the foyer. It was the most beautiful foyer I had ever seen; the light brown with darker trim highlighted it well.

“That my mom wanted you gone at nine but you can stay until ten or ten thirty,” I said, leading the way up to Aliya’s room. The nursery was one of the brightest rooms in the house, after mine. The bright yellow walls made it impossible to feel upset in that room. I went to check on Aliya, only to find she was sleeping. I had never gotten used to the sight of her little figure sleeping. She had the brightest blue eyes and the lightest blond hair, I had ever seen, “She is asleep,”

“Should we order dinner or,” Austin said, exiting the nursery.

“It is only four right now, we can just hang in my room for a little,” I said. Most girls associated their room and boyfriends with sex, but Austin and I were different. It’s not like I didn’t want to, I mean, who wouldn’t? I just knew that Austin probably would stop it before we got to that stage.

We entered my room and sat down on my bed. I could feel the squishiness of the Tempurpedic bed my mom had just bought for me. He used his warm hands to hold my face in place as he leaned in to kiss me. At first it was a light kiss, the one that makes you get all tingly, then he started getting more passionate, eventually using his tongue. It isn’t like we have never used tongue before, but never like this. Within minutes we were on top of each other, full on making out. Before I knew it he was fiddling with my bra, trying to un-strap it. The next thirty minutes was a blur to me. All I know is I was naked and lying beside me was a naked Austin.

“Austin,” I said, breathing fast.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened,” he stuttered, as I started to cry, “Sof, don’t cry, please,”

“Austin, what if something happens? What if I get pregnant? This wasn’t supposed to happen,” I said, sobbing. I knew we were both still naked, but I needed a hug, I scooted closer to him and put my face in his chest, unable to stop crying. The warmth of his body was just another reminder of what had just happened.

“Sof, I’m so sorry, I never wanted to hurt you. Nothing is gonna happen, everything will stay the same, I promise. I still love you,” he said, hugging me.

“Austin, but you can’t promise that nothing is gonna happen, I could end up pregnant,” right as I said this, I heard Aliya cry.

“Sof, I’m gonna go get Aliya, she doesn’t need to see you like this,” he said, as he rolled over and pulled his Abercrombie and Fitch shirt over his head, and pulled his boxers up to his knees and got up to pull them up the rest of the way. He then left to go get Aliya.

After he left, I just sat there and prayed to god that nothing would happen. That this was all a big mistake and that I couldn’t get pregnant, I had a life. I couldn’t take care of a kid.

After what seemed like a lifetime he returned. “She just needed her diaper changed,” he said, as he sat down beside me.

“Austin, I'm gonna get dressed.”

“Oh, I’ll leave,” he said, getting up from the bed.

“No, please stay, I don’t wanna be alone.”

“Its ok, I’ll never leave you alone I promise, how about I just turn away, is that ok?” he said, as I nodded.

Getting dressed, I never really put much thought into it before, but now I couldn’t help but look over my own body. Knowing I had lost my innocence, I was now one of those sluts they talk about at school that lost their virginity when their parents weren’t home. Everyone would find out, including my parents.

“Are you done?” Austin asked, sensing that I was taking a while.

“Mhm,” I whispered, as I walked over to him. I sat down beside him and started crying again. He pulled me in and held me tight.

“Everyone’s gonna find out, I'm gonna be the school slut. My parents are gonna find out and they will hate me. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen,”

“Why don’t we go downstairs, I’ll make you something to eat and we can just watch a movie and get our minds off of this, ok?” he suggested, I just nodded.

He gently got off the bed, and extended his hand towards me. As I put my hand in his, I felt the warmth of his skin again, just as I had before. I quickly pulled my hand back.

“Sof, if I had known this was gonna happen,” he started, but I cut him off, “what? You wouldn’t have let it go as far as it did? You would have stopped it? What? What would you have done?” I practically yelled.

“I never wanted to hurt you, I promise. I hate seeing you this upset and knowing I caused this, I hate knowing that I took away your innocence. I would do anything to change what happened. I love you, I have always loved you, and I will always love you. What happened today was a mistake; I don’t regret that it was with you, I regret it was so soon. I am so sorry, if you want me gone, just say so, I can leave you alone for as little or as long as you’d like.”

“Please don’t leave, please.” I pleaded, as I sat on the couch, “I need you.”

“I’m never leaving you, forever and always, just like I promised when we were five, you were new here and I was the first one to talk to you,”

“I remember, I thanked you for talking to me and said we will be friends, and you said forever and always.” I said, as I hugged him tight.
when you grow up you realize that Prince Charming is not as easy to find as you thought. You realize the bad guy is not wearing a black cape and he's not easy to spot; he's really funny, and he makes you laugh, and he has perfect hair and isnt wearing a black cape and easy to spot Lots of Love Jenn

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204 Reviews

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Points: 15914
Reviews: 204
Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:29 pm
crescent says...

I remember reading this awhile ago, and you've definitely added some new content. I still don't really understand why they're so freaked out by the concept of public school though.

It was the summer day I loved; the sun beaming down on my blonde hair and making my bright blue eyes shimmer from the reflection of the harbor at the local boat marina.

This sentence confuses me. It doesn't really make sense in my opinion. It feels incomplete.

-Many of your sentences should have semi-colons separating them instead of commas. You uses a semi-colon where two independent clauses (complete sentences) join in one sentence.
“I can’t believe I won’t be going to school with you both this year, it’ll feel so weird going to public school,” my best friend, Alana said, the sun making her blond highlights in her brown hair stand out even more.

There should be a semi-colon in between "this" and "it'll" instead of the comma you have right now.

He was my first boyfriend and I was his first girlfriend, so it still shocks me how romantic he is. He always knows the right thing to say or do. That is one of the things I love about him.

Austin seems picture perfect, perhaps too perfect to be believable.

He has seen me in pajamas and a t-shirt with no make-up and still thinks of me the same as when I am all dressed up. That was one of the things I love about him the most.

This reminds me of a pop song "I think you're pretty without any make up on."

Most girls associated their room and boyfriends with sex, but Austin and I were different. It’s not like I didn’t want to, I mean, who wouldn’t? I just knew that Austin probably would stop it before we got to that stage.

This reminds me of Edward from twilight. It's funny that you should put this here right before we come to know that Austin really isn't that different from the average teenage boy.

After he left, I just sat there and prayed to god that nothing would happen.

'God' should be capitalized.

Getting dressed, I never really put much thought into it before, but now I couldn’t help but look over my own body. Knowing I had lost my innocence, I was now one of those sluts they talk about at school that lost their virginity when their parents weren’t home. Everyone would find out, including my parents.
Well, if Austin really loves her as much as you seem to claim, I don't see how everyone will find out that Sofia and Austin had sexual intercourse. They're the only witnesses to this event. No one has to know. No body knows but them. Can't they just keep this a secret? Perhaps the mother could find out while she's changing Sofia's bed sheets, but if Sofia just washes them now with bleach, no one would know.

I don't know if they would immediately regret doing it. They seem to have shame immediately. Are they really that innocent? It's not like Sofia's completely against it. You said that it's not like she didn't want to. So she sorta wanted this subconsciously. She shouldn't be that freaked out then. Right now, I feel like your characters are barbie dolls. They have the money, the car, and pretty much the life. Sofia's got the perfect boyfriend until this conflict suddenly arises, but even then, Austin's still pretty perfect. I'd suggest adding some quirks to your characters, some flaws to enhance their realism and believe-ability like how you did with Alana and her physical insecurities. You started, and that's the important part of noveling. Starting and completing it. There's always time for editing later. Happy writing!

Please take care to use good grammar when making a post!

"grammer" 1519 matches on YWS *twitches*

Rydia is the ruler of the world. :(

huh. didn't realize santa was a batman fan-
— Mageheart