
Young Writers Society

Expect the Unexpected- Chapter Five

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Sat Oct 27, 2007 10:29 pm
Chaotic Romance says...

Wanted to thank sokool15 again for commenting!! Thank you very much for the helpful pointers, I changed some of the problems in the last chapter and proofread this chapter for the mistakes that you pointed out last chapter. Here's chapter 5:

David couldn’t believe his luck. One second he was thinking of what a not so good day this had been and the next he was invited into her home, by her unknowing mother. He had known that bringing the book back would have results, but he didn’t imagine that they would be like this.

He smirked as he saw Elizabeth arguing with her mother about what she had just done. She had a right to worry, for now; he could come in whenever he wanted to, whether through the front or back door or no door at all.

Her mother had done a very stupid thing… but, hey it worked for him, so he wasn’t complaining. Now, he could visit her anytime he wanted.

His thoughts suddenly changed when he realized that he was hungry… he had meant to feed on the bus driver but his change of plans had prevented that. And no human in this house was good… she would know that he did it and that would make her never come near him again. And of course, she was off limits. Darren had explicitly said that…

What to do, what to do?

He decided to stay for a few more minutes to see if anything interesting happened… afterward he would go back to the house and feed on one of the many humans that resided there.

“Mom! I can’t believe you invited him in!” Elizabeth said, trying to keep her voice down so the boy couldn't hear what she was saying.

“Elizabeth, dear, I don’t see the problem… he’s a perfectly nice boy…” her mother said, as she placed the finished touches on her mystery dish.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, “I barely know him, and you know even less about him!”

Her mother looked at her, “Do you have a crush on him? Is that why you're so afraid of him being here?” she asked, smiling slightly.

Elizabeth scrunched her nose up, “Ewwwwwww, no!! Mom, oh my God, that’s disgusting. I do not like him and I especially don’t like him like that!”

“Are you sure then?” she questioned.

“Yes, I am quite sure. Ew… that is so nasty… And I think it’s time that he leaves now…” and with that she turned around and went into the living room where David happened to be sitting and watching TV.

“It’s time for you to leave.” she said simply.

He looked up from what he was watching, which turned out to be the News, what teenager willingly watches the News, by themselves? There was something seriously wrong with this boy.

“I just got here…” he smirked as she glared at him.

“If you don’t leave right now…. I swear I’ll-”

He interrupted her, “You’ll what?” he snorted, “What could you do?” he asked.

“You’d be surprised, now get out before I make you!” Elizabeth snarled.

“Very well, I’ll see you tomorrow then.” he said as he got up and clearly on purpose- since he could have avoided her, the living room wasn’t that small- brushed up against her making her gasp and shudder at the close contact. He smirked at her before he turned and headed for the door. He had to leave anyway, he needed to feed and badly. It took all his will power not to drink from her right then. But he held himself back. Darren would kill him if he did such a thing.

“And stay away from me. I will have to get violent If you come near me again.” she threatened. But it was a dead threat and he just smiled and nodded at her, as if to say, whatever you say. He was practically mocking her with that smile, she glared at him and proceeded to slam the door in his face.

“Did he leave already?” her mother questioned, coming to stand in the doorway, “such a nice boy, Elizabeth”

She stared wide-eyed at her mother. “Whatever, mom. I got homework to do.” And with that she turned on her heel, grabbed her book bag and headed up the steps.

David made his way to his clan house, taking a short cut through the park to get there quicker, he needed to feed and he needed to do so now. He would have done so in the park, but either people were traveling in pairs or they were in out in the open and not really in a good position for him to attack them. Especially in broad daylight.

He’d been walking faster as his hunger started taking over his body. He could have just popped to the house, but he had hardly any energy at all, and something like that required more energy then his body possessed at the present moment. But besides, it was always a bad idea to use that kind of travel this time of day, since more humans were around and it let to a bigger chance of being caught. No, it was just fine with him to take the walk and not risk exposure even if it meant seeing plenty of humans all of which were very edible but also very unattainable.

He spotted the house a few minutes later and sighed in relief at the sight. He began walking faster, trying not to draw too much attention to himself. Though, he shouldn't have bothered since no one was paying attention to him anyway, they were far too busy in their own little world to care what he was up to.

The place where he had called home for several centuries was an old three-story building that had been abandoned by humans several centuries ago. It even looked the part, the once white building was now a dull gray color, most of the shutters were broken and there were weeds everywhere. There were no signs that led to the assumption that people actually lived there and that's the way Darren and the rest of the group liked it.

He quickly made his way inside and immediately made his way down to the dungeons to feed on one of the poor humans who resided there.

Several minutes later, once his hunger had been satiated, he reappeared in the foyer and he made his way up to the second floor where he stopped outside a closed door. He knocked, “Come in.” a very gruff sounding voice said from within.

He opened the door slowly and peeked inside; Darren looked up from the piece of paper he was busy reading, “Ah, David, there you are… I was wondering when you would get home. Come in, have a seat.” He gestured to the two seats that sat before his desk.

David took the offer and once he was down Darren spoke again, “So, how did the first day go?” he asked.

David shrugged, “It could have gone better. I think I creeped her out. She doesn’t like me that much at the moment. She’s very stubborn too. Won’t even give me a second chance.”

Darren raised his eyebrows, “Really?”

“But upon good news, her mother did invite me into her house.”

“Really now?” Darren eyebrows flew even farther up until his blonde hair hid them from view. “Now, that’s very interesting… that almost makes up for the fact that you got no where today…we don’t have a lot of time David. It’s only a matter of time before her parents, mainly her father, start suspecting something.”

David nodded, “Alright. I’ll do my very best, but she’s very hard to crack and very stubborn at that. But I’ll try.”

“You better. Don’t make me regret putting you on this assignment.” Darren threatened as David nodded in understanding, “You’re dismissed. I expect better results and I want to hear of progress tomorrow.”

“Yes sir,” was all David said before he left the room.

­Elizabeth glared at the piece of paper, somewhat lost for words. This was the first time that she had ever been stumped on a math problem. Mrs. Lent would have a field day if she found out that she gave her too hard of a problem. That woman was always looking for ways to embarrass her or fail her. Most of the time she tried doing both.

She sighed, putting her pencil down and stretching before glancing at her clock, it was only 6:30 and her parents would be leaving for that party soon… and she would be stuck home with the twins. Somehow Ashley had gotten out of babysitting with her, since she very well knew that she did not have anything planned for tonight. She probably buttered their mother up, as usual.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes; she really wished that she didn’t have a sister. Or at least one that wasn’t such a bitch like Ashley was. They had nothing in common and were as different as siblings could be. The only things they shared were their parents and they both had blonde hair, though Ashley was far better looking. Elizabeth’s hair had turned brown over the many years. And that was only because she wasn’t the one that spent all that time out in the sun, tanning. That had been Ashley.

Elizabeth sighed as she got up and headed downstairs.

“Elizabeth, dear we’re leaving now!” she heard her mother call, as she made her way to the stairs.

“Alright.” Elizabeth answered as she ran down the steps to see her parents leave.

“Now, you shouldn’t have any trouble, honey. But, call if you need anything.” She nodded as her mother and father were making their way to the front door. Her mother was carrying the dish she had prepared while her father was carrying what looked to be a present of some sort.

She smiled, “I’ll be fine mom, I’m sixteen I think I can handle two twelve year old boys for just a few hours.” Elizabeth said, wanting them to just go already, “Have a good time.” she said as she opened the door and closed it behind her parents as they left.

She turned around to face her two brothers, who were standing in the doorway, leading to the kitchen. “Alright, guys. I got a lot of homework to do. So, do whatever, as long as it’s legal and won’t blow the house up.”

They smirked at each other before they fled the room. She knew where they were going, the living room to play some dumb video game. She sighed… boys.

She made her way up to her room and gathered up her books and headed back down and started working at the kitchen table, that way she could keep an eye on them. “Would you two turn the volume down? That is way too loud!” she said, glaring at that back of their heads.

Of course they didn’t listen, she rolled her eyes as she got up from where she sat and proceeded to go and turn it down herself. “Hey!” they said in unison.

“Sorry, guys. I got a lot of work to do. It was too loud! You’re lucky I’m even letting you do this. I should be making you do your homework.” She turned on her heel and sat back down, the sound now at a much reasonable level.

Elizabeth was ecstatic when she heard the front door open at ten o’clock. Even though her brothers were asleep, it was nice not to be the only awake person in the house.

“Hello, dear.” Her mother said, as she came into the kitchen first.

“Hey, how was the party?” she asked, yawing slightly.

“It was fine, but very tiring. You’re father is about to go to bed and I think I’m going to be quick to follow him. You should get to bed soon too… you got school tomorrow.”

She sighed, “I know. I just got to finish my math homework. I’m almost done though.”

Her mother nodded, “Alright, well goodnight, Elizabeth.” She kissed her on the cheek before she headed for the stairs.

Her father came in right after her mother left. "Don't stay up too late, Elizabeth." he said, repeating what her mother had just told her.

"I won't, dad. I just have to finish these last few problems. Mrs. Lent always collects homework and grades it for accuracy." she explained.

He nodded before he kissed her on the forehead, "Okay, goodnight then. See you in the morning." he said as he stood back up and made his way to the stairs, taking the same route her mother did.

It was only a few minutes later that she finished the last graphing problem, she closed the book with a triumphed look on her face. She was extremely happy that she was finally through with it. She yawned as she got up and packed her school stuff back into her backpack.

After she turned off the rest of the lights, she made her way up stairs and got ready for bed. She was too exhausted to brush her teeth or to wash her face. She hadn't even realized how tired she was until she had gotten into her room. She crawled under the covers and fell asleep only a few minutes after her head hit the pillow.

David sighed as he stared intently at the picture that he held in his hand. Thinking of how he was suppose to get close to her… she had to come willingly, at least partly. But at the rate things were going, he wasn’t so sure when she was going to like him, if at all.

Maybe he should just take her now? Though, Darren would be pissed at such an action. He didn’t really think that he had much of a choice in the matter. If he didn’t then it would just be a chasing match for him, and though, those were fun. They were only entertaining if he got to kill the prey at the end. But this one he could not kill, he couldn’t even feed from her. And that alone just made the whole thought of chasing her not so much fun anymore

He sighed; maybe he could just pay her a nightly visit, just to see what she was up to.

He smirked at the idea before he disappeared and found himself sitting inside her room. He was very thankful that her mother had invited him inside, now he could come in whenever he liked.

He saw her sleeping soundly in her queen sized bed, across from where he currently found himself sitting, which was her desk. He glanced at the different items strewn about on the top, but something caught his eye making him turn around to get a second look.

It was picture of her and an unknown boy. She looked young, younger then her current age. She was maybe fourteen or fifteen, he wasn’t too sure…It was taken at a formal event, for the attire was formal. He was wearing a tuxedo while she wore something close to an evening gown.

It was the frame that caught his attention though, ‘Andy and Elizabeth 4ever’. So, she had a boyfriend? That was interesting; he didn’t remember Darren mentioning a boyfriend… maybe that was why she hated him so much…

He glanced back over to the sleeping girl, who was now not so peaceful… she was jerking in her sleep and muttering things under her breath, and then quite suddenly, she swiftly let out a scream. Not a loud scream, that could reach her parents room, but one loud enough that it reverberated off the wall. And made him wince slightly.

He had half the mind to take a peek and see what she was having a nightmare about but something stopped him.

He got up swiftly and left the room, but not before leaving her a little “gift” on her bedside table.
Last edited by Chaotic Romance on Sun Oct 28, 2007 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Oct 28, 2007 4:27 am
sokool15 says...

He studied the place where he had called home for several centuries.

Lol, that sentence made me giggle! IF he's so weak and needs to feed so badly, why in the world is he standing gawking at his home for hundreds of hears? Lol, I knew what you meant, but it was a little unclear...and it shouldn't make me giggle.

Wow, what a great improvement from your other chapters! Fewer mistakes, altogether better written, very well done. I applaud you.

Although I would suggest going into the character's thoughts and feelings a little more. Right now I don't feel very connected with either one of them...and I'm, er, not quite sure why it's in the romantic fiction section, because we don't know anything about how David feels for Elizabeth, just that E. hates D.

But anyway, I really don't have that much to critique. You stil had a couple of the same problems as last time, but not nearly as many, and that was probably just a slip-up or something. Good job!

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
~Albert Einstein

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Tue Oct 30, 2007 3:35 am
BigBadBear says...

Wowo.. again.. amazing! you've got me hooked!

The only thing that I would sugesst you do is read aloud your entire story, and really focus on your diolouge. Make corrections in puncutation. That is all that I realy see. And sometimes you say:

mom said

When it should be

Mom said.

Anyway, I have to really hit the sack.. I'll continue reading tomorow!

Go David!!!!!!

Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

— Someone Incredibly Noncommittal