
Young Writers Society

Take A Chance- 2

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Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:51 am
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theotherone says...

Chapter 2

The week passed in a blur and I couldn’t believe that it was finally Friday. And it wasn’t a plain Friday. It was the day that I was going to see the concert of the best bands ever: I See Stars, Breathe Carolina, Attack Attack! and Asking Alexandria. The concert was a surprise for Lisa and Amber and the guys had invited us to go with them. Naturally, I had accepted, but there was a little catch. The guys had to go away before the concert, getting all the tickets and things like that. Therefore, they had needed us to make something with the girls while they were gone. I didn’t mind though, I was still going to see my favorite band live.

I opened the door and closed it right after me. Rose had barely space to enter. I searched for something to wear, emptying all my drawers. Rose was pointing out shirts to me sometimes, but I refused them all. This night should be different, I wanted to be pretty. I wanted Liam to forget Lisa and come with me. But that would never happen. Well, at least I could impress other cute guys.

I finally found a cute and pair of shorts that I hadn't worn for years, and a deep blue tank top. They would be perfect. The shorts were extra short and the tank top, well it was really cute. I smiled at my reflection.
Next was my hair and makeup. Rose led me to the bathroom and made me stick my head in ice-cold water.

“What are you doing?” I asked. A drop of water rolled down my spine and made me shiver.

“You’ll see.” She simply responded. She turned me so my back was to the mirror. She didn’t want me to see up until the very last minute. Great, surprises were the worst, especially when someone was playing with your hair and makeup.

“Ta-da!” Rose said proudly when everything was finally done. I turned slowly to face the mirror to see a face that wasn’t quite mine. I was totally transformed, and I liked it. My hair was falling in frizz free curls around my face –A thing that I wasn’t able to do, even after years of experience- and my face was, well… beautiful. My eyes were powdered with light brown eye shadow and black eye liner that was making them even bigger then they naturally were. Blush was covering my cheekbones, making them a deep pink, like I was blushing.

“Wow…” I was speechless.

“You’re perfect!”

“Thanks. Do you need help with your makeup?” I secretly hoped she would say no. I was really bad at that stuff.

“No offense Alicia, but I think I can do it by myself... And better!” She joked. We laugh for a little bit before I opened my mouth once again.

“You’re probably right, though. I’m horrible at this stuff…”

“You’re not that bad!” She said. I instantly gave her a look and we started laughing again. But this time we couldn’t stop
ourselves. We finished, lying on the tiled floor, gripping our hurting stomachs.

“My tummy hurts!” Rose let escape between two laughs.

“Okay.” I finally said, taking a big breath. I rose to my feet and helped Rose up. I watched Rose as she made her makeup and I commented on the colors she should choose. When she was done, I checked my hair one last time before turning the lights off.

We went downstairs to wait for my brother and Liam. They were obviously in the garage, probably waiting for their dates. So we fooled around in my kitchen, waiting for them. They finally appeared, fifteen minutes later. Amber was the first one to enter the kitchen, followed by Ben, Lisa and finally, Liam.

When he entered the room, I didn’t recoil like I usually did. This is my night, I thought, this is what I needed, a night with no worries. So I just kept laughing and joking, like I normally was with my friends. I turned around to smile at my brother but instead all I could see was Liam making out with Lisa. I angled my head so I couldn’t see them anymore and took a deep breath. I argued with myself for several minutes and finally decided that I couldn’t let Liam’s happy couple spoils my mood. I finally turned to Rose, who watched me with worried eyes.

“We should…” I didn’t finish my sentence pointing to the living room with my hand. Rose understood almost instantly.

“Are you okay?” She asked when we were alone, sitting on the couch.

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just thought that we could give them some privacy…” Rose didn’t buy that, she continued watching me. I ignored her; I didn’t want to deal with all this. Rose already told me a thousand times that I was wasting my time, that tons of guys would be just perfect for me, if I would let Liam go…

“So, are you ready to have the time of your life?” I asked with a huge smile.
Her face lit up and she began dancing. We both cracked up and hitting hideous dance move. My brother entered the room but he stopped dead in is track. His expression clearly told us that he thought we were crazy. Rose and I couldn’t stop ourselves from laughing again. My brother joined in after a few seconds.

“Okay, it’s time girls!”
I lifted to my feet and followed Ben to the front door, Rose was following close behind. Amber was already waiting in my brother’s car while Lisa was waiting in Liam’s. He was casually leaning against the passenger door of his car.

“Your choice, who do you want to ride with?” My brother asked, at my ear. Rose turned to me, trying to tell me something with her eyes. It was obvious that she wanted to ride with my brother… And besides, I didn’t want to see Liam and Lisa together anymore. So maybe it was a good idea. I took Rose’s hand in mine and got in my brother’s car.

The long trip was finally done. Ben led the car to a parking lot, Liam following him. I jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped moving. Rose was at my side in two seconds. I stretch my arms before me and flexed my muscles. My body was hurting like hell from not moving for a long time, but I didn’t mind. I was excited that I didn’t even feel the pain.

“Ohmygod!” The words rushed out of my friend’s lips.

“I know!” I whispered back. Rose bounced up once, showing her excitement. Ben and Amber were soon out of the car but Liam decided to stay in the car. I tried not to look at them but I couldn’t. Lisa was talking –it looked like she was screaming- at Liam. He had his head in his hands, elbows popped up on the dashboard. Suddenly his head snap up. His eyes locked on mine and I was unable to move any part of my body. I could easily see the sadness in his eyes keeping him bound in place, just like me. He shifted his attention back to Lisa and said something with clenched teeth. He looked annoyed by something, like Lisa’s voice bothered him.

“So, what are we doing?” Amber asked, causing me to turn my attention back to them.

“Well… We could go shopping!” Responded Lisa. She was walking straight to us. Liam slowly opened his door and got out of the car, too.

“Yeah, that’s a good idea, right Ben?” Amber asked, she turned to my brother. She took his hand and waited for his response.

“Sorry, but we have something to do…Maybe you could go with Alicia and Rose?” Ben’s voice was slow, like he didn’t know what to expect.

“Yeah, sure” Liam and Ben left, leaving us alone with their girlfriends.

“So where do you want to go?” I asked, trying to break the silence. They just looked at us and smiled. They dragged us to gazillions of different stores. I watched them try on everything in the store but never buying. Around 5:15 I guided them to the intersection on Mont Royal Est and Papinau, Liam and Ben were waiting for us. They kissed sweetly and I tried not to look when Liam took Lisa’s hand and murmured something in her ear. She smiled up at him. My heart sank in my chest and I had to bite down my bottom lip to keep from screaming. The sorry she had been expecting had come, and I kept hoping he wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of it…

I know what you’re going to say. And yes, it is truer than you even think. I can say it in three simple words. I. Am. Jealous.

“We better go,” Rose whispered to me. Her words made me come back from my selfish thoughts. I nodded absently and followed her to a bench that was near. I sit down, my back to Liam. I didn’t have to watch the girls freak out about the concert. They would probably be ecstatic and to be honest, that would make me more angry.

“So, what are we doing?” From this angle, I could easily see Liam and Lisa. They were talking again, but it seems more like reconciliation. God, I shouldn’t think about him! I wasn’t keeping my promise.

“We should just… hang out.” Rose finally said.

“Yeah, sure, but where?” I asked sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and it took a moment before she realized what I was really meaning.

“Uh… We could shop. But this time it would be just us.” I nodded. Sure, that was a good idea. Just me and her… And this time we could go to our favorite stores
Last edited by theotherone on Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Behind every mask, lies a man that can't live in his own skin. - Woe is Me <3
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Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:16 pm
AllieMeadows says...

I love your story its unique And makes me want to read more!!!
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead :o <3

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Reviews: 45
Mon May 16, 2011 2:28 am
cookEmonster says...

Sorry for commenting again but i think i'm officially in love with this story and you! hahah right when i saw the words: I see stars, asking alexandria, and attack, attack- i was like, YES. THIS IS OFFICIALLY MY FAVORITE STORY AND WRITER EVER! :D
To accept life is to accept the fate it comes with- we were born to die.
So why not make the best of what we've been given with the short time we have on earth?
I like to live every day to it's fullest. (: And writing helps me do that...

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:51 pm
Starlight9 says...

Reviewing chapter two
Rose was pointing out shirts to me sometimes (comma) but I refused them all.

I finally found a cute and pair of short shorts that I hadn't worn for years,
The shorts were extra short and the tank top, well it was really cute.

> Since you've mentioned before that the shorts were extra short, there will be no need to mention it in the first sentence. So it has to be omitted.

He was leaning casually leaning against the passenger door of his car.
> The underlined word should be omitted.

“Well… We could go shopping!” Responded Lisa.

My heart sank in my chest and I had to bite down my bottom lit to keep from screaming.

> Thought you mean 'lip'?

So far so good, I am really enjoyed reading this.

I support the shrek message.
— MiniGem26