
Young Writers Society

I Hate Him *14*

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267 Reviews

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Points: 314
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Fri Mar 11, 2011 11:14 pm
Nike says...

Chapter 14

Standing in Harry’s room, I waited.
And waited.
Where could he be?
I sat on his bed, heels hitting the floor. God, I’m here for the prank, the prank of the century, well payback of the century. So, why isn’t he here for it?!

I leaned my chin against my palm and waited.
That’s when the door rammed open and I slid my heels on. His figure came in, topless. My heart stopped and my eyes completely widened.

It’s not that I’ve never seen him topless it’s just that now, it stops my breath.
His eyes met mine for just a split second. I stood in front of him, hands on my hips, dress flowing nicely on me.
He grew a small smile, showing his beautiful feelings. Those feelings that once belonged to me, but I don’t need them.

“Hey Jessa,” His eyes ran me from top to bottom, sending tingles down me. “…what are you doing here?” he asked, still smiling.

I smiled, goofily but kept my plan in hand. “I’m here to surprise you…” I said, walking past him and shutting the bedroom door.

I grabbed his hand and felt a surge of electricity run through me. His smile grew and I almost fainted.
The navy blue and grey striped walls were brighter than ever before. All the sun’s rays hit this very room, almost blinding me.

“With what…?”

I licked my lips, staring straight into his eyes. This was harder than I thought.

“I wanted to ask, do you think this dress is too, I don’t know… not me…?” I asked softly.

He thought for a while, running his sight down me. “Yeah, it’s not you.”

My jaw dropped, as my hand met my hip. How could he say that?! Well it is not me, but he could’ve lied. Anyway…

“Oh, I thought that it’d be perfect for…” I stepped closer to him, closing the small gap between us.

My breathing increased, causing me to find this harder.

“…for what?” he asked, staring into my eyes.

I touched his muscled chest, sending electricity down my spine. My heart jumped.

“Oh just something that’s not important anymore,” I pulled away, feeling a little sad.

Our hands let go as I twirled around, heading to the door. I felt his warm head grab my arm, stopping me in my step. The tight black dress that I had on felt almost suffocating.

“You come here then leave?”

I put a cocky smile on, “Gottcha,” I chuckled a bit.

The lust in his eyes faded and turned into anger in a fast second.

“What…?” he asked, voice filled with disbelief.

I thought that this would turn up a little differently.
That laugh that hung in my mouth faded.

“Did you really think that I would like you again…?” I fake laughed.

Okay, this is getting really difficult. Why is it turning out this way? Well, I should have thought about this before actually doing it.

“Uh,” he scratched the back of his neck, looking at me in distrust.

“Jessa, I can’t believe you would do this to me…” he sighed.

My breath got stuck in my throat, making me stop overall. What…?

“Harry, I…” no, you are not going to be weak here even though his eyes are killing you. “… gotta go,”

Without a sly smile, I left the room, feeling as guilty as crap.
Wow, pranking is horrible when it comes to it.


I knocked on Sam’s front door, waiting for someone to open it. The cold wind pushed against my back, causing me to shiver uncontrollably.

Someone opened the door. I plastered a small smile on my face until I saw him.

“Jessa… what are you doing here? Come in,” he motioned me in.

The door shut behind me as I took in the warm colored surroundings.

“I need to talk to you,” I faced him, feeling my stomach flip.

His eyes made me feel so free.

“Go on…” he pointed up the stairs.

I walked up the steep wooden steps reaching the sun lit loft. Sam pushed past me, leading me to his room.
We walked in, shutting the door.

“What’s going on?” he asked, sitting on his twin bed.

Breathing in deeply, “I was at Harry’s… for the prank.” I started.

“…and…?” he asked.

I let my breath go, sitting next to him, sinking into the comforter.

“He got really pissed.”

“Wasn’t that the point?” his eyes lit up.

I licked my lips, not a word spilling from my mouth.

“I guess…” I let out, letting my head fall.

“A prank is supposed to make someone pissed, wait, what did you do?”

Lifting my own head up, I noticed that he was really close to me. My heart pounding faster than ever, I scooted back, making a small gap between us.

“I, um, I tried to seduce him…” without letting me finish he broke out.

“What?!” he blew up.

“Listen! Let me continue!”

His breathing slowed down causing him to calm down a bit.

“Like I said, I tried to seduce him, don’t say anything.” I pointed my finger at his mouth, “…and it worked, but.” I said
but loudly, “I tried to make him think I want him back, then I said ‘gotcha,’ and he blew up on me.” I finished, watching him.

Eyes widening, jaw dropping Sam came up.

“No duh Jessa! Do you know what you just did?!” he practically yelled at my face.

Feeling as small as an ant I froze with nothing to say. My mouth went dry, as dry as sand paper. He was right. Did I know what I just did?

I felt the urge to spill with tears but I couldn’t. I had to stay strong; it’s like a law now.
Stay Strong.
Don’t break the rule ever.

“Sam…” my voice came out weak, with cracks in between.

His face calmed down as he leaned against the bright red wall.

“Now you see why he barked at you, I would too Jess,”

“…but, uh,” I couldn’t finish. It was as if my throat was clogged.

My heart was skipping beats as I was sweating all over. God, the guilt was killing me.
He stopped leaning and pulled me into a side hug. I felt his loyalty travel to me like a rocket. My stomach burned every time I felt his heart beat against my back.

“It’s okay, cry if you have to.”

I trusted him, but I didn’t wanna seem weak. Oh crap, who cares, I am a girl right?!
My tears flew down my face like Niagara Falls. Sam’s arms hugged me close as I felt the safeness I needed. But crying won’t help end this… at least I’ll feel a bit better.
As I sobbed I took fast deep breaths, seeing everything in blurriness.

“Thanks Sam,” I took the last deep breath from my sobbing mania, “… that helped, but this won’t help fix the situation… I need to apologize.” I held onto his warm hands.

I felt his breath run down my neck, sending tingles down my spine. My hair fell down my other shoulder, leaving my other one bare. I felt, a bit exposed to him.

His breath was much closer now, just grazing against my bare skin. Goosebumps popped up all over my body when he touched my shoulder with his hand, also sending a swerve of tingles.

I turned my head around, catching his vision. We started for just a brief second then his lips were on mine. He pushed harder and our tongues touched like magic. Electricity rammed into me like a lightning bolt on a plain land.
My back hit the soft bed as his body was on top of mine. Our tongues danced with each other as his hands went down my sleek dress.

I pushed harder and harder against his lips, playing with his hair. We let go to catch some air.

“Wow,” Sam exhaled.

“Yeah, wow.” I sighed, with a playful smile.

I started to unbutton his top as he leaned down on me and kissed my neck. I felt a moan grow up my vocal chords but didn’t let it flow up. His top fell down next to me as I grazed my hands on his skin, sending electricity around me. The moan came out when he reached my chest.

Zip, went my side zipper. My eyes automatically opened in shock. My zipper was open. God. Are we getting that far? Really?

But the problem is I didn’t stop him.

Sam,” I moaned out.

What the heck was that?!

His lips flowed down as my dress flew off. I would normally freak out and be like “Dude! What the fuck! That was my dress and I don’t wanna be almost nude here!” but I didn’t do that exactly.
I let him do whatever as I kissed him all over. It felt, I don’t know, it just felt right. It felt exciting to just kiss him everywhere.

But before we got any further, the door flew open.
I hurriedly grabbed my dress, covering my body as he pulled up his jeans. Leaving the top behind, he stood up.

“Georgie? What are you doing here?” he asked.

I looked over at the door and saw Georgie in shock wearing her favorite pink dress.

“Crap George,” I said.

Her tan jaw dropped as her eyes widened. As for Sam, he didn’t do much about it.

“Jess, why are you not we-aring your dr-e-ss?” she stuttered.

I slowly slid it on, eyeing Sam carefully.

“Georgie, why aren’t you…” she cut him off, growing some red in her cheeks.

“What were you guys doing?!” finally her shocked self turned into aftermath.

“It’s not what you think…” Sam said, waving his hands in front of his chest.

I meant shirtless chest. Which pretty much means simply chest.

I don’t wanna talk about this anymore so let’s just go to the later part, after all this craziness. Please, will you guys let me? Thank you.

So after the whole craziness, this is what came through from it.
Walking to the drama room, through the empty halls I felt alone. Completely alone, well, no one was in the halls but still,

I didn’t feel that alone, just alone inside.
Pushing through the drama doors, I saw nothing, nothing at all. It was pitch black. Now, why would my set be pitch black? I need to get this movie done.

Mrs. Franklin won’t like it that Romeo and Juliet doesn’t get on camera today.
That when I heard a rustle. My heart skipping a beat I swiveled around, noticing the door was shut. That’s when the lights started to flicker.

I started to step backwards, bumping into the metal doors sending an echoing thud through the room. I felt sweat trickle down my neck and my stomach making me feel as if I were going to throw up.

“Don’t be scared…” a familiar British voice said.

My heart stopped the fast beating and went back to normal.
I’m so not scared of Wally.

“I’m not,” I spit out to the invisible Wally.

“Ha, Jessica Alexandra Fuller…” he chuckled.

“How do you know my full name?” I asked, holding onto the door knob as tight as I can.

“I’m tracking you down…” he sounded closer.

I gulped, “Why…?”

Now, that was scary. Why was he tracking me down?! Why in the hell would he do that? No wonder I felt scared and alone today. No, that’s not it, but I was scared.

He chuckled, mockingly as I was covered in layers of sweat.

“Oh Jessica, your mother did something very bad by letting her prodigy, your boyfriend…” I just had to cut him off there.

“He’s not my boyfriend.” I said fast.

“Oh, so you broke up already, hmm, that’s what I thought. You’re too weak for a spy like him. But anyway, it was bad that she let him go through that. It just made my job, hmm, worse, harder? And, she should’ve known that I was going to grab that disk back.” His explanation was mocking.

“What disk…?” I asked in surprise.

Okay, the list I knew about, they stole the gold but what is it with this disk?

“Hey, why are you torturing me if you’re after my mom?”

“Because that would be too hard…”

“Mhm, sure. You just want to take the hard way and go through all of us which will take forever and then when you get to her it’ll be too late, idiot brit.” I said the last part under my breath.

But it was the truth. I shouldn’t give him any ideas, but come one. It was just that obvious all these suspects do the same mistake, it does get boring. They’re just scared of the person! Because the person –hero would beat them up in a second. Oh, no duh. And we would just give up on the spot telling him/her where the item or hero is, it just gives them strength. Bleh, it’s way too complicated.

“What did you just say young lady?” he said, sounding much closer.

He could just kill me in the dark I mean I can’t see anything; well he can’t either but still. Wouldn’t you be scared to be in the same room, seeing nothing with a criminal that could kill me, I mean you? Yes, you would.

“Uh, nothing…” I shivered.

“Hmm, silence.” He said sharply.

“Wally, can you please leave me alo-,” I couldn’t finish.

Someone rammed through the theater’s back doors and a bright light came into the room. I covered my eyes, because they burned from the light.

“Found you,” Harry said.

Now, I could see everything. Wally stood right next to me, holding a gun. I gulped in shock that he didn’t even bother to use it. Oh, he was one of those smart ones. I mean why would you use it, then you would never find out where this certain thing is. But sometimes the person won’t tell so he or she is useless. Oh whatever, you do still need them.

“Welcome to the tea party Harry Potter,” he mocked his own nature.

“Hello Wally,” he walked up to us.

I felt the same things, heart beating faster stomach flipping like crazy. But I bet most of it is from the fright of Wally’s gun. His brown eyes looked at me, filled with lust.

He stood in front of me, normal attire of a black T-shirt and plain old jeans.

“Put away the weapons, we don’t need them,” he sighed.

Wally shook his head but put it away on the seat next to him.

“Thank you, are you speechless today?” Harry mocked.

“No Mr. Hertz, now, give me the disk.” He spit at him.

What the hell? What fricken’ disk?!

“What disk?” I asked, obviously not wanted in the conversation.

“The one your boyfrie- I mean ex boyfriend stole with your mother,”

“We didn’t steal it, you stole it and we gave it back to the FBI’s files.” Harry hissed.

I pushed the door slightly open, hearing the students blabbing. Freedom is right out there, I’ll just go. No, I gotta protect my mom.

I shut it.

“Hey guys, look. He gave the disk where it’s supposed to go and you should go to your master and find another case, they quit this secret spy thing.” I lied.

Wally looked at me with surprise, “But they still did it and I need payback.”

“You mean revenge brit.” I said sharply into his ugly face.

“Yes, that’s what I meant.”

Harry seemed to understand what I was doing so he followed along.

“We did quit Wally,”

“Then how’d you know I was here?”

“Jessa texted me,” he looked at me and I almost fainted.

“But I didn’t see any light,” Wally said.

“I hid it…” I finished this weird go on.

Wally put on a straight face and looked down at the red carpeted ground in sorrow.

“Mhm, then this is not your case anymore and neither is it mine…” Wally sighed.

“That’s right, I’m sorry,” Harry lied along.

I leaned against the door, waiting for him to leave.

“I guess I’ll be headed to my next mission then, so who did you hand your missions to?”

The math between them is like this, just to help you understand. They are against each other; when they started their bosses’ set them up with each other to watch. Whatever the other did, the other watched. It’s like they were enemies from birth. They have each other to watch to not do bad in their own terms.

“I can’t tell you, that’s classified.” Harry said.

“My boss’ll tell me, you always need a replacement, crazy.” Wally said.

“Mhm, well go on doing bad, I can’t stop you anymore.”

Wally waved and walked down the room, hitting all the steps with a light thump. That’s weird, don’t they hate each other or is that just for show? No, they do hate each other, they have to.

“Don’t you guys hate each other?” I asked.

“Yes, why do you ask?” he looked down at his Puma sneakers.

“Because he waved at you and you guys didn’t even beat each other up…”

“Well, when we’re off work, we act normal. Our normal, we don’t hate each other. He hates his job personally but this is the only way his family survives this job crisis…” he explained.

“Oh,” I sighed.

“Yeah,” Harry said.

I drew my foot over the carpet, making and invisible half circle in boredom.
Does Harry still het me, from that night?

“Harry,” I looked up, catching him texting away on his phone with a smile on his face.

What’s that?

“Yeah,” he asked, looking up for just a brief second.

“Do you hate me?” my stomach burned from worry.

“Why would I hate you?” he asked.

He put his cell phone away, looking at me in shock. Wow, he doesn’t remember?

“From that night…” I shouldn’t remind him, I mean he’s not mad at me anymore.

“Oh Jessa, you told me that it was a mistake, its okay, now I gotta go.” He smiled.

“Where?” I asked.

“Uh, to the gym,” he waved at me.

His steps followed every beat of my heart, holding my breath. I let it go where he shut the door behind him, setting this room in complete darkness again.

I’m alone. Yet again.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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1503 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 156589
Reviews: 1503
Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:55 pm
IcyFlame says...

Although some of the action in this is good you go through it way too fast. The only time you did the scene any justice was when Sam and Jessa were together. Other than that it's too rushed as if you're impatient to tell us something that never comes.
The prank with Harry? That was a little pathetic if I'm honest. You needed to drag it out much, much more. Otherwise it seems pretty pointless.
You have such great ideas in your head it seems a shame you can't get the words out in the right way. Keep trying, and it'll get there soon enough :)

'Hush, hush!' I whispered; 'people can have many cousins and of all sorts, Miss Cathy, without being any the worse for it; only they needn't keep their company, if they be disagreeable and bad.
— Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights