
Young Writers Society

Mind's Eye Chapter 2

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33 Reviews

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Points: 528
Reviews: 33
Mon Oct 17, 2011 7:40 pm
wtbh says...

I quickly dried my hands and picked up the phone, “Hello?”
“Hey, sorry. I know you probably hate me, but I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today. Just me and you. I really want to talk.”
I didn’t know if I wanted to though, “I thought you were leaving today.”
“I was going to, but I have unfinished business. So, I’m leaving tomorrow. Can we please talk?”
This was probably going to be the last time I would ever see her again for awhile, “Yeah, I guess we can.”
“Okay, thanks. Meet me at the Old Hollow. I’m going to leave now, just to let you know.”
The Old Hollow is the name of a tree. It’s been in this town forever, and it’s where Rachel and I first kissed. “Okay, I’m on my way there too.”
“Okay, bye.”
I put the phone back where it belongs, and went into the living room where my mom was, “Hey, mom. I’m going to the Old Hollow to talk to Rachel.”
My mom’s face lit up when I said that. She always like Rachel, even when I didn’t, “Okay, honey. Have fun.”
I went to my truck and found my dog, Beaver, laying in front of it. He’s named after the first thing he ever caught. He’s a coon, so he’s sure good at it. Or was, he’s a lot older now, way past his golden age.
I gave him a pat, then climbed into the truck. As I pulled out, Beaver didn’t move an inch, instead he made himself more comfortable by laying on his side now that my truck is out of the way.
I drove up to the Old Hollow where Rachel was already sitting in front of. She’s wearing the ripped flannel shirt that I always loved, and has her brown hair up in a bun. Like she always wore it when we were together. After that she always wore it down. I got out and sat down next to her, she did a half-way smile, “You promise not to run this time?”
“Yeah, I promise.” I said that even though I’m not sure I meant it.
She sighed, “I’m such a terrible person for what I did. Can I just explain the whole story this time? I never got to do that.” I nodded, then she continued, “The night me and Brad kissed was the day that you were gone doing whatever. It was the first day I didn’t see you at all when we were together. That day Brad came over just to hang out. When he was over I got a call from my dad. Not a nice one. I cried, and Brad comforted me. It was when I needed you most, and you weren’t there. And it all just happened so fast that nothing seemed very clear. I’m sorry. You’re such a good person. I never meant to hurt you.”
I plucked a piece of grass, “You could have called me. I would of come over.”
“I know you would of. That’s why I fell in love with you. But…I don’t know. You don’t have to forgive me, but just promise me we can still talk. That when I leave, that’s the end of us.”
“The end of us was a long time ago. I still have feelings for you, though. I can forgive you, but I won’t forget.”
She hugged me, “Does this mean we can rebuild our relationship?”
I miss her hugs, “I guess so.”
She moved closer to me so we were touching. Then the thought of her and Brad in each others arms at the fire came back. She put her head on my shoulder, “I’ve missed you.”
This all hurt so much. I didn’t know if she honestly missed me, or it was all fake. “I saw you and Brad together at the fire. That’s the reason I left early.”
She lifted her head up off my shoulder and stood up. “Maybe this was all a bad idea. Thanks for letting me get out what I needed to.”
She started walking away to her car. I didn’t want to lose her again. I ran after her, grabbed her arm and turned her around until we were facing each other. I leaned in and kissed her, and she kissed me back.
She pulled away first and looked up at me confused, “Why did you do that?”
“Because I love you. Will you go out with me…again?”
She kissed me, “Yes, I love you too. I really have to go though. Is it okay if I come by your house later?”
“Yeah, of course.” We kissed one last time before she drove off. I slowly walked to my truck, not sure how to feel. I am happy I have her back, but what about all the pain.
I drove back to my house, deciding not to ever bring back any of that pain stuff again. It’s all forgiven and forgotten. I pulled in, Beaver still in the same spot. My mom was outside with Pam and Nick. My mom knitting, Pam reading a magazine, and Nick talking on his cell phone. The kids are running around the house, to my surprise.
My mom smiled when she saw me, “So, how did it go?”
“We worked things out. We’re back together. She’s coming over later today.”
Pam looked up, “Who are you two talking about?”
My mom ignored her, “Well that’s good. Good for you two. Lunch is on the counter if your hungry. Your father is in the barn getting things ready for tomorrow. He might need some help, but don’t tell him I told you that.”
Pam coughed, “Excuse me. Who are you talking about?”
I turned to Pam, “My girlfriend. And mom, I think I’m just going to skip lunch.”
My mom smiled at me, “Okay dear.”
I walked to the barn and found my dad sitting in the rocking chair, smoking a cigar. He looked up at me when I walked in, “Hey, your mom send ya’?”
“No, just came to see if I can be any help. Did you get everything ready?”
He blew out some smoke, “Not even close. Let’s just do it after dinner. You want a beer?”
I took my shirt off because it was getting so stinking hot again, “Yes sir! I’d love one.”
He handed me a beer just as my mom called my name. I walked out to see what she wanted. I looked at the house and it saw Amber and what I’m guessing to be her parents. My mom started waving me over.
I went to the house and my mom introduced me to a balding man and your average house mom. The man looked at my beer and laughed, “It’s always days like these when you drink all the cold beer you can find. And you know I would be shirtless right now too, but I’d scare the whole town.”
My mom started talking about the fair that’s coming up. I looked at Amber, but she just looked at the ground. Pam walked out of the house and came over to me, “Is this the girlfriend?”
Amber looked up and blushed. I smiled, “No, she’s coming later. This is Amber. She moved into the house nearby.”
She snatched the beer out of my hand, “You shouldn’t be drinking this. You’re only eighteen, still underage.” She turned to my mom, “Linda, look what I found Conner with.”
I ignored the rest. I looked at Amber and she was giggling, “Sorry about that. She’s one of the city folks.”
She looked up at me, “Don’t say that like it’s a bad thing. I was one of those ‘city folk’ before I moved in. So, you’re completely insulting me.”
“Ahh, I knew you had to be from the city.”
She looked up at me daring, “How?”
“You just seem so clean. Like your afraid to get a little dirty and have some real country fun.”
“I can get dirty when I want to. I like to look clean rather than walk around like a hobo. Like you.”
I smiled, “How am I a hobo?”
“The first time I met you, you had no shirt and was covered in grease. The second time, a lot cleaner, but still missing something.”
“The first time I just got done working on the tractor, and sorry that it’s so hot outside. And what was that you said earlier. You can get dirty? I don’t believe it.”
“Well it’s true.”
“You’ll have to show me sometime.”
“Fine, I-”
Then a car pulled in, and it was Rachel. She got out and ran into my arms, “I’m so happy you finally forgave me! Sorry, it took a little to sink in.”
“It’s fine.” When I looked to say good-bye to Amber. Her and her family were already walking away.
My mom walked over, “Rachel! It’s so good to see you!”
“It’s good to see you too, Mrs. Bryant.”
Kyle walked over to our group, “Holy hot babe!”
Pam smacked him, “Kyle, leave. Now!”
He left just as Rachel’s phone went off. She walked away and answered it. My mom looked at me, “You and I need to talk later.”
“About what?”
She opened her mouth to answer, but Rachel walked back over, “Sorry, guys, but I need to go. It’s an emergency. Oh, and Conner. I decided not to leave so we can spend some time together before college.”
She walked away before I could even say anything. She’s not the same girl that I used to know. I think my mom noticed it too. Pam finally decided to walk away and my mom turned to me, “Do you know Amber?”
“I only met her today. Why?”
“I don’t know. The two of you seemed like you’ve known each other for years. It’s a weird connection. She seems like a nice girl though.”
That’s weird that she thinks that. Because in a weird way I was goofing around with her like I do with people I’ve known for years, “Yeah, she does. I’m not so sure about me and Rachel being together anymore. I mean I love her, and I’ll always have feelings for her, but she’s not my Rachel.”
“Yeah, she did seem odd. But you have to remember, different things change people. For better or for worse. In her case, to you for worse, but for her it could be for better. Just talk to her before you go making any more big decisions, okay?”
“Okay, thanks.”
She went into the house, and I went back to the barn. My dad was still on the rocking chair. He kept on looking at the ground, even when I walked in, “Can you go feed the hogs? I forgot to this morning.”
He looked paler than normal. “Yeah, sure. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. My allergies are just acting up again.”
I put my hand on his shoulder, “Let’s get you inside then. Mom can make you some soup or something.”
He looked up at me. His eyes were blood shot. “Not with those kids in there! There’s no way I’ll step back into that house with them in there.”
“They’re outside right now. You can go into your room to rest.”
“I said I’m fine!”
I never saw him get so angry at me like that. I took my hand off of him, “Okay, fine.” Sure he can be stubborn and sit here, but there’s no way mom would let him get away with this. I walked up to the house where my mom was doing the dishes.
She dried her hands when I came in, “Hey, is everything ready?”
“No, I’m just going to feed the hogs right now.”
“Oh, okay. How’s your father? I haven’t seen him in quite some time.”
I shook my head, “He doesn’t look to good, but he doesn’t want to come into the house with the kids here. I’m not sure why.”
She quickly left the house to the barn. I decided to stay back and do what I was told. I grabbed the bucket of leftover food and went to the backyard to give the hogs their food.

The rest of the day, and week for that matter, went by fast. Mainly because there was so much work to do so I was constantly busy. My dad helped a little bit, but he mostly sat on his rocking chair away from the family.
It turns out that Pam and her family need to stay for nearly a month instead of a week. No one was happy about that, especially my father. My mom told her no when she suggested that she just went to a motel instead. I was practically screaming yes in my head, but she’s staying.
Rachel called a few times to talk for about ten minutes. Whenever I called her it went to voicemail. She came over once for a few minutes then left again. She’s not as carefree about life like when we were dating. We could sit for hours on end just simply talking, and now it’s like she’s almost avoiding me. Thinking about it now, maybe it was a mistake asking her back out. Hopefully, I turn out wrong.
I saw Amber only once at the market, but she didn’t notice me. I just decided to let it be because I feel like she might no longer like me, even though we only knew each other for about a day. I hope we can become friends though. I feel like she comes with a lot of unique and hidden secrets.
I got the land all fixed up and I’ve done my daily chores around the house and barn. It’s times like this, when all outside relationships, out of my family, are MIA, that I wonder if this is all just a big mistake. And was only fun while it lasted. Looking at my dad and how much pain he’s in at only sixty, makes me not want to do this anymore.
It makes me want to become a doctor and train real hard in some field. But I was never good with the whole surgery and things like that. So, maybe I could become an actor, but I’m bad at acting. I could become a pilot, but I tend to panic a little too much. I could become a veterinarian. I mean I’m good with animals and things like that, but I would never be able to give a shot without passing out, even with only a cat.
Everything I think of doesn’t sound right to me. The only thing I want to do, and can do with practically almost no flaw, is farm.

Now back to the real time. I’m sitting on a swing that’s on the back porch, when Pam walks out of the house with the phone in her hand, “It’s for you, Master Player.”
The first thing I think of that it’s Rachel, wanting to talk for a few minutes before she disappears for another day or two. I took the phone, “Hello?”
“Hey, sorry. I know you don’t want to talk to me, but it’s Amber.”
“Oh, hey. What’s up?” I didn’t get why she was calling me, or why she even wanted to talk to me. After the whole Rachel running into my arms thing, I thought she would never talk to me again.
“I was just calling to see if you wanted to go for a walk or something. You’re really fun to talk to. It’s okay if you don’t want to though. I mean, I’ll understand. I promise. And now I’m just going to shut up.”
I laughed, “Yeah, that would be cool.”
“Really? Okay. I’ll be over in a few minutes.”
“Sounds good.”

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11 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 950
Reviews: 11
Tue Nov 01, 2011 10:35 pm
Elena_Ravenhill says...

1.Hey, sorry. I know you probably hate me, but I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today. 2.Just me and you. I really want to talk.”

1. This is a fragment, try to revise it.
2. Try this: "Just you and me, I really want to talk."

I gave him a pat,1. then climbed into the truck. As I pulled out, Beaver didn’t move an inch, instead he made himself more comfortable by 2.laying on his side now that my truck is out of the way.

1. Try this ", and then he climbed onto the truck."
2. Wrong word to use for laying. Its lying.

I drove up to the Old Hollow where Rachel was already sitting in front of. She’s wearing the ripped flannel shirt that I always loved, and has her brown hair up in a bun. 1. Like she always wore it when we were together. After that she always wore it down. I got out and sat down next to her, she did a half-way smile, “You promise not to run this time?”

1. Fragement, please revise.

I plucked a piece of grass, “You could have called me. I would 1. of come over.”

“I know you would 2. of. That’s why I fell in love with you. But…I don’t know. You don’t have to forgive me, but just promise me we can still talk. That when I leave, that’s the end of us.”

1. Instead of "of" use "have".
2. Uh... it doesn't make sense.

She moved closer to me so we were touching. Then the thought of her and Brad in each others arms at the fire came back. She put her head on my shoulder, “I’ve missed you.”
This all hurt so much. I didn’t know if she honestly missed me, or it was all fake. “I saw you and Brad together at the fire. That’s the reason I left early.”

1. Plural: "other's"
2. Adjective: Instead of; "fake" it would make sense with "unreal."

I drove back to my house, deciding not to ever bring back any of that pain stuff again. It’s all forgiven and forgotten. I pulled in, Beaver still in the same spot. My mom was outside with Pam and Nick. My mom knitting, Pam reading a magazine, and Nick talking on his cell phone. The kids are running around the house, to my surprise.

1. Try to add "is" after the noun.

“You just seem so clean. Like your afraid to get a little dirty and have some real country fun.”

1. Since its speaking to the other character its going to be: "you're"

“The first time I met you, you had no shirt and was covered in grease. The second time, a lot cleaner, but still missing something.”

1. No comma, use semi-colon
2. Fragment

The first thing I think of that it’s Rachel, wanting to talk for a few minutes before she disappears for another day or two. I took the phone, “Hello?”

1. Spelling; "It is" = "it's" Wrong, its suppose to be "its Rachel,"
Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and
some have greatness thrust upon 'em.

Twelfth Night - William Shakespeare

Thou call'dst me a dog before thou hadst cause. But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs.
— Shylock, The Merchant of Venice