
Young Writers Society

Expect the Unexpected- Chapters Nineteen and Twenty

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Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:45 pm
Chaotic Romance says...

Well, sorry for this late post... I have been busy. School just started back up and everything. Anyway, this will most likely be my last post of this particular story... I have all the chapters (up to chapter 28.) I have currently written up on fictionpress.com. If you would like to read them there then my screen name is the same, just search for my screen name or the title of this story.


Elizabeth jerked awake suddenly, she didn’t know how, but she knew that there was someone in the room with her. She sat up and looked around frantically. But it was too dark to really see much of anything. She wasn’t really all the surprised at the fact that she had fallen asleep. There really had been nothing to do in that room. She couldn’t understand how Kyle could possibly stay sane in there. There wasn’t even a bookcase!

“Who’s there?” she muttered into the darkness, still glancing around nervously. She didn’t know quite where to look since there had been no other sound since the first one. This was one of the many reasons why she didn’t like the darkness… it made it far too easy to be attacked or even worse… she gulped, not even wanting to think about that.

Whoever was there didn’t answer right away. And after several long and very drawn out seconds, she thought that they had left her be. It was just when she thought that that they finally answered her question with a question of their own, “Why don’t you guess?” a familiar voice whispered from somewhere to her right and very close to where she sat on the bed. “That will be fun.” She was sure that this person was male, and she was also sure that it was not Kyle. She gulped, having a dreading feeling that something bad was going to happen.

“How about you just tell me, instead?” she asked curiously as she quietly brought her arm up and began reaching for the bedside table, the table that had the lamp on. The same one that she used last time and the same one she planned to use as a weapon this time as well.

And she was pretty sure that she would be needing it because she was pretty sure of who the intruder was and she was very well aware of the fact that he was not very happy with her. She continued to grope for it, and started to panic, when she couldn’t find it. She had put it there the last time she had used it, so where the hell was it?! She maintained her search for the object. Only stopping and freezing mid search when she heard a low, manically chuckle right next to her ear. She jumped slightly and shivered at the feeling it gave it.

“Looking for this?” he muttered, before he promptly blinded her as he turned the lamp on right in front of her face. She blinked a few times, shielding her eyes from the sudden brightness. She brought her hand down, after several seconds, the light was still blinding her because it was right in front of her face, but at least she could actually see, since her eyes at adjusted somewhat. She already knew who was in there and when her eyes met dark blue ones, she glared. Eric.

He smirked at her anger. “I’m not stupid, you know. I’m not going to let you hit me like last time.” He growled, his face right above the lamp, making the lamp cast strange shadows on his face, making his bruises - which had still not quite healed- all that more sinister looking and rather creepy as well.

She gulped. She didn’t like the look he was giving her, it was very predatory. And she had a feeling that this boy was quite possibly worse then both David and Kyle combined. Which pretty much meant that he was capable of doing a lot worse then what the former two were capable of and she was pretty sure that that included killing her if he so saw it fit to do so. No matter what the consequences were.

“I’m not going to kill you.” He said, sounding amused, even thought the voracious look had not left his face. He had read her thoughts, not that she was surprised. She was getting used to that.

“Stay out of my head, you bastard!” she snarled, dangerously.

He didn’t even flinch at her tone.

“Oh, tsk, tsk tsk…” he clucked at her. “Such language for such a young girl.” He whispered softly, tracing her face with his index finger, making her involuntarily shiver at the contact. He smirked, “Such young girls shouldn’t be speaking like that. I’m going to have to punish you for your rudeness.” He said knowingly, his finger resting lightly on her jugular vein.

She stared at him, “Excuse me?” she muttered, darkly. “You-” he stopped her by placing his whole hand over her mouth, preventing her from finishing her insult and making it that much more difficult to breath. And that continued to get more difficult as he leaned so close, their noses were almost touching.

“Shh…” he cooed at her, like she was a small child. She involuntarily shuddered, “You don’t want to give me another reason to hurt you, now do you?” he asked, he was still very close to her, making her feel very uncomfortable as well as very vulnerable.

She glared at him, trying to speak, but unable to do so, since his hand was still over her mouth and he had made sure that she couldn’t move her hands or her feet. Her words only came out muffled; she continued to glare helplessly at him.

He smirked at her weakness and inability to move or talk, enjoying her discomfort. He placed the lamp on the table and left it on. Making most of the room including himself, shrouded in partial darkness. “What was that?” he asked, as he uncovered her mouth,

“Get off of me!” she shrieked, wriggling, pathetically trying to get out of his grasp. But his grip on her arms was strong and he was sitting just above her thighs, making it very difficult to even kick him from behind.

He laughed, softly, finding her actions humorous. “Oh, I’m sorry, I can’t do that.” He put both of her hands in one of his and used the other one to trace patterns down her skin, making her tremble at the contact.

He left her mouth uncovered, “What the hell do you want then?” she snarled.

“Me?” he asked, innocently as he continued to trace random patterns on her clothed covered skin. It was then that she thanked God that she was still clothed. Though, she had a feeling that that wouldn’t last much longer. She gulped at the thought and tried not to think about it as she continued to struggle, uselessly in his vice-like grip. His fingers stopped over her jugular vein, and he applied slight pressure to it, almost breaking the skin. “Oh, I just want to have a bit of fun. Just some harmless fun, that’s all.” he shrugged.

She knew what he meant by fun, and she didn’t like it one bit. She was not going to allow a repeat of what happened last time. She began struggling harder, thrashing around and trying to kick him. This only made him laugh, “You might as well stop, before you wear yourself out.” He smiled at her, but it was not a nice smile, it was a cruel and cold one.

She risked a glance at the lamp and realized, with dread that she was too far away to even attempt a grab at it. He saw where she was looking and chuckled, “Don’t even think about it.” He leaned in close once more, and she gulped slightly. “Now, this can be done the hard way or the easy way. I really don’t have a preference but I’m pretty sure that you do. So, if you cooperate like a good girl, then I can be gentle, but if you don’t cooperate then you’ll force me to make it that much more painful.” She shuddered at the feeling his close proximity brought. “You don’t have to worry about getting pregnant; I’ll take care of that. All, I ask of you is that you cooperate and at least act like your enjoying yourself, which might end up happening anyway.”

She stared at him; he wanted her to willingly let him rape her?! “It’s not rape if you agree to it.” He muttered; she glared at him.

“What if Kyle finds out?” she asked.

He shrugged, “I’ll deal with him. He won’t hurt you. I think he’s somewhat attached to you.”

“Why are you giving me a choice?” she asked, suspiciously. She didn’t trust him, mostly because he had given her more then reason why she shouldn’t.

He shrugged, but didn’t answer her question. She rolled her eyes. Debating whether she should trust him or not…

Her debating was interrupted, “Now, enough questions, I want your answer.”

She looked at him. Continuing her debating, she didn’t want to be raped and she didn’t want to let it happened willingly. But at the same time she knew that, if he went by his word, he would be gentle, if she cooperated. And she didn’t want it to be rough; it was very rough the first time which had happened only a day or so before. And she was still somewhat sore.

He was looking at her expectantly. She gulped slightly, knowing that either way she was going to have to have sex with this man again. She nodded slightly, knowing that she was not going to like this, but also knowing that she didn’t have much of a choice in the matter.

“Good.” He said, smirking, “I knew you were a smart girl.”

She didn’t say anything to that, just closed her eyes and waited for it all to be over.

David sat on a bench, the closest one he could find near the south entrance of Central Park at 12:00 am. It was a nice cloudless night, even if it was a little chilly, a hint at the coming of winter. He sighed, still not at all happy to be doing this, but he knew that he had no choice. He was very well aware of the fact that he couldn’t leave now until he talked to Kyle, since Darren would want a full report when he returned.

He got up from the bench and began pacing back and forth, he was extremely anxious to get this over with. After several moments, he glanced at his watched, it was 12:05.

“Damn bastard.” He muttered. He had a feeling that Kyle would be late. He groaned in frustration, well that was just great.

“Hello David…” a familiar, clearly masculine voice muttered. David whirled around to see Kyle leaning nonchalantly against a tree, “Long time no see.” He said as he pushed himself away from the tree and stepped closer to where David happened to be.

“It hasn’t been quite as long as I would have liked it to be, dear brother.” David muttered, making it quite obvious that he was not very happy to be here.

“Aw, you’re still upset about that, are you?” Kyle asked, smirking slightly. “Come now, it’s been over two hundred years. How can you still hold a grudge after so long?” he asked, “Have you not heard of forgive and forget?” he asked curiously.

“Of course I have. And you, brother, do not deserve such a privilege. How dare you even suggest such an idea! You killed her.” David accused. “You were always jealous of me when we were younger because the girls liked me more then you.” He said darkly, in a very rude way.

Kyle scoffed, “Oh please, you know that that is not true.” He said, “And you know very well that she had it coming. She was weak, besides she was a distraction. You were getting too close to her way too fast. I mean, what did you expect me to do?” he asked,

“I was not in love with that girl.” Was all that David said to that.

“Really? Then why are you bringing up her death after two hundred and fifty years?” Kyle asked curiously. “I suppose you’re going to say the same thing about Elizabeth too, aren’t you?” he asked. “You always fall for the weak ones, David.” Kyle said.

“She’s not weak.” David said before he could think better of it.

Kyle smirked, “Now, how did I know you were going to say that?” he asked, and he answered the rhetorical question himself, “Maybe, it’s the fact that this exact thing has happened before?” he asked.

David simply glared at him, “Can we please get this stupid meeting over? I have better things to do then be in your company.” He snarled, changing the subject rather quickly.

“Changing the subject so quickly, are you? Too sensitive of a topic for you? Too many memories? Or is the fact that history is starting to repeat itself?” he cocked his head to one side in a questioning manner.

David continued to glare, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Ah in denial, just like Elizabeth, I see” Kyle noted, “You’ll get over it eventually and hopefully, by then, it won’t be too late.” He stated knowingly

He marveled at the look that past over David’s face. “What’s that suppose to mean?” he asked.

“Just a fair warning, brother, you might want to take hold of something that you truly want, even if you have yet to realize that that is what your really want. Otherwise, it might be ripped away from you faster then you can blink.” He warned.

David glared, “Where’s Elizabeth?” he asked. “What have you done to her?”

“What’s with the sudden rush?” he asked, arching an eyebrow questionably. “In a hurry?”

“Yes.” David said, “Now, where is she? And what have you done to her? I won’t ask you again.” He growled. It was obvious that the latter boy had hit a sore spot.

There was a long drawn out silence between the two. But, both boys knew that Kyle was just stalling just to see how David would react. The latter boy began to glare at him and he finally opened his mouth to speak.

“Aw, don’t worry; little brother, your little girlfriend is perfectly safe… for now at least. As for her wellbeing, I didn’t hurt her… much.” Kyle knew he was lying through his teeth, but David didn’t know that.

“She’s not my girlfriend!” was the first thing David said.

“I know that, you already told me that.” He muttered, nonchalantly, staring at his nails.

David glared again. “What have you done to her?” he asked, “If you have permanently injured her, I swear I will-”

Kyle continued to stare lazily at his nails. He had a very bored expression on his face. “You’ll do what? Hurt me?” he chuckled, “I highly doubt that you will be able to even get close enough to try. Need I remind you what happened last time?” he asked, finally looking up from his nails to be greeted by a very livid David. “You were unable to beat me last time, and this time will be no different.” He said knowingly.

David continued sending him a very rude look, “Give her back, you bastard.” He stated, trying to go about doing this in a different way.

“I’m sorry I can’t do that.” Kyle said, smirking. “She’s such a pretty little thing. Besides, why would I give you something that you want? Now, that doesn’t seem very logical, now does it?” Kyle said, “No, of course not… I actually think I’ll keep her for myself. To do my bidding whenever I ask of it.” That smirk was firmly pasted to his face the entire time he spoke.

“I got her first-”

“You know what they say, ‘finders keepers’”. Kyle shrugged, “You snooze, you lose.” He added as an afterthought.

David crossed his arms over his chest and continued to glare at the boy whom he used to call brother. “I don’t know why you want her anyway. What use does she have to you?”

“Oh, you have no idea, what she can do for me, Jonathan.” Kyle said, calling him by a name that he had not used in centuries.

“It’s David now.” The other boy growled dangerously.

“Oh, I am quite aware of your little name change. But, I would prefer to call you by the name your beloved mother gave to you.”

“I’d rather you not. It’s the cursed name of my damned father and I refuse to be called by it. Now, I want her back. She belongs to me.” David said, holding his hand out expectantly, even if Elizabeth wasn’t there and therefore there was nothing that Kyle could give him. He was really doing it just to make a point.

“She doesn’t have your mark on her.” Kyle said, still sounding rather bored.

“That’s not the point.”

“Whatever you say, brother. I do have an idea that I think will make us both happy.” Kyle said.

“Really?” David asked skeptically, “And what is that?”

“Well, you let me keep her, and I’ll let you keep her father when he shows up. And you do whatever the hell you want with him.” He shrugged, “just let me keep his daughter.”

“No!” David said all too quickly.

“No? I had a feeling that you would say that. Well, I guess that settles that then… you’ll be hearing from me very soon, I do hope that we can come to an agreement about this. I’ll be contacting you again, very very soon. So until then, be good and I suggest that you try to figure out your feelings for this girl because I know they go deeper then you’re willing to say they do.” He raised an eyebrow and quite suddenly he disappeared.

David glared at the spot where the boy had been standing only moments before. He slammed his fist into the nearest tree and let out a cry of frustration, “You damn bastard.” He growled at the air. Now what was he suppose to do? Darren would not be pleased about this. He had expected David to return with the girl.

David sighed in frustration, knowing the anger that he was about to face, for not performing at his best and for not getting the girl back as Darren had silently expected him to do.

He groaned as he made his way out of the park and headed towards his own clan house. Not wanting to do this, but knowing that he didn’t have much of choice. The longer he stayed away, the angrier Darren would be. And that was never good, better to just go now and get it over with.

He groaned again. And yet again, he was in trouble and it was all that girl’s fault. How, he hated her.

But, he knew he was lying. Knew it so well, but he refused to admit his true feelings because he knew nothing good would come from them.


“Where the hell is she?” Robert growled dangerously at the man sitting at the desk in front of him.

Darren simply placed his arms on the desk and smiled, a knowing, if not innocent smile at the livid man standing before him, “I have no idea, what you’re talking about.” He said simply.

Robert glared, “The hell you don’t.” he growled, “I got your letter. I know you have her, don’t try to deny it.”

Darren smirked, “Well, I can see quite clearly, where she gets her temper from.” Darren noted. Ignoring the first comment the standing man had made.

Robert ignored the comment and continued to glare, “Where is my daughter? I won’t ask you again.” He threatened.

“I can’t tell you, at least not yet.” Darren answered.

“She has nothing to do with all of this, you bastard. It’s between you and me. Not her. If you don’t give her back to me right now, I swear, I’ll-”

“I don’t have her.” Darren admitted quite suddenly.

Robert stopped mid sentence in shock at what he had just heard come from Darren’s mouth.

“Excuse me?” he asked, after several moments of deathly silence had fallen between the two. “What do you mean you don’t have her? How can you not have her? I got your letter!” Robert started babbling he was so angry, as well as really confused.

“Carson’s group got hold of her, just a few days ago. We’ve been doing everything we can to get her back. But, we don’t know where the hell they’re hiding.” Darren started, “And to be quite frank, I’m pretty sure that she’s already dead anyway.”

Robert Fitzgerald could do nothing but stare in total shock at what he had just been told. Elizabeth, his youngest daughter, could not be dead. She just couldn’t be. It just didn’t make any sense. She wasn’t dead. At least that’s what he told himself and that’s what he hoped and prayed was true.

“Now, that wasn’t so bad, now was it?” The question was meant to mock her, she just knew it.

She glared at the boy in front of her, but didn’t answer. He found her lack of answer humorous, and chuckled slightly before he got out of the bed, taking her with him. She struggled, but it was futile, so she gave up soon after she started and just let him place her unceremoniously on the carpeted floor before he began taking the sheets off the bed.

“What the hell are you doing?” she asked, not even bothering to get up and trying to stop him, she knew it would do not good anyway.

“She speaks!” he muttered, sarcastically, but it was loud enough for her to hear, she glared at him knowing that he probably did that on purpose. “I’m getting rid of the evidence, what does it look like I’m doing?” Well, that did become apparent when she saw that the bed was now completely uncovered, all the sheets were now lying in a useless pile on the floor. She watched as he picked up some clean ones on the bedside table, she hadn’t even known that those were there.

“You think that will make it impossible for him to find out what you did, on his very one bed?” she asked, incredulously. “He’s going to find out.” She said, as if she was quite sure of what she was saying, but to be honest, she had no idea what she was saying.

He shook his head not believing her, “No, he won’t.” he sounded very sure of himself. Too sure of himself. She glared at his overconfidence, it was annoying. He smirked.

“Then I’ll tell him myself, you pervert.” She accused.

She gasped as he suddenly slammed into her, sending them both toppling to the floor. She groaned, the man that happened to be lying on top of her was not the smallest nor was he the thinnest.

He glared at her for several long moments before he finally spoke, “You will do no such thing.” He growled dangerously, his face only inches from hers. “If you do, I will kill you.” He threatened.

“No you won’t. He’ll kill you before you get the chance.”

He looked at her for a moment before promptly throwing his head back and laughing. “You are quite amusing. I suppose he never mentioned any of the ‘rules’ that we live by here, did he?” he asked, cocking his head to one side. She shook her head slowly, not liking where this was going. “Well, one of those rules is: ‘You can not kill one of your clan members for any reason unless said clan member killed a slave or a pet of yours’. And, in case you didn’t notice you are very much alive at the present moment.” He smirked again.

She glared, that smirk was getting on her last nerve… she would have smacked it off but she currently found that she could not move her hands in order to do so. “Well, then he’ll kill you after you kill me.” She said trying a different tactic to see if she could scare him.

Though she didn’t even know what she even bothered because she was very well knew that the threat would fall on deaf ears and not mean a thing to him.

And she was right, she continued to glare as he chuckled again at her lame attempt to scare him, “Your threats are getting annoying.” He said, “They are losing their humor quite fast.” He gave her a knowing, mocking smile.

She continued to glare at him as he got up and finished changing the sheets on the bed. She didn’t even bother trying to stop him for she knew it would do no good, he was too strong for her. So, she chose to sit there with her arms crossed, glaring at him. Just like a two-year old who didn’t get their way.

He didn’t even glance at her again until he was at the door, one arm reaching for the doorknob and the other holding the soiled linen. He turned around to face her, a smile playing at his lips, “Now, be a good girl and keep this little encounter a secret. And everything will be just fine.”

She let out a yell of frustration and grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be a paperweight that she picked up from Kyle’s desk. She hurled it at him; she missed in her anger and it smacked into the door frame and fell to the ground with a small thud. Eric raised his eyebrows in surprise, before he promptly sent her a quick smirk before departing.

Elizabeth glared at the spot where Eric’s smirking face had been for several long moments before she got up and made her way to the bed. She got under the covers, brought her sheet covered legs up, and rested her head upon her knees. She was not in a very good mood.

She felt dirty after what she had somewhat allowed that boy to do to her. What the hell was she thinking? How, could she voluntarily give herself to that scumbag? She groaned at her own stupidity. She leaned her head back and lightly tapped it against the headboard. Punishing herself for being such a moron in the first place.

Eric smirked as he left the room. He was quite sure that Kyle would not find out about the little encounter he and the girl had shared. He had the girl shivering and eating out of the palm of his hand already. She was terrified that he would kill her if she so much as hinted at what they had done. Or at least he’d like to think that he had her like that, but he had his doubts, he just wouldn’t let them show. It was best to let everyone think that he was capable of scaring the most proud and independent humans into submission then to let them know the truth.

He dropped off the sheets in the laundry room. That wasn’t his job to do such a chore. It was a lowly humans’. “Wash them now!” he barked at the frightened girl who was busy with a few loads already. “Well, don’t just stand there!” he growled. “Get to work!” he took a threateningly step towards her; the move got her out of her daze. She swiftly got up and picked the linens up, scurrying around trying to figure out what to do with them since both washers were already in use.

He left then, rolling his eyes. He didn’t have time for this. He had other things to do, things that were more important then washing a pile of bed sheets.

He made his way down the hall and stopped only a few feet from the laundry room, why Carson wanted to be so close to the laundry room, he would never know.

He knocked on the door and was answered with a very rude, “What?” It sounded like Carson wasn’t in such a good mood today. Like that wasn’t normal, he never seemed to be in a good mood.

Eric opened the door slowly, peeking his head in to get a look before stepping all the way in. If Carson was in a really bad mood then he would be able to get out quickly before the latter decided to throw something at the door. Which, he was prone to do when he was really angry and just wanted to be left alone.

Carson sat at his desk across from the door; he was scribbling something down, but looked up at the sound of the door opening. The scowl that was writ on his features didn’t change when he saw who it happened to be.

“What is it Eric?” his auburn eyes flashing dangerously.

Eric didn’t falter; he was used to his mood swings. He stepped into the room and closed the door before he turned around to finally speak, “I just got back from meeting with the girl.”

Carson’s look didn’t change. “Yes?”

“I think I have her silence on the whole matter.” Eric smirked, “I scared her pretty good, if I do say so myself.” He was lying through his teeth, he knew, but what Carson didn’t know didn’t hurt him, right? He proceeded to cross his arms over his chest, in a very manly way. It made him look quite conceited. He had decided to tell a partial lie about the whole thing, what Carson didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right?

Carson arched an eyebrow, “Really? I have a very hard time believing that. You want to know why, Eric? Because, from what I know about this girl, she is very strong willed, she is the daughter of Robert Fitzgerald after all, and she doesn’t take shit from anybody. And I’m pretty sure that includes any sort of threats on your part.” Carson snarled, Yea, he was not in the best of moods at the moment. “I do thank you for your attempt, but to say that you ‘scared her pretty good’ is rather moronic, since Kyle, is unable to scare her into submission. And to put it simply, he is a hell of a lot better then you when it comes to things like this.”

Eric tried to ignore the fact that Carson had pretty much just insulted him.

He opened his mouth to respond, or really to defend himself, but never got a chance for Carson spoke first,

“Besides there’s been a change of plans.”

Eric looked somewhat confused at those words, but he didn’t get a chance to even respond before Carson spoke again, “Speaking of her, I’ve been dying to meet our little guest.” He smirked slightly. “Bring her to me; I have somewhat of a surprise for her.”

Eric nodded his head at the orders, turned on his heel, and left the office without another word. He knew that trying to defend himself would be useless and only anger Carson more. So, he shook off the anger he was feeling at the older man’s words and went to get the girl.

Elizabeth sighed; she didn’t think that she had ever been so bored. With nothing to do and nobody to talk to she felt like she was slowly dying of boredom. Where was Kyle when she needed him? At least he could keep her company, even if it meant having to listen to his arrogant comments, it was better then what she currently found herself doing, which was counting how many squares the ceiling above her had. She was just at 125, when the door flew open. The sudden noise startled her and she jumped slightly.

She jumped up and rolled her eyes, “Now what do you want?” She asked, watching him warily as he stepped into the room. She didn’t trust him, mostly because he had given her plenty of reasons not to.

Eric shrugged, “Carson wants to meet you.” He said simply.

She raised an eyebrow, “Really? Well, I don’t want to meet him.” She said, lying back down, “Tell him, I’m sorry, but I’m rather fine right here, thanks.” She said, making it quite clear that she had no intentions of leaving the room.

“Sorry, but you don’t have much of a choice in the matter.” He said before he promptly strode across the room, took a firm hold of her wrist and dragged her out of the room and down the hallway. She struggled, trying to get out of his grip, really only because his grip was tight and it was rather uncomfortable then anything else.

“Let me go!” she yelled. And when he didn’t so much a flinch at her words, she tried again, “I can walk by myself!” He ignored her and continued to drag her away with her kicking and yelling the whole way.

It wasn’t long before they came to a door, Eric didn’t even bother knocking, he just barged right in. Elizabeth had the feeling that he didn’t even know how to knock.

The door slammed up against the wall, making the occupants of the room all glance up to see who had rudely interrupted their conversation.

Elizabeth gasped at the many people that happened to spread throughout the somewhat small room. Most of whom she actually happened to recognize. And that’s what truly terrified her.

“Eric, what have I told you about barging into rooms without knocking?” The man behind the desk sounded annoyed. Elizabeth figured him to be this ‘Carson’ person since everyone else in the room she happened to recognize. She studied him for a moment, putting his image to memory. He had eyes that were an auburn color, and hair of the same color. He was quite possible the most beautiful vampire that she had ever seen. He smiled at her. It was by no means, a friendly smile and Elizabeth found it rather hard to look him in the eye due to the evil glint that she discovered there.

“Well, hello Elizabeth.” She glared at him, looking him the eye only briefly before taking her attention away from him to study the other people that happened to be in the room. Both David and Darren sat in two chairs near the door, close to where she was standing. Kyle sat nearer to the desk that Carson sat behind. There were a few other men in the room, but she paid them no mind. They looked like they were guards, and thus were unimportant. The last person that she spotted was someone, a man, from what she could see since he was facing away from her. He was sitting in the chair next to Kyle and in front of the desk. No, he wasn’t sitting, he was tied. She saw the handcuffs that made it quite difficult for the man to move. She stared for a moment in shock, trying to find her voice.

She gasped when she suddenly realized that she recognized that person in the chair and she quite suddenly found her voice.

“Dad?” she said so quietly she could barely hear herself say it.

She was confused, but she was slowly starting to understand what was going on in here. And the new realization was rapidly replacing confusion with anger, lots and lots of anger.
Last edited by Chaotic Romance on Wed Jan 23, 2008 12:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
"Assert your right to make a few mistakes. If people can't accept your imperfections, that's their fault." - Dr. David M. Burns

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Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:51 pm
Heatherish says...

wow that was incredible...i wont comment further because i already left you a list on your last post haha but really good job im going to find the rest of the story because i cant stop now
Favorite Quote (at the moment):
"cuz' I'd rather wast my life pretending than have to forget you for one whole minute"

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Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:01 pm
chayonz says...

omg. This just keeps getting better and better. I'm hooked. And im also goin to fanfiction.com rite now to read the rest.


p.s. I found no mistakes (probably because i was reading so fast) and i could't find anything else which i disliked. I love their argurments, they're so amusing!
h a y o n :)

nobody is perfect. thats why pencils have erasers.
- unknown

For in everything it is no easy task to find the middle ... anyone can get angry—that is easy—or give or spend money; but to do this to the right person, to the right extent, at the right time, with the right motive, and in the right way, that is not for everyone, nor is it easy; wherefore goodness is both rare and laudable and noble.
— Aristotle