
Young Writers Society

I Hate Him *12*

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Sat Feb 26, 2011 1:31 am
Nike says...

Chapter 12

Finally, no more friendship problems, stress. Harry is completely out of my hair since I joined this play. This is the best time of my life, well, teenage life that is.

A huge black camera, standing on a camera stand, was right in front of me as I dotted some notes onto my script. The two leading roles stood in front of us, the camera crew.

“Right, Kaylet, I would love it if you stood much closer to Daniel and show more affection. I’m not getting any from you,” I told the blonde in front of me.

She smiled and did as I commanded. God, life is great when you’re director. My first movie that’s a play movie on a way! WOW!

Her fancy long pink dress slid against the grass covered stage as she walked up closer to Daniel. He put on a cocky smile and she blushed.


I don’t need love in my life right now. I mean it is their life but I’m kind of mixed into it with this amazing director’s role. They should not be having any romance at this moment!

“Good job,” I popped my thumb up.

My partner started counting down, fingers folding into his palm. We had our headphones on as the boom microphones were above our lead roles.

We played Taylor Swift’s Love Song through the speakers as they did the first meet scene. “Juliet” stood at the fruit stand as “Romeo” was watching her from the small café from across the street…

I heard someone open the door and I jumped. I turned around, taking off my headphones. Georgie ran up to me, mascara running down her face, hair poofed up in many directions.


“Um, cut. Everyone take five,” I added.

She was panting.

“What’s going on?” my heart sped up by one hundred miles.

“Sam, he, he just got in a fight…”

I stood up from my director’s seat and took in her black dress. Gosh, she dresses like a princess for school on Fridays’, I almost forgot.

“With who…?” I asked, stomach burning.

“H-Harry,” she looked down at the ground, stuttering.

My heart stopped completely for just a small second. It bounced back to life but I felt really dizzy as if I just was spinning for the past hour. Georgie caught me before I could fall, since I lost my balance from the dizziness.

My eyes were slowly shutting, but I got them to stay open.
How could Sam get in a fight? Especially with… Harry…? How could this happen, and why?! Or am I just so stupid to not even notice why and I could’ve stopped it earlier. No, I’m not that stupid, no one knew that this was coming; no one could have at least.


“Can you stop them somehow…?” Georgie’s voice was a surprise to me.

I blinked, “Why me, can’t you stop ‘em…?”

She shook her head, hair falling on my face. I spit her hair out of my mouth and pushed past her body, ramming through
the black doors. People were chanting “Fight” from a far distance from here, but, it could still be heard.

My heart, the one that broke, the one that beat faster than anyone else’s, burned. It burned from fear, complete and utter fear.

I took a deep breath as I speed walked down the eerie hall. I don’t know why it felt like that, but it did. Chills were sent down my whole body.

The lights flickered and I jumped with a small yelp. I shook my head slightly and headed straight as the sound of a fight got closer and louder. I started to run and headed to my left.


There it is.

I came to a halt. My heart got back to it’s super fast heart beating when I saw it. Harry was on the ground, nose bleeding. Sam was on top of him, punching him silly.

How could a spy lose like that?! Unless he’s a spy too! No that’s impossible, then he would know that Harry’s a spy.

The beater had no mark on him at all. Only his mouth was slightly bleeding, that’s all.
I ran up to them, pushing through the cheering crowd.

“Fight Fight Fight! Sam Sam Sam!” They called.

“Excuse me,” I said, but no one listened, so I pushed harder.

But the crowd pushed against me in anger and I fell to the marble floors, luckily not hitting my head. I landed on my stomach and saw Harry’s face. I was only a couple feet away.

My heart stutterd when I saw his eyes shut. I crawled up to them, swirming through the people’s legs. I finally reached them and a huge empty circle formed them, like a barrier that no one could go past.

“Sam!” I yelled.

His fist was in mid hit when he saw me.

“Leave him alone!” I begged crawling to Harry.

I touched his tan blood covered face. It was hot, but at the same time cold.

“He started it!” Sam protested.

I looked at him, “Tell me what happened,” I demanded sharply.

“Ask him!”

“I would if he were conscious!”

Then I looked back at Harry, touching his face in worry.

“Harry, Harry wake up.” I begged.

I shook him a bit but he wouldn’t budge. Tear started to cover my vision and my heart was about to pop out of my small chest.
His eyes started to blink and he took a deep breath. I blew out air that I was somehow holding in. The tears rolled down and I hugged him, tightly.

“Oh my God, you’re okay.” I let my tears run.

His arms held me tighter and I felt his warm chest beat ten times faster. Is that my fault? My heart lifted when I saw his shy smile shape his face.

I lifted myself up, looking at Sam.

“I can’t believe that you did that. Sam, I don’t know you anymore.” I hissed.

He looked really hurt, eyes shut and he took many deep breaths. He turned on his heel and I didn’t even bother to stop him, even though it hurt my heart.

I looked back at bloody Harry.
God, what happened?

Harry was lying in Nurse Sheppard’s office; I stood next to the leather bed, watching her every move. She handed me a rag to tap Harry’s cut on his forehead.

“Hey,” he said with a goofy smile.

“Hey,” I repeated.

Déjà vu much?

My heart thumped faster when I noticed smile on his face. Something flowed between us, something that I don’t know. It was such a warm, crazy feeling.
He chuckled, blushing.

“What…?” I asked my stomach flipping.

“I never thought that you would even bother to talk to me, after what happened.” He looked into my blue eyes.

My heart stuttered once again out nowhere. What’s going on with me?

“Harry…” I asked.

“Mhm,” he asked.

“Why did you let Sam beat you up?” I tapped his cut.

He shifted, “What do you mean by that?”

I chuckled, letting out the breath that I was holding.

“I don’t believe that a spy got beaten up by a nerd…”

“So, you’re calling your friend a nerd?”

“In a good way!”

He sighed, deeply. The cut still bled just a bit so I kept the damp rag against it. He cringed in pain, but didn’t move a bit.

“He did beat me up…” he lied through those beautiful teeth.

“No, I don’t believe it!” I protested, flaring my hands in the air.

I saw him grab my hand, delicately. My heart sped up by five hundred miles, about to blast out of my chest like a rocket blasting through the air.

“… I didn’t let him beat me up, he did it himself.” He sighed.

“Harry, if you lie to me again…” I felt something burn in my chest, taking a deep breath, “…you don’t know what I’ll do to you,” I hissed.

“Fine,” he turned his head around, but met my eyes again, “I let him beat me up…”

“Then why’d you lie to me?!” I started to tap his cut again.

“I didn’t want you to think that I always win, I wanted you to believe that I…I just am weak without you.” He explained

I let my stiff self loose up, feeling my stomach burn at the seams. My heart slowed down, but it jumped from shock.
Was this true?

“What…?” I barely said.

What is he saying?!

“Ha,” He chuckled lightly, “You don’t believe me…”

Of course I don’t! Why would I believe you if you didn’t trust me? If you broke my heart? If you pranked and disliked me all your life!? Oh my God, I’m just thinking this, aren’t I? Sometimes when you think, you talk out loud, but this time it’s not working like I’ve planned. Oh well, that’s better then, he doesn’t need to know what I think, I bet he sees what I think from the horrible reaction on my face. Great.

“Uh, of course I don’t,”

The smile that was permanently tapped onto his mouth faded in an instant.

“Why not…?” he asked, with a sigh.

“Harry,” I let the rag drop onto his chest.

His eyes looked so truthful, and really sad. They shined in the fluorescent lit room.

“How can I believe you after you didn’t trust me? How can I believe you if you always love to win? How can I believe you if, if, I never really heard one true thing come out of your mouth.”

He lifted up a little, leaning on his elbows. “What are you saying?! I never lied to you!”

I rolled my eyes in disbelief, he never lied? Please, lying is his middle name.

“Really? You never lied?!” I chuckled, “…that is a lie Harry,”

“No it’s no…” that’s when he cut himself off, lost in thought.

His fingers travelled to my hand, sending a thrust of tingles down my arm. I slightly jumped.

“Fine, I did lie a lot. But that was when I hated you, and loved you…”

“You lied to me when we were dating?!” I pulled my hand away abruptly.

“No! When you didn’t know that I loved you…” he sighed, staring straight into my blues’.

“But still! Did you lie to me?”

He rolled those brownie eyes, “You just asked that and I said ‘no’, I would never lie to you…”

“But you did,” I cut him off.

His cut wasn’t bleeding anymore. It was just a tiny slit in his forehead. But, sadly, it still disgusted me since there was a ton of blood on the grey rag in my hand.

“Uh, Jessa, everyone lies or else we wouldn’t live. We only live by lying and you of all people know that…”

“What…?” I asked, outraged.

I, of all people know that?!

His sly smile popped up, showing his funny side of this situation. That pissed me off sending my heart on a rapid race.

“Well, you are a liar yourself, now, don’t be lying to your ex boyfriend here.”

“I should be lying to my ex boyfriend here.” I said, strictly.

He rolled those brown eyes, the ones that used to beg for my love. I for one almost vomited. A chuckle rolled out of my sly smile, waiting for his pity response.

He licked his lips, offended. “Wow, you have the guts Jessa Fuller,” he admitted.

“Yes, yes I do Harry Hertz, yes I do.” I replied gladly.

That’s what I call payback. That ass will get a piece of me. And it will be a really big one.
“There is no need to call me Sir, Professor.”

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213 Reviews

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Reviews: 213
Sun Feb 27, 2011 6:38 am
SporkPunk says...

Hey there Nike! Sporky here for a review. :] I know I haven't read the other parts but I think you deserve a review.

So, for grammar things, I didn't see much. Maybe a misplaced comma or a misspelled word, nothing major. My recommendation is just to proofread a little more closely to make sure those teeny typos are eliminated as well as possible. I like the tension present here, it definitely makes it more readable. I rather enjoyed this. Though, I think Jessa's constant description of her heart rate is repetitive, and a little awkward. Other than that, I didn't find anything to nitpick.

Keep on truckin'!

Grasped by the throat, grasped by the throat. That's how I feel about love. That it's not worth it.

REVIEWS FOR YOU | | Uprising (coming soon!)

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Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:35 pm
IcyFlame says...

This was actually quite a bit better! I'm beginning to like Jessa, although this should be the feeling I'm having by chapter three or so. But as they say: better late than never. I'm starting to wonder how long the book will go on but that isn't really important now. I'm gradually catching up.
On a technical note, I'm not overly fond of the title. It doesn't really scream 'interesting' and suggests what I was feeling about Jessa at the start of the book (grumpy, overly excitable teenager with countless mood swings). Now, at least, her moods are starting to even out and I think your gaining more control over what you're writing. The one thing you need to kick is this list format - it's very tiresome.
Keep trying!

Doors are for people with no imagination.
— Skulduggery Pleasant