
Young Writers Society

Change of Heart chapter 1

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:39 pm
angel007angel says...


What makes the most perfect birthday? The presents you‘ve always wanted? Your loving family and friends around you? You and your boyfriend having the best dinner you could ever have?
None of the above.
Well, for me anyway. My mum has never got me one gift that I could count as I’ve always wanted. She by no means gotten what I ask for: on my fifth birthday I asked for a new bike, as mother ‘accidentally’ ran my other one over with her Land Rover. She got me a bell for my bike instead. On my eleventh birthday I asked for a mobile phone, in its place she got some socks with a picture of a mobile phone on them. You see how selfish and horrid she can be? I was crushed all those years of not having a bike or a mobile.
I have no loving friends or family. The only family I have is my mum how never buys me a birthday cake, my nan who lives in Spain soaking up the sunshine (she only ever comes down to us at New Years, apparently the Christmas sun is to die for) and my twenty-one year old brother who almost always forgets the twentieth of October, my birthday. When I go to my friend’s birthdays I usually end up sulking somewhere because they have their adoring, sweet and kind family surrounding them while they blew out their candles.
My mother didn’t care what I did, as long as she was somewhere where I wasn’t, getting off with some new bloke every five minutes. I never had the family I’d always dreamed of having, which is why when I will get married some day and have kids, I would have planned it all out. You see, when I was between the ages of eight and ten, I drawn pictures of what my house would look like for me, my husband and four children. I would have three big bedrooms on the top floor, my two girls would share one room and the other room for the two boys. I used to believe that there was only one Mr. Right for you, and I had to plan these things out precisely.
Mum used to yell at me for living in a fairytale land. She said these things never happen and it’ll all end up in tears eventually. I hated it when she went off on one of her rants. I never believed her. “Just because dad never loved you doesn’t mean my kids dad will never love them and me forever,” I used to think in my head. My father left when I was six, and from then I knew I had to have my kids childhood better than mine ever was.

Just like every year, mum decided she was going out, and she left me to my own devices. I invited a few friends over for some cake that I bought for myself, but only two turned up: Darla, my best friend since we were both three and Tammy, another friend who possibly bitches about me behind my back. Darla was the first to arrive at my doorstep.
“Happy fifteenth birthday, Evan!” Darla cheered, setting off a party popper. I giggled, but a little depressed. I was expecting loads of people on my doorstep!
Darla is the complete opposite to me: she’s kind of dorky looking and has no dress sense at all. She pays attention in class and done really well in her MOCK exams and SATS. She’s smart but somehow she is my best friend in the whole world.
Tammy came straight after I put the kettle on for some coffee. Tammy is like me, but kind of not. She hates school, but does awfully well in it. She is gorgeous (something like me) and has apparently had sex so many times she’s lost count.
I don’t believe her though. I mean, I have never had a boyfriend for real, and has never done ‘it’ but I really desperately want to. And tonight while my so-called mum is out getting hammered I’ll be finding the guy of my dreams. With Darla and Tammy.
“And how exactly are you going to find the ‘guy of your dreams’?” Darla questioned, while taking a bite out of some cake.
“I don’t know, I’m gonna get changed and then we’ll all set off into some fancy restaurant or something and find someone there,” I explained, bringing my make-up bag out of the cupboard.
“Oh, look Evan, you’re pretty and all and I really want to help you, but my curfew is eight ‘o clock and if I’m late my dad will kill me,” Darla exclaimed.
“So? Break the rules, I do all the time and I’m still here aren’t I?” I asked, coating my eyelashes with mascara.
“Yeah, true… But I’m not like you, Evan,” She sneered, picking up the rest off her cake and shoving it in her bag. “I’ll call you later, see how you got on.”
My face looked saddened. I really thought Darla would come along and help me find my true love. Looks like not everyone appreciates the stunning girls like me.
“Yeah, sorry Ev’s, I gotta go too. I’m babysitting tonight and if I’m not back my mum’ll freak,” Tammy said.
“But it’s my birthday!” I shrieked after them. “Guys?” They were gone. I felt like crying. But I couldn’t because I’d ruin my make-up. I’m still going out, though. Those selfish cows can make up any excuse not to be with me, I’m still going out and finding my Prince Charming.


Wondering the streets at nine ‘o clock, in the pouring rain with no jacket or umbrella sounds pretty creepy, but it’s not. I actually find it very relaxing. The freezing rain falling onto my face, while holding my six inch heels in one hand and draining my soaking hair in the other underneath a shining lamppost is very… relaxing?
Who am I kidding? This isn’t relaxing, this is torture. My poor arms are like frozen pieces of ice and my eyelashes are solid from the mascara and ice cold rain pouring down. They both do not mix.
Then I heard a very deep but attractive voice from behind me. It sounded so sweet and mature, my heart started pounding.
“Hi, um… Are you alright?” the mysterious guy asked, “do you want to borrow my coat?”
I turned around. My whole body stood still. There in front of me was a tall, pale skin guy with rain dripping from his beautiful face. His eyes were a gleaming crystal blue, and what I could see from his hair was strands of blonde. He unzipped his coat and forced it towards me. I smiled.
“Thanks,” I said, putting the massive coat on me.
“What brings you here, looking more prettier than ever in this storm?” he asked.
“Well, I, um… It’s my birthday,” I stuttered, staring into his eyes deeply. “I just thought I’d come out here and enjoy the fifth of January rain.”
“As you do. Happy birthday…”
“Evan. Evan Lloyd,” I slipped my heels back on, just near enough his height.
“Declan. Declan Roberts, nice to meet you Evan,” he grinned cheekily. Declan looked about nineteen at least. But he was so beautiful, I had to hold onto him if I knew inside he was The One.
“Nice to meet you, Declan.” Declan sounded so amazing. So mature. I could tell by his red, black and white checked shirt and neat navy jeans he was mature and tidy. Just the one for me.
We talked and talked until he invited me into his van. I said yes immediately, and we went into his blue van. It smelt of dog and had dog hairs everywhere. But other than that everything was neat enough for me.
“Sorry about the hairs, Lola loves my van.” Lola was his collie dog. Declan explained to me that he lives in a small flat with his dog Lola and his budgie Pixie.
He told me he works in bakery in town, which is probably where I’d recognised him from. And he announced his age; twenty. A year younger than my brother. I was fine with this, but I couldn’t bare the thought of him backing away when he realised he’s been chatting up a fifteen year old, who was only fourteen the day before.
“So, how old are you today then, Evan?” Declan asked, gazing into my emerald green eyes.
“Um… Eighteen. Yeah, I’m eighteen,” I forced a smile apon my face.
“Ooh, nice.” He liked the sound of that. He looked me up and down, and stopped right at my bust. I guess he didn’t notice my boobs when he given me his coat.
But what I really loved about him was that I talked to my face, not my boobs. I mean, some guys I chatted too talked to my breasts, not my face. Declan’s different. He stares into my eyes almost every time I look up. He offered to take me home. I agreed.

Declan is such a careful driver! He’s very good, he was saying how it took him eight tries to pass, but I never believed him. It must have only took him one go and he passed immediately.
Declan is also very open. He explained to me how he was ready for a serious relationship with a sweet, pretty and lovely girl. He had never had a girlfriend before and has never had sex before. He’s my perfect match!
Although I may seem love struck, mum may get in the way of all things perfect. She was waiting at the door, with her arms folded and a cup of coffee in one hand.
“Where the hell have you been? It’s gone eleven!” Screeched the daughter of Dracula.
“I know,” I shoved past her, and walked into the kitchen. Mum followed me.
“Well? What do you have to say for yourself?”
“Erm… Soz,” I switched the kettle on for a cup of tea. I really needed one so I could calm myself down. I’m literally over the moon in the mood I’m in.
“Soz? I came home at half nine and you weren’t here for two and a half hours and all you can say is SOZ?” She shrieked.
“Oh, right. Sorry,” I patted her on the arm.
“I don’t want an apology, I need answers. Evan, you’ve been such a rebel all these years. You’re doing crap in school, and now you were out for so long and gotten me worried sick! Where were you?” Mum nagged.
“I was with Darla, satisfied?” I asked.
I groaned. “What do you want from me? I told you already, I was with Darla. You know, your daughters best friend?”
“Right, well… Maybe I should ask Becky, see if she has any idea where you were, because I’m sorry Eve, I don’t believe you,” mum is such a lunatic sometimes. She can be difficult when she wants to. Becky isn’t even Darla’s real mum, but my mum seems to think Becky is a real goddess the way she talks about her. “Oh, Becky, you are such a role model, bringing up three kids that aren’t your own.” She’s such a faker and kiss ass.
“No! Mum, please. It’s my birthday, the least I wanted to do was hang around this dump on my own. I invited Darla over and she suggested we go out and have some fun, surely you believe that?” I lied. I lie all the time, and I never get caught. Mum’s so stupid.
She sighed. “Yes, okay I do believe you now. You do deserve some fun on your own birthday,”

I dreamed about me and Declan on our Honeymoon cruise to the Caribbean. The azure water splashed over deck while me and Declan snogged in the beat of the sun. We would already have two out of our four children, the other two would be born years after we got married.
They were a girl who was named Maisie, and a boy who was named Andrew. Andrew was pretending to be an aeroplane, he soared through the deck while his dad nuzzled my neck. Maisie was playing with her new fairy wings I bought her, Andrew broke the other ones. She fluttered around her parents and around the whole deck.
“Evan! Evan! Evan!” Declan would repeat as he dragged me to bed. “Evan! Wake up, Eve!” He was shaking me violently, then I realised it wasn’t my dream who was saying my name, it was my Math teacher Mrs Weave. Mrs Weave is evil, and makes her lessons so boring.
“You fell asleep again, Evan,” Mrs Weave stood in front of me, arms folded. “Have you got your homework?”
“Nope,” I replied, carelessly.
“Are you going to do it?” Mrs Weave asked. Stupid question to be honest, I’ve never done one single piece of homework since my dad left when I was seven. From then my work kind of went down hill and I haven’t excelled in any lesson at all.
“Nah, I don’t feel like it,” I smirked. Her face boiled red.
“Right, get out of my lesson, you’re disrupting others learning time!” The old bat wailed.
“You mean, you’re disrupting others learning time, you woke me up, remember?” I answered.
“Get out!” Mrs Weave screamed, pointing to the door.
So basically, this is what happens every lesson of the day. Because I hate school, and the sooner I get out of this shithole, the sooner I can start my dream life with Declan.

Mum was not happy when I walked through the door.
“What happened in school today?” I knew Mrs Weave has been telling on me again.
“I dunno, same old crappy stuff,” I flung my bag and tie on the table and got out a packet of crisps.
“Right, well explain to me about your math grades,” She sat down, sipping her cup of coffee.
“Um… They’re shit, I know. And I don’t give a damn,”
“Evan! You should! This is your future and all you’re focusing on is getting a boyfriend and having a ‘perfect life’. It ain’t gonna happen, didn’t for me,”
“Well it will for me! Just because you want me to have a crappy life like you did doesn’t mean I have to go by your rules! I’m fifteen now, I can do what I like, when I like,” I crunched some more crisps.
“Fine, make a fool out of yourself on results day, I don’t give a monkeys ass what you do,”
“Oh don’t you worry, I’m gonna fail, but I’ll be fine. When I finally get released from that hell hole, I’ll be happier than you’ve ever been in your whole life!” I yell to her as she stormed into her bedroom.
All I need is Declan. Not her, not nobody, just Declan.
Last edited by angel007angel on Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:58 am, edited 3 times in total.
- angel007angel x

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Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:59 pm
Emmzziee says...

This is fantastic!
I don't really have much time on my hands at the moment, but whenever I do, I'll try to review this for you.
Good luck
I want to play a game.

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Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:14 am
Hecate says...

angel007angel wrote: I have never had a boyfriend for real, and has never done ‘it’

Let's start with the nitpicks, first.

angel007angel wrote:My mum has never got me one gift that I could count as somethingI’ve always wanted
It didn't make sense otherwise.

angel007angel wrote:She by no means gotten what I ask for
Uh oh, this doesn't make sense either! Maybe something like 'She never got me what I asked for' instead?

angel007angel wrote: I have never had a boyfriend for real, and have never done ‘it’

“What brings you here, looking more prettier than ever in this storm?”
get rid of more.

All I need is Declan. Not her, not nobody, just Declan.
Change this to 'Not her, not anybody' instead.

Right, those are just some of the grammar errors you made. There are more. However, instead of turning this into a Grammar lesson, I thought I'd concentrate on your story instead.


Evan strikes me as extremely whiny. She thinks her life is horrible because she never had a bicycle or mobile. That seems a bit extreme, to me at least. Throughout this chapter, she does almost nothing but whine which can get very annoying.

Another thing that struck me was that she is extremely conceited, and is sure of her looks. I'm not sure if you intended for her to be this conceited but that's how she comes off right now.

Also, she's not very street smart. I mean, she met this random guy on the street and got into his van. Which is another thing I want to talk to you about, but later.

Evan is also slightly creepy. I mean, she only just met this guy and she's already imagining their perfect life together.

I don't know if that's how you intended her to be, but this is the impression she gives off right now.


Declan seems like a nice person, offering to drive her home and give her his coat. Only one thing struck me as kind of funny. The fact that he has a van, and asked her to get in it. As I'm sure you're aware, vans are stereotypically what pedophiles and rapists use for their deeds. I'm sure you can work around it, but that did make me chuckle a little.

Her mom

We see her mom through Evan's eyes, so it is possible that we don't get a very clear picture of her. One minute, she leaves her daughter alone on her birthday, the next she's worried that her daughter's late and that her grades suck.

Her Friends

Currently, there's not much to say about them. They both don't sound like they care about their friend much, or at least she thinks so. I'm sure you'll develop them later.


the fifth of January rain

almost always forgets the twentieth of October, my birthday.

This chapter is also titled 'October'. This can be easily fixed though.


I don't know where you're going with this yet, so I can harldy comment on the plot. I do hope that there is more character development however, because right now you're MC doesn't strike me as the nicest or smartes person. We got the fact that she's pretty, but that's it. I imagine that she'll become kinder, less whiny and more realistic in the chapters to come.


Fix this up, and I'm sure you'll have a better story. Right now it's riddles with grammar errors and the tenses change every five minutes. Maintain the same tense throughout, please. You go from present to past, and it gets really confusing.

I can't say I like Evan much, or any of the characters, but I guess that is why you have character development and we will eventually learn to love them. This is just one person's opinion however, you don't have to do what I said. Good luck :) Keep writing!

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Sat Oct 15, 2011 9:30 am
Blues says...

Hi Angel, here as requested! :D

Before I begin, I recommend you rate this sixteen because you said 'sh*t' and mention sex - it's too low! :) (That means I shouldn't be reading this cos I'm 14. Meh.) Or you could just mention there is bad language at the beginning.

The Goods
1. Your intro! It was quite an interesting way to open with rhetorical questions. I did that in my novel and everybody seemed to have liked that. It drags the reader in.

2. Soz.SOZ! I couldn't help laughing. This is making it really real!

3. I really love how Evan seems so cool about her grades and the homework. She seems like a very determined person.

Enough of the Goods, let's get on to the improvements where that's the most important bit :D

The not-so-Goods
1. Evan's mum seems like a very interesting person. I think you should start developing in the next few chapters - why does she behave the way she does? Why did their father leave? Why is she mean to her daughter?

Darla is the complete opposite to me: she’s kind of dorky looking and has no dress sense at all. She pays attention in class and done really well in her MOCK exams and SATS. She’s smart but somehow she is my best friend in the whole world.

Tammy came straight after I put the kettle on for some coffee. Tammy is like me, but kind of not. She hates school, but does awfully well in it. She is gorgeous (something like me) and has apparently had sex so many times she’s lost count.

Show us these traits, don't tell us! (OK maybe not the sex bit. I don't think Evan will meet Tammy while she's ... um... busy)

4. I do hope I'm not being too harsh:
“I don’t want an apology, I need answers. Evan, you’ve been such a rebel all these years. You’re doing crap in school, and now you were out for so long and gotten me worried sick! Where were you?” Mum nagged.

I can see you're trying to fit her thoughts in somewhere but it's rather unrealistic here. The rebel and being crap at school bit doesn't really fit... Also, I don't think her mum would say swear words - that's like promoting the use of them.

I also agree with some of Stela's points :) I'm not going to repeat them though.
They was a girl who was named Maisie, and a boy who was named Andrew.

Declan was such a careful driver! He was very good, he was saying how it took him eight tries to pass, but I never believed him. It must have only took him one go and he passed immediately.

Declan was also very open. He explained to me how he was ready for a serious relationship with a sweet, pretty and lovely girl. He had never had a girlfriend before and has never had sex before. He was my perfect match!

Watch out for the tenses :)


You've got a nice base here but there are a few improvements to be made like a bit more Character Development - although we'll probably see that as we go on - and a little more description too. Your plot seems rather interesting and I'm sure you're gonna put some twists in this to make it special! :)

I'll look at Chapter 2 soon, just after I do work on my Chapter... uh... five was it? *checks in Storybook Program*

Keep Writing!

-Insert whatever you want me to call myself when I speak to you: Mac/Blue/Blues...-

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Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:22 am
Danny17 says...

Its quite a really neat story I loved the real life situation. But its true you should put why here mom is that way and why her father left. The van and dogs weren't charming but to everything else its really nice writing :D
Every person has a three lives: A social life, a private life and a secret life ;) ... I love my three lives.

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