
Young Writers Society

Scars: Part 1

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:12 am
Tommybear says...

The hanger dug into my hand as I lumbered through the aisles carrying my suit bag. I looked around for an empty row. I didn’t want to sit next to people. Rather, I wanted to be the first into the row. It was always awkward for the next people to come trying to sit and get the awkward hellos and may-I-sit-heres.

Finding a free row in the back half of the plane, I sat there with my eyes closed until a girl came to my row. “May I sit beside you?” Her smile was excellent. Her lips were wonderful. Her eyes shined like… what am I saying. “Yeah, sure.” I said, smiling while patting the seat next to me. “I’m sorry that seems a little weird patting the seat to a stranger.”

Laughing she shrugged it aside, “It actually made me feel at home. My dad always did that when I’d ask to watch TV with him on his bed. Wow that was extremely personal. I don’t know why I said that.”

My heart pained, flashing back to a time when I had last heard that. Scars never heal. Shrugging it off, I put on a nice façade and smiled at her. “Well anything to make a girl feel safe.”

She seemed surprised by my response. Tilting her head and bending one knee in a little “small-town-girlish” way she said, “Aw, that’s sweet. I’m Jackie.”

Reaching out my hand, “I’m Tomas. Nice to meet you.” She shook it. Her hands were nice and warm. Even more awkwardly described as comfortable.

“You too, Tomas.” She put her pink bag into the overhead bin and sat down beside me. Looking around, there were many seats left. She chose to sit next to me. Maybe I have a chance with this girl? Four hours to make it or break it.

Fifteen minutes later, after our initial conversation had died, a large man wobbled through the seats toward the back of the plane. Craning my neck and seeing the only open seat was next to us, I motioned to Jackie. “He is going to sit there.” Gesturing to the seat beside her I said, “Ill take the bullet. Take my seat.”

She mouthed a long “Thank You” and we swapped. A moment later, the large man asked, “hey buddy, can I sit here?” His Brooklyn accent said so much about him.

“Absolutely. The name’s Tomas.” We shook hands. “Friends call me Rich.” He sunk into his seat heavily, only pausing from his slumber to use the restroom mid-flight.

I don’t mind people touching me. However, this man was more like sitting on top of me. I would never make fun of a person for their weight but this was getting ridiculously uncomfortable. I put my legs as close together as I could, barely fitting within the confines of my seat, despite Rich’s lack of attention towards the boundary rules of etiquette.

“Here, Tom.” Jackie said. She pushed her carry-on underneath the seat in front of her, lifted up the armrest in between us, and pulled my legs over closer to her. To my delight, we were practically snuggling now. “That better?” Jackie asked.

“Loads.” I said, smiling. Our faces weren’t far apart. If she had been my girlfriend at the time I would have kissed her, it being an opportune moment.

She reached up and grabbed the air conditioning and turned it down a notch. “It’s pretty chilly in here. Would you like to share a blanket with me?” She looked around for the stewardess, thinking of buying one on the plane.

“I would love to. In fact, . . .” I reached down into my bag and pulled out a dark blue fleece blanket. “Softer than a cloud my sister said.”

“I can’t quite put my finger on you, Tomas. You’re very… unique.” She squinted her eyes in a playful way; not to detective-like, but I’d play along.

“Is that a good thing? I can’t tell with the whole Sherlock Holmes thing you got going on there.” I laughed and gestured toward her interrogative expression.

“Well, I like you Tomas. You’re so comfortable to be around. One of the first things I said to you was a personal story. That’s never happened to me before. I’ve always been so locked down, . . . but not with you.” She laid her head on my shoulder and snuggled up. She fell asleep for about an hour, leaving me alone with my thoughts.


The last time a woman told me she was so comfortable around me, it ended in disaster. Granted it took a year and a half to get to that point, but comfy does not get a girlfriend. Comfy becomes a boy toy, a best friend that learns all the secrets but never gets what he wants. He will suffer for months at a time with out speaking up. He will watch chick flicks, paint nails, talk about other boys with her but will never be in consideration for boy friend material… Or worse, maybe that was just my experience.

Maybe other boys out there are good looking enough to never have that problem. Maybe I am not attractive to any woman out there and maybe I can only get as far as being a best friend and I should never have opened my fat trap and ruined everything in a single sentence… A sentence that goes a little like, “But I do like you.”

Then the girl will leave. She will be crying because you lied to her for months while her family and her friends told her that you had feelings for her and when she confronted you, you said you did not because that is the answer she wanted to here. That is the answer that she needed. Since you are always morphing into the person or thing that she needs, you turn right back into the best friend until one day the pain is too much. One day you decide to stand up for yourself and tell her that you love her.

And since you had been there through multiple boy friends breaking her heart you think that she will stay with you. And since you had been there through all the secrets, through all the misdeeds, through every pain, tear or dilemma you think that she would never break your heart.

And then she turns around and walks away.

And you are left standing there in the hallway, a few tears staining your cheeks. But maybe, that was just my experience. Maybe some lucky bastard is telling a girl right now that he loves her and she hugs him and they kiss for the first time and they grow up and get married.

But for those of us who get our hearts broken after leaving ourselves vulnerable because you convinced yourself that the girl may just maybe loves you back, I know your pain. Unrequited love is the snake that is freezing to death and begs you to help it up the hill into sunlight. As soon as you pick it up, it bites you saying, “You knew I’d bite you, so why’d you do it?” It’s because you are the better person. It is because you desire to help. It is because you cannot take seeing people you care about suffer and cry, especially if you’re to blame for those precious tears.

One day you’ll hit a wall. One day that girl or boy you long for will do something that will hurt you so badly that you must speak up. My experience was at a birthday party. This young lady asked me to drive, she being a terrible driver (even though when asked or accused by others of being bad, I’d defend her at the time) I politely drove us. On our way, she turns to me and says, “Hey, so I’m going to say you’re my cousin okay?” She had been getting asked at school if we were dating because we were always together. I quickly said, “No! absolutely not. That’s not okay.” It hurt me a lot.

Think about the woman you think you love telling you she’s going to tell people you’re her cousin because she doesn’t want them thinking that she’d date a guy who looks like you. That’s what she said to me later as the reason. I thought the deal was settled.

We walked into the bowling alley and met the party attendees, we were late and weren’t staying long. She goes up to her friend, who I’ve never met and says, “This is Tomas, my cousin…” I just looked at her in awe. I remember thinking to myself, “Does she really care this little about me or my feelings that she’d be that selfish?” Of course the answer to that was a resounding yes. That is probably when I began to wake up.

What hurts the most is that I had invested so many secrets, so much time, so much money on such a waste of a person. She was bitter, manipulative, and angry. Every time she came through for me I was surprised and wanted to jump right back on her band wagon. Every time she hurt me or did something mean, I ignored it, made excuses for her, or decided it must have been my fault and then punished myself for it.

This was the first girl I ever tried getting.

The first time we hung out alone, I invited her over to watch movies. I had on nice, dark jeans, a black sweater and a white collared shirt underneath. I had NEVER dressed up for anything (other than weekly church) let alone for a girl. She came in and said, “Tomas you look hot! Why don’t you wear anything like this to school!” That may have started it all.

Over the next year and a half we were inseparable. Guys made fun of me for how dedicated I was to her. Her family suspected everything, but I didn’t care. I cared enough for this girl to take all the punishment I had to; little did I know that the worst punishment would be from me. Here I am, nine years later, on a plane with a beautiful woman sleeping on my arm, and all I can think about is that girl.

Scars never heal.


The plane bounced along over the turbulence. The rocking side-to-side and sudden jerking motions sent people, luggage and beverages bouncing all over. Jackie’s coke blundered its way onto my lap, jarring me from my bitter thoughts.

“Oh no I’m so sorry, Tomas." She said ringing her call button to get napkins.

"Don't fret Jax. It's not a big deal." I realized what I said too late.

"Jax?" She paused. "My brother called me Jax."

"I-I-I'm sorry Jackie, I didn't mean to call you that. I knew a Jackie, and I always called her Jax. It slipped." I was stammering. It's a rare moment for me but when it happens, you can be sure it is for a reason.

"No, Tom you misunderstand. Reminding me of my brother is a wonderful thing. Not something I take lightly either." She looked down at her hands and rubbed her jeans, a little awkwardly. She was starting to get emotional.

"Jackie, I. . ." I started, trying to cover up my fault.

"You rang miss?" The steward came to our row with his large cart. "Sir did you hurt this woman?" He asked, seeing her trying to hide her tears.

"No no no, sir. Do you have napkins? I spilled my drink on his lap, or rather the plane did." Jackie came to the rescue.

"I'm sorry sir. It had just looked bad. Forgive me." His thick German accent made him sound much more apologetic than he was.

"Of course. No harm done." I smiled at him as he scooted his cart back to the rear of the plane.
Last edited by Tommybear on Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Formerly TmB317

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:37 pm
dylanray96 says...

Hey there! Nice piece buddy!
Okay, so, I'm not good with grammar mistakes or advice so I'll only tell you my p-o-v.
So, the story caught my attention after reading the second paragraph-the Jackie came and sat beside Thomas part.
I like how you write about Tomas's own thoughts, after Jackie fell asleep.
One day you’ll hit a wall. One day that girl or boy you long for will do something that will hurt you so badly that you must speak up. My experience was at a birthday party. This young lady asked me to drive, she being a terrible driver (even though when asked or accused by others of being bad, I’d defend her at the time) I politely drove us. On our way, she turns to me and says, “Hey, so I’m going to say you’re my cousin okay?” She had been getting asked at school if we were dating because we were always together. I quickly said, “No! absolutely not. That’s not okay.” It hurt me a lot.

That actually is kinda funny. (Well, of course, maybe only to me, because it's my p-o-v, :P)
If you don't mind me asking, is this kinda like, your personal experience? Because I think it is. Sorry if I offended you. :)
Scars never heal.

Well, keep writing chapter 4~ Hope to see more!!!
Dylan Ray

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Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:05 pm
pudin.junidf says...

Hey Tommy!
Well first of all, I have to say that this is really a nice story, especially because you can relate to it. It doesn't matter if you are a girl or a boy, situations like the one you describe tend to happen a lot. And that's what I liked about your story that it was easy to understand and relate to. There are some things that can be improved here so I hope I help.

Her smile was excellent. Her lips were wonderful. Her eyes shined like… what am I saying. “Yeah, sure.” I said, smiling while patting the seat next to me. “I’m sorry that seems a little weird patting the seat to a stranger.”

This description is alright but a little vague, try describing the girl so we can imagine her a little more and get a clear picture of what she was like. And describe to us or show us what was his reaction when he saw her.

He will watch chick flicks, paint nails, talk about other boys with her but will never be in consideration for boy friend material… Or worse, maybe that was just my experience.

In here you should have placed a period after worse, because the next phrase has an idea of it's own and the whole thing would sound better if the two sentences were separated by a stronger pause.

But for those of us who get our hearts broken after leaving ourselves vulnerable because you convinced yourself that the girl may just maybe loves you back, I know your pain

In here, you need to get rid of the "may" or the "maybe" they are after all expressing the same idea of a possibility of being loved back. I would recommend you stay with the may and drop out the maybe. Also, if you drop out the maybe, change the verb to "love" instead of "loves".

This young lady asked me to drive, she being a terrible driver (even though when asked or accused by others of being bad, I’d defend her at the time) I politely drove us

You should put a period after the last parenthesis.

On our way, she turns to me and says, “Hey, so I’m going to say you’re my cousin okay?”

Something you need to be very careful of, are the verb tenses. If you check your paragraph you would notice that you were using past tense instead of present, and in the sentence above you changed your tense to present. So be careful with that, it would be better if you said "She turned to me and said."

Think about the woman you think you love telling you she’s going to tell people you’re her cousin because she doesn’t want them thinking that she’d date a guy who looks like you

Sentences this long tend to bore the reader and are not so easy to read because they are so long, so I recommend you to break up the sentences and make it easier to read and understand

We walked into the bowling alley and met the party attendees, we were late and weren’t staying long. She goes up to her friend, who I’ve never met and says, “This is Tomas, my cousin…”

Again the verb tenses Tommy, the verb tenses. Remember, if you began with past, stick with past until you finish the whole thing, don't change the the tenses at the middle of the paragraph or at the middle of the story because this tends to confuse the reader.

As a general overview, I liked the story because as I said at the beginning, one can relate to it. But it just bugs me that I don't know what the second part of the story was. In there, you started talking about Tom's personal experience, and you changed the person many times, you started with first person, then third, then second and back to first person. Be very careful with this because sometimes it might get confusing. Another thing about that part is if those are his thoughts or what? Because if so, then you should put it in italics or make a difference (not just the asterisks) from the rest of the story. In some places even, it sounded a bit like a rant, so try to make it sound a little different.

As for the dialogue, some parts were a little cliche to me, it even seemed to me as if I had seen them before in some romantic comedy or something. Don't get me wrong I liked it, just try making it a bit more original. What I liked of your dialogue though, was that it helped with your characterization, because you showed us the way Jackie spoke and by that we kind of get the idea of how she is, which is cool.

So I hoped I helped, and this is a really nice story, hopefully I get to read more of it.
Les sanglots longs
Des violons
De l'autonne
Blessent mon coeur
D'une langueur


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Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:46 pm
Doxie00 says...

Wow! I really loved this story! :)
It really is emotional and the narrator actually opens up from the first.

However, i think that you could have been a little more explanatory. Like for example when you were talked of the bowling outing with her and her friends, i thought you'd develop a little more into that....Like what happenned after that??

ANd you also didnt talk much of the punishments you had! (?) Like what were they??

In my opinion, it would be good to yeah, develop a little more.


I also liked ht efact that almost anyone can relate to it...Really cool.

NIce job! Keep writing!

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— RigoTheHacker