
Young Writers Society

I Hate Him *13*

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Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:34 pm
Nike says...

Chapter 13

The Payback Is On.

For all those times he, pranked me, made fun of me, almost killed me from embarrassment. This is payback, I mean, I’ve always hit him right back with a prank but not as good as the ones he hit me with. Now is time for some real dirt.

Walking into the school, in perfect step with Sam and Georgie. We were headed to our lockers. I got to mine, pushing through the perfumed students.
Opening my locker, I pulled out all the essential items I needed for this foul proof plan.

Let’s just keep this part secret, alright? I just won’t tell you what’s going to happen next, I mean what’s going to happen now…

Today was the drama plays day, so really there were no classes. It was a school tradition that one specific day will be covered by art. So the day is today.

A couple minutes later, actually, an hour later we ran out of the janitor’s closet, ready for action.
We got Georgie in a black wig, long purple skirt, and light green blouse with peace sign on it. She was just simply dressed like a hippy; she even had bangles down her arm and Ozzy Osbourne glasses.

Sam, oh Sam and I were acting… a couple. It was perfect. The problem with Harry is that he says that he ‘loves me’. Please, if he would then he wouldn’t have broken up with me, right? But anyway, this is the way to get proof. The bad thing is, Sam kissed me that night so I don’t know if there’s something roaming between us. I hope not, we’ve forgotten about it… I think. So this really feels like a friend thing between us, he didn’t even react badly to this.

“Ready Georgie?” I whispered to her long locks.

She simply nodded with a short smile. Sneakers squeaked as we headed toward the gym. That’s where he played basketball; he had practice today since tomorrow is the big game.

No one was in the halls, except for a couple of people just roaming around.
Once we reached the gym, the plan was about to start.

“Okay, we’ve got this whole thing worked out?” I asked in a stage whisper.

“Mhm,” Georgie replied.

“Let’s go over it before we actually start…” Sam suggested.


I looked into his eyes, feeling something burn in me.

“You,” I pointed at Georgie, “…you are going to step in there and head up to the coach, he might just be standing in the side line,” I looked out the window that was in the door. Yeah he was standing on the side.

“You see?” I pointed through the window, bending down once again. She nodded, shaking her hair a bit.

“Alright, when you get to him, ask for Harry Hertz. When you do that…”

She cut my words off, “…I’ll tell him that he’s late for the play rehearsal which will completely embarrass him since no basketball player is an actor as well like on High School Musical. God, who knew that that great childhood movie could be an embarrassment?!”

I chuckled a bit, as they followed along. “You will be the drama teacher’s assistant, she truly doesn’t have one, but no one knows that, now right? Anyway he will believe you since you are the assistant and all, when you guys blast out of these doors, I’ll be pretending to be a couple with Sam right over there…” I pointed by the lockers next to us.

“Great, let’s go!” Sam said, jumping up from the huddle.

I smiled at Georgie, sending her luck. Dimples popped on her cheeks as we went to our spots. Doors screeched, gray as metal. She walked in, letting the squeaks of sneakers run through our little ears.

Looking at Sam, I felt a tremble run down me. God, how are we gonna do this?
He smiled, cockily. It made me chuckle a bit looking down at my feet. I felt him get closer to me, looking up I saw him so close. He was as close as the time we kissed. That made a flur of memories burst in my head.

Shaking my memory, I smiled at him.


I nodded. Even though Georgie wasn’t here yet, we had to be ready just in case.

The doors flew open with an outraged Harry. I flung myself at Sam, kissing him. Startled, he backed a little but didn’t even let go of me. All I felt were his hands run down my back.

The dang memories came back, reminding me of the kiss. But, this one was different, it was bogus. At the same time, it felt real… again.

Hearing a small gasp, I let go of him but still was in a small hug. The gasp did not come from Harry, it came from Georgie.

Her jaw was dropped, eyes wide. Harry, he looked… I couldn’t even tell anymore.
I motioned my hand in a circle at Georgie, signaling that this was a part of the prank, but I still had a smile plastered on my pale face.

Still in shock, she half smiled. Georgie was playing a hippy, not herself so she had to snap out of anything that was Georgie and snap into Hippy.

“Uh, um, Mr. Hertz, we must go now!” she coughed out.

The guilt filed me up, to the tip of my dumb brain. I forgot, she likes Sam. Crap. But it was an instant, stupid thing! It meant nothing at all, it was for the prank! But it could’ve been too far…

She pulled his arm, leading him down the hall and to the drama room.

“Let me go you freak hippy!” he protested, pulling his arm away.

Jaw dropped, she acted outraged. “How could you talk like that to your own drama instructor!?”

Even though the prank was supposed to be over by now, she had to make him think that this is still real; I mean come on is she just going to rip off her wig right in front of him or just simply walk away leaving him in the dark? No.

“You are not my drama instructor! How much ganja did you take today…?” he asked.

“Wait, I don’t even take drama and I’ve never seen you before! Who are you anyway?”

He placed his hands on his hips, obviously still wearing his basketball uniform.

“The drama instructor’s assistant, that’s why you don’t see me so much…” she explained, in a stage whisper.

“But if you are the assistant, you should be here all the time.”

She flipped her hair over her shoulder, licking her lips.

“…well, the difference is that I work-k at a different school as well, and I can’t always be here.” She said, stuttering in between.

Good cover George.

“Well, you should be,” he was peeling her back. God, how can we stop… I got it.

I pulled Sam closer to me, whispering in his ear and ramming the locker door with my arm. Harry’s eyes automatically darted at us as I acted out the cute couple.

“Just follow my lead, we need him to stop pining Georgie,” I whispered.

“So we’re doing the couple thing now?”


He pulled back, shocking me in return. We were doing this for the prank! Why is he… oh… never mind.
His hand took mine and he led me down the hall, ‘whispering’ in my ear, he really was blabbing about this science project of his. I smiled, stupidly like I’m dumb in love.

I still looked ahead of me, seeing that Harry was staring. At me. It felt like fingers were pointed directly at me as if I was a criminal.

I never did this kind of crap or stuff. This wasn’t me. Oh, yes it was! I had no other choice but to.
My mind boggled. I felt like apologizing, begging for Harry’s forgiveness. His face was expressionless, but his eyes, I could finally read them, were sad. Tears glistened in the fluorescent lighting. God, I hurt him. Well, that’s the point… right?

The fake smile, that shaped my face faded. I failed at my role. Why do I do this to myself, why?!

There was a huge bolt of fast thumping going on in my chest, but I thought that I lost my heart already.

“Uh, Harry, I guess that I’m going to have to cut you off the show!” Georgie cut the awkward interaction off.
God, the problem is that, when we kissed the guilt didn’t really flow in me as much as this. Just walking by him, with another guy finished me altogether.

I leaned my head on Sam’s shoulder as we walked through the library doors. Harry couldn’t see us anymore so I let him go, feeling my hand grow colder.

“Wow, what happened out there?” he asked, shaking his head.

“I have no idea…” I sighed.

This is just the start of a great prank… the prank of the century.

We sat down at the nearest table in the library. A couple of people roamed around, reading the stupid ‘Twilight’ series. Giggling, they flipped the pages of a dumb Vampire novel.

“Harry must be worked up by now, huh?” Sam said, smile all over his face.

“Yeah, did you see his face?! It was priceless!” I said, feeling my stomach churn.

His blue eyes pulled me in like, Facebook to a teenager. Just like that, I was finished.

“Sam, is it okay that I use you like this? I mean we…” I shut myself up.

We were to never speak of that again. It was never supposed to happen. It happened, but not in our minds anymore.

“I mean we…?” he asked, question all over his face.

Cheeks turning red, I tried to place some words into my mouth.

“…are best friends. It’s awkward to go around and date like that, right?” I chuckled a bit to cover my awkwardness.

God, I just ruined everything.
His straight face turned into a cocky smile. Fheww.

“This is a fake date…? You know that we’re doing this for a prank.” He did look a bit hurt as my heart crushed from nowhere.

“Yeah, I do.” I looked down at my pale hands.

Nothing to say, just silence. Not so pleasant silence, but silence.

I got it.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:46 pm
IcyFlame says...

This is good too, but you still need to organise your thoughts a little better. Some of your thoughts are a little hard to follow and it's difficult to keep concentrating.
Nike wrote:Let’s just keep this part secret, alright? I just won’t tell you what’s going to happen next, I mean what’s going to happen now…

This for example is totally not needed. She's telling her story solely to the reader and doesn't need to tell us to keep it a secret. Keep improving your technique. Scouring the forums on this site is a particularly good way to learn. It's certainly helped me out a lot!

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life's realities.
— Dr. Seuss