
Young Writers Society

Expect the Unexpected- Chapters Fifteen and Sixteen

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27 Reviews

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Reviews: 27
Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:18 am
Chaotic Romance says...

I know I waited forever to post these next chapters... but that's because I was really hoping I would have some comments that were somewhat helpful! Not that the nice comments aren't helpful... a least I'm doing something right... but I really like hearing what I can improve, so please help me improve this!! I don't mind being told what's wrong with my story, as long as you're not unnecessarily rude to me.

WARNING: Chapter Sixteen contains some material that may not be suitable for children under the age of 13 or to those who are sensitive to the subject... there is no description of the event, but it's hinted at and it does happen. Read at your own risk. That's the reason why the rating has gone up to R.


David made his way to his room after trying to convince Darren that he was not the type of guy who could do a search party. Darren had proceeded to kick him out and refused to listen to a word that he had to say.

David growled in frustration. This girl was too much trouble then she was worth and he was now starting to regret ever kidnapping her in the first place. She was annoying as hell and even bothering her had started to lose its appeal. Now, he had to try to find the little brat. Even in his opinion they really didn’t need her, if her father was coming… but Darren was rather insistent that they had her. He had the strange idea that her father would need to see his daughter before he so much as stepped foot into their house. Which, in some way made sense, but David wouldn't admit to it... if Darren wasn't so insistent then he wouldn't have to be doing this right now.

He slammed his bedroom door open and turned the overhead light on, he made his way to the bed but something stopped him. He saw something out of the corner of his eye. Something that he knew was not suppose to be there. He glanced towards his desk, that sat across from him and in between the two windows.

On top of it lay an envelope. And David was quite positive that it had not been there when he had left to speak to Darren, that had only been a few minutes ago…

He made his way over to it, picked it up and opened it to find a single sheet of paper, written upon it, in what had to be the messiest handwriting was this:

Hmm, how should I start this? Well, I guess I should inform you that we have your dear, precious Elizabeth, but don’t worry, I won’t kill her, yet anyway. I know you like her and I know about that kiss you two shared. How romantic… makes me sick. She’s way too young for you. Anyway, I know you want her back for your little plan with her father to work, yes I know about that too…so, if you want her back, it will come at a price and asking for her unharmed is out of the question, for she already is… sorry about that, you know me and my temper. But, if you want her back in one piece, I suggest you do exactly as I say: meet me in Central Park at the South entrance, approximately at midnight, tomorrow night. That way, we can discuss this in a civilized manner. Though, if you decide not to show, I will kill her and make sure that her death is as painful as possible. Got it? Good. So, if you ever want to see her alive again, I suggest that you meet me, David, or should I say Jonathan? See you soon.


David stared at the paper for a few moments before he promptly smashed into a paper ball.

“Oh, I’ll be there you bastard.” he glared at the ball of paper that he held in his hands before he swiftly threw it across the room. It made a dull thud as it hit the wall and fell to the floor. He was too lazy to go and pick it up, so he left it there. “And I do not like her!” he added, though no one could hear him so the effort was futile.

He left her after that without a word. The questions he had meant to ask her completely forgotten. Elizabeth sighed, this really really sucked. She really didn’t think her situation could get much worse.

She rolled her eyes. That kiss she and David had shared meant nothing. He didn't have feelings for her, that she was sure if and even if he did she sure as hell didn’t return them. Liar a voice from inside muttered accusingly.

“I do not like him.” she snarled, to that annoying voice, “I could never like him, he’s too much of an asshole for his own good.” she explained, still talking to herself.

She began swiftly glaring at the wall ahead of her with her arms crossed over her chest in a very childlike manner. Yea, she figured that things couldn't get much worse then this.

“I must say that you are quite humorous, my dear.” A voice suddenly muttered in the darkness, not too far from where she happened to be sitting.

She continued to glare, “Now, what do you want?” Seriously, didn’t he have better things to do? Even David, hadn’t bothered her this much.

“Well, if you’re going to be rude, then I’ll just take this food back to where it came from and you can sit in here and starve.” The lights flooded on just then, surprising her and making her cover her eyes because of the sudden brightness that they brought.

Kyle stood before her carrying a tray, upon it sat a sandwich and a glass of water. “Wow, thanks.” she said, nodding towards the food, “that’ll sustain me for oh, about five minutes.” She stated sarcastically.

“Well, if you don’t want it, I could always take it back and not feed you for another day or so. Bet, you’d love that, wouldn’t you?” he said, giving her his trademark smirk.

She glared, “Whatever.” She wasn’t that terribly hungry, but if he wasn’t planning to feed her any time soon then she was going to accept what food he gave her now. Even it if was minimal and probably wouldn't last very long. She wasn’t a complete idiot. She held her hands out expectantly.

“Good girl,” he said as he continued to smirk, “I knew you would see it my way.” She continued to glare at him as he handed her the tray and proceeded to sit a few feet away from her.

“You can go now.” she said nodding to the door, “I don’t need to be watched while I’m eating.” she said sardonically. “I’m not a baby; I won’t choke, not that you would care any way.” she added as an afterthought as she placed the tray in front of herself.

He continued to smirk at her. That smirk seemed to be permanently attached to his face. “You are quite amusing.” he said, “I can see very well why David likes you.”

“He does not like me.” she growled.

“Still in denial, I see.” he continued to smirk. And Elizabeth really wanted to smack that look off his face. “Are you going to eat or not?” he asked, gesturing to the forgotten tray that lay right in front of her.

“How do I know that’s its safe to eat? For all I know, you could have poisoned it or drugged it.” she accused, remembering the last time that she had eaten food and how she had passed out because of it. She was not going to make the same mistake twice.

He shrugged, “I have no need to do those things, if I wanted to kill you, I would have done so already and I have no reason to drug you, if I wanted you to fall unconscious, I would bite you or knock you out. I have no reason for any drugs.” he explained.

“Wow that makes me feel a whole lot better.” she stated sarcastically.

He shrugged and she glared at him. “Go away then.” she said.

“Sorry, not going to happen. I still have to ask you some questions.”

She rolled her eyes, “And yet again, I wonder what kind of questions you could possibly ask me?” she asked, “Don’t you already know all about me?” she asked.

“Contrary, to what you might think. We don’t keep tabs on you or your family. That’s a hell of a lot of work to do.” he explained. “Now eat, before I change my mind.” he gestured towards the tray

She sighed, “Fine, but if it’s drugged, I will castrate you.” she threatened.

His face turned dark and he all but growled, “I’d like to see you try. It’s not drugged.”

She smirked at the look he was giving her. She was glad to know that she had succeeded in threatening him, albeit, it was a pretty lame threat really but she got a reaction out of him, which meant it didn't fall on deaf ears as it usually did. And that made her smile. She bit into the sandwich and discovered that it was ham, why was she not surprised? She seemed to be eating a lot of those lately.

Kyle sat a few feet away from her as she ate, watching her and giving her a very uncomfortable feeling, as usual. When she was through, she placed the empty plate back on the tray and reached for the glass of water. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was until the water reached her parched mouth. She gulped it down in record time and placed the empty glass on the tray, next to the empty plate.

“You can leave now.” she said, nodding towards the door.

He smirked at her again, “I am not quite through with you yet.”

“What is that suppose to mean?” she asked.

“You’ll see.” he said in a somewhat mysterious way before he swiftly grabbed her arms and led her from the room.

He brought her to a room that was a little ways down the hall. The room was almost empty with only a chair that looked strangely similar to an electric chair, a table with different unrecognizable tools on it and a man sitting in a chair next to the tools. She gulped; she did not like the looks of this…

She was lost in her thoughts until Kyle yanked her out when he literally yanked her across the room and pushed her roughly into the chair. She tried to struggle, but she was nothing against his brute strength. And the next thing she knew she was strapped tightly and very securely to the chair.

She didn’t know what was going to happen, but she was almost positive that she was not going to like it. So, she continued to struggle, even though this time, her struggles were quite futile due to herself, being tightly strapped to the chair. But, she was too scared and nervous to really think logically.

Kyle merely laughed at her useless attempts to escape her bonds. “You can try as hard as you want, but your bonds will not loosen. They never have, and they never will” he nodded to the man next to Elizabeth.

She did not even glance to her right, to see what he was silently telling the man next to her to do. She was too busy, sending her most evil glare towards the boy that towered over her. He smirked, again. “You can glare at me all you want, but that won’t change anything.” he said knowingly, smirking at the look of pure hatred that she was giving him.

She opened her mouth to respond with a very sarcastic comment, when she felt a sharp, stabbing pain on her right shoulder. She let out a yelp of surprise and jumped ever so slightly.

“In case you want to know…. he is applying my mark to your shoulder.” he explained still smirking at her. Elizabeth started breathing hard, though that was the only sound that she would make. She refused to make any other sound because she knew then she would be making the piercing pain she currently found herself in known to the boy who stood only a foot or two in front of her. She was determined to not show him how much pain she really was in.

She closed her eyes tightly and refused to make another sound. She could feel his presence very close to her. Way too close for comfort. “Scream, my dear, sweet Elizabeth, scream for me. Tell me how much pain you are in.” he whispered very close to her.

She gulped but still refused to make a sound as the man kept to his work. He slapped her, “That was an order.” he growled softly.

She winced as her face stung from the blow, but she still refused to make a sound. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction. He growled softly and the pain began to worsen. It was so bad, she really couldn’t see straight anymore. Everything started to blend together in one big blob including Kyle.

And even through all the pain, she still refused to scream because she would not give him the satisfaction of hearing it. He was well aware of how much pain she was in, and she wasn't about to voice it.

She closed her eyes, hoping that that would make the pain more bearable, but that did no such thing. All it did was wipe Kyle’s evil, smirking face from her vision. And that was only for a few seconds.

“Keep your eyes open.” he muttered, shaking her roughly. She immediately opened her eyes and saw hazel. He was so close she could feel his hot breath on her face. Though, she must have been so nervous, that she had forgotten the little fact that he was dead and didn’t need to breathe.

“Get away from me.” she snarled as she tried to ignore the shearing pain that was still coming from her right shoulder. Her world was still not clear. everything was still blending together.

“Your bravery amazes me.” he sounded somewhat in awe.

She answered with a glare. The pain too much that she was now unable to speak. He didn't say anything about her look, just gave her his trademark smirk.

And that look was the last thing she saw before her world was shrouded in darkness and she passed out from the agonizing pain.


Elizabeth sighed in contentment as she leaned against the boy, who held her close as they danced slowly, even though the song, called for something different. But the two were so lost in their own little world. It was like it was only them and the music…

“I still hear your voice,
When you sleep next to me.
I still feel your touch,In my dreams
Forgive me my weakness,
But I don't know why,
Without you it's hard to survive

'Cause every time we touch,
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss,
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast,
I want this to last,
Need you by my side
'Cause every time we touch,
I feel the static,
And every time we kiss,
I reach for the sky,
Can't you feel my heart beat so
I can't let you go,
Want you in my life.”

The song was lost to the girl as she glanced up at the love of her life. “I’m having the best time of my life, Andy.” She smiled at the boy that stood a few inches taller then her. She tried to reach up and give him a small kiss, but she was too short and so he met her half way and their lips met in a soft and gentle kiss.

Elizabeth nearly melted into him, but never got the chance, because all too suddenly, she was staring into blue eyes, that did not belong to Andy, he had green eyes. She gasped in total shock at who she had just kissed…

And she woke up two seconds later, breathing hard and gasping for air uncontrollably.

It was just a dream. Just a silly little dream. She thanked God for that… but if it was just a dream, then why had it felt so… real?

She shuddered and lay back down on the cot, too tired to really ask how she had gotten back into this dungeon room.

Once her heart rate had returned to normal she slowly fell back to sleep and for once, at a time that she did not want to.

David jerked awake. That was so not cool. One second he had been kissing some girl whom he was having a fun time playing with and the next he was kissing her, on the lips. Whether it was a dream or not, was beside the point. It had all seemed so real. He could feel her lips and could taste her.

Damn that girl and what she was doing to him. Because this was all her fault.

He lay back down in his bed a few seconds later, after getting over the initial shock of the dream, and he fell back to sleep.

“I had a real great time tonight, Andy” she said, smiling at the boy that was driving the black Ford down the dark street. It was 12:30 and they were leaving the hotel, the place where the Prom had been hosted.

The boy driving took his eyes off the road for just a second to respond, “Aw, I did too.” her boyfriend of almost two years smiled at her before he returned his eyes back to the road.

She smiled as the car was filled with silence, but it was nice silence, an un-awkward silence. This gave her a moment to remember how they had met and how clichéd it all really was.

She had gone to the mall, to buy her mother a birthday gift. Her father had dropped her off, believing her when she said that she was old enough to shop by herself. Which was so true. She had gone to the food court to get something to drink, being parched after wandering around for close to an hour. Since it was so cold out, she decided to get a hot chocolate and drink it as she continued her shopping.

Cue, cliché meeting. She, being the total klutz that she was accidentally tripped over her own two feet and ended up spilling her hot chocolate all over him. It was really love at first sight on both ends. She later found out that they were only a year and a day apart. Andy’s birthday was on May 14th 1989 and hers happened to be on May 15th 1990. That alone made everyone think that they were soul mates, and Elizabeth had to agree.

She was broken from her thoughts when something suddenly slammed into their own car. She screamed as she was thrown from the car, right through the passenger side window, the seatbelt had broken under the force of the impact. She lay sprawled across the ground a few feet away from the mangled mess of metal that use to resemble a car. The car that had hit them, and thus had caused this whole mess was no where to be seen.

Elizabeth groaned from the pain of hitting the pavement way too hard. She was quite sure that something was broken, but she was worried that it was a plural “somethings”. She tried to get up and then she was quite sure that she had in fact broken something. A shearing pain came from her wrist, she had broken it that she was sure of. How, was the ultimate question, but she was too dizzy to figure it out. She lay back down begging that the world would stop spinning.

She knew she was bleeding and she knew that Andy was quite possibly worse off then she was, but being dizzy and with at least one part of her body broken, she was quite sure that she would be no help to him. Even if she could get up, which she couldn’t.

She heard sirens in the distance, and groaned in relief, too out of it to wonder how they had even been notified of the accident,, since there was hardly anyone on the road, due to the fact that it was almost one in the morning. That was the last thing she thought before darkness overtook her and she blacked out.

Elizabeth jerked awake, but not on her own accord. A bucket of water had been dumped unceremoniously over her head, causing her to wake up with a start. What the hell was that?

The dungeon room she was in was dark, as it always was. But something was different, there was someone there with her, she could feel their presence close. She rolled her eyes, “Go away, you bastard.” She snarled.

Someone, a man, chuckled in the darkness, and she knew it was not Kyle who was there to bother her. “Who the hell are you?” she snarled, knowing that she did not know this man.

“Time to have a little fun, princess.” He was smirking; she could hear it in his voice. He suddenly grabbed her hands quite roughly, making her cry out from the sudden pain.

“What are you talking about?” she asked trying to get out of his grip, but to no avail, he was a hell of a lot stronger then she was and her attempts just made him laugh at her and hold on to her tighter. “Let go of me damnit!” she snarled at him.

“Stop struggling or I might just break your wrists.” he threatened, leaning so close to her that she got a good look at his eye color, a deep blue color, she memorized it, so she could use it later on, if need be.

She glared, but heeded his warning and stopping trying to get away. “Good girl.” he muttered before he swiftly chained her hands to the wall, next came her feet and lastly a gag was placed in her mouth. The guy walked away from her and she feared that he was going to leave her like that, but she heard low voices, and realized she did not have one intruder, but in fact at least three, since she heard three different voices.

She closed her eyes, praying, for once in her life, that Kyle would save her; he had not once tied her up like this before. What were they going to do to her? She gulped; nothing good was going to come of this that she was sure of.

Her fears were confirmed when she felt one of their presences near her again and this time she felt the cool metal of a knife pressed lightly on her abdomen. She tightened her stomach and breathed deeply, trying to remain calm and show as little weakness as she possible could. The knife slid up and easily cut through her shirt as well as her bra. She gasped, and pretty much knew where this was going. She began struggling, uselessly knowing that the chains would not budge. The knife was moved to rest on her skin and was pushed hard to break the skin. It was silent warning to stop what she was doing and she listened and remained still as the violations on her body began.


David woke up for the second time that night, not due to his dream, but due to something entirely different. Elizabeth. He had no clue how he knew, but somehow, he knew that she was in trouble, more so then before. She was also in pain, how he knew that, he had no clue. But, God damnit he would not let any harm come to her!

He didn’t even realize what he was thinking until afterwards.

He glared at the ceiling when he realized what he had just thought. He did not just think that! How, could he even begin to worry about that annoying girl? But, he was well aware of the answer, just not ready to admit it quite yet.

The next day, Kyle visited Elizabeth first thing in the morning. He didn’t want to give her anymore alone time, in his opinion he had given her quite enough already. It was time to get down to business.

He opened her cell door a few seconds later, in his haste to get to her, it didn’t even register that the door was unlocked, he always locked the door. But, he didn’t notice that or the fact that the girl lay somewhat unmoving on the cold stone floor of the room, in the opposite place, from where he usually found her.

He made his way over to her still body and began shaking her in an attempt to wake her up, but she didn’t move. It was as if she couldn’t even feel or hear him. “Get up.” he growled impatiently. He didn’t have time for this. He began to shake her harder, but she lay as still as before. Her head was the only part of her that made motion, and it was just bobbing pathetically back and forth.

He dropped her abruptly when he noticed how cold and clammy she was. She was only half vampire she shouldn’t be that cold….

At a single command, the room was flooded with light and he could see clearly what was wrong now. She was lying chained to the single pair of handcuffs attached to the wall.

She was partially naked. Her shirt was ripped down the middle revealing the fact that her bra was in fact gone. Her underwear, though still intact, was ripped and was barely clinging to her body. There was blood all over her and the floor. For a second, he thought that she was dead, but he checked and she had a pulse, it was faint, but at least it was there… meaning she was alive, at least for now she was.

He then noticed that his mark, the one that he had had applied to her just yesterday, was faded. Only his eyesight could detect it though since it was such a slight difference, but to him it now could be confused as a very dark blue instead of a completely black color. He growled, the only way that a mark could fade so quickly after being applied was if the ‘markee’ had been bitten by another vampire besides the one who had had the mark applied. He had bitten her right after the mark was applied (while she was unconscious) and thus had signified that she was his.

He checked her pulse again, and found that it was fainter then it was before. “I better get you to a doctor. I may not like you, but I’m sure as hell am not going to let you die on me now. It’s far too early to do that.” He smirked at her almost lifeless form as he unchained her from the wall; her arms fell limply to her sides. He picked her up, only surprised for a moment at how light she really was. He left the room after that, stomping all the way up to his bedroom where he promptly placed her on his own bed and left her so he could find the only doctor that happened to be there. He was letting his anger known to the entire household the whole time. He was going to find who did this, and they were really going to wish that they hadn’t touched her.

“What is it now, David?” Darren asked, sounding tired.

“They have her.”

“Who has who?” he asked, looking at the boy in front of him.

“Carson’s gang has her.” David said, trying not to get too angry at the fact that he could forget the girl so easily, after claiming her to be so important.

“I know.” Darren muttered. “Carson left a nice letter for me, sitting here right on my desk” he nodded towards the said object.

“Oh,” David muttered, so that’s why he was acting stupid… “What’d the letter say?”

“Here, you can read it and see for yourself.” He handed the boy a piece of paper.

David skimmed it, only to find that it was quite similar to that of Kyle’s except it didn’t mention any of his feelings towards the girl. That he was incredibly thankful for, the last thing he wanted was for Darren to really believe that he had feelings for her. As of now, he didn’t know about the kiss and David wanted to keep it that way.

“So, what are we going to do?” he asked, placing the read sheet of paper back on the desk and staring expectantly at the man sitting behind the desk.

“The same thing, nothing has changed, David, I still expect you to form a search party. And I also plan for you to meet him at the south entrance of Central Park tomorrow night.”


“No, buts, now go.” Darren shooed the boy away.

David glared, but did as he was told and left the room. He continued to glare as he made his way back up to his room. Fine if Darren was so keen on him being the whole “search party” creator then so be it. “But, he sure as hell was not going to like it. They could keep her for all he cared.”

“You know, David, you are quite a bad liar.” A quiet voice muttered. He hadn’t realized that he had voiced the last part of his thoughts aloud until Nicole had spoken from where she sat. Which happened to be at his desk.

“What do you mean?” David asked looking at her skeptically. She looked like a worried parent who was pissed that their child had been staying out too late. Only thing that was wrong was the fact that she didn’t look a day over seventeen, a little young to be a parent of a teenager.

She gave him a look. “Don’t play dumb. It won’t work with Darren and it sure as hell won’t work with me.”

David just looked at her. “I’ve known you for over a hundred years, David, and even though I might be younger then you, I know when something is up with you. And something is definitely up with you. Don’t try to deny it.” She threatened as an afterthought as he started to open his mouth, in an attempt to deny all the things that she had just said.


“Please, David, it’s so blatantly obvious, your feelings are practically written all over your face. I’ve known you long enough to know that you have a hard time keeping your emotions hidden. I know how hard you tried the last time this happened. I’m surprised Darren doesn’t know.”

“Well, he does.” David said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Really? Well, I stand corrected then.” Nicole muttered, “Last time I didn’t get involved, but I’m sorry this time I’m not going to turn my head.” Nicole mimicked David’s’ position. “I know you like her, David.”

“What? I do not.”

“Yes, you do. Don’t deny it. It’s written all over your face.”

He stared at her before slowly shaking his head, “I do not.” he repeated the phrase for the third time.

Nicole let out a quiet cry of frustration. “You know, your brain might believe what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sure that your heart doesn’t. But you’re too damn stubborn to see what’s right in front of you.” she said before she got up from where she sat at his desk and walked around him.

“Where are you going?” he asked as she opened the door.

“To my room.” she said not even looking back at him.

David stared at the door for a good five minutes after Nicole had left. Her words were echoing in his head. “Your brain might believe what you’re saying, but I’m pretty sure that your heart doesn’t. But you’re too damn stubborn to see what’s right in front of you.”

“I don’t like her.” He seemed to be saying that a lot lately, like a broken record.

But this time, he didn’t believe his own voice. And quite suddenly he broke from his trance, went to the door, and slammed it shut. “No.” he muttered as he went and sat down on his bed. He brought his hand up to rub at his temple. Great, now he had a headache and was confused as hell.

God, how he hated how complicated his life had gotten since she had become a part of it.

NOTE: Everytime We Touch belongs to Cascada and her record company!

And please don't yell at me about what happens to Elizabeth... I'm planning to take it out during my edit of this story after it's completion. I'm planning to remove it and put something else in it's place.
Last edited by Chaotic Romance on Sun Dec 02, 2007 2:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Assert your right to make a few mistakes. If people can't accept your imperfections, that's their fault." - Dr. David M. Burns

My website: http://www.freewebs.com/chaoticromance1/index.htm

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82 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 890
Reviews: 82
Sat Dec 01, 2007 4:36 pm
chayonz says...

I dont get what really happened to her. Did she get raped or something??

Anyways can't wait to read the next one!!
Plz post sooooooon!!!!


oh and dont get discouraged if ppl dont critic, more ppl read than critic, sort of like me. XD
h a y o n :)

nobody is perfect. thats why pencils have erasers.
- unknown

Let the wild rumpus start!
— Maurice Sendak