
Young Writers Society

Hidden Illusions Chapter 2

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Sun Aug 21, 2011 8:40 pm
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tigershark17 says...

Spoiler! :
Swearing and some graphic violence in this chapter

The air was so dark Melanie could barely see three feet from the tree house. She looked around.
“Hey,” a voice said. She jumped, turning around to see who it was. Somehow, Jordan had managed to climb the tree, and was standing on a branch just below the house, peering in.
“Can I come in?”
She shrank back, jumping up into the corner as he entered.
“Hey, it’s okay,” he said tenderly. Reaching out a hand, he wiped a tear from her eye.
“You alright?”
Melanie burst into tears. “I… I didn’t… go home,” she stammered. “My father… he’ll be so…” sniff… “angry.”
Jordan pulled her close, shushing her. God, it felt so good to be held. They stood in silence, each relishing the feel of the other, until Jordan moved away slightly. Looking at her cautiously, he tilted her chin up, and moved his face toward hers. She could taste his breath, smell its minty freshness as his mouth neared hers. Crack! Melanie gasped. Crack! She looked down. Ccreeeaaaak. The tree house jolted, throwing her to the floor. Then suddenly she was falling, falling, falling…
Slam! Melanie’s head met the floor, sending white stars through her eyes.
“Ungh…” God, that hurt. Where am I? she thought, bringing her hand up to shield her face. Light stung her eyes as she lay there, realizing she had fallen asleep while in the tree house. Crap. It was already six thirty. She ran her fingers through her hair, and, grabbing the spare concealer she always kept in her backpack, blindly rubbed some along her forehead. She didn’t bother stopping home for clothes or food; it was already 7:05 when she got to school.
“Melanie! Are you okay? You’re never late.” Chloe eyed her suspiciously and frowned. “Did you sleep in your clothes? Mel… what’s going on?”
“Nothing, Chloe, I’m fine.”
Her friend shot her a look that said liar. “Have you had breakfast?”
Melanie reluctantly shook her head.
“Come on, let’s get you something to eat.”
Melanie shook her head again, backing away. “Can’t. I have to do my homework.”
“Melanie! You didn’t do your homework, either?” Her friend was both shocked and exasperated.
“Just lay off, Chloe, will you?!”
Chloe backed away, stunned. “I… I’m sorry, Mel. I just…”
“Just what, Chloe?” she snapped.
“Never mind. I’m sorry, Mel. I really am.” The girl ran off.
Melanie crammed her books into her locker, slamming the door on her way up to the library. Scribbling furiously, she sped through each assignment until she had only one left. Science. Whatever. She’d cram tomorrow. Ignoring the stares, Melanie fumbled through the mess of backpacks, books, and feet to the last open chair. Not wanting to be late again, she hurried through her assignment, rushing out the door as soon as the bell rang. Unlike the other girls, Melanie didn’t have pictures of boyfriends and cute actors plastered all over her locker door. In fact, only one photo of Kaylie, and some of Chloe’s work occupied the otherwise hideous green space. A small gasp caught in Melanie’s throat as she saw something taped to the inside of her door, above a bright green frog. She set her books down and opened it.
‘Melanie’ it said. ‘Come swimming with me. Please?’
Melanie’s hand flew to her mouth. It was him. She knew it now. But then… he wasn’t mad? She stuck the note in her pocket. She didn’t know what to do about this one. Right now, going home to face her dad was the last thing Melanie wanted after last night. She shivered just thinking about it. Right after last period she headed straight for the library. No one ever stayed after school unless they had sports or tutoring, so Melanie knew it would be empty. She decided to just start her homework, and delay going home as long as possible. Twenty minutes later, Melanie sat hunched over a book, staring at the small wet drops on its pages. She swiped her dripping forehead. The words spun and flew, and her chair tilted left and right. It seemed as if the entire library was going to topple right out of the school building. All she could think of was her own fear; she didn’t even know why she was afraid anymore. Her hands trembled in front of her, and her chest felt as though someone was trying to rip it apart with their bare hands. Drip. Drip. Melanie closed the book so the pages wouldn’t be ruined. Suddenly her chair slipped from beneath her, and the door opened quickly as her head slammed into the desk. She was falling again, down, down, down… Then a face appeared above her, and something caught her as she reached the floor.
“Are you okay?” asked a far off voice. Her breaths were coming like hiccups now, and Melanie thought she’d never get enough air. The atmosphere felt shallow, as though it didn’t have enough oxygen in it. She couldn’t swallow. The face was circling her head, spinning around her like a carnival ride. Jordan looked down at her eyes, wide with fear, and knew she didn’t even realize he was there, even as her arms grasped him tightly around his middle. There was nothing he could do but wait. It seemed hours before she settled, and even then she still trembled. Her breath came in short gasps as she tried to get enough air.
“Easy,” he said, trying to calm her. “It’s okay; it’s alright.” He stroked her hair, using the hem of his t-shirt to gently wipe her forehead. She startled, and jerked away from him.
“Melanie? Melanie, come here,” he instructed, in the tone one would use for a small child. She shook her head, eyes as big as saucers. He took a step towards her, hand outstretched.
“Melanie, please…”
She ran straight for the door. How could she have been so foolish? Why was he even there? No one ever used the library after school. Jordan sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“God,” he muttered.


Melanie slammed the front door. Her father stood there, back to her, holding a beer. He turned.
“Where have you been?!”
“I… I…”
“Well?” He slammed the bottle onto the counter, sloshing beer everywhere. He grabbed her chin, pressing his face closer to her. Melanie could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“Tell me!” he roared.
She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound escaped. He let go of her face with such that she fell to the ground.
“You’re just like your mother,” he scoffed, turning back to his beer. Melanie scrambled away from him as quickly as possible.
“Get back down here, ya little bitch!”
She slammed the door, knowing he was too drunk and lazy to come up after her. She climbed out the window, and saw her backpack beneath her. A yellow note pinned to it said,
‘You left this at school. –Jordan’
Melanie smiled. That was sweet of him. That afternoon in the library had scared her.
“Ding! Ding!” Melanie’s computer told her she had a new message.
“Hey u!” it said. “u coming on Fri?” It was Amanda, asking about her skate performance. Two days. Melanie had completely forgotten.
“I’ll sure try,” she replied. Amanda sent her back a giant smiley face and logged out. Friday morning hit, and the group met for lunch as usual.
“Hey, we should invite Brit,” Chloe was saying to the other two. Amanda agreed. Moments later, Brittaney was bombarded by questions from the two.
“Can you come?”
“Will you…”
“Do you think you can…”
“It’s this evening at the…”
“Whoa, you two! Slow down so I can understand you,” Brittaney said. “You want me to do what?”
“Come to Amanda’s performance tonight!” Chloe gasped. “She’s amazing! We got almost front row seats and, well, you just really should come!”
“Sure! You ice skate, right?”
Amanda nodded, and Chloe took over. “Yeah, since she was like five!”
“Six,” Amanda shrugged. “So then, everybody can come! Great!”
Chloe glanced over at Melanie a bit awkwardly, but Melanie wasn’t about to discuss the other day’s argument.
"Guys, I should probably go," said Brittaney.
"You just got here!"
“Well, I… I have to meet someone.”
“Who?” They crowded in around her.
“Is it a boy?”
“Is he cute?”
“Then who?”
“Miranda?! As in.. Miranda Houstin?”
Brittaney nodded.
“What on earth would she….”
“Who’s Miranda?” Amanda broke in. The others gaped at her. “Who’s Miranda? Only the hottest, cruelest creature ever to walk the face of this planet!” Chloe rolled her eyes. “No guy ever laid eyes on her without coming into contact with some serious hormonal problems.”
Brittaney choked on a laugh.
“Ugh. Speak of the devil,” Chloe muttered as the door burst open.
“Brittaney! Let’s go,” she commanded. Grabbing her stuff, Brit shot the rest of the group an apologetic glance.
“Come on,” Miranda said, slamming the door behind them.
“What did she want?” Chloe burst out.
“And why did she tell Brittaney ‘Let’s go?’” Amanda copied her snotty tone. All three girls burst into laughter. When Melanie got home that afternoon, she could hear her mother’s cries from outside the house.
It’s a wonder none of the neighbors have ever called the police, she thought miserably as she entered. Melanie froze. Her mother lay on the floor, face bruised and bleeding, looking thinner and weaker than ever. Ryan stood over her. Melanie gasped in horror as she saw the flash of silver in his hand. He raised the knife.
“No!” she shrieked, rushing towards him. She grabbed at his arms and hands, anything she could reach. He slashed her arm.
“Aaaah!” Melanie didn’t mean to scream; it just came out.
“Fuck you!” her mother screamed, seeing the blood on Melanie’s arm. She kicked his leg, hard.
“You whore!” He sliced at her shoulder, barely missing her neck.
“Stop it! Stop it!” Melanie frantically grabbed at the knife, earning another gash on her arm. The next furious attack from Cindy launched a series of powerful blows. Smack! Ryan punched her across the jaw, slamming her head into the wall. Melanie cried out as her mother’s battered body slumped to the floor. Shoving Melanie out of the way, Ryan headed straight for the door.
“Oh, Mom,” she cried, “please tell me you’re okay.” Melanie did her best to drag her mother’s frail body into the living room. She laid a pillow beneath her head, and set a glass for water on the table, then went upstairs to get ready. Clenching her arm, Melanie dug through the vast medical kit for gauze pads and tape. The cuts weren’t too deep, but they stung. Melanie rubbed some ointment on her arm. If she took care of them right, they’d be gone by tomorrow morning. She took care of her mother too, tenderly rubbing her shoulder and neck with the paste. Melanie pulled on jeans and a t-shirt, tugging the sleeve down to cover the gauze. She pulled the blue piece of paper from her pocket and stuffed it in a box with all the rest of her special things. Moving the loose floorboard under her bed aside, Melanie crammed the box in. A message from Chloe beeped on her screen. “meet us at school” it said. “mom driving – 6:15”. Melanie glanced at the clock, grabbed her small purse, and sneaked out the window. It was almost fortunate that her dad had blown up at her mom tonight, so he wasn’t there when she left.
“Hey!” Chloe greeted her. “I wasn’t sure if you’d get the message in time.”
“Hey, guys,” Melanie said. The four piled into the car.
“Why are we leaving so early? I thought it didn’t start until eight,” Brittaney wondered.
“It doesn’t. Amanda has to get ready. This is her last competition before regionals!”
“Wow, Mandy, that’s awesome!”
Amanda went to change and talk to her coach, leaving the girls to find their seats.
“How did we get enough tickets for all of us?” Brittaney asked.
“Amanda’s dad got free ones because he does repair work and stuff at the rink.”
The girls bantered on for a while until the competition started, leaving all three on edge until it was Amanda’s turn.
“Hey, is that her?” Brittaney whispered.
“Yes, there she is!” Chloe cheered enthusiastically. “That’s a layback,” she said as Amanda started. Chloe loved to narrate, and had learned all the moves skaters did. Only two more competitors remained after Chloe, and the girls anxiously waited for the results.
“She won, she won!” Brittaney gasped, seeing Amanda’s name appear on the scoreboard. All three whooped and rushed down to their friend.
“You were awesome, Mandy!”
“You really were,” Brittaney added. “That was so cool!”
“Hey, my mom’s taking me out to the arcade! Do you guys want to come?”
The response was unanimous. Just as they were walking into the arcade, Melanie could have sworn she saw Jordan. Was he stalking her? No, she decided. It couldn’t have been him. The girls partnered up and ran off to play the various games, laughing hysterically each time they lost. Brittaney left after a bit, and Chloe dragged Amanda off to the bumper cars. Melanie stood and watched them from a distance. A group of dark haired boys walked by, talking loudly. One of them clapped the tallest on the shoulder and nodded in Melanie’s direction. The taller boy grinned, and said something that sounded like,
“Go get her, man.”
As he walked towards her, Melanie realized it was Jordan.
“Hi, Melanie.”
She nodded, stepping away from him. The incident in the library on Wednesday was the last thing Melanie wanted to discuss right now, especially near her friends.
“I just wanted to give you this.”
Another piece of paper reached her hands.
“I’ll see you Monday.”
“Okay,” she murmured.
‘Mel, meet me at the lake tomorrow night. –Jordan,” the note said. “P.S. bring your suit!’
A cheesy looking smiley face decorated the end after he said P.S. She sat at the table staring at the note.
“Oh Melanie, there you are dear.” It was Amanda’s mom.
“Hey Mom.”
Hi Mrs. Clark.”
“Chloe your t-shirt is sopping!” Melanie laughed.
“I know. Amanda got me.”
Melanie stood alone in the black school parking lot twenty minutes later. As soon as she got home, she dug through her closet, pulling down the box of clothes she never wore. She found her bathing suit and moved it to her drawer. The next night, Melanie pulled on her suit. The cuts on her arm were better, though still obvious. She rubbed some water proof cover up on them, and miraculously, it worked. Melanie dressed and slipped out of the house just before ten o’ clock. Jordan was already gliding effortlessly through the water, so she chose a large rock and settled down to watch him.
“Hey! I was wondering when you’d get here. C’mon in.”
Melanie shook her head.
“It’s okay. I won’t bite, I promise.”
She smiled at that, and stripped her t-shirt off. Jordan stared. Underneath the baggy shirts and jeans Melanie hid herself with lay smooth skin, gorgeous curves, and long lean legs. He felt a sudden desire to touch her. She walked in no further than waist deep and stopped. Holding out his hand, Jordan motioned for her to come deeper.
“Come on.”
Melanie shook her head, eyes wide.
“I can’t swim,” she admitted, ducking her head.
“Oh, is that all?” Then he frowned. “How can you not swim? This is Florida. People learn to swim before they can walk!”
She shrugged. “No one ever taught me.”
“Oh. Well, I will.”
“Sure. It’s simple. C’mere.”
She went a bit deeper.
“Okay. First thing you have to do is learn how to float. Now, all you really have to do is lie on your back and kick, but be sure to breathe.”
Melanie hesitated, but then laid back in the water. Jordan’s hands slipped underneath her for support as she began to kick, and her breath caught in her chest at his touch.
“Good, that’s good. Now pull you stomach up, and lean your head back more.”
After a few minutes of helping her float back and forth, Jordan asked if she was ready for him to let go. Melanie shook her head frantically.
“It’s okay. I won’t let go until you’re ready.”
He guided her for several more minutes and then asked again. Melanie hesitated, the nodded. She kicked in a few wide circles around him, coming to a stop where she had started.
“Good! Alright, now we’ll add the arms. So, the first thing you learn is the back stroke.”
He showed her how to move her arms and kick.
“Now you try.”
Jordan’s hands still cool on her back, Melanie swam a little ways and then asked him to let go again.
“You learn fast,” he said.
I really shouldn’t be here, she thought. If I’m out too long he’ll hit me again, and I might not get away this time.
He was the only one who called her that, she realized. All her friends called her Mel, and her father… Well, he doesn’t really call me anything. Except bitch and girlie, she thought bitterly.
“I really shouldn’t be here, Jordan.” She was still swimming away from him.
She lifted her head to look at him, her legs sinking down into the water. Something hard grabbed her leg, and she gasped as her head went under.
Jordan dove down and swam towards her flailing body.
Oh, God. Hold on, Mel, he thought. I shouldn’t have brought her here. If she drowns…
She was in his arms then. He pulled her up, both of them gasping. She threw her arms around his neck, and he felt her trembling against his body. He pulled her back towards the shore until the water only reached her shoulders.
“Jordan,” she whispered as he held her. “On Wednesday… when you were in the library, I… I didn’t think anyone was still there. How did you know I was in there?”
“My little sister had a tutoring session, and I was heading up there to put a book back. Melanie…”
“What happened to me, Jordan?”
He ran a hand through his hair.
“You had a panic attack.”
She frowned up at him.
“It’s a symptom of an anxiety disorder. Attacks can strike anywhere at any time with no evident triggers, so they’re impossible to predict. An attack is basically an intense episode of extreme anxiety that lasts between five and twenty minutes, and exhibits certain symptoms consistent with panic disorder.”
“How do you know all that?”
“I’m going to be a psychiatrist. I’ve been studying medical books since I was eleven.”
She shivered against him.
“God, we’ve gotta get you home.”
They both pulled their jeans back on, and Jordan saw her struggling to get her shirt on, her arms shaking so violently it looked as if they had a will of their own apart from the rest of her body.
He pulled it over her head as she looked down, the act of him putting her shirt on so intimate to her that she couldn’t look at him. She slipped quietly in the front door ten minutes later and took a hot shower. Her mother had already gone to bed, Melanie realized. No sound came from her mother’s room.
I wish I could have those mother-daughter talks normal girls do, she thought. I wish I could go in; do something, say something. I wish I didn’t have to be so normal with my friends.
“I wish he wouldn’t hit us anymore,” she cried. Melanie didn’t realize that she had spoken aloud, that her mother, standing on the other side of the door, had heard her. They both cried silently together, Melanie never knowing her mother was there. It was after 2:00 am when Melanie woke up to the sound. Someone was crying again, sobbing. She realized quickly it was her mother, and rolled out of bed. Her father’s bedroom door was open.
He still isn’t back yet, she thought.
“Alana,” Cindy moaned. “Baby… Alana! Alana!”
Melanie jumped back, eyes wide. Her mother never screamed like that unless her father was hitting her.
“No! Alana! No…”
Melanie slammed her door. She couldn’t stand it any longer. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she climbed outside and buried her face in her hands.
Behind every impossible achievement is a dreamer of impossible dreams.
--Robert Greenleaf

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Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:52 am
Preachergirl18 says...

I want to start off by saying I just love the story like as I read on an on I was drawn in. I like the way you can draw ( I think I am spelling it wrong) a reader in, I love the part when she fell off the tree and she was trying to collect her self. It was great I loved it. oh and I have one question for you.
!. Does the main girl of the story like Jordan?

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Mon Aug 22, 2011 1:32 am
Alliaaryn5665 says...


Please hurry.

You think you are any different from me,or yourfriends?Or this tree?If you listenhard enough,you canhear every living thingbreathing together.You canfeel everything growing.We are all living togethereven if most folksdon't act like it.We all havethe same roots,and we are allbranches of the sametree.

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Mon Aug 22, 2011 3:21 pm
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tigershark17 says...

Thanks guys! In answer to your question, preachergirl: that would be telling! But if you really want to know, you can pm me (:
Behind every impossible achievement is a dreamer of impossible dreams.
--Robert Greenleaf

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Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:14 pm
Narnialover4ever1 says...

Hmm... very interesting :). I liked it! Brittany is very cool! She seems real! I am looking forward to the next chapter :) Good job! I'm gonna follow you :D

Keep writing,
When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death
And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again'

'Look there she goes that girl is so peculiar. I wonder if she's feeling well.
With a dreamy far off look.
And her nose stuck in a book' Something my best friend, Drew, said about me

I'm getting nachos~
— BluesClues