
Young Writers Society

A Clean Bite--Chapter 1 part 1

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Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:32 am
Vampy_Girl15 says...

Basically I’m your normal teenager. No, scratch that. I’m completely original.
I have dark brown hair. Unlike my mother, who has the godly golden locks of curls that every girl in their right mind would kill for. (even if you didn’t want blond hair) Luckily I did inherit my mother’s pale milky skin. Though I always wish I would have gotten my father’s eyes, a deep sapphire color. I have blue-gray eyes, different from both parents. Sadly my parents are divorced, and today is the day I go to sunny and muggy Beverly Hills, California with my twin brother Carver. I know what you’re thinking it’s either one of two thoughts. Either oh my god you’re so lucky! Or ha! Sucks for you!
Guess which one I’m thinking? Yes, “Ha! Sucks for you” indeed!
“Rose? Rosalie?” he was getting agitated.
“Oh, yeah dad?” God! What do you want? I’m taking in my last breath of mountain air. I could hear Carver snickering in the back.
“Guys I know this is hard on you but you know I’m going to be out of the house a lot with my new job, and I would just feel better if you were somewhere that you wouldn’t be alone all day or night.” Translation, having teenage twins makes me feel old! Yes I am a sixteen year old girl that makes my dad feel incredibly old.
“I know dad, but really I’m fine with staying home alone. It’s peaceful. Plus I’m old enough to take care of myself” Ha! Try to get out of that one.
“Rosalie you couldn’t take care of yourself even if you wanted to.”
“Shut up Carver, who asked you?”
“Both of you stop and I know that you can take care of yourself, but I’d just feel better if you’d go live with your mother at least till I can have a job that lets me stay home a little more.”
“Whatever Dad, You know that you’re just making excuses to send us away because you feel like an old man having us around! When the truth is we don’t even bother you when your home!”
“No Rose! I’m sending you away so maybe you can find better friends that you don’t get drunk with all the time! I’m just sending Carver with you so he can have a fresh start to. You don’t know how hard you’ve made it for all of us.” yea, I had a drinking problem and my father sent me to a therapist for “troubled teens” but no, to him that wasn’t working so he decided to send me away.
“I’ll never have friends in California. They’re nothing like me, they are all sunny beach kids.”
“You are such a stereotype Rosalie.”
“Oh shut up Carver. You know they are.”
“Maybe it’s a good thing these kids won’t be anything like you Rose. Maybe you can find some normal kids to hang around with. This discussion is over.” It is far from over but I just sat there looking out the window think about what I’ve done with myself the past few years. Also how seeing my mother wasn’t going to help any of this.
“Be safe kid, and be good Carver. I’ll come up for visits and you both can come down here too. Call me when you guys land.” Notice how he didn’t say be good to me because he doesn’t think I can do that anymore, but I want to stop and I will. I’ll show him and everyone else who thought I was a screw up that I’m a good person.
“Okay dad. Bye, love you.” We say in unison.

“ROSALIE! CARVER! DARLINGS! COME HERE!” Good old mom for you, always making a scene.
“Hi mom, how are you?” I ask this because even though I already know that she is practically wonderful! Swimming in a sea full of chocolate, rainbows, and everything right with the world! Its good conversation and I have nothing else to say to the woman at the moment.
“I’m just wonderful honey, how are you both?” hmm…. How am I? Well besides the fact that everything around me is a sunny doom threatened to burn me to a crispy pulp, great.
“I couldn’t feel any better, mom.” It’s really scary how she believes the simplest lies, no problem lying to her.
“I’m just dandy, mom. It’s really sunny here.”
“Yes the weather is quite nice. So, are you ready to see your new house?”
“Oh, yea totally excited!” I can’t remember the last time I said totally, but hey, if it works whatever.
“Always excited to whatever you show us,” Carver is such a mama’s boy.
“Great let’s go!”
Going back to the house with just my mother, Carver, and me in the car with just a radio, that mom controlled, was a nightmarish experience. For one, we listened to teeny-bopper pop all the way, it was horrible. Carver wasn’t really even listening to the music just talking back and forth with mom. She was talking about this new guy she’d been dating for a few weeks. She was acting like we, we were, like we were friends! It was utterly repulsive. As well as quite annoying, I might add. This woman I hadn’t seen in three or four years was trying to patch things up by being all best friends forever All of a sudden. I didn’t even try and act like myself she was already looking at me like I was some “freak” so I just sat and listened to her frivols story while Carver told her about Georgia.
When we got to her house I almost laughed at how predictable it was! Grand Barbie Dream House is what I called it behind her back. It was a light lavender color, who paints there house lavender? But besides that it was big, of course, with huge widows.
“It’s a great house mom.” he is such a liar; he hated it the moment he saw it. I know all his facial expressions very well. They are exactly my own.
“Thank you Carver. What do you think Rosalie?”
“It’s awesome,” Carver chuckled at my lies.
When she showed me my room I almost screamed. It was the same lavender of the house but with ungodly pink and silver thrown in! I’d paint it while she was away at work someday or a business trip. Carver just stood there. He knew I didn’t like it. We had basically the same tastes in music, colors, and etcetera.
“How do u like it Rose?” oh how I hate it when they call me Rose! It always makes me think of an old lady, Rose ugh!
“It’s not really the colors I would have chosen but it’s,” I needed something to say, “a nice shape,” oh yes a lovely shape! Who says that about a room? Oh well I tried at least.
“Well would you like to get it repainted? We can also get a new bedroom suite if you like; this is a little old so it will be fine to get a new one.” Old, this looks like what I had when you moved out. Anyways I agreed and she showed us Carver’s room. His was much more livable. It had a black bed with grayish walls. The stereo system was amazing. It took up part of his wall. At least my room had something his didn’t. In my room there was a glass wall facing our back yard with the pool. The window was thick and had a flat screen TV built in it and I would soon remodel my room like mom said. She showed us around the millions of rooms in the house. After the grand tour, I told her I was a bit tired and needed to put my things away. After Carver put his things away he went to talk with her. She told me she’d tell me when dinner was ready.

“Oh good you’re awake. I was just about to get you up.”
“Yea I couldn’t really sleep. I have a weird thing about sleeping during the afternoon.” Also considering that cursed sun was going down and in my face.
“What thing about sleeping in the afternoon? You always,” I kicked him under the table silencing him.
“So you’re going to meet Lewis tonight!” uh, who?
“Oh, honey I told you. That guy I’ve been dating.” Oh yea, the one that you rambled on for the whole terrible ride here.
“Oh, cool when is he going to be here?” Carver is anxious to hang around with a guy to talk about stuff with.
“He should be here very soon,” she has the weirdest smile. It’s almost like someone is pulling her lips off on both sides. We were all quiet for a while till we saw a pair of headlights coming up the drive way.
“Oh I think that’s him. Are you ready?” Am I ready? That’s like a question you ask when you’re about go somewhere. Yes mom! I’m all ready and excited to meet your boyfriend!
“Yea, let’s go. I can’t wait to meet him.” I stayed silent and followed them outside.
“Okay, that’s him.” Oh no I thought it was the invisible man behind the one smiling strait at you.
Well I was definitely shocked by my mother’s great new boyfriend. He was a bit short, but had nice caramel colored hair that was wavy. He was tan, just like everyone else in this horrid place. And he had just a little scruff of a go-t. What surprised me the most was that he wasn’t very big in the muscles department, but still a little toned. Not very though, it was like he just started to work out, most likely for my mother. Anyway dinner was okay, just your normal small talk. Like what kind of music I listened to. When I told them it was rock the look on my mom’s face was priceless. Carver dared not say it was his also. How they met, how long they’d been dating, they asked if I had anyone special back home which was a little uncomfortable. Carver was straining not to say anything about Jared my ex from back home. He knew I never wanted to speak about him ever again, or speak to him for that matter. I told them there was no one of importance back home. So it wasn’t a lie.
“Well maybe here.” Ah, mother always so optimistic. No, I doubt I will find anyone here in the sunny town. I tend to shy towards to the boys who aren’t golden brown with big muscles and lushes blond curls.
“What about you Carver?” Lewis had a brisk voice that sounded like a happy walk in the park.
“We broke up right before Rosalie and I came here. Her name was Emily.” Ah Emily, she was the spawn of Satan herself. She always controlled Carver like he was her slave. I finally got him to break up with her before we left. They pressed him no further about Emily.
When Lewis left I told my mom that I was going to bed considering I had school the very next doomed sunny day and that I wanted to be ‘bright eyed and bushy tailed’ I have no Idea what that means but people use it as saying they want to be nice and happy so I used it, knowing I wouldn’t. Carver watched a bit of TV before going to bed. Carver’s room is right next to mine and I could tell he was watching a horror movie all that screaming, I was tempted to bang on the wall and tell him to be quiet. I read for a while before I actually went to sleep, because I like the night and looking out at the stars and moon. I find a beauty about it. I feel nothing in the world can bother me. But I found one worse thing about Beverly Hills than the sun. There are too many lights. So many that they hide some of the twinkling stars.
Some say laughing is the best medicine but what do you do when you can't laugh anymore?

Multiple personalities are just good social skills.

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Tue Apr 15, 2008 12:47 am
Ross says...

Hahaaaa! I was :smt043 when it ended. I loved the character's sarcasm and rebellious attitude. That does seem a bit cliche though because I read a lot of stories with rebel teenagers. If you could give the character an unusual quirk, I would be more interested. And also, I loved the plot, but I didn't really know what direction it is going into. The girl's moving and she's not happy about it...I think if you have a hint of what's going to happen later then I would be more :smt119.

Good story!
And we'll be a dream...

"Dee Dubbleyou." - BigBadBear

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Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:36 am
JC says...

Basically I’m your normal teenager. No, scratch that. I’m completely original.
I have dark brown hair. Unlike my mother, who has the godly golden locks of curls that every girl in their right mind would kill for. (even if you didn’t want blond hair) Luckily I did inherit my mother’s pale milky skin. Though I always wish I would have gotten my father’s eyes, a deep sapphire color. I have blue-gray eyes, different from both parents.

Describing the Sunset:
I once read a book that said something along the lines of, "Nobody likes cliche first sentences, and nobody likes hearing the description of sunsets anymore, so why is it that the first thing we think of as writers is, 'Hey, let's start with a sunset!'?"
Now, you didn't actually start with a sunset, instead you did the YA version of Describing sunsets. You started off with your main character telling us everything about her. Yay. Exciting. What a rush. If you can tell me how it relates to anything that is going on to know exactly what she looks like, then I will forgive this, if not...then...
There are better ways to tell your readers about the character. It's hard to do in first person without sounding narcissistic, but that's where the magic of mirrors, mornings, and other characters comes in.

Either oh my god you’re so lucky! Or, Ha, sucks for you!

Edit's in BOLD

Guess which one I’m thinking? Yes, “Ha! Sucks for you” indeed!

Same thing, without quotation marks.

“Oh, yeah Dad?”


Guys, I know this is hard on you but you know I’m going to be out of the house a lot with my new job, and I would just feel better if you were somewhere that you wouldn’t be alone all day or night.”

Comma's are important. Especially in things like this.

Yes, I am a sixteen year old girl that makes my dad feel incredibly old.

See first comment...if not, then at least get the punctuation right.

“Rosalie, you couldn’t take care of yourself even if you wanted to.”


Both of you stop and I know that you can take care of yourself, but I’d just feel better if you’d go live with your mother at least till I can have a job that lets me stay home a little more.”

You have two comments in the italicized portion. Try to make this two sentences. It threw me off a bit.

When the truth is we don’t even bother you when you're home!”

You normally get this right =D

I’m just sending Carver with you so he can have a fresh start too.

Yea, I had a drinking problem


“You are such a stereotype, Rosalie.”
“Oh shut up Carver. You know they are.”
“Maybe it’s a good thing these kids won’t be anything like you, Rose. Maybe you can find some normal kids to hang around with. This discussion is over.” It is far from over but I just sat there looking out the window think about what I’ve done with myself the past few years. Also how seeing my mother wasn’t going to help any of this.

In the italicized portion, you changed tense, most of time you stick to past, so it should be:
It was far from over, but...

Okay Dad. Bye, love you.” We say in unison.

Basically, there were a lot of capitalization and punctuation mistakes. A lot. Enough that I only critiqued the first portion of this. What I want you to go do now, is take what you know from this critique (and others), and edit this chapter, including the parts that I didn't do. Use this as a learning experience, or you wont grow as a writer at all. Please do this BEFORE posting the next section.

Honestly, nobody likes to read a bunch of mistakes. It breaks the story, and after a while, gets tiring. If you want a lot of critiques, you have to spend the time making sure that the mistakes you know how to fix, are fixed. A good read through can do that.

I can't really say much about your story, because I was focusing on the punctuation. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but I know that you can do better than this. I liked your prologue, a lot. Maybe it was third person vs. first person. Who knows.

Anyways, I wish you the best of luck in continuing this story. I hope to see it being cleaned up soon, at which point I shall resume my critique.

But that is not the question. Why we are here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to know the answer. Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to come. -Beckett

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Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:23 am
zeppy♥yozora says...

YAY gewd story :D

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Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:36 am
Maki-Chan says...

LOL ^_^ I really love this chapter. I feel connected to her. Her negativity and angry thougts- makes her more human. I love, love, love this!!

but perhaps you could space it out a bit, and the future chapters too? Its hard for me to read.
check out my deviantart account ^_^

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Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:01 am
Vampy_Girl15 says...

Thanks so much! I'll apply your critiques. Yeah, I know that there are a lot of mistakes. I forgot to save it when I revised, sorry. The rest will be edited and cleaned up; I promise.
Some say laughing is the best medicine but what do you do when you can't laugh anymore?

Multiple personalities are just good social skills.

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Thu Apr 17, 2008 11:20 pm
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soconfused4512 says...

good story keep me posted

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Tue Apr 29, 2008 12:52 am
Ross says...

I read it again as you asked and I have to admit, now it seems a bit cliche. "A voice like a walk..." "I'm your normal teen girl." Those are examples of showing and I think since a lot of this is dialogue, then put what you tell and translate it in show-speak :)
And we'll be a dream...

"Dee Dubbleyou." - BigBadBear

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
— Albert Einstein