
Young Writers Society

I Hate Him *6*

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267 Reviews

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Points: 314
Reviews: 267
Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:21 pm
Nike says...

Chapter 6

Harry was outside, next to his Audi dressed in a huge, puffy coat. When he saw me looking at him, he smiled from ear to ear.
I opened my window and felt the cold breeze hit me in the face.

“Hey handsome spy!” I called out to him.

He started to laugh and I did as well.

“Jessa, come down! I wanna take you out for the best breakfast of your life!” he called out to me.

I laughed a bit more and replied, “But, I’m not dressed!”

“It’s okay!”

My heart beat faster as I closed the window. I ran into the bathroom and changed into some decent sweats and washed up.
I brushed my hair and put it in a side ponytail.
I opened the bathroom door and ran into my room and grabbed my silver cell phone. I ran downstairs, trying to be as quiet as I can, I’m pretty sure that my parents are still asleep. My coat was hung on the hanger in the front room. The burgundy walls made me feel rich from its rich color.
I rushed outside by shutting the door behind me. The only thing I could practically see is white. The roads were covered in white, the sidewalks as well. Then I saw Harry, his hair is turning white from the snow that’s hitting his head.
I ran up to him with a smile plastered on my face. The cold wind was waving my hair around.

“Hey,” I was right in front of him.

“Hey,” he repeated.

“Why aren’t you wearing a hat? You’ll get cold.” I said, worried.

He started to laugh, “You sound just like my mom,”

I put my hand on my hip.

“I care too, you know.”

He pulled my hat off and put it on his own head.

“I have one, you don’t”

He chuckled and I hit him lightly in the arm.

“Where are we headed?” I asked.

“You’ll see,”

I hopped into the warm passenger seat once I opened the black Audi’s door. The cold air went away as I closed it. I saw
the beautiful interior of black leather seats, big windows, a GPS, and much more.
He started the car as headed straight.

“You always have to be so secretive, don’t you?” I asked, annoyed.

He smiled and I saw his little dimples pop up. My heart skipped a beat as I looked out my window. It was like a winter wonderland, the trees were bare, but covered by snow.
The roads were slippery, it must be black ice.

“Be careful, there’s black ice on the road.” I said.

“I know, I know.” He sighed.

I put on the radio and heard Bruno Mars fill the air.

It was my favorite song “Just the Way You Are” I smiled and sang along.

“’Cause girl you’re amazing just the way you are…” I sang to the beat.

I heard Harry laugh and I looked at him.


“Nothing, it’s just that I didn’t know that you liked Bruno Mars.” He admitted.

“Oh, well I do,” I smiled.

He returned it and started to sing along.

“When I see your face there’s not a thing that I would change…”

We both sang the song together as he drove to where ever he was headed.

“’Cause girl you’re amazing just the way you are,”

We stopped at a red light and I laughed at his singing.

“Am I that bad?” he asked.

“No, I’m shocked that you’re that good.” I said.

He chuckled and turned down the music, his phone was ringing.

“Ello…?” he said.

I looked out the window and stared at one particular sign. It showed a movie title to this new movie that comes out after New Year’s. But what interested me wasn’t the movie overall, it was the fact that Harry was on the picture. His face, his smile, his eyes, were there, flashing the world.
I turned my head and saw Harry jabbering on the dumb phone.

“Hey,” I shook his shoulder.

We stopped at the side of the street and he hung up.

“What…?” he asked.

I pointed at the windshield, directly at the billboard.

“You see that?” I asked.

My heart was beating my harder now, in complete stress. Now why would he forget to tell me that he’s an actor of some sort?!
He nodded and swallowed loudly.

“Well, can you explain that to me?” I hissed.

His cheeks were starting to turn red.

“You see, when I was under cover on that Hollywood set, I ended up getting caught in the camera’s view…” he started to explain.

I leaned my chin against my hand.

“…and they saw me, so they decided to make me work somehow, I told them that I’m the producer’s assistant. But they just wanted me face in the picture of the movie poster and I got a small role.” He finished.

My jaw dropped and he tried to smile.

“Surprise…?” he said.

I leaned against the car seat and shut my eyes. He’s an actor now; these spies do anything for everything.

“So, now you’re an actor,” I said with my eyes closed.

“Not really, but yeah. It was one small role so I could make sense of why I’m on the poster, and I needed to spy on the main lead, Carla Ferguson.”

I opened my eyes and looked at that poster. Yeah, she was the lead role; her face was the biggest thing on that poster.
I looked back at him and he was lying on his seat. His hands were on the steering wheel, tapping to a beat.

“Right, I’m sorry that I over reacted…” I apologized.

He smiled and sat up.

“It’s alright, I would be a little mad if you were on that poster without telling me, but some things in this world are meant to be secret.”

“Do you have any more secrets to tell me, we have to be honest with each other,” I pleaded.

“Well, I told you everything I could or else I’d have to kill you.”

I laughed.

“Don’t be like the Area Fifty-One dudes,”

He rolled his eyes and leaned against the door. I saw his figure and smiled, he was muscular and slim. Just the things I like on a guy.

“But it’s true, and I don’t wanna kill you, you know.”

I leaned in closer to him until I could smell his breath. He was smiling from ear to ear when I got even closer.
He leaned in and closed his eyes but I pulled away.

“Not until you tell me everything,” I whispered.

“I seriously can’t Jessa; I would love to but can’t even ask your mom,”

I rolled my eyes and sat back down in my seat, arms crossed over my chest.

“Jessa, come on, don’t do this to me. Some things seriously can’t be told.”

I breathed in deeply as my heart sped up.

“I understand, but I just wanna know, I mean I want to know everything that you do. But since you’re part of the FBI that’s impossible, right?” I looked at him, straight into his eyes.

My heart leapt and my stomach churned.

“Yeah,” he replied, swallowing loudly.

I looked down at the palms of my hands and sighed.
Great, being with his is going to be harder than I thought.
He started the engine as I buckled up. He drove straight ahead and turned up the radio. This time it wasn’t Bruno Mars, it was Rob Thomas singing Ever the Same. It was a sad song, but it fit my mood perfectly.

I looked out the window and the trees faded slowly. Huge buildings started to pop out in the horizon, and the sound of traffic came about. I stared at a group of kids that crossed the street, look at them. They are safe; they don’t have to think about love.
I took a glimpse at Harry and looked back at them.

They don’t need to think about secrets, spies, heartbreaking, and love that lasts forever. At least not yet. I wish to be them right now.

But then something horrible happens.
An incoming semi was driving down the highway in front of us. He was driving the wrong way. Everything went by slowly. Those kids still walked across the street even though they should have ran. The black and grey semi was getting closer and closer to us at the second.
My heart was thudding and I felt like I was going to throw up. Harry’s eyes widened as he turned sharply to the right and drove into the barrier, it fell and we drove o the grass. We were safe. Now, I didn’t want to be them.
The semi still drove and hit many cars in its way. It was closer to the care free kids, people were screaming, yelling. The kids ran away as fast as they could. I wanted to save them, but I couldn’t do anything now. The black enemy kept on driving but then he started to flip over, near us.

Harry stepped on the gas and drove as fast as he could, so he could be out of the way.

“No! Harry, we have to save those kids.” Tears were springing out of my eyes.

“We can’t, the truck would hit us.” He kept his eyes in front of himself.

I looked at the trunk window and the semi was still flipping, directly behind us. And instead of thinking about the kids, I started to worry about us.

“Harry! It’s directly behind us!” I yelled.

“I know, I know,” he tried to sound calm, but he was scared as well.

It stopped flipping when I could barely see it. Flames were bursting out of it like a bonfire starting a forest fire. It was spreading throughout the highway and grass. We ended up on a new street and Harry came to a halt.

“Is it still flipping?” he asked, not moving his sight to me.

“No, it’s in flames.”

“That’s not good, not good at all,” he said almost at a whisper.

Time went back to normal and I sat back down. Harry didn’t move, he was in complete shock.

“Because of the gas in his semi right? That’s why it’s not good.” I asked him in a hurry.

He simply nodded.

Wow, I’ve never seen him like this. His eyes were staring at the road ahead him and he didn’t move at all. His lips were stuck together and he didn’t even open his mouth.

“I’m gonna call the fire department,” I said.

That’s odd; I wasn’t in such huge shock as he was. Maybe it was because it was my first time and someone had to call. Those people were in danger.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed nine one, one. I leaned my phone against my ear and heard the dial tone.

“Hello, this is the Chicago fire department, what is your problem?” The nice man said on the other side.

What’s your problem? Seriously if I’m calling the fire department that means there’s a fire!

“There’s a fire on highway I-ninety five.” I said with a shiver.

“We’ll send our trucks as soon as possible, thank you for informing us, but do you know what caused the fire ma’am?”

I swallowed loudly and looked back through the back trunk window.

“Yes, a semi crashed into many cars and flipped over about seven times, he was also driving on the wrong side of the road,” I explained calmly.

This courage must’ve been adrenaline. I mean, this was the first time I was in some sort of car crash. Even though we weren’t the ones directly in the crash, we were still accessories in it, I mean witnesses. We had nothing to do with the crash so we were definitely not accessories.

“Okay ma’am, we’ll send some ambulances and the police too, thank you for in informing us and have a nice day.” And he hung up.

And have a nice day? Right, that’s what you tell people that are in car crashes, accidents, whatever.

I left the phone on, as commanded and left it on the dashboard.

“Harry, can you please snap out of it?”

“We could die,”

“It’s too far away,” I pointed behind us, “It won’t hurt us.”

He pulled me closer to him and we were staring directly into our eyes. My heart jumped and my stomach was still churning. I was starting to sweat down my neck.

“Actually Jessa, it could. If it blows up, we’re dead. That isn’t an ordinary semi,”

Oh, now it always has to be something to do with the FBI. Can’t it be a normal semi one day, just for one small day; can’t it be a normal freaking semi?!

“It doesn’t mean that it’s dangerous. It doesn’t mean that it’s any special semi Harry! It could be a normal one!” I protested.

He rolled his eyes.

“Fine, then drive, drive as fast and far away as you can!” I told him in a hurry.

“I need to stop the guy,”

I sat on his lap.

“Please don’t do this! I want you to live, let’s just go.” I begged.

My eyes were tearing up. I can’t believe that he would risk his life for his job.

“No, I’m not risking my life for my job; I’m risking my life for other lives, like yours. So you drive away and I’ll stop him,” he said all of that slowly.

His eyes were shinning, he had tears as well.

My heart pounded against my chest and I felt like I was going to faint. He wouldn’t do this to me, no.
He laid his lips on mine and my tears broke free. I made the kiss last longer by kissing him once more. His soft, soft lips against mine. Our lips were touching with complete love, my tears fell into my mouth but I kept on pushing for more until we stopped.

“Harry, don’t do this please, don’t. You can once not do something.”

We were still very close to each other; he was looking for my stare.

“They sent me a text, I have to.”

I hit his arm in protest and laid on him, tears falling out onto his cotton tee.

“No you don’t,” I whispered.

He hugged me as tightly as he could and I felt his warmth travel to my body. I shut my eyes and breathed deeply.

“I love you Jessa,” he whispered in my ear.

“I love you too Harry,” I hugged him tighter and let my tears go.

That’s when I heard a huge blast. Harry pushed me lightly and stared at me.

“I’m too late, we have to go now or we’ll die, I can’t help them now, he blew up!” he yelled.

That’s my fault. He could have saved all of them, but because of me, he could save all those souls, he couldn’t stop the bomb. It’s utterly and completely my fault.

I leaned against my seat and breathed in deeply, wiping the rest of my tears.
He started up the engine and drove at full force. I tried to open the door, maybe I could help them. Then it won’t be my fault anymore!
Harry will be able to save them! If I get out, I could run up to the driver of that semi and pull him out, the kids I would take to our car!

I pulled the car knob but it didn’t budge. Harry noticed me and pulled my arm away from the knob.

“What are you doing? Are you nuts? Thank God I locked those doors,” he asked sternly.

I looked behind us and the blast was far away. The police, fire trucks, and ambulances were there taking care of everything. But still…

“I wanna stop the driver. It’s my fault! It’s all my fault that you couldn’t stop him, I’m so sorry, but I have to fix this!” I said in a louder tone.

He kept his eyes ahead and looked from the front of him to the side.

“It’s not your fault Jessa; we didn’t know that he would get in a semi like that. But anyway, you can’t do anything now, do you wanna kill yourself?!” He asked angrily.

“Why would I wanna do that?” I asked shocked.

“Well, if you try to get to the driver, you die. That part of the truck is in flames. You could die just stepping five feet in front of that semi. That’s good that I didn’t go then, I could’ve been in that inferno,”

“But you wanted to save all those people, you could’ve been a hero!” I protested.

He started to tap his fingers against the steering wheel.

“I could’ve died, if I would’ve died, I wouldn’t be able to be a hero. Because then I wouldn’t be able to save anyone after that.” He explained.

I rolled my eyes.

“You would have been a hero!”

But then I understood what he just said. He was right. If he died, he wouldn’t be a hero.

“I understand,” I said.

He smiled and we drove forward. I don’t think that we would go to Denny’s now.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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498 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 22451
Reviews: 498
Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:37 pm
theotherone says...

Hello there. :)

I have some nitpicks for you.

My heart was beating faster as I closed the window.

I ran downstairs, trying to be as quiet as I could, I was pretty sure that my parents ere still asleep. My coat was hung on the hanger in the front room. The burgundy walls made me feel rich from its luxuriant color.

The sentence seems a little bit weird with the same word mentioned two times, so I took the liberty of changing one of them for a synonym that seemed like a good fit for the sentence. Hope it's what you meant. :)
The only thing I could practically see was white.

Then I saw Harry, his hair is turning white from the snow that’s hitting his head.

“Where are we heading?” I asked.

He started the car and headed straight down the road (?).

I'm not sure if it does sound better this way. Your call. :)
It showed a movie title to this new movie that was coming out after New Year’s.

My heart was beating my harder now take away to comma here in complete stress. Now why would he forget to tell me that he was an actor of some sort?!

Just what I like in a guy.

Again, I think it sounds better this way, but you can decide rather it really does or not.
Great, being with him was going to be harder than I had thought.

I stared at a group of kids that crossed the street, look at them.

The second part of the sentence is not needed.
I wished to be them right now.

But then something horrible happened.

His eyes were staring at the road ahead of him and he didn’t move at all.

“Okay ma’am, we’ll send some ambulances and the police too, thank you for in informing us and have a nice day.”

That was my fault. He could have saved all of them, but because of me, he could have saved all those souls, but he couldn’t stop the bomb because of me. It was utterly and completely my fault.

I don’t think that we would go to Denny’s now.

I thought it was a surprise? :O

Overall, I think the story is coming along great. I just want to point out two things here. You should probably proof read your stuff. I don't know if you already do, or even if I already mention this, because I don't have a super awesome short term memory. But it's one thing you should definitely do. I have noticed that you have a tendency to change back and forth between verb tense, and maybe proof reading it will help with catching most of those mistakes. Don't do it right after you've written it though. Wait two or three days and come back, because normally, you won't see any mistakes when you've just written it.

Also, you should watch out for the mood. Your sentences are short and choppy most of the time, and that creates a mood that isn't what you want for your novel, I believe. You might want to check out and see if some sentences could be combined. It will help the flow as well and make the story seem like it's not as fast going as it is now at the moment. :)

Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to reading more!

-Other One
Behind every mask, lies a man that can't live in his own skin. - Woe is Me <3
Need a reviewer? I don't bite, I promise. :) ---> viewtopic.php?f=188&t=76466

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45 Reviews

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Reviews: 45
Tue Jan 11, 2011 12:05 am
AllieMeadows says...

Hey your story Katie really coming along really well. I am in love with it. Keep writing! I love how you are developing your characters and giving them substance. You might want to proof read before you post but its not that bad. Keep up the good work and keep writing.
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead :o <3

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1503 Reviews

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Reviews: 1503
Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:19 pm
IcyFlame says...

Hi again!
It's nice to see your story developing although you still have a liot of explanations to cover. I can see that theotherone has nitpicked again which saves me having to do so.
My overall impression of this chapter was much the same as the others. I'd like to see you end on a cliffhanger somehow. At the moment, it feels to me as if every chapter is a short story in itself which begins and then is resolved by the end of it. This is not the purpose of a novel. The only continuing storyline throughout seems to be the fact htat Jessa wants to know things he cannot tell her.
You still need to work on the development of your characters. Everything is moving at such a fast pace it makes it hard to keep up with and we don't learn as much as we could through simple conversations showing their thoughts and reactions.

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1503 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 1503
Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:46 pm
IcyFlame says...

Nike wrote:Chapter 6

Harry was outside, stood next to his Audi dressed in a huge, puffy coat. When he saw me looking at him, he smiled from ear to ear.No need for a new paragraphI opened my window and felt the cold breeze hit me in the face.

“Hey handsome spy!” I called out to him.

He started to laugh and I did as well. the second part of this is written somewhat childishly. See if you can edit it and play about with it a little bit.

“Jessa, come down! I wanna take you out for the best breakfast of your life!” he called out to me.

I laughed a bit more and replied, “But, I’m not dressed!”

“It’s okay!”

My heart beat faster as I closed the window. I ran into the bathroom and changed into some decent sweats and washed up.
I brushed my hair and put it in a side ponytail. not a new paragraph (nnp for short) I opened the bathroom door and ran into my room and grabbed my silver cell phone. I ran downstairs, trying to be as quiet as I could, I was pretty sure that my parents were still asleep. My coat was hung on the hanger in the front room. The burgundy walls made me feel rich from its rich color. repetetive

I rushed outside and the door behind me. The only thing I could practically see is white. The roads were covered in white, the sidewalks as well. Then I saw Harry, his hair is turning white from the snow that’s hitting his head.
I ran up to him with a smile plastered on my face. The cold wind was waving my hair around. more description

“Hey,” I was right in front of him.

“Hey,” he repeated.

“Why aren’t you wearing a hat? You’ll get cold.” I said, worried.

He started to laugh, “You sound just like my mom,”

I put my hand on my hip.

“I care too, you know.”

He pulled my hat off and put it on his own head.

“I have one, you don’t”

He chuckled and I hit him lightly in the arm.

“Where are we headed?” I asked.

“You’ll see,”

I hopped into the warm passenger seat once I opened the black Audi’s door. The cold air went away as I closed it. I saw
the beautiful interior of black leather seats, big windows, a GPS, and much more.
He started the car as headed straight.

“You always have to be so secretive, don’t you?” I asked, annoyed.

He smiled and I saw his little dimples pop up. My heart skipped a beat as I looked out my window. It was like a winter wonderland, the trees were bare, but covered by snow.nnpThe roads were slippery, it must havebeen black ice.

“Be careful, there’s black ice on the road.” I said.

“I know, I knowcommahe sighed.

I put on the radio and heard Bruno Mars fill the air.

It was my favorite song “Just the Way You Are” I smiled and sang along.

“’Cause girl you’re amazing just the way you are…” I sang to the beat. Careful with copyright issues again.

I heard Harry laugh and I looked at him.


“Nothing, it’s just that I didn’t know that you liked Bruno Mars,he admitted.

“Oh, well I do,” I smiled.

He returned it and started to sing along.

“When I see your face there’s not a thing that I would change…”

We both sang the song together as he drove to where ever he was headed.

“’Cause girl you’re amazing just the way you are,”
We stopped at a red light and I laughed at his singing.

“Am I that bad?” he asked.

“No, I’m shocked that you’re that good.” I said.

He chuckled and turned down the music; his phone was ringing.

“Ello…?” he said.
I thought he wouldn't answer the phone when driving?
I looked out the window and stared at one particular sign. It showed a movie title to this new movie that comes out after New Year’s. But what interested me wasn’t the movie overall, it was the fact that Harry was on the picture. His face, his smile, his eyes, were there, flashing the world.
I turned my head and saw Harry jabbering on the dumb phone.

“Hey,” I shook his shoulder.

We stopped at the side of the street and he hung up.

“What…?” he asked.

I pointed at the windshield, directly at the billboard.

“You see that?” I asked.

My heart was beating my harder now, in complete stress. Now why would he forget to tell me that he’s an actor of some sort?!
He nodded and swallowed loudly.

“Well, can you explain that to me?” I hissed.

His cheeks were starting to turn red.

“You see, when I was under cover on that Hollywood set, I ended up getting caught in the camera’s view…” he started to explain.

I leaned my chin against my hand.

“…and they saw me, so they decided to make me work somehow, I told them that I’m the producer’s assistant. But they just wanted me face in the picture of the movie poster and I got a small role,he finished.

My jaw dropped and he tried to smile.

“Surprise…?” he said.

I leaned against the car seat and shut my eyes. He wass an actor now He had been for a while surely?; these spies do anything for everything.this doesn't make a lot of sense. Besides, surely he wouldn't want to be an actor for fear of being recognised. This isn't very realistic.
“So, now you’re an actor,” I said with my eyes closed.

“Not really, but yeah. It was one small role so I could make sense of why I’m on the poster, I don't understand what you're trying to say here.and I needed to spy on the main lead, Carla Ferguson.” But why compromise his safety?

I opened my eyes and looked at that poster. Yeah, she was the lead role; her face was the biggest thing on that poster.
I looked back at him and he was lying on his seat. His hands were on the steering wheel, tapping to a beat.

“Right, I’m sorry that I overreacted… all one word.” I apologized.

He smiled and sat up.

“It’s alright, I would be a little mad if you were on that poster without telling me, but some things in this world are meant to be secret.” It's not exactly a secret if it's on a massive bulletin board?

“Do you have any more secrets to tell me, we have to be honest with each other,” I pleaded.

“Well, I told you everything I could but any more and I’d have to kill you.”

I laughed.

“Don’t be like the Area Fifty-One dudes,”

He rolled his eyes and leaned against the door. I saw his figure and smiled, he was muscular and slim. Just the things I liked on a guy.

“But it’s true, and I don’t wanna kill you, you know.”

I leaned in closer to him until I could smell his breath. He was smiling from ear to ear when I got even closer.
He leaned in and closed his eyes but I pulled away.

“Not until you tell me everything,” I whispered.

“I seriously can’t Jessa; I would love to but can’t even ask your mom.” this doesn't make a lot of sense.
I rolled my eyes and sat back down in my seat, arms crossed over my chest.

“Jessa, come on, don’t do this to me. Some things seriously can’t be told.”

I breathed in deeply as my heart sped up.

“I understand, but I just wanna know, I mean I want to know everything that you do. But since you’re part of the FBI that’s impossible, right?” I looked at him, straight into his eyes.

My heart leapt and my stomach churned.

“Yeah,” he replied, swallowing loudly.

I looked down at the palms of my hands and sighed.
Great, being with his is going to be harder than I thought.
He started the engine as I buckled up. He drove straight ahead and turned up the radio. This time it wasn’t Bruno Mars, it was Rob Thomas singing Ever the Same. It was a sad song, but it fit my mood perfectly.

I looked out the window and the trees faded slowly. Huge buildings started to pop out in the horizon, and the sound of traffic came about. I stared at a group of kids that crossed the street, look at them. They are safe; they don’t have to think about love.
I took a glimpse at Harry and looked back at them.

They don’t need to think about secrets, spies, heartbreaking, and love that lasts forever. At least not yet. I wish to be them right now.

But then something horrible happens.
An incoming semi was driving down the highway in front of us. He was driving the wrong way. Everything went by slowly. Those kids still walked across the street even though they should have ran. The black and grey semi was getting closer and closer to us at the second.
My heart was thudding and I felt like I was going to throw up. Harry’s eyes widened as he turned sharply to the right and drove into the barrier, it fell and we drove o the grass. We were safe. Now, I didn’t want to be them.
The semi still drove and hit many cars in its way. It was closer to the care free kids, people were screaming, yelling. The kids ran away as fast as they could. I wanted to save them, but I couldn’t do anything now. The black enemy kept on driving but then he started to flip over, near us.

Harry stepped on the gas and drove as fast as he could, so he could be out of the way.

“No! Harry, we have to save those kids.” Tears were springing out of my eyes.

“We can’t, the truck would hit us.” He kept his eyes in front of himself.

I looked at the trunk window and the semi was still flipping, directly behind us. And instead of thinking about the kids, I started to worry about us.

“Harry! It’s directly behind us!” I yelled.

“I know, I know,” he tried to sound calm, but he was scared as well.

It stopped flipping when I could barely see it. Flames were bursting out of it like a bonfire starting a forest fire. It was spreading throughout the highway and grass. We ended up on a new street and Harry came to a halt.

“Is it still flipping?” he asked, not moving his sight to me.

“No, it’s in flames.”

“That’s not good, not good at all,” he said almost at a whisper.

Time went back to normal and I sat back down. Harry didn’t move, he was in complete shock.

“Because of the gas in his semi right? That’s why it’s not good.” I asked him in a hurry.

He simply nodded.

Wow, I’ve never seen him like this. His eyes were staring at the road ahead him and he didn’t move at all. His lips were stuck together and he didn’t even open his mouth.

“I’m gonna call the fire department,” I said.

That’s odd; I wasn’t in such huge shock as he was. Maybe it was because it was my first time and someone had to call. Those people were in danger.

I took my phone out of my pocket and dialed nine one, one. I leaned my phone against my ear and heard the dial tone.

“Hello, this is the Chicago fire department, what is your problem?” The nice man said on the other side.

What’s your problem? Seriously if I’m calling the fire department that means there’s a fire!

“There’s a fire on highway I-ninety five.” I said with a shiver.

“We’ll send our trucks as soon as possible, thank you for informing us, but do you know what caused the fire ma’am?”

I swallowed loudly and looked back through the back trunk window.

“Yes, a semi crashed into many cars and flipped over about seven times, he was also driving on the wrong side of the road,” I explained calmly.

This courage must’ve been adrenaline. I mean, this was the first time I was in some sort of car crash. Even though we weren’t the ones directly in the crash, we were still accessories in it, I mean witnesses. We had nothing to do with the crash so we were definitely not accessories.

“Okay ma’am, we’ll send some ambulances and the police too, thank you for in informing us and have a nice day.” And he hung up.

And have a nice day? Right, that’s what you tell people that are in car crashes, accidents, whatever.

I left the phone on, as commanded and left it on the dashboard.

“Harry, can you please snap out of it?”

“We could die,”

“It’s too far away,” I pointed behind us, “It won’t hurt us.”

He pulled me closer to him and we were staring directly into our eyes. My heart jumped and my stomach was still churning. I was starting to sweat down my neck.

“Actually Jessa, it could. If it blows up, we’re dead. That isn’t an ordinary semi,”

Oh, now it always has to be something to do with the FBI. Can’t it be a normal semi one day, just for one small day; can’t it be a normal freaking semi?!

“It doesn’t mean that it’s dangerous. It doesn’t mean that it’s any special semi Harry! It could be a normal one!” I protested.

He rolled his eyes.

“Fine, then drive, drive as fast and far away as you can!” I told him in a hurry.

“I need to stop the guy,”

I sat on his lap.

“Please don’t do this! I want you to live, let’s just go.” I begged.

My eyes were tearing up. I can’t believe that he would risk his life for his job.

“No, I’m not risking my life for my job; I’m risking my life for other lives, like yours. So you drive away and I’ll stop him,” he said all of that slowly.

His eyes were shinning, he had tears as well.

My heart pounded against my chest and I felt like I was going to faint. He wouldn’t do this to me, no.
He laid his lips on mine and my tears broke free. I made the kiss last longer by kissing him once more. His soft, soft lips against mine. Our lips were touching with complete love, my tears fell into my mouth but I kept on pushing for more until we stopped.

“Harry, don’t do this please, don’t. You can once not do something.”

We were still very close to each other; he was looking for my stare.

“They sent me a text, I have to.”

I hit his arm in protest and laid on him, tears falling out onto his cotton tee.

“No you don’t,” I whispered.

He hugged me as tightly as he could and I felt his warmth travel to my body. I shut my eyes and breathed deeply.

“I love you Jessa,” he whispered in my ear.

“I love you too Harry,” I hugged him tighter and let my tears go.

That’s when I heard a huge blast. Harry pushed me lightly and stared at me.

“I’m too late, we have to go now or we’ll die, I can’t help them now, he blew up!” he yelled.

That’s my fault. He could have saved all of them, but because of me, he could save all those souls, he couldn’t stop the bomb. It’s utterly and completely my fault.

I leaned against my seat and breathed in deeply, wiping the rest of my tears.
He started up the engine and drove at full force. I tried to open the door, maybe I could help them. Then it won’t be my fault anymore!
Harry will be able to save them! If I get out, I could run up to the driver of that semi and pull him out, the kids I would take to our car!

I pulled the car knob but it didn’t budge. Harry noticed me and pulled my arm away from the knob.

“What are you doing? Are you nuts? Thank God I locked those doors,” he asked sternly.

I looked behind us and the blast was far away. The police, fire trucks, and ambulances were there taking care of everything. But still…

“I wanna stop the driver. It’s my fault! It’s all my fault that you couldn’t stop him, I’m so sorry, but I have to fix this!” I said in a louder tone.

He kept his eyes ahead and looked from the front of him to the side.

“It’s not your fault Jessa; we didn’t know that he would get in a semi like that. But anyway, you can’t do anything now, do you wanna kill yourself?!” He asked angrily.

“Why would I wanna do that?” I asked shocked.

“Well, if you try to get to the driver, you die. That part of the truck is in flames. You could die just stepping five feet in front of that semi. That’s good that I didn’t go then, I could’ve been in that inferno,”

“But you wanted to save all those people, you could’ve been a hero!” I protested.

He started to tap his fingers against the steering wheel.

“I could’ve died, if I would’ve died, I wouldn’t be able to be a hero. Because then I wouldn’t be able to save anyone after that.” He explained.

I rolled my eyes.

“You would have been a hero!”

But then I understood what he just said. He was right. If he died, he wouldn’t be a hero.

“I understand,” I said.

He smiled and we drove forward. I didn’t think that we would go to Denny’s now.

I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.
— Leonardo da Vinci