
Young Writers Society

I Hate Him *3*

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267 Reviews

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Points: 314
Reviews: 267
Fri Dec 24, 2010 10:19 pm
Nike says...

Chapter 3

I tapped my pencil against the gray desk hearing a tap every time it hit the surface. The teacher was blabbing on about Shakespeare’s history.
We were reading the novel “Romeo and Juliet”, Mrs. Amberson was telling us about the book right now. I still didn’t listen.
Why would Harry even say such a thing? That I would make him disappear. If he wouldn’t be here then, I don’t know what I’d do. He is the person I hate; everyone needs someone to hate to live.

“Ms. Fuller, are you listening to me?” Mrs. Amberson asked me.

I jolted my head up and looked at her with wild eyes.

“Uh, yes,” I spit out.

“Good, then, can you tell us the history of Romeo and Juliet?”

She smirked and waited for me to answer.
I searched through the drawers in my brain for anything.
All I could concentrate on was her horribly oily red hair wrapped up in a messy bun. I didn’t read the whole entire lecture. It was boring overall. But, some parts I found interesting, it’s just that the beginning was really, boring.

“Um, uh, Romeo and Juliet is a story about forbidden love. Both of their parents did not want them to be in any relation to each other.” That’s when a picture of Harry popped into my head.

I swallowed loudly, “But, the problem was that they loved each other dearly. Uh, they couldn’t stand a day away from each other. Then by the end they both die because of their undying love toward each other.” I finished off.

Everyone in the world knows the ending, so I didn’t have to read that part at all.

“That’s very nicely said Jessa, but I can tell that you didn’t read the book at all, maybe just a little but not enough.” She said, disappointed in me.

Harry’s picture was still in my mind. I don’t know why though, we have no relation to Romeo and Juliet. Well, maybe a little. Our “love” is completely forbidden. The only difference is that, our parents want us together but we don’t want to be together!

“I’ll give you a B minus for what you’ve just said.”

A smile formed on my face despite the fact that Harry was still floating in my head.

Her scary black beady eyes shut and then opened up at me. I shivered and looked down at my notebook. On the margin of my paper was written the name ‘Harry’. I blinked quickly just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. It was still there.

“What…?” I whispered to myself.

I must’ve written that without thought.

My heavy backpack pushed against my back as I walked toward the school library. I wanted to check out ‘Romeo & Juliet’ today.
The red wall that was on my right was covered in flyers. That’s our school’s special wall for flyers, signs, and stuff like that.
I stopped next to a flyer that said ‘Movie’. I looked through it.
We need extra actors and even people who know how to use video programs, lights, cameras, ect. If you are interested then tell us!
The movie is about: Romeo & Juliet.

What a coincidence.

Here’s our e-mail and phone number.

I grabbed my cell phone, watching to see if any teacher was around. No teacher. So I started to type in the phone number and then slid my phone back into my pocket.
I’ve always wanted to make a movie. Acting wasn’t really my thing, but video producing really was. I’ve been making videos or movies for such a long time on YouTube. I love making them; it makes me happy to see the amazing finished result. I do animation and vlogs as well, so this may be a piece of cake.
Then, I walked to the library. When I opened the red doors, I noticed the lights were off. No one was here. I walked through the darkened library and even the blinds were closed. I felt some tingles run down my whole body as I walked through. My foot steps were the only thing that you could here.
I imagined scary music playing and a camera facing straight at me. They should make a scary movie instead.

At that second I heard a stomp. And it wasn’t mine. I leaned against a bookshelf and breathed uncontrollably fast. I tried to focus in the dark but it was no use. It was way too dark to see anything!

Then, I heard it again. It came from behind me, so I tried to hide myself by squatting down on the floor.
My heart was beating really fast. I could feel some vomit flow up my neck.
I swallowed it down and felt the heat travel back down into my stomach.
The lights started flickering but turned off once again. I sat at my place, shivering like crazy. I turned my head every five seconds to check if anyone was by me.

Then, I did the most horrible thing anyone could’ve done in this situation, I took my cell phone out and showed it’s light.
There, the killer or robber saw me perfectly.
I hid my phone back and stood up to move to a different place. I shuffled on the floor so my steps wouldn’t be heard.
Someone put their hand against my mouth. My heart speeded up and I couldn’t breathe right. I screamed into its hand but it just squished my face even harder. It pulled me as I shivered like jello.
I tried to fight back, but it was pretty strong. I waved my hands around and tried to punch him in the stomach.
It just pulled my hands down.

Then, I just shut my eyes, letting some tears roll down my face. I couldn’t do anything by then. It was pitch black and I couldn’t see anything but I heard a door open. Still dark. The it pushed me into some dark room and locked me in. I noticed that my hands were tied up.

“Oh my fuck,” I whispered to myself.

Then I felt my phone vibrate. That ‘it’ didn’t take my phone.
The string wasn’t so tight so I pulled my hands out and pulled out my cell phone. I heard something move in the room. So I flashed my light at the direction and saw…

His mouth was covered by some duct tape and his arms were tied up behind him. He looked relieved to see me.
I got up to him and hid my phone. If that ‘it’ sees that I have a phone, he would take it and hurt us even more than he just did.

I pulled off the tape slowly as my heart beated faster. I didn’t want him to say anything.
He didn’t even hum. I put the tape on the ground.

“Turn around,” I whispered.

He did what I told him to do and I untied his straw string.
When I untied him he started to massage his hands.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked in a loud whisper.

He covered my mouth and made wild eyes. He pointed at the door; the only light was coming from some flashlight on the other side of the door.

“Well,” I asked again.

“I don’t know, but this guy is going to kill us,”

“Don’t over react!” I said.

“Sorry, but he’s just crazy. He could just…” I cut him off.

“No; he freakin’ wont.”

I couldn’t see his face at all now. The flashlight turned off and some footsteps were closer to the door. Tingles ran down
my spine.

“He must’ve heard us,” Harry whispered into my ear.

His voice made my heart skip a beat.
He was so close to me that I could smell his minty breath. I pulled him close, trying to feel safe.

“I hope not,” I mumbled.

The footsteps stopped right in front of the door.

“Are they talking?” some deep voiced guy asked.

“Definitely not; I can’t hear anything anymore. It must be the mice,” a British accented guy said.

“Talking mice you say…?” The first guy laughed.

I heard the footsteps go away.

“No, those kids aren’t talking Bob,” Brit said in a sharp tone.

I felt Harry shiver.
I took out my cell phone and covered the top so those guys wouldn’t see it.
Crap, class is right now! What kind of idiots would do this during school hours, and to innocent kids?!
I hid my phone back and felt Harry holding me close.

“Harry, I’m so freakin’ scared.” I admitted.

“So am I Jess, so am I,”

“Why did you say it like that?”

“It’s funny,” he laughed quietly at his own joke.

I hit him lightly.
Then one of those guys opened the door. I held onto Harry with a death grip so that freak wouldn’t pull us apart. Even though I don’t like him, he’s the closest I got to trust in this place right now. But, the truth is, I do trust him.
Someone turned on a light and it burned our eyes. I blinked constantly.

“Oh, they love each other, that’s just great.” He was the Brit.

He stepped closer to us and I kicked his shin, really hard.

“Fuck; this girl is strong!” he knelled down and rubbed his shin.

I smiled and held onto Harry even tighter. He might get up and kick me back; I’ll put Harry as bait.
Just kidding, I’d never do that. Well, maybe… no.

“You are first then Jessica.” How does he know my name? And why am I first?

“No! Leave me alone, take him.” I joked.

“Hey…!” Harry disagreed.

“Just kidding,” I whispered.

“Haters, even better.” The Brit whispered.

I saw his eyes grow bigger (if that’s even possible).

“No, just leave us alone! We didn’t do anything!” I screamed this.

Harry covered his ears and so did the Brit.
Then, someone rammed some door down. I could hear it clearly. The lights from the library turned on and the other guy was running around like crazy.

“What is going on in here, a horror movie?” Principal Ketler asked, outraged.

“Yes, exactly that,”

“Well, then I didn’t know that I was hired to a horror movie. I thought I was gonna get killed or even kid knapped.”

“No, you aren’t Jess, remember? This is not part of the scene.”

“You know what?! This isn’t a movie…” that freak cut me off.

He laughed off what I said.

“She’s so stuck on the movie,” he laughed.

“We haven’t planned a horror movie; you have to talk to the principal first, which is me. So, I doubt that you’re right. And Jessica, stop playing their game!”

“I’m not! I’m trying to tell you that this is all some kid knapping! We are so freaking scared Principal Ketler! Save us, please!” I begged.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but let us out Brit!” Harry yelled.

Principal Ketler sent the security guard he brought with him to us. He pulled us out as I shivered.

“It’s okay now Jessica, I’m so sorry that I underestimated you,” The principal apologized.

“It’s okay,” I whispered.

The body guard let us go and I hugged Harry, still shivering like crazy.

“Thank God you screamed,” Harry whispered into my ear.

“And thank God this place isn’t sound proof.” I laughed.

He held me.
He made me feel so safe.
I would want him to be with me everywhere and in everything.

Harry was sitting with me in the secretary’s office when Principal called our parents.
I looked into Harry’s brown eyes. They looked worried.

“It’s okay,”

“That guy should’ve left you alone,” he said sharply.

“But it wasn’t your fault.”

He was staring blindly at the wall in front of us. It wasn’t that interesting; it was gray with some school pictures and phone numbers.

“Actually,” he looked at me, his eyes so deep in sadness. “…it is my fault,”

“How…?” I asked, shocked.

I started to shiver once again.
He looked down at his hands and started to play with them. He took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

“Jess, those guys are really bad guys. They… they can kill.”

“And how do you know this?” I asked quietly.

He sighed.

“Jess,” he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He was cold, cold as ice.

“I don’t know how to tell you this… but, I will. I’m a spy. I go to Area fifty-one, the president, to Asia to see the secrets of technology. All that crap.”

I laughed. I know that, that was inappropriate but, that sounded unbelievable.

“Jess, I’m serious.” He looked aright into my blue eyes.

I stopped and accepted the fact that those guys might have gave him some drugs.

“Really?” I had to ask.

“Yes,” He sighed.

“Are you sure you weren’t drugged?” I laughed.

He rolled his eyes.

“No, this is true. Those guys are from Britain. I snuck into the Queen’s files and that’s completely illegal. I had to get her files to see her black list. It says the people who stole her gold, I have to catch them.” He explained quietly.


“You need time to get this to sink in, but they caught me sneaking in and they are the robbers.” He said.

I rolled my eyes.

“So, why did they take me as well? And why in the library during school hours, in school?” I practically yelled.

“I don’t know what they think, I’m sorry that I’m not a mind reader too,” he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes again.

“No, so why?”

“Because, they saw your picture in my wallet. They scanned it and found you. They knew that you were important to me, so they’d do anything to get me scared and to give up.” He explained with a yawn.

I squeezed his hand and smiled.

“At least you’re honest.” I whispered with a smile.

Those words that he said touched my heart and made it fly high.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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45 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1112
Reviews: 45
Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:17 pm
AllieMeadows says...

OMG I love tis story. The suprise twist comes a little fast and I kinda got lost in it but its still really good. You need to write more and fast. Again I really love it!!!!!
Two can keep a secret if one of them is dead :o <3

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498 Reviews

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Reviews: 498
Sat Dec 25, 2010 1:34 am
theotherone says...

Hello there. :)
But, some parts I found interesting, it’s just that the beginning was really take off the comma here. boring.

Then by the end comma they both die because of their undying love toward each other.”

I must’ve written that without thinking (?).

My footsteps were the only thing that you could here.

I could feel some vomit flow up my throat.

He looked right into my blue eyes.

I stopped and accepted the fact that those guys might have given him some drugs.

This part is a little bit awkward, I find. The kidnapping part seems clumsy and not real. It looks like it was pretty random, and the attitudes seemed a little bit off. Jessica should be more afraid, and why didn't the British guy put duck tape on her mouth? The guys should be more careful, and should be more angry and violent. They are "professional" robbers after all, aren't they? I would make them scream, hit, say threats... Oh, and I almost forgot about the principal. What was it with him? There was a kidnapping in his school, during the school hours, and he doesn't even panic, call the police and stuff? It seems a little bit off to me. And the spy... It seems like you just threw it in there. Maybe a little foreshadowing would help in that matter?
Anyways, I didn't really like this chapter for these reasons. You should review it and work on the whole "scary" scene. If you do, I can promise you it'll be a lot better. :)

Keep writing!

-Other One
Behind every mask, lies a man that can't live in his own skin. - Woe is Me <3
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1504 Reviews

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:37 pm
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IcyFlame says...

What happened to *2 part 2*? Or am I missing something?
On to the review...
Theotherone's take most of my grammatical nitpicks so I'll just give you my overall impression:
The storyline was good but the manner in which you told it made it pretty unbelievable. Why on earth would she joke about taking someone instead of her? Either she'd be petrified of these men that have tied her... well her Harry up, or she would be scornful, imagining it to be a practical joke. The way you've portrayed her suggests neither and the only thoughts I aware she has all involve Harry. Of course, it is important that we understand what she thinks of him but at the moment she thinks nothing else. It'd be nice for you to show us another dimension of her... make her more 3D.

My other note was about your blurb/plot description on your novel page. Don't give everything away at once. Try to leave the description on a cliffhanger as it's a good fiction hook and this technique tends to make the reader more interested.

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1504 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 1504
Sun Aug 28, 2011 12:02 pm
IcyFlame says...

Nike wrote:Chapter 3

I tapped my pencil against the gray desk hearing a tap every time it hit the surface. Try not to become repetetive.The teacher was blabbing on about Shakespeare’s history.
We were reading the novel “Romeo and Juliet” and Mrs. Amberson was telling us about the book right now. I still didn’t listen. Explain why not.
Why would Harry even say such a thing? That I would make him disappear. If he wouldn’t be here then, I don’t know what I’d do. He was the person I hate; everyone needs someone to hate to live. Is this really true? I'm not entirely sure about including it.
“Miss. Fuller, are you listening to me?” Mrs. Amberson asked me.

I jolted my head up and looked at her with wild eyes.

“Uh, yes,” I spat out.

“Good. then, Can you tell us the history of Romeo and Juliet?”

She smirked and waited for me to answer.
I searched through the drawers in my brain for anything.~i don't understand why you keep starting new paragraphs.
All I could concentrate on was her horribly oily red hair wrapped up in a messy bun. I didn’t read the whole entire lecture. It was boring overall. But, some parts I found interesting, it’s just that the beginning was really, boring.
Repetetive again.
“Um, uh, Romeo and Juliet is a story about forbidden love. Both of their parents did not want them to be in any relation towitheach other.” That’s when a picture of Harry popped into my head.

I swallowed loudly. “But, the problem was that they loved each other dearly. Uh, they couldn’t stand a day away from each other. Then at the end they both die because of their undying love toward each other.” I finished off.

Everyone in the world knew the ending, so I didn’t have to read that part at all.

“That’s very nicely said Jessa, but I can tell that you didn’t read the book in enough depthat all, maybe just a little but not enoughcommashe said, clearly disappointed in me.

Harry’s picture was still in my mind. I didn’t know why though, we had no relation to Romeo and Juliet. Well, maybe a little. Our “love” was completely forbidden. What love? Jessa has just said she hated him. Try to make her feelings a little clearer.The only difference was that, our parents want us together but we don’t want to be together! That's a big difference!

“I’ll give you a B minus for what you’ve just said.” You can't grade someone on a spoken answer, and that was hardly worth that grade anyway. She would have been lucky to get a C.

A smile formed on my face despite the fact that Harry was still floating in my head.

Her scary black beady eyes shut and then opened up at me. I shivered and looked down at my notebook. On the margin of my paper was written the name ‘Harry’. I blinked quickly just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. It was still there.

“What…?” I whispered to myself.

I must’ve written that without thinking about it.

My heavy backpack pushed against my back as I walked toward the school library. I wanted to check out ‘Romeo & Juliet’ today.
You don't need a new paragraph.The red wall that was on my right was covered in flyers. That wass our school’s special wall for flyers, signs, and stuff like that. Uneeded information.
I stopped next to a flyer that said ‘Movie’. I looked through atit.
We need extra actors and even people who know how to use video programs, lights, cameras, ect. If you are interested then tell us!
The movie was about: Romeo & Juliet.

What a coincidence.

Here’s our e-mail and phone number.

I grabbed my cell phone, watching to see if any teacher was around. No teacher. So I started to type in the phone number and then slid my phone back into my pocket.
I'd always wanted to make a movie. Acting wasn’t really my thing, but video producing really was. I'd been making videos or movies for such a long time on YouTube. I loved making them; it made me happy to see the amazing finished result. I did animation and vlogs as well, so that could have been be a piece of cake.
Then, I walked to the library. When I opened the red doors, I noticed the lights were off. No one was here. I walked through the darkened library and even the blinds were closed. I felt some tingles run down my whole body as I walked through. My foot steps were the only thing that you could here. Show, not tell.
I imagined scary music playing and a camera facing straight at me. They should make a scary movie instead.
At that second I heard a stomp. And it wasn’t mine. I leaned against a bookshelf and breathed uncontrollably fast. I tried to focus in the dark but it was no use. It was way too dark to see anything!

Then, I heard it again. It came from behind me, so I tried to hide myself by squatting down on the floor.
My heart was beating really fast. I could feel some vomit flow up my neck.
I swallowed it down and felt the heat travel back down into my stomach.
The lights started flickering but turned off once again. I sat at my place, shivering like crazy. I turned my head every five seconds to check if anyone was by me. Show not tell.

Then, I did the most horrible thing anyone could’ve done in this situation; I took my cell phone out and shone it’s light.
There, the killer or robber saw me perfectly. Too melo dramatic. Why would she automatically assume this?
I hid my phone back and stood up to move to a different place. I shuffled on the floor so my steps wouldn’t be heard.
Someone put their hand against my mouth. My heart speeded up and I couldn’t breathe right. I screamed into its hand but it just squished my face even harder. It pulled me as I shivered like jello.
I tried to fight back, but it was pretty strong. I waved my hands around and tried to punch him in the stomach.
It just pulled my hands down.

Then, I just shut my eyes, letting some tears roll down my face. I couldn’t do anything by then. It was pitch black and I couldn’t see anything but I heard a door open. Still dark. The it pushed me into some dark room and locked me in. I noticed that my hands were tied up.

“Oh my fuck,” I whispered to myself.

Then I felt my phone vibrate. That ‘it’ didn’t take my phone.
The string wasn’t so tight so I pulled my hands out and pulled out my cell phone. I heard something move in the room. So I flashed my light at the direction and saw…

His mouth was covered by some duct tape and his arms were tied up behind him. He looked relieved to see me.
I got up to him and hid my phone. If that ‘it’ sees that I have a phone, he would take it and hurt us even more than he just did.

I pulled off the tape slowly as my heart beated faster. I didn’t want him to say anything.
He didn’t even hum. I put the tape on the ground.

“Turn around,” I whispered.

He did what I told him to do and I untied his straw string.
When I untied him he started to massage his hands.

“What the hell is going on?” I asked in a loud whisper.

He covered my mouth and made wild eyes. He pointed at the door; the only light was coming from some flashlight on the other side of the door.

“Well,” I asked again.

“I don’t know, but this guy is going to kill us,”

“Don’t over react!” I said.

“Sorry, but he’s just crazy. He could just…” I cut him off.

“No; he freakin’ wont.” Melodramatic.

I couldn’t see his face at all now. The flashlight turned off and some footsteps were closer to the door. Tingles ran down
my spine.

“He must’ve heard us,” Harry whispered into my ear. Was he not worried about this before?

His voice made my heart skip a beat.
He was so close to me that I could smell his minty breath. I pulled him close, trying to feel safe. Safety with someone she hates?

“I hope not,” I mumbled.

The footsteps stopped right in front of the door.

“Are they talking?” some deep voiced guy asked.

“Definitely not; I can’t hear anything anymore. It must be the mice,” a British accented guy said.

“Talking mice you say…?” The first guy laughed.

I heard the footsteps go away.

“No, those kids aren’t talking Bob,” Brit said in a sharp tone. Give him a name, or it could be borderline racist.

I felt Harry shiver.
I took out my cell phone and covered the top so those guys wouldn’t see it.
Crap, class is right now! What kind of idiots would do this during school hours, and to innocent kids?!
I hid my phone back and felt Harry holding me close.

“Harry, I’m so freakin’ scared.” I admitted.

“So am I Jess, so am I,”

“Why did you say it like that?” Like what? You've given us no indication as to how he speaks.

“It’s funny,” he laughed quietly at his own joke.

I hit him lightly.
Then one of those guys opened the door. I held onto Harry with a death grip so that freak wouldn’t pull us apart. Even though I don’t like him, he’s the closest I got to trust in this place right now. But, the truth is, I do trust him.
Someone turned on a light and it burned our eyes. I blinked constantly.

“Oh, they love each other, that’s just great.” He was the Brit.

He stepped closer to us and I kicked his shin, really hard.

“Fuck; this girl is strong!” he knelled down and rubbed his shin.

I smiled and held onto Harry even tighter. He might get up and kick me back; I’ll put Harry as bait.
Just kidding, I’d never do that. Well, maybe… no.

“You are first then Jessica.” How did he know my name? And why was I first?

“No! Leave me alone, take him.” I joked. Hardly the time for joking?

“Hey…!” Harry disagreed.

“Just kidding,” I whispered.

“Haters, even better.” The Brit whispered.

I saw his eyes grow bigger (if thats even possible).
“No, just leave us alone! We didn’t do anything!” I screamed this.

Harry covered his ears and so did the Brit.
Then, someone rammed some door down. I could hear it clearly. The lights from the library turned on and the other guy was running around like crazy.

“What is going on in here, a horror movie?” Principal Ketler asked, outraged.

“Yes, exactly that,”

“Well, then I didn’t know that I was hired to a horror movie. I thought I was gonna get killed or even kid knapped.”

“No, you aren’t Jess, remember? This is not part of the scene.”

“You know what?! This isn’t a movie…” that freak cut me off.

He laughed off what I said.

“She’s so stuck on the movie,” he laughed.
It's imposible to tell who is talking here, which makes it very hard to follow.
“We haven’t planned a horror movie; you have to talk to the principal first, which is me. So, I doubt that you’re right. And Jessica, stop playing their game!”

“I’m not! I’m trying to tell you that this is all some kid knapping! We are so freaking scared Principal Ketler! Save us, please!” I begged.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but let us out Brit!” Harry yelled.

Principal Ketler sent the security guard he brought with him to us. He pulled us out as I shivered.

“It’s okay now Jessica, I’m so sorry that I underestimated you,” The principal apologized.

“It’s okay,” I whispered.

The body guard let us go and I hugged Harry, still shivering like crazy.

“Thank God you screamed,” Harry whispered into my ear.

“And thank God this place isn’t sound proof.” I laughed.

He held me.
He made me feel so safe.
I would want him to be with me everywhere and in everything.

Harry was sitting with me in the secretary’s office when Principal called our parents.
I looked into Harry’s brown eyes. They looked worried.

“It’s okay,”

“That guy should’ve left you alone,” he said sharply.

“But it wasn’t your fault.”

He was staring blindly at the wall in front of us. It wasn’t that interesting; it was gray with some school pictures and phone numbers.

“Actually,” he looked at me, his eyes so deep in sadness. “…it is my fault,”

“How…?” I asked, shocked.

I started to shiver once again.
He looked down at his hands and started to play with them. He took a deep breath in and let it out slowly.

“Jess, those guys are really bad guys. They… they can kill.”

“And how do you know this?” I asked quietly. She thought it too.

He sighed.

“Jess,” he grabbed my hand and squeezed it. He was cold, cold as ice.

“I don’t know how to tell you this… but, I will. I’m a spy. I go to Area fifty-one, the president, to Asia to see the secrets of technology. All that crap.” Info dump

I laughed. I knew that that was inappropriate but that sounded unbelievable.
Show not tell“Jess, I’m serious.” He looked aright into my blue eyes.

I stopped and accepted the fact that those guys might have gave him some drugs.

“Really?” I had to ask.

“Yes,” He sighed.

“Are you sure you weren’t drugged?” I laughed.

He rolled his eyes.

“No, this is true. Those guys are from Britain. I snuck into the Queen’s files and that’s completely illegal. I had to get her files to see her black list. It says the people who stole her gold, I have to catch them.” He explained quietly.


“You need time to get this to sink in, but they caught me sneaking in and they are the robbers.” He said.

I rolled my eyes.

“So, why did they take me as well? And why in the library during school hours, in school?” I practically yelled.

“I don’t know what they think, I’m sorry that I’m not a mind reader too,” he said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes again.

“No, so why?”

“Because, they saw your picture in my wallet. They scanned it and found you. They knew that you were important to me, so they’d do anything to get me scared and to give up.” He explained with a yawn.

I squeezed his hand and smiled.

“At least you’re honest.” I whispered with a smile.

Those words that he said touched my heart and made it fly high.

She doesn't take very long to accept that he's a spy. Is there a particular reason for this?

If you are tired remember it's a sign that you haven't expired
— fatherfig