
Young Writers Society

Amy's Story

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Points: 300
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Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:38 am
Stargirl7870 says...

Why am I looking at him again? I should be concentrating on the lecture, but….uggghh…it’s so boring! Ok! Concentrate, concentrate, concentrate on..….his beautiful deep brown eyes that is…..so focused….and so….. “What?!” I exclaimed when I felt something soft hit the back of my head and turned around to look behind me, Ethan sat diagonally behind me to my right. Ethan just smirked, so I looked at the crumpled paper ball that now lay by my desk. He wrote in large letters these words:
I thought this was math class, not stare into space and look silly class! Come on, Fun size! If I have to listen to this stupid lecture, then so do you!
Ethan :]
I turned around and looked at Ethan again, and as I predicted, he has this grin on his tanned face. He looks innocent and yet evil, “…so evil…” I accidentally said loud enough for the teacher to hear, I covered my mouth and looked at the teacher horrified. The teacher was still going on about his lecture! Good! Maybe he did not hear what I just…
“Ms. Schultz?” Professor Birnbaum called all of a sudden.
“Yes?!!” I said with the surprise and anxiety in my voice.
“Would you like to tell the class what is more interesting to you than the exciting world of numbers? Or more specifically, who’s evil exactly?” Professor Birnbaum asked while smiling, he raised an eyebrow in anticipation of my reply.
“Ummm……no thanks…” I said in an embarrassed whisper.
Professor Birnbaum nods as if he had expected this to be my reply, “Please pay attention in class next time, Ms. Schultz.”
I nodded and he went back to lecturing, I turned back at Ethan. He was laughing his head off?!! I get in trouble and what does my best friend do? Laugh in my face! Go ahead and laugh, Ethan! Just keep laughing! I shook my head as if I was upset with him, but I still have a grin on my face. As if he knew what I was thinking, he lifts up a paper that has these big letters written on it:
Admit it, it’s funny! Sucks for you! But it’s still funny, right?
There you go! My best friend, Ethan! Who can make me laugh even on my worst days! Who makes me smile and laugh even when I don’t want to. What would I do without him.
“That was hilarious! You should’ve seen your face!” Ethan said and imitated how I looked when the teacher called on me. I looked at him, and then closed my eyes as if to say “What am I going to do with you?” Ethan shrugged in response and continued eating his food. He has a big appetite, and would eat more if I offered him the food on my plate. I learned to not be so self conscious when I am around him, he helps me relax and around him I feel stress free.
“Do you want this?” Ethan suddenly asked I looked at what he was pointing to; it was the three big round cookies I had prepared to eat as deserts. I wasn’t hungry for cookies anymore, so I just pushed the napkin with the three cookies on top over to him. I just briefly look away for a second, but one cookie was already missing when I looked back; I looked at him and tried not to laugh at his face, but it was hard. He had put the whole cookie in his mouth in chunks; it had stretched and disfigured his big mouth.
What’s funny about Ethan’s enormous appetites is that even though he eats so much, he doesn’t seem at all to be overweight or gaining weight. He seems to be staying the same size, no matter how much he eats.
“You must be hungry!” I said looking at him eating the cookies, within a few minutes, the cookies were gone.
“We should order pizza!” Ethan suggested, that just made me crack up into a hysterical laughter.
“I can’t believe you’re still hungry! We had ice cream on the way back, you ate your sandwich, and you ate my cookies....” I exclaimed through laughter, he started laughing too.
We laugh about the weirdest things, but we both think it was fine. Life is so tough sometimes, you just need to find something to laugh about; rather it even makes sense to laugh about it or not. Laughing is always better than crying and complaining about the bad things that you just cannot change.
“You know, with all the times we’ve been together, I’ve never seen your girl friend! Do you have one? Is she pretty?” I asked curiosity overwhelming me; I looked at him waiting for him to say something.
He looked at me for a second, and for that one second; he looked serious, probably because this is kind of a private question. As fast as that thought ran through my mind, he was back to his goofy self. “Well, if I do have a girl friend, I wish she would be as pretty as you!” Ethan said and laughed, but somehow I can’t shake the feeling that I just crossed some invisible boundaries; boundaries that even me as a best friend shouldn’t have crossed.
“Ewww! I hope she’s prettier than me, nice, smart, and funny too! Ethan deserves a girl like that…” I said and nodded my head, as if I approved of my own words. Ethan laughs and shakes his head, “Thank you Amy for planning out how my girl friend should be! Shouldn’t I be deciding that?” Ethan asked a rhetorical question.
There was a moment of silence, this never happens with us; so why is it happening now? Could it be something I said? If so, what did I say? This can’t continue on, I have to break the silence!
“So….how’s the movie?” I asked, I had brought this movie along with me to his house, so we could watch it.
“Why did you want me to watch this again?” he asked and grimaced at me.
“Because it’s a good movie!” I exclaimed in disbelief.
“You really think a guy will be interested in a chick flick? Where were you born Amy? On Mars?” he asked. He started laughing before I could refute.
“I would give him some credit though, he stayed with that girl knowing that he would be ignored by his friends, and even after he knew she has cancer! That’s true love right there!” He said while pointing at his flat screen TV.
I looked at him and smiled sweetly, “Why can’t there be more guys out there like you!”
“Because I killed them off, one by one! I can’t people competing against me with girls, so I killed them!” He said jokingly, he made the head cutting symbol and made an evil laugh. I smiled and couldn’t help myself, I joined in the evil laugh; he then stopped all of a sudden I had to turn my head around to realize his five year old sister was standing right behind me. She has her thumb in her mouth and was looking at me with those big green eyes.
“Amy, can you read me a story?” she said shyly, holding a big picture book out to me.
“Okay! Let’s see what book you have here! Little Red Riding Hood, you know this was my favorite when I was your age! Emily, you are a good little girl and you deserve something better than just a story telling! Have you ever heard of story acting?” I asked her with excitement in my voice.
Emily shook her head, but I could tell she was getting excited because she had a faint smile on her face. “Story acting is when people telling the story actually use different voices for different characters, it is really really fun!” I said smiling at her.
“So do you want me to tell you a story, or do story acting?” I asked excitedly as if I was addressing a crowd of audience.
“Story acting!” She said excitedly.
“Who’s going to be the big bad wolf?” Ethan asked and smirked, and then he looked at me.
“I’m glad you asked!” I said beaming at him.
“….my, my, my! Nanna, what big mouth you have?!” I said with the best little girl voice I could manage.
“Yes, my dear! I have a big mouth, so…I COULD EAT YOU! ROAR!!!” Ethan yelled the last part out and started chasing her sister around the room. “AHHHAHAHAHA!!!” Emily shrieked in excitement and ran around the room trying to get away from her wolf of a brother. I guess the story had to end here, because they seem to have no intention of going on; they were running around like little kids.
“Okay kids! Break it up! It’s time to go to sleep!” I said acting like a mom, I helped Emily into bed and tucked her in. “Do I have too?!” Emily asked with a pouty face. “Yea! Does she have to?!” Ethan said and does a pouty face too.
“Now, now, you two! You want to have energy for school tomorrow, don’t you?” I asked, and looked at the both of them. Emily nodded and smiled; she then turned to her side and went to sleep very fast. I slowly got up from her side and put my index finger to my lips to do the quiet sign, and then I pointed at the door with my other hand.
After closing the door as quietly as I can, I turned around and smiled at Ethan. “Thanks for pulling me into your ‘story acting’, if that’s even a real word.” He said as if he didn’t like it, he had a smile on.
“Oh come on! Tell me with a straight face that you didn’t enjoy chasing your sister around the room, and yes! I saw you!” I said while laughing, he just scratched his head trying to hide the smile on his face.
“And besides, what does it matter if it’s not a real word?” I said defiantly and had my hands on my hips. “Amy, do you want my sister to grow up having a fake vocabulary?” Ethan asked and pretends to be in horror. “It’s one word, Ethan…” I said with a smile that told him that was a silly argument, “besides, I’m creative with my language! You want her to be creative like me, don’t you?” I asked and looked at him for a response.
“Well, it’s official!” He said and looked at me, as if I should know what he was going to say next.
I looked at him confused, “Huh, what’s official?” I asked and looked at him. “It’s official that you’re great with kids and you’re just full of it!” He said and smiled, I laughed at what he said then pushed him on the shoulder softly. “You’re a great brother, and a pain in the neck sometimes! I guess we’re even, aren’t we?” I returned a compliment.
“Thank you, and yes we are!” He said and did a theatrical bow, I started clapping.
“You really do handle kids well though, I was being serious!” He said all of a sudden, as if he was afraid I might take it as a joke.
“Well, I am a Child Development Major! I have to be, besides, I’ve always wanted kids!” I said and looked at him.
“Yea, yea, yea! You told me many times already! You wanted…” he said while looking at me, “five kids…” we said in unison.
“You remember so much about me.” I said looking at him thoughtfully.
“Isn’t that part of the job description?” He asked looking back at me.
“Hmmm….I guess….what is a part of my job description?” I asked playfully.
“To just be yourself!” He said with a tone of voice as if to say that was a stupid question. I smiled, that was sweet and totally expected of him. He always tried to make me feel confident about just being myself, without any changes. I recalled him saying these words one time when I was on a diet and almost fainted from not eating food, “Don’t try to fix something that was never broken in the first place, and promise me you won’t do unhealthy things like this again!” He said looking at me with deep concern. I had promised him to not do anything unhealthy to my body, and I have kept my promise; going to the gym is healthy. Eating a lot of candy, on the other hand, isn’t healthy, but I think he chose to let that one slide.
“I should go, it’s late!” He said all of a sudden, and I was shocked to find that we were already at my apartment. “See you tomorrow!” He said and walked off, soon his shadow disappeared.
“See you!” I yelled, but it was probably too late. I opened my door and stepped into my apartment that I share with two other girls from my college. I wonder if they’re asleep, I’m pretty sure I did tell them that I was going to hang out with Ethan today.
I looked around inside, the lights were on; however, there was no sign of my roommates anywhere. They are probably in their room, it’s homework time; we had a specific schedule as to when we do our homework. Obviously since we are three outgoing girls, we try to do our homework in the living room as often as we can with music playing and everything. Sometimes, if the homework was not too hard, we would have little breaks and talks about what happened that day. Today was probably one of those busy days for them, essays, exams, or some readings to do. I am lucky to have finished my math homework for the day at Ethan’s house; it wasn’t so bad with Ethan constantly goofing around. He makes even the most boring homework assignments fun to do; naturally, my roommates were fond of him too.
I walked into my room and put all my stuff down, I took off my shoes and socks; and then I fell on my bed. This is comforting, after a day of hard work and embarrassment. I closed my eyes, and thought about what went down in math class today; now that I thought about it, it is kind of funny. I laughed softly and looked at my watch…
Eleven eleven, interesting….I thought and put my hand back down onto the mattress.
I opened my eyes realizing what I must do; I fell off the bed in my rush to sit up. I have to make a wish first, before I could go to bed; making a wish is a life changing event. I clapped my hands together and closed my eyes quickly, and wished as if my life was depended on it.
I wish William will talk to me!
I looked at my watch as soon as I was done making the wish, and to my relief it just turned eleven twelve right as my eyes met the digital numbers. I collapsed on my bed again with my hands spread out straight, and fell into a deep sleep within seconds.
Where am I? Am I in school? There’s no one here! Oh wait, there’s William! No! He’s walking away! I have to catch up with him! Maybe I should call him!
Hey William….
WILLIAM!!! It’s me, Amy!
Why can’t I make a sound? Oh, wait! I think he heard me! He’s coming this way, what should I do? Okay, okay! Act cool, act normal! Be yourself, Amy!
Hey, there’s Ethan! Why does he look so serious? Where have I seen this expression before? Looks so familiar! I should go ask what is up with him! Why is he walking away? He saw me didn’t he? Oh no, here comes William….I will find Ethan later!
Oh my gosh! Our first conversation! Will he say he likes me?!! What if he does?! I’m not ready for this! No, no! I like him too, if he has a crush on me; then we’re all set!
Okay! Stay calm! Stay calm! He’s about to speak!
What?! I can’t hear him! His mouth is moving! I see it moving, but no words are coming out!
What are you saying? Can you speak louder? Can he hear me? He just keeps talking the same way, no words coming out of his mouth! What is he saying?
My first conversation with him, and I’m missing it!!
No!! William! Come back! Talk more! I will try harder to listen! Come back! Maybe I’m deaf! I’m not ignoring you!! Come back William!
No…..I missed my chance with him! What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I hear him?!!
I should just give up! William obviously doesn’t like me anymore or he wouldn’t walk away from me!!
I…..I guess I should go find Ethan now….but…..William…..where did he go? I wish I had paid attention to what he was saying….
No one seems to be in the halls…the school seems completely deserted…so why is Ethan and William here?
Is everyone in class? Maybe I’m late for my math class, and that’s where Ethan and William were going to! I should go check!
Math class….math class is this way! Oh my gosh! I hope I’m not too late for class!
…..No one is here….no…there’s William, but where’s Ethan?
Oh, William is coming over again! Would I be able to hear him talk this time?
William, I’m listening this time! Go ahead! I won’t ignore you! I’ve been waiting and hoping for you to talk to me for a long time.
….I still can’t hear you! Speak louder!
No…..I still can’t hear!
What is happening? Am I going crazy? This is so unfair, so frustrating!
NO!!! Talk to me!! I want my hearing back!! No, no, NO!!!!

“WHAA!!!” I screamed as I fell down onto the rugged floor of my bedroom, I sat up and looked around. It was a dream? Ooooh…I thought groggily and sat there for a while still filled with exhaustion.
What a horrible dream! I thought I really lost my hearing!
My eyes widened, I’m almost sure it was a dream.
I better test something just in case…
I played a song on my computer to test my hearing.
I quickly turned the volume down; there was a knock on my bedroom door, I opened the door and it was Sarah.
“What’s with the loud music?” Sarah asked looking confused.
I couldn’t help, but to notice that she was already fully awake; she’s usually not a morning person.
“I was just testing my hearing, and I’m not deaf!” I said with a pleased expression.
Sarah looked at me confused at first, “Congratulations, and what made you think you were deaf in the first place?” she asked with a funny expression.
It was only then did I realize that she didn’t know about the dream, I mean of course she wouldn’t know about it; it was my dream. If she knew about my dream that would be totally crazy, and total inception, which I don’t need at the moment; one craziness at a time. My horrifying nightmare made me fear for my hearing ability, and insanity; I should tell her about it, she did have a Psychology class.
So then began the explanation of my dream, which I was surprised that I could actually remember in detail…for the most part. I told her every detail there was to tell, it was a vivid dream. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, besides the fact that there were no people at school, and no one could talk, and I couldn’t hear what people were telling me.
Sarah started laughing after I finished, she laughed really loudly.
Shoot! That just makes me want to laugh! I thought and tried repress a laughter; I managed by just smiling instead.
“I’m glad I amused you, Sarah!” I said wittily.
“I’m sorry! It’s just…only you would be so caught up in what you were dreaming about that you’d have to test….if you were really awake or not…” Sarah said through laughter.
“You done laughing? I want to know what the dream meant.”
“What were you thinking before you went to bed last night?” Sarah asked and looked at me.
“….ummm…uuuhh…I wished that William would talk to me…” I said and looked at Sarah.
“Well, there you go!” Sarah said and looked at me expecting me to understand what it means just by what I told her.
“There I go what?” I said with a confused expression.
Sarah looks at me for a minute, then closed her eyes as if to say “Fine! I’ll explain!” using body language.
“Yes! Explain, Psychologist!” I said teasingly.
“Hahaha….very funny…” She said with a pretend annoyed face.
“Okay, so….you said the last thing you were thinking about last night was wishing for William to talk to you, then you fell asleep…” she said and paused for a second.
“Yea, so?” I said quickly, really interested in her assessment now.
“So! You fell asleep with those thoughts in your mind, the thoughts about wanting to talk to William, the thoughts about liking him, the anxiety about him not liking you, and all the other pressure related to liking a person. Obviously when you’re asleep, you’re not awake to be able to control your mind. Your mind made a story based on all the thoughts that were still in your head.” Sarah finished, and pointed to my head as emphasis on the last part.
“How does that related to Ethan?” I asked confusingly, I was thoroughly impressed by her explanation though.
“Maybe something happened yesterday that crossed your mind? Something that has to do with William even just the slightest bit?” She said and shrugged.
I felt like I missed out one important detail about the dream, but I just couldn’t remember it.
Something Ethan did….something Ethan did that looked familiar….what was it?
I just couldn’t figure it out, so I gave up; it was probably nothing. I have more important things to think about.
Today, I will talk to William! No more running away! If I want him to be with me, I have to make him notice me first! I will talk to him today, nothing will stop me.
A person’s hand was waving in front of me, “Earth to Amy! Hellooooo!! Can you hear me?” It was Sarah.
“Huh….what?” I said waking up from my day dreaming and looking at Sarah.
“I said I had to go! I have a class in thirty minutes!” She said and waved goodbye to me.
“See ya later!” I said and looked at my watch, it was still a few hours away from my class; I have three classes today, but they start a bit later than my other days.
Did I miss Theresa? Did she go to work already? Oh, she has today off; she’s probably sleeping in a little.
I decided to go to gym and work up some sweat; it’s not that far from my apartment. I could make it to school in time, if I hurry and go now.
Ok! Today’s schedule!
Number one, go to gym to work up some sweat!
Number two, go to class!
Number three, talk to William and make him fall in love with me!
Number four….do my homework…I guess….
I could do this!

I thought as I put on some workout clothes, and then went through my closet to pick out something nice to wear. It is important to look nice, if I was going to talk to William, and make him fall in love with me.
I smiled at the thought of our arm intertwined together in public.
Today is the day where I make….my history!

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100 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 6717
Reviews: 100
Tue Oct 11, 2011 2:01 pm
Hecate says...

Hello! I'm Stela and I'll be reviewing your work today.

First off, WOW this is long. Ever thought of breaking it into chunks as to not intimidate us? :P

Secondly, it is full of grammar errors. There are so many that if I were to point out each one and explain it in a separate paragraph, my review would end up being longer than your piece. So, consider the points below to help you improve your work.

1) Punctuation-'?!!" There is no need for so many exclamation and question marks. One will suffice, I assure you. Otherwise, it looks like chat speak and this is meant to be a literary piece not chat speak.

2) 'Helloooooooooooooooooooooo' All those O's are unnecessary. There are other ways to convey what you're trying to say, without the need to misspell the word.

3) Dialogue- Often repetitive, and somewhat cliche. To fix this, work on character development. Try to make your characters unique, not average or stereotypical.

4) Plot- Sounds like a cliche, but I can't be sure at this point. She goes after the hot popular guy ignoring her best friend, who is madly in love with her, hot, and nice. Hot guy turns out to be a scumbag and/ or she realizes she loves her best friend really. Cliche. Unless you have that twist to make it better.

5) Characters- Development is necessary, obviously. They are taking college classes, and when she asks her roommate for advice on her dream, you may want to read up on psychology concerning dreams and write a legitimate psychological answer. Or not. But it'd be nice if you knew what Sarah should be saying. Perhaps she's also more perceptive, meaning she would know Amy is in love with Ethan before Amy herself realizes it.

As I said, loads of grammar errors that need to be fixed. Read this aloud to yourself and look for repetitive words as well.

I have to admit, as much work as it needs, I did have fun reading this because I LOVE romance stories with this cliche scenario of the best friends falling in love. But then, you really have to make it your own, so that even though the idea is sort of cliche, people are still willing to read it. I'm sure you'll manage it. Fix up those errors and think about fleshing out your characters and it should be fine. Good luck!

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425 Reviews

Gender: Gendervague he/she/they
Points: 50
Reviews: 425
Tue Oct 11, 2011 7:59 pm
Vervain says...

Hallo! I figured I would drop by. If you want my overall view and my concerns, they're at the bottom: your piece is very long, so this ended up as a long review, since I reviewed by my thought process while I was reading.

I'd like to start with the beginning thought process. This is the first part of the first part of a piece... and it's wandering. It doesn't catch the reader's eye like it really ought to. Yes, you can start out with a thought process, but I would recommend eliminating most of the ellipses on the way.

Moving on, you seem to replace semicolons or full stops with commas a lot. Your first action sentence ("I exclaimed") is complete by the time you reach the comma, and the independent clause behind the comma is complete. In that case, you ought to use a semicolon or full stop, since you can't really connect two somewhat-unrelated ideas with a conjunction.

Then my nitpick is probably that you started off the next sentence with the same exact subject (Ethan), which looks a little redundant on the paper. I mean, if you were introducing him, like "Ethan was my best friend" or whatever, that would be fine. Just tossing us right into the action with him, though, doesn't really work. The reader doesn't know who Ethan is, even though he's integral throughout the chapter.

You should probably italicise the text of the note for ease and comfort. I had a hard time finding it in the lower screen of the reading panel because there wasn't any separation from it and the story text.

In the next paragraph, you jump to present tense, and that will serve to confuse a reader who's not looking through it to analyse it. Yes, you do actually have something of a reason, but if you story starts in the past, it ought to stay in the past. "He had", "He looked", etc. Then you go on to replace a semicolon with a comma again, between "hear" and "I covered". And who's the "teacher horrified"? It might be a good idea to separate those two with a comma to emphasize that your character is horrified, not the teacher's name.

I should probably just go on to the dialogue between her and the teacher right now, before I start getting too nitpicky.

One thing I'll say is that you seem very fond of interrobangs (?!) but you only need one exclamation point after the question mark. An extra one looks superfluous to a reader, much as it would if you suddenly started ending your sentences with a comma and a full stop. It's like people who post things like "omg!!!!!" on places like Facebook and the like. (Anywhere, really.) In modern writing, while multiple exclamation points may be getting more popular, they're not necessarily correct. Sometimes they're just annoying.

After the dialogue, you seem to forget to italicise thoughts ("Go ahead and laugh" etc.) Also, how exactly does the teacher notice her saying something out loud, but not one of his students caught in convulsions of laughter? Generally, in a classroom, a few people are whispering at one time or other anyway, so it would be harder to pick out her saying something than him laughing wildly.

Then you suddenly switch times right after that. I really don't get it. I'm sorry. But I'm not even halfway through - there's not even separation - and we're suddenly changing times? This makes me think that you might be better off breaking this chapter up into separate parts instead of this one huge... thing. Y'know? Separate the times that are different, and maybe say something like "Later, after school" or whatever.

Your tenses keep switching. Honey, this is a serious problem: occasional tense switches depend on the verb, but in modern writing, most people want their tenses to stay the same throughout the novel. Most people can say they read past-tense or present-tense novels, but yours is a mixture of past and present, and I think you need to figure out which one you're writing. Stick with it.

You also use exclamation points a lot. From what I've seen, normal people don't exclaim quite as much as these characters. I mean, if you gave a reason - like hyperactivity or such - then I would be fine, but they seem to exclaim things all the time for no reason except that their writer told them to. In some cases it's okay, like when Ethan's talking about her reaction to the teacher, but in others - all the normal conversation, really - you end sentences with either exclamation points or ellipses. After closing quotes with an ellipsis, though, you can't treat it like an ending comma: You have to start a new sentence. You can't say "I exclaimed".

Also, if the guy's your best friend, wouldn't you know if he had a girlfriend? It seems like a practical social manoeuvre to me. Best friends don't typically keep things like that a secret unless it's like their girlfriend is a princess from the alien planet G'norf'mash or whatever.

Moving on. That wasn't really a rhetorical question that Ethan asked; the main character could have answered it, she just chose not to. You could say "I shook my head and deigned not to answer" or something along those lines, instead, to show that she considers answering the question "beneath" her (much like the girls who just say "guys" as a response to that).

Wait, this isn't at lunch? Uhm... I guess I kind of missed that. Like I said, you need transitions to tell the reader where you're going, instead of letting them figure it out for themselves. Because the reader will think "this is at lunch" because that's when kids in a normal school setting eat.

So, I'm at the part where they're talking about the movie, and I didn't know a movie was even playing. They were just talking. And talking. And they were like... I mean, there's very little imagery in this story: I don't know where they are, I don't know what their class is like, I don't know what their surroundings are like, I don't know that there's a movie playing in the backgrounds, and I don't know what any of your characters look like so far. The most I've got is a description of Ethan being "tanned". How tanned? Fake tanned? Spray tanned? Normal tanned? Farmer's tan? Show the reader what's happening. Give them a good mental image that will turn into a good story.

The "head cutting symbol"? This ties in with the imagery. Don't just say the "head cutting symbol"; say "he drew a finger across his throat, like he was cutting it with a knife" or something like that: You're deliciously vague, but it's far too rich for a reader's taste. Yes, vagueness can be useful sometimes, but not in cases like this.

And... while "story acting" may be a phrase your character came up with, using different voices while story telling is the norm for - at the very least - parents dealing with a young child who needs to be able to tell who's talking without reading the book themselves. Yes, it could just be a phrase to get the little girl excited, but I don't think there's really any difference. Most people who've ever had a child or have had to read a book to a young child would know that.

My advice at this point: Go out there. Study people. Study the ways they act and look and make sure you know people to the fullest extent that people can go. Study their movements and the ways they act around friends and enemies and strangers, and try to integrate that into the story.

Also, how is "story acting" not a real word? I'm seriously confused. Both of the words are inherent real words; we use "story" and we use "acting" every day. Perhaps if you said "play-acting" instead... I'm sorry, but I can't understand this at halfway through. Not even halfway through.

Then you presumably go into a dream sequence after it's just your main character and such. The dream sequence as it's organised, in thoughts, ought to be in italics as much as any other thoughts should be.

I think I'll actually stop here because it would take me forever to get to the point of this review. Punctuation, tenses, characterisation and reality, imagery, and italicising things are my main concerns with this, I think.
stay off the faerie paths

You're a hairy, wizard!
— EllieMae