
Young Writers Society

Bad Girls Need Love Too

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Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:19 am
OverEasy says...

Since so many people liked the first chapter so much here is the second. You will notice me jump around a lot, from the past to the present. Sorry if it bothers you :) (Yes this all really happened to me, don't worry though, there is more love story on its way I promise.)

Rated for language.

Bad Girls Need Love Too

Chapter 2
March 23, 2002

I looked down at my watch and shivered, my mother should be there soon to pick me up. I peeked outside to make sure I was alone before running back into the rain to wait for her. Shivers racked my body, though I couldn’t really say I was cold.

The man’s face kept jumping into my mind, the sadistic tone of his voice replaying in my head. I could see him clearly, the monster with the beautiful face. My mind screamed at me for calling him that. His sandy blond hair and pretty blue eyes, who would have thought the boogeyman was beautiful in every sense of the word?

I felt the cold of the cement floor on my skin every time I made a move. Again I shuddered, trying to get my mind to stop remembering.

I watched my mother’s car pull into the lot and I ran for it. I pulled myself into the front seat and looked down at my feet.

“Celia, what did you do roll in mud?” She asked with a laugh.

I looked at my face in the mirror; my chalky white flesh was covered in dirt from the floor of the bathroom. “Sorry, I fell.” I told her without looking away from my reflection.

“Well make sure you get cleaned up when you get home.” She told me.

Not another word was spoken on the way home, not that it was a long drive. I shivered uncontrollably the whole way. When we got there I jumped out of the car and ran straight to the bathroom, where I stripped and shoved myself into the shower. The water was steaming hot, yet the shaking wouldn’t stop. I covered myself in soap and tried to rinse away the memories, thinking if I could just scrub hard enough maybe I could get him out of my mind.

I scrubbed my skin raw that night, but the memories were still there when I woke up the next morning.

Present Day.

I didn’t know then that the image of my face covered in mud reflecting back at me was going to stick in my mind forever. For so long I had fixated on my face in the mirror that night. I think it was my eyes that scared me the most, something was missing from them. I didn’t know where it had gone, later I learned that I would never get it back.

I shivered at the memory and huddled into the couch, picking up my cell phone to dial the familiar number. I heard the song that always played when I called him and blew out a sigh when his voice finally answered.

“Chase.” I breathed quietly.

“Hey, baby, what’s up?”

“What are you doing tonight?” I asked.

“I don’t have any plans. Do you need me to come over?”

“Yeah.” I told him.

He disconnected and I knew without a doubt he was on his way. He always was whenever I needed him. I pulled a cigarette from my pack and lit it up, taking a long hard drag.

May 23, 2002

“Celia! Phone call!” I heard my stepfather’s voice bellow.

“Tell them I will call them back.” I yelled back.

“It’s John.” He told me, coming into the living room from the kitchen.

I held my hand out and he gave me the phone.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hey, Celia, what are you doing today?”

“I have plans.” I told him, another lie.

“How come you never come hang out with us at the park anymore?” He asked, his voice sounding hurt.

“I’m just busy, that’s all.” Another lie. I played with the string of my pajama bottoms, I certainly wasn’t busy. But the park was a place I was never going to again.

“Ok well, you’re missin’ out.” He sighed.

“I have to go, I’ll call you later.” I said as I hung up the phone.

I lay back on the couch before the nausea hit again. I made it to the toilet just before I vomited; spilling my guts into the porcelain bowl. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and got up from the bathroom floor. I walked out into the kitchen where the smell of dinner made me feel sick again. I found myself in the bathroom a lot these days, the fear of why too terrifying to speak out loud.

I had been through sex education; I knew what had happened to me. I also knew what could come of it. The things that were happening to my body weren’t normal and it horrified me.

I waited up that night until my mom got home from work. I knew I had to tell her eventually. Tonight was going to have to be the night.

I heard her car pull into the driveway and I felt my throat tighten. She opened the door and I felt tears fall down my cheeks. Each step she took up the stairs had my heart beating faster.

“Celia, what on earth is wrong? It’s almost 1:00 in the morning.” She scolded.

“Mommy, I need to talk to you.” I told her.

“What is it?” She asked.

“I—I think I am pregnant.” I blurted out.

I watched her face turn red. “You little whore!” She yelled.

“But mom—“ I started.

“No! How could you do something like this? You are 11 years old!” She screamed.

I heard the door open and my stepfather walk down the hall. “What’s going on?” He asked.

I felt myself crying as it tried to explain everything. No one would listen to me though. All I remember from that night was crying a lot as my mother went to the store to pick up a pregnancy test. My stepfather sat there with me, he wouldn’t look me in the face.

I took the test from her as soon as she got home, and she taught me how to use it. I felt bile in my throat as I watched the little blue plus sign took form.

My stepfather looked at me then. “I always knew you were a slut.” He said before he stormed down the hall and slammed his bedroom door.

I felt more tears bubble in my eyes as I looked to my mother for some reassurance. She just threw the test into the trash can. “I guess someone needs to have an abortion.” She said before heading down the hall after her husband.

I heard them yelling from my bedroom all night.
Life is for living.

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19 Reviews

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Reviews: 19
Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:55 am
.katsuro. says...

OverEasy wrote: (Yes this all really happened to me, don't worry though, there is more love story on its way I promise.)

Wait what? This actually happened? :?
Well anyways, this was a great story! I really enjoyed it. I liked the language you used, it made the story seem very real.

OverEasy wrote:
“Celia, what did you do roll in mud?” She asked with a laugh.

Though here, I think you should add a question mark after the do, "Celia, what did you do? Roll in the mud?"

Other than that it was great! It was very realistic and really got to me. Good job!

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Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:38 am
myfreindsavamp says...

*that's sad to.
We've all been broken in some way. It's just how we express it that makes us dffrent form eachother.

“This precious book of love, this unbound lover,
To beautify him only lacks a cover.”
~William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

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25 Reviews

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Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:46 am
idle muse says...

Very sad, very poignant and very well written. I liked it.
Religion is the opium of the masses
- Karl Marx -
Democracy is the worst form of goverment, except for all the others that have been tried.
- Winston Churchill -

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Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:50 am
deavarna_satina says...

Wow... this is really captivating. You have written it very well and the emotions can be felt through the whole piece. It's so brave of you to write about something so personal and terrifying. Well done. And as much as it is a sad story I can't wait for the next chapter. I hope there is a happy ending
The problem with falling for the enemy is that you can't take them anywhere ~a Titleless Tale

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Fri Apr 11, 2008 12:19 pm
LunaBuna43 says...

So sad. :'( Anyway, great job OverEasy. I'm very strung on this! Can't wait to read more...even though it is sad.

"When other girls wanted to be Ballerinas, I kind of wanted to be a Vampire." ~Me
My first puppers Pikapet
My second puppers Pikapet
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Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:50 pm
day tripper says...

Wait, no! I'm not worried if there is more love parts on the way... Are you okay?
Are you able to write about this?
So this is ALL about you, and this ALL happend to you?!
Oh my god, girl Im so sorry!
A little less inhuman.
A little more brutal.
Let the blood be your drug.

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Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:58 pm
soconfused4512 says...

AWWW i am SOOO sorry you went through that i went through something like that but i am not brave enough to say it out loud yet so yeah anyways when you write a third part let me know ok thanks

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Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:42 pm
Angel of Death says...

This is very sad but I think you are very brave, a lot of girls go through the same thing would keep it a secret until it was too late...this was very sad but please keep writing, you're a great writer.
True love, in all it’s celestial charm, and
star-crossed ways, only exist in a writer’s
mind, for humans have not yet learned
how to manifest it.

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Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:12 pm
KJ says...

Hey. This was as great as the first. You just need to watch your commas; you're missing some. Well-written, and brave of you to share with people.

It really is unfair that this all happened to you.

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Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:16 pm
Alainna says...

Another very well - written piece filled with emotion that is simply captivating.

His sandy blond hair and pretty blue eyes, who would have thought the boogeyman was beautiful in every sense of the word?

I think the word 'boogeyman' is a bit weird here. It isn't harsh enough. It makes it sound like a joke and although you may not want a 'doom and gloom' tone about the whole piece I think it's just not right.

“Tell them I will call them back.” I yelled back.

You keep using full stops instead of commas after some has spoken. Remember, that it's a comma and then a small case letter after someone has spoken.

felt myself crying as it tried to explain everything.

'it' should be 'I'.

I felt bile in my throat as I watched the little blue plus sign took form.

'took' should be 'take'.

I must admit that this part really frustrated me a lot. I'm not sure whether that was your intention. But, I really wanted Celia to stand up and scream out that she had been raped, rather than just sit there like a shrinking violet.

Again, more description would be good and even more emotion wouldn't go amiss.

Keep writing,
Sanity is for the unimaginative.

Got YWS?

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Thu Apr 17, 2008 12:14 am
Night Mistress says...

oh god. i'm sorry you had to go thur that. and your mom...she is the worst parent ever. she didn't even listen to your side.

i like it. i hope it's get better.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:13 pm
JFW1415 says...

Aw, you only have one good review! Well, like always, I shall critique as if this isn’t you. At the end, I will rant and rave about how awful it is that this has happened.

And did I see the word ‘pregnant’ when I scanned this? O.o Oh, dear…

First and second page down first column, third and forth down second.


Highlighted Comments

1. Again, I don’t feel that you should give us a distinct time.
2. Why?
3. Hm…odd tenses. Not really sure how to fix it…Maybe if you ponder on it, you’ll get it? *Feels useless.*
4. Expand!
5. I think it would be less telling as ‘though the air was relatively warm.’
6. He spoke? If so, ignore this. I have a bad memory. O.o
7. I feel like there should be a third thing here…maybe: ‘The man’s face kept jumping into my mind, the sadistic tone of his voice replaying in my head, the ghosts of his fingers cold on my skin.’ (Urgh; I always like the lines I come up with for others better than my own! lol)
8. Maybe ‘but I couldn’t deny it’ after this?
9. Suggestion: His hair fell is sandy blonde waves, and his eyes were a sparkling blue.’ Then the next one can be a new sentence. (I doubt this is what he looked like, but just make it stand on its own. Right now, this part doesn’t make sense.)
10. I’ve completely forgotten where she is. I’d go into what she’s thinking of the world around her. Is she jumping at every man that walks by?
11. I’d ditch this. Don’t start too many sentences with a pronoun.
12. Expand on emotions here. It must be hard not to say anything, but harder to speak. Build up the tension!
13. Expand.
14. Memorize this rule. ;P
15. Suggestion: ‘though it wasn’t.’
16. Expand!
17. Good idea here; very realistic. Just show us more! Where is she? Does she run by anyone? Expand, please!
18. Yay! Wonderful.
19. If it’s present day, wouldn’t it be present tense? If you do switch to present tense (making flashbacks much more clear,) then just put a line here. If not, I’d put ‘X years later’ or something.
20. I’d delete this.
21. Reword, please.
22. I’d ditch this. You’re dialogue was great until here.
23. Show us, please. Make her relaxed, maybe?
24. I’m never going to get over this. L I do think that using present tense in the present time will help a lot, though.
25. Expand; what’s she doing, where is she, etc?
26. Expand! Does she roll her eyes and put down her homework to answer the phone? Does she suddenly perk up at his name?
27. More effect this way.
28. One: show us! Two: build up a bit more.
29. Say ‘A lie’ when you say this earlier, then. Otherwise it’s annoying.
30. Expand! What’s she think of?
31. Show her purse her lips or something, to show her…frustration? Show the emotion.
32. Expand, but not on the puking bit. ;P How’s she feel to be back on a bathroom floor?
33. Too childish sounding. Maybe ‘Wiping my mouth on my sleeve, I got up from the floor and walked out to the kitchen. The smell of dinner made my stomach churn again, and I found myself wishing I was in the bathroom again. I found myself in there a lot these days, although the reason why was too terrifying to speak out loud.’ See how I combined some, giving them different beginners, etc?
34. You’ve hinted before, but this gives it away too much. I’d delete this part.
35. Show us! If she’s so afraid, she’ll hear EVERYTHING. Every tick of the clock, every beat of her heart, everything.
36. Ditch, and tell us what she’s feeling.
37. You really don’t need these tags. Here, I’d add how she became sympathetic (did she?) after ‘asked.’ Maybe ‘she asked, putting her suitcase down and walking over to me, giving me a concerned look.’ Eh, bad example, but you know what I mean. ;P
38. What’s she feeling?
39. Expand!
40. Don’t suddenly switch like this. Tell us that her mom left for a pregnancy test, and show us that she couldn’t stop crying.
41. Expand! (The part where she comes home, not the teaching how to use it. ;P)
42. When’d he show up? Wouldn’t she be in the bathroom?
43. Here’s where you can say how she said it.
44. Good ending!

Overall Comments

I go into so much detail with you above, this really isn’t needed. Just work on giving the characters more depth. WHY do her parents respond this way? And details – you need details. Lot’s of them. She’s in shock/grieving, so show us this! She’ll notice everything around her.

Also, you don’t always need tags after dialogue. ;P

Personal Comments

WOW. I had to force myself to forget that this was real in the middle of this. That’s the thing, though. This is such a sensitive topic, when we see it, our own experiences make us feel the pain. The writing isn’t. I know how hard it is to write this, and I’m proud of you for putting this up. Just try to edit it, forgetting that it really happened. It’ll help.

*Hugs* I don’t know what to say, but I’m SO sorry. PM me whenever you want to talk. I can’t believe this…

I just felt awful that all the other reviews (except ‘lianna’s) were just ‘I’m sorry this happened,’ so I went into depth. If you don’t want this, let me know and I’ll stop. ;P

PM me with any questions, if you’d like to talk, or if you want more reviews!


sweet mother of asparagus
— GengarIsBestBoy