
Young Writers Society

Call me Alice: Part Two

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Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:30 pm
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Carlito says...

Thank you for reading! Any and all comments are much appreciated! :)
I want to make a move. How do I make a move? I don’t want other people, especially Camilla, to know I’m making a move. I don’t even want Micah to know I’m trying to make a move.
This is hopeless. I’m hopeless.
If only there’s a way for him to not know it’s me. Is that possible? How can I make a move without him knowing who’s behind it? What am I supposed to do, walk up to him in the hallway wearing a wig and a mask saying “Hey”?
Yeah that will make him want to get to know me.
He can’t know it’s me. No one else can know it’s me. How can I make that happen?
My phone beeped from the floor.

Tuesday, November 8, 1:17PM: Text Message from Camilla Granado to Ashton Everwright.
Camilla: Hey Ashton!! O.M.G. I TALKED TO BENNETT!!!!! It was sooo awesome!! Call me when you get the chance, kay kay? I need to tell you all about it!!!
Ashton: Awesome! Let’s talk after school!

Oh boy.
I want to know how it happened and who instigated it. There’s a chance she’s going way overboard with this and “they talked” means they exchanged two sentences and went on their way and there wasn’t any kind of enlightening, “awesome” conversation. I’ll be happy for her though no matter how exciting their contact was.
Her text made me think of something. I searched through the contacts on my phone to be sure. Yes.
Here he is. I have Micah Smalling’s number. I got it from Camilla’s phone a long time ago. There’s no way he’d have my number. He’s never asked for it, our only mutual friend is Camilla and she’s not one to hand out other people’s numbers.
This could be it. This could be my solution. I can text him and he’ll never know it’s actually me. I can pretend my name is something different. I’ve always liked the name Alice. It’s not that creepy right? I’m not doing anything wrong. I’ll be myself; he just won’t know who I actually am.
There are so many positives. I can talk to him without the fear of making a fool out of myself because he won’t know it’s me. He may actually want to talk to me because I’m just some alluring girl that he doesn’t know, not Ashton, the best friend of his ex. No one, not even Camilla will know that I’m talking to him.
The only negative is that he might think it’s extremely creepy and won’t want to talk to me. But if that’s the case, I won’t have lost anything because he doesn’t know it’s actually me!
Camilla’s right. I need to make a move. I need to have some fun. Its senior year, I’m running out of time. I like Micah. I want Micah to like me. I have to talk to him.

Thursday November 10, 3:23 PM: Text Message from Ashton Everwright to Micah Smalling.
Ashton: Hey
Micah: Hey, who is this?
Ashton: Call me Alice
Micah: Is Alice not your real name?
Ashton: Maybe not
Micah: What’s your real name then?
Ashton: Just call me Alice.
Micah: Okay then Alice. How’d you get my number?
Ashton: Someone gave it to me
Micah: I’m guessing I don’t get to know who?
Ashton: It’s not important
Micah: So what’s up? Why’d you decide to randomly text me and keep your identity a secret?
Ashton: I’m sorry; I don’t mean to be creepy. I’m just not the best at talking to people and I think you’re an interesting person. I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of days and thought it could be fun to get to know you this way. I just got home from school and I don’t have any homework tonight so I figured tonight can be the night to start
Micah: Hmm, well that’s very intriguing Alice. And now you’ve made me think of about hundred questions
Ashton: Better start asking them then :)
Micah: Do we go to the same school?
Ashton: Yes but I’m not going to answer any more questions that might tip you off as to who I am
Micah: That’s fine. Are you going to tell me who you are someday?
Ashton: Maybe. Is it weird that I won’t right now?
Micah: It’s a little odd but kind of intriguing which leads me to my next question. What about me is so interesting?
Ashton: It’s hard to explain. I don’t even know myself
Micah: So why go to all of this trouble to talk to me?
Ashton: Because you’re interesting to me and I want to get to know you better but I don’t know how.
Micah: Why not just talk to me at school?
Ashton: It’s complicated
Micah: Okay…
Ashton: Can we not focus on the oddity of it and just get to know each other?
Micah: This is probably the weirdest thing I’ve ever done, but it’s kind of exciting, so sure. I’ll get to know you Alice. Can we talk later though? I have a test to study for
Ashton: Yeah sure! Thank you :)

Eating in the lunch room isn’t cool when you’re a senior. Camilla and I eat out twice a week and the rest of the time we suffer through the immature under-classmen and disgusting food of the lunch room to save money and time. The two of us sit on the side of the cafeteria close to the large picture windows that overlook a small courtyard.
“Do you mind if Bennett sits with us?” Camilla stabbed a straw into her milk carton.
I raised my eyebrows. “Um, no that’s fine.”
Camilla smiled. “I know it’s kind of soon and weird but he’s really nice! I saw him this morning and we talked a little bit again and I invited him to sit with us at lunch because I want you to meet him!”
“Don’t worry about it,” I smiled to reassure her. “I’m sure he’s great.”
I’ve never talked to Bennett before and I’ve barely seen him in passing. I want to be supportive of Camilla and be happy for her, but when new guys come into the picture so often, it becomes difficult at times. But what do I know? This guy could be something really special.
I took a bite of my greasy pizza and took a look outside. Even though it’s the middle of November and it’s getting cold outside, there are still people sitting on the picnic tables enjoying their lunch. Crazy. I have no tolerance for cold.
A group of three boys walked across the courtyard and came inside. Micah is in the group. I felt my heart beat speed up for no reason at all.
He sat down three tables away from us with his friends. If I peer around Camilla I can see him.
He’s talking to his friends. He’s laughing.
I ducked my head and looked at my plate. I don’t want him to see me looking at him. He doesn’t know that I texted him yesterday. There’s no way for him to know. I need to relax and not give myself away.
I chanced one more look around Camilla at Micah. The boy next to him punched him playfully in the shoulder and they both laughed.
“Ashton!” Camilla waved her hand in front of my face.
I shook my head to break out of my Micah trance. “Sorry, I spaced off,” I smiled sheepishly.
“This is Bennett! Bennett, this is my best friend, Ashton!” Camilla grinned.
“It’s nice to meet you,” He smiled and sat down next to Camilla.
“You too.”
Bennett has classic male good looks. Tan skin even though it’s winter, a mop of brown hair, deep brown eyes, and a strong bone structure. He looks very polished. He’s wearing a dark grey, collared shirt with a dark jacket and skinny jeans. I noticed the thick, braided bracelet around his left wrist and the thin silver chain around his neck.
For the rest of the lunch hour, those were the only words the two of us exchanged. He’s very quiet. Camilla got him to talk a little while she smiled and fawned over him.
I’m sure he’s nice but I feel like he’s slightly overwhelmed. He hasn’t been talking to Camilla for very long and her personality can be a little much at times if you’re not used to it. That combined with meeting her best friend right off the bat would be a little intimidating.
Hopefully Camilla doesn’t overpower him because I’m sure he’s a great guy and will be a lot of fun once I get to know him and he loosens up a little.
Micah walked through the courtyard again with his friends. I watched him walk away and let out a small breath. Tomorrow I’m going to text him again. I’m going to propose the question game, the quickest and easiest way to get to know someone. I can do this.
Last edited by Carlito on Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.

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Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:32 pm
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sienna says...

This is pretty cool i like these sorta romantic books. well done!

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Fri Aug 19, 2011 10:55 pm
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Gamergirl says...

I am going to just jump right in and get straight to the point :D Yay!

I'm glad to see your wrote this chapter up so fast.


The way you just jumped into a text like conversation wasn't the best of ideas, I don't think it works very well. I think maybe you should of stuck with paragraph's.

I have no tolerance for cold.
This quote really has no meaning, I just love that line so much, Haha!

He’s talking to his friends. He’s laughing.
These two lines don't really fit in, I thought you could of done without them. Or maybe expanded them a lot more, other than those two plain sentences.

All in all an other nicely done part. A little more expansion needed though.

I liked they way you ended with this part and look forward to the next one. :)
"Is the glass half empty? Or half full?"

"Well, if I turn on the tap I can make it full!" ~ me.

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Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:00 pm
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number32 says...

I really liked it!

Although, I think you used the word 'he' way too much when talking about Micah.
group of three boys walked across the courtyard and came inside. Micah is in the group. I felt my heart beat speed up for no reason at all.

He sat down three tables away from us with his friends. If I peer around Camilla I can see him.

He’s talking to his friends. He’s laughing.

I quite liked the idea of her disguising herself and texting him however, I thought the dialogue between them was forced and unrealistic. I'm not sure...some of it seemed pretty good, for example; the beginning.
Ashton: It’s not important

Micah: So what’s up? Why’d you decide to randomly text me and keep your identity a secret?

Ashton: I’m sorry; I don’t mean to be creepy. I’m just not the best at talking to people and I think you’re an interesting person. I’ve been thinking about it for a couple of days and thought it could be fun to get to know you this way. I just got home from school and I don’t have any homework tonight so I figured tonight can be the night to start

Micah: Hmm, well that’s very intriguing Alice. And now you’ve made me think of about hundred questions

Ashton: Better start asking them then

Micah: Do we go to the same school?

Ashton: Yes but I’m not going to answer any more questions that might tip you off as to who I am

That part seemed a little off.

I like it and I am definitely going to read the next part if you post it up! :]

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 1:19 am
AngelKnight900 says...

You can't have a friend's sloppy seconds but what if they weren't so sloppy? That's what I was thinking when I read this. This story is very interesting and I already like the main character. I can't wait to see how the rest of this goes and I believe that you got a good story going on here. What could make your readers be less reluctant to liking your main character is if you could not make her sound so nervous because she might actually come off as crazy. That's the only thing I will advise so keep writing and keep me updated :D
True confidence leaves no room for jealousy. When you know your are great, you have no need to hate.
-Nicki Minaj

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Wed Aug 24, 2011 6:31 am
Micheley says...

No criticism at all, except for you made it to interesting (seriously, nothing wrong at all) and now I'm hooked D: Could you please tell me when the next chapter is out? :D
& maybe it's true
We don't know what we have till we lose it
But maybe it's also true
We don't know what we're missing
Till we [find it]

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Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:06 am
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BlondieMissyAngel says...

Hey okay so Love love love!
I'm really into the whole identity mystery thing but i think it's sorta like that Cinderella Story movie with Hillary Duff except instead of computer chat their using phones. Same concept though. I love the way you wrote this and I don't think I would change anything about it. You are truly a talented writer and obviously commited. Remember to write what you feel. Really dive deep into the people in the story to gain a full picture of each one. When I write I like to keep a notebook beside the computer filled with ideas and character sketches in detail so that if I have a question like "what will Astor do next?" (Astor is a character in my book The Cherry Code) all I have to do is go look throught the notebook and a solution always pops up. I would love to know more about Micha's friends, you breifly mentioned he was walking in a group of guys. He seems like a really intreaguing character =]
Keep writing, you are one of the writers that I will try to read all of their works!
You're totally awesome!
~Blondie Missy Angel~
Going down a rabbit hole, get away from all we know!

I want to see people turn and writhe; make them feel things they cannot see and sometimes do not know.
— Anna Held