
Young Writers Society

Untitled BUT Part 1

Was this good or bad for the begining of an untitled story?

Bad. *Pukes*
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Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:31 am
Elizabeth says...

Homework, friends, teachers, family; isn’t there any time for myself anymore? I guess there isn’t with all the chaos in my life having a little “quality time” with myself isn’t going to fix the fact that I am drop dead furious at what my mother did. Do you want to know what she did? I will tell you what she did! She …

“Amy! Pay attention to your studies!” I looked up from my paper; the teacher was staring directly at me. Those horrible eyes were just leering through me as I could feel them burn past me and seem to go through the person behind me as well; and they didn’t stop staring.
“Mrs. Dabs, I’m not Amy, I’m Caren George,” I corrected after glancing back to bookmark my spot in my journal (which was really a notebook with hearts drawn all around.)
I guess that my teacher didn’t take it well that I seemed to be a typical, smart-ass, run of the mill student with the attention span of a goldfish, but I was that, and much more. She marched over to me. If you put a swastika on her arm she would have to be the lady Hitler.
Somehow, I don’t think that I thought that to myself because a couple students gasped while others laughed at me. I was in for it; I was totally in for it. Mrs. Dabs looked at me with a curious eye and said, “I was just about to ask you what Hitler’s sign was but you answered it for me correctly, keep it up.” I was dumbfounded for the rest of the morning.
At lunch I sat with a couple of my friends, Amy, for one, and Tai were the first to actually bid me good day all day. I’ve known them since kindergarten; it was so hard to believe that we were starting our first year of high school and hadn’t been separated. Maybe it’s because all our moms work in a local bank or maybe because all our dads work at the same construction corporation, but it beats me.
We laughed about what happened earlier today, I couldn’t believe I insulted my teacher and answered the question all in the same breath and didn’t get struck. I am an amazing person though.
“So did you know that there is this, like um, exchange student or something in the senior year or something?” Tai was always into the latest gossip and fads, she always wore different outfits everyday, nothing the same but her shoes. I think she throws her outfits away when she’s done with them. She was able to do that because with an allowance of like a billion dollars a week who wouldn’t? She could actually afford it.
“I heard he was from Africa, like Ethiopia or something. One of the poor places, I dunno though,” Amy bit into her apple and kept on talking, “I can’t believe that this foreign student is going to come here, I mean who would want to be here in this dump anyways? We’re taken a million miles from malls and civilization to come here to learn so why is he traveling all the way here, to a new country, to go to school?”
“It’s kind of sad but then again I bet he’s cute!”
“What if it’s a she? Or what if it’s both and they’re either related or in love?”
“Maybe their relatives in love! Gross, but it happens you know, take Taylor for example. Favorite cousin married my sister’s husband’s cousin and now he isn’t my favorite cousin anymore! All because he’s into biology…”
“Its bigamy and as long as he and his wife are in the same blood it isn’t really that horrible! It’s like… marrying somebody who’s not in the same blood line as you.” I explained everything to everyone every time I feel a pang! In my stomach and I just have to say something. I love the last word in everything.
“I heard that inbreeding can make the children go insane,” Amy mentioned. OK, I was eating my lunch and I knew that but I didn’t want to be reminded of it. I took my tray and walked away slowly.

That night I called everybody I knew to see if they knew anything about this new student. I wasn’t sure if he had arrived yet but somebody had to know at least a tiny bit of information. And as I suspected, I always suspect, Tai had gotten her wormy self around and had been telling a whole bunch of crap to everybody.
Some said that there was no exchange student; others said that he was really a spy coming for us; some said that they’re coming because they want to find love; all these disturbing and irrational explanations came from all these former smart people I knew in Jr. High. I guess that High school is bad for your soul after all.
The way I see it, I already lost my soul when my mother gave birth to a little brat named Morgan V named after my dad and his dad and his dad’s dad, its self explanatory. I was named after my mom but they switched ‘K’ with ‘C’ so my dad calls me Care and my mom a pet name. Usually schmookums or something like that.
I crawled into my bed; I was out growing the Rug Rats so I knew I had to get new bed sheets quickly. I wondered about tomorrow, about what I’ll get on my tests and dances, if I’ll become famous and I wondered about that exchange student.
Like Tai said, he could be cute.

So it’s now officially Wednesday and I am just hungering for news. Tai won’t shut her big mouth about it and has been snobbish and mellow-dramatic about this ever since. I have begun to ditch her and make up the strangest excuses known to man to not spend time with her. My favorite one, was as followed after second hour today. Where she said:
“Do you want to hang out at the mall today? My mom is gonna drop me off today and Amy and Greg from geography, the cute one, is coming too! So are you in?” Tai nearly jumped up so high when she said “Greg …” that I could almost feel the earth shake below me.
I slammed my locker and replied with a contagious smile right into her face without hesitation, “Sorry I can’t hang out today, I’m going into labor.” I walked away. God forbid, she believes me and tells the entire school about it. If she does though, I am armed with an embarrassing snapshot of her at last years Christmas party which was held at her mansion dubbed, Frosty Creeks.
I caught up with Amy but she didn’t say a word, I guess there is nothing to say when Tai was taking up all the oxygen in the entire world to spread gossip, rumors and her smelly orange breath. At lunch she ran her mouth faster than a triathlon combatant that you couldn’t hear you own thoughts. A couple people, whom I didn’t know, walked up to me and gave me their lunches, and I quote, “here, take it, after all, you’re eating for two.” Out comes that snapshot…
“So did you see him?” Tai startled us when she paused after saying this. It was like heaven on a bun with extra fries! Hallelujah! I screamed in my mind as my eyes danced with near tears… yes, it was so satisfying I almost cried.
“See who?” it was finally quiet enough to be heard. She explained to us that the new boy had arrived. Was it me, or did I just feel my heart skip a beat?
“I mean I, as in myself, haven’t seen him but I bet he’s just lurking about as handsome as anything in the world.”
“Or as ugly,” chimed in Amy. Amy was the greatest person around at the time, she brought up such interesting points from the dead roots of the conversation. I love Amy Thompson.
“I didn’t see him and I hopefully won’t because we all know we’re all going to end up liking him for some reason and we’ll fight until … well, time will only tell, now excuse me, I have to tend to my extra large stomach with a living being inside it.”
Caren “sassy and sarcastic” George, hear me roar!

I had to practically juggle all my things to my next hour which happened to be advanced something or another. The stack of papers and books on my second day nearly towered above my face so nobody recognized me, which was kind of sad.
I could feel the rush of the crowd pulling me farther in the wrong directions and I tried to call out for them to stop but I couldn’t so I opened my mouth and tumbled over. All those glances didn’t hesitate when they began to laugh hysterically at me. How embarrassing…
“Can I help you?” A husky voice asked. Dare I look up? It might be some damn senior trying to be kind but then ends up shoving papers up your … buttocks; but to my surprise, it’s wasn’t just any senior. It was him, the exchange student!
I nodded to his offer and as soon as I could lay my tongue on it he was picking up papers, setting a good example, all the other juvenile delinquents began to help pick up my scattered belongings.
What charm, what grace… what strong muscular arms… I hope that Tai and Amy won’t fall in love with him because I knew that I was. Move over starts of the light, it’s my time to bask in the glory, my time to be chosen, my time for love!
He had gathered up all my papers from the collectors and handed them to me.
“Your name must be Destiny, for I see you as mine.” He walked away leaving my heart pounding.
What could I say to my friends the next day? Should I tell them that I had fallen in love with a person that I didn’t even know the name too? What if they got mad at me and gave me that cold shoulder? Tai’s looks sometimes made me wish they were giving me the cold shoulder. Her eyes could stare a bull down sometimes.
I just probably won’t say a word about it, I mean after all, that guy wouldn’t remember me anyway.

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Tue Jan 25, 2005 8:30 pm
Emma says...

Its me! Katseyes! mawahahaha Im here to rule the world. Okay nice story! It was quite funny when you said that you went into labor and Tai believed you! Omg she sounds like this girl I no... She's Called Elizabeth Mathews... Kidding!

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Sun Jan 30, 2005 6:52 pm
dreaming_mouse says...

This is really good - you have a lot of talent as a writer :D

There were some things that were hard to read and I had to reread over them. It was like your wording was a bit jumbled, maybe you could go over the story and see what makes sense or ask someone to read it out loud and listen to them. You can tell if a person is having trouble with it by the sound of their voice - and that'll help you pin mark the places that are rough.
Here's an example of an area I found confusing (and still do):
“Maybe their relatives in love! Gross, but it happens you know, take Taylor for example. Favorite cousin married my sister’s husband’s cousin and now he isn’t my favorite cousin anymore! All because he’s into biology…”

Was this intentional - because if the character is supposed to speak like this maybe you could use the main character to tell the reader like this.

Its bigamy

If what I think was being said (and like I said it really confused me!) It's actually incest. Bigamy is marrying more than one person, incest is marrying someone in your family. I apologise if you did mean bigamy but I was really confused by what the previous character was saying.

You also haven't told us what any of the charatcers look like yet which doesn't really help a story develop. How can you get a clear picture of what's going on if you don't know what the surrounding area looks like or even what the main characters look like?

And as I suspected, I always suspect,

Would it make more sense if she said I always suspected something? It's just a a suggestion though.

Also I thought this girl liked Tai but then she seems like she's not friends, it got a bit confusing.

I'm sorry if I've gotten anything wrong on this, again I think it was a great story but you just need to make things a bit clearer so the reader can understand it more. I hope this helped and I hope you post some more of your work, I'd love to read it :D

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Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:53 pm
Green Monkey says...

Yay! Black Rose hits YWS with a fantastic piece! Gee, I really like this piece. It almost kind of slightly nearly sort of reminds me of the day I had at school today. I guess thats what makes it so good. :)

p.s. i went to boston sunday and drove by a restauraunt called 'the black rose'!!! :)

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Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:15 am
Elizabeth says...

No it was supposed to be incest I guess. I'm sorry I kinda mixed up my words. Yes Tai is supposed to talk like that. I'm sorry for the confusion.

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Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:31 pm
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cloudy.skiesx says...

It's good! Keep it up...I guess the main things have already been pointed out, good work:)

Excuse me I have never *lied* about a character I just don't tell the truth
— AceassinOfTheMoon