
Young Writers Society

Mr. Angel...[Chapter 6]

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Reviews: 38
Sat Sep 03, 2011 3:45 pm
ChocolateMoonLight says...

Spoiler! :
Hey! Guys and thank you to anyone who took their precious time and read my novel. I'm even more grateful to the people who even reviewed and critiqued it... :) :) :)

So what I want to say is that this pretty much is the first draft and I've introduced some new things in this chapter so I'm a bit nervous. It would be great if guys can point out my mistakes as well as the parts that are good. It would really help me a lot. Thanks again!


“Good Morning, how are you today?” my voice sounded funny even to me, what will she think? Man! I’m going crazy... my thoughts swirled around in my mind as stood in front of the mirror practicing how I would greet her for the thirtieth time. How did guys do this kind of thing anyway? Help!!!
And suddenly I was staring at Nick instead of me in the mirror, “Nick! You should really find a new way up of showing up, you know.”
“Stop acting like a girl, it’s raining in heaven,” he spread his hands in front of him as he teased me. And suddenly again he was out of the mirror and behind me, dragging me towards the large wooden wardrobe on the opposite side of the room.
“Just wear something nice and leave the talking to me and anyway, girls really don’t care what you say as long as you look good,” he advised as he picked up a large packet of chips from the table beside my bed, launching himself on the king size bed and munching the chips like he hadn’t eaten from days or maybe weeks.
“These are good,” he declared in awe pointing towards the packet in his hands.
“Hey! Don’t finish them all I need something to eat too,” I complained as I ran towards him to snatch the bag of chips from, instead I found myself punching the air.
“Hah! Missed me,” the voice came from the living room. I ignored it as I opened the wardrobe to wear “something nice”. I picked a green and purple checked shirt and a pair of faded skinny blue jeans. I quickly pulled the jeans and shirt on as I started hearing noises from the living room. Nick!
I put the trainers and ran in the direction of the living room. The sight in front of me made me grunt in frustration. “Remind me again why I called you?” I asked Nick, watching him jump around the apartment like a child jumping animatedly for candy.
“Because-” he stopped jumping and in a flash of a second was standing in front of me with a solemn expression dawning on his child-like face “-I’m your best mate and you need my help.”
“So Mr. Best mate start helping me,” I replied as put some of the CDs I collected from the floor on his outstretched hand.
“Please keep them from where they suddenly started flying,” sarcasm dripped in my every word as I saw Nick grinning.
“Yes sir!” he replied saluting me as his grin stretched from ear to ear.
I shook my head as I started picking up everything lying on the floor and keeping it on their destined places. Then I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for me as well as Nick because I was sure a meager bag of chips wasn’t going to satiate his hunger.
I settled into heating up some left over from last night. I took the hard plastic box containing the lasagna I had called from take-out and some pancakes that Mrs. Hans had kept for me to have in the morning. As she knew my cooking capability started with my knowledge of microwaves and ended with me knowing how to turn them off. “What happened?” I asked bemused as I watched him still trying to eat the pancake straight from the pan with his slightly burned hand, his eyes looking straight ahead as he concentrated on the task in front of him.
“Will you let it cool at least?” I breathed a long sigh as he slowly but reluctantly withdrew his hands.
“I’m hungry,” he complained.
“Are you really twenty? ‘Cause I think you still probably have a mind of a five year old.”
“Well you know I get a bit of worked up when I’m hungry, so... will you please hurry up,” he replied as he started applying the ointment I gave him for his hands.
“We need to talk,” I declared when he slowly lifted his head up from the task in hand and watched me skeptically.
“I need you to do something for me,” I replied as I watched his expression grow serious as he watched my tensed face.
“Anything for you man,” he said solemnly.
“I need your help to shield Alia’s thoughts from me.”
“Don’t you think you are going a bit fast with this?”
“No actually I don’t, in fact I think that’s the right thing to do,” I said confidently, but that confidence shaking slightly as I watched disapprove washing over Nick’s face.

Third Person

Nick started worrying about his friend as the words sank in his mind. He did not know what to do as he watched the confidence on Danny’s face. He knew this wasn’t normal for an Angel to wish to have his human’s thoughts shielded from him. That could complicate things; complicate them even more than it was necessary. So Nick decided this was the time he would use his last wish; the wish he had preserved from years, the wish that not even Danny knew anything about. He would use it protect his friend and if necessary even from the human he was to protect, because now Nick was suspecting all these changes were because of her. Nick loved Danny like his own brother and he wouldn’t let him get hurt, not even from his own choices
Here Nick was all ready to be there for his best friend whenever he wished and even when he did not. While on the other hand Alexis was still confused how to help Alia when she was clearly falling for a guy; genuinely wanting to live again after the tragedies in her life. She was definitely craving for a normal life away from all the dark memories of her short lived life. Alia may think she was hiding her sorrows but Alexis was aware of the late crying and the lack of passion that was present in her attitude. She had survived after her mother’s death with her brother as her guardian, her angel in the darkness. Now he was gone too. Alia had stopped painting after his death. Painting; she had once told Alexis and Michelle was the one thing that made her feel alive, the thing that completed her, and the task that calmed her. The passion with which Alia painted was evident in her painting. They all depicted her longing, her longing for her mother. The mother she had lost because of the mistake an irresponsible drunk driver. That passion was gone now; it had been locked inside of her with the rest of her pain and grief.
Alexis watched one of Sam’s favorite paintings by Alia hanging above the frames which consisted some of their childhood photos, looking striking against the pale lavender background of the wall. She watched as the bright colors splashed across the face of a beautiful woman with rich mahogany hair and soft kind eyes just like Alia’s. Her soft lips forming into a dazzling smile as though she was watching something or maybe someone that was more precious to her than her life. Only her pallid face was depicted in the painting with the background of bright shades of red and orange emphasizing her graceful beauty even more. That’s when Alexis vowed that she would be her guardian, her angel but she was starting to suspect maybe this angel was going to be Danny. 

Spoiler! :
Checkout the different shades of sunset...

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If I'm going to burn, it might as well be bright.
— Frank Zhang