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Kiss the Damsel Chapter 10

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Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:50 am
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 10

After the day’s activities in the yard, Jane decided that she had a wonderful time. Minnie was absolutely adorable in her pretty little outing dress and she found that she was a big help when it came to bringing out refreshments for the boys. The whole time, Minnie and Jane watched as the boys learned how to do archery. In fact, Michael had hit his first bull’s eye on the first try. Jane had laughed when she saw the expression upon the Duke’s face. He was more shocked than Jane had been.

What was even more impressive was when Eddie had decided to shoot into the ring of fire with a blazing arrow. Of course it had gone through and lit the ring on fire. Marcus was laughing the whole time and told the boys they’d make excellent entertainment and that they’d make fools out of the elders. He even went so far as to saying he’d give an arm and a leg to see that day. But what made Jane feel differently was when Marcus had glanced at her with those startling blue eyes. Evidently, Marcus was doing splendidly well with the boys.

That evening, Jane had put the children to bed after reading them a story and tucking them in. When she went to the dining hall, Marcus was sitting at the end of the table, drinking into a glass of port. He was reading the London Newsletter and smiling as he did.

“What seems to be so funny?” Jane asked curiously.

“I didn’t get a chance to read this in the morning. I wish I had.”


Marcus laughed, “Lady Westinburgh’s daughter, may I add, you’re very best friend is getting married.”

“What?!” Jane said in disbelief as she hurried to take the paper from him. She read it thoroughly and sat upon a chair. “How did this happen?”

“Don’t tell me you are against her getting married.” Marcus said, “You should be happy for her.”

Jane frowned, “I am happy for her!”

“Really, and that look upon your face is the happiest you’ll ever get?” Marcus took a sip from his glass.

“Oh, be quiet.”

Just then, the butler entered into the room, “Miss…you’ve received a missive from Pamela Westinburgh.”

Jane immediately took the letter from him and read it out loud:

Dear Jane,

My dearest beloved friend, I am so happy to say that my days of being unmarried are over. I will be married next month and I would be honored if you’d be my bridesmaid. His name is Nathaniel Ridley. I must say that I am the happiest person in the world. I do hope…

Jane suddenly gasped, not reading the rest of it. Marcus looked up at her and frowned.

“Hey, you’re not done reading that.” Marcus stood and Jane stepped away. “Jane Dorsey. Now is not the time to be hiding things.”

“I hide nothing.” Jane said as she watched him march straight toward her. Marcus took the letter from her hand. Jane knew that it wouldn’t do anyone any good to wrestle with him---but she just couldn’t help it! Jane suddenly took the letter back and tried to run, but Marcus had a hold on her and she couldn’t move a muscle.

Now it was Marcus’ turn to read the letter out loud as he held Jane in her place.

“I do hope you and Marcus Daniel will forget each other’s flaws. You two are already being spoken about here in London. They are all predicting a love match, as am I. Falling in love with Marcus Daniel isn’t a crime. Besides, you are his damsel and all he has to do is kiss you…Love Pamela.”

Marcus was smiling like an idiot and Jane pushed away from him. “I hate that you always have to act so smug when someone speaks highly of you.”

“And I hate it when you act disgusted every time someone does speak highly of you.” Marcus replied. He stared at her and Jane crossed her arms in dismay. If there was one thing on his mind all the blasted time, it was kissing her senseless.

“Why are you so afraid?” Marcus asked as he slowly stepped toward her.

“I’m not afraid.” Jane said firmly. Jane then tipped her chin up and proudly walked out of the room as she heard him chuckle.

“You will fall in love with me Jane…” She heard him say. But what he didn’t know was that she already had.

The next day, while the children were tending to their lessons, Jane sat quietly in the garden, reading Aristotle’s Philosophy. She was indeed very bored by the book itself for she never really enjoyed reading, but she just needed something to take her mind off of Marcus. Then again, he did have his way of popping up unannounced. Marcus suddenly appeared before her with a sac over his shoulders.

“What on earth---What, if I may ask, is in the bag?” Jane asked.

“Tools. I’m going to fix that tree house near the woods.” Marcus sighed, “I was wondering if you’d like to come watch…to keep me company.”

“Well, I was reading.” Jane said. Marcus looked down at the book in her hands.

“Surely you know that Aristotle is not the best book in the world. I know it isn’t that intriguing, knowing that the only thing you’re interests lie is in gossip and a human being’s downfall.”

Jane sighed, “Very well.” Marcus continued to stare at her and Jane just walked right past him.

“You can never look me in the eye….and if you do; it’s only for a brief second.” Marcus was then walking by her side.

“I am sorry. I just think…to stare into someone’s eyes, I mean, is too intimate a gesture. I think that it’s exactly how people fall in love so quickly.” Jane said as she kept her head up.

Marcus shook his head, “Are you telling me that you don’t want to fall in love?”

“Well…I…” She paused, “Have you ever thought about jumping off the edge of a cliff?” Jane changed the subject so quickly that Marcus wasn’t ready to answer that ridiculous question. Where on earth did she get these foolish thoughts?

Marcus cleared his throat, “I have never thought of jumping from anything as high as a cliff…But, do you remember the story about Repunzle?” Marcus said as they reached the tree house. Marcus placed his sac down and turned to her.

“I remember it. Why?” Jane asked as she watched Marcus take out his tools.

“Well, I use to always think: Why couldn’t she jump from the tower? I’d rather break a leg than stay up there, locked up with no one to confide in.” He smiled, “I never really liked that story.”

Jane laughed softly, “Really, she was a woman and a man could endure more pain than a fragile woman could.” She said. She did make sense. “Just how long does it take to fall from such a high place?”

“Why, I don’t know, I forgot to time myself the last time I jumped off the edge of the cliff. Do remind me to bring a pocket watch for my next attempt.” Marcus said with good humor. Jane nearly laughed and Marcus did as well. Just then, Marcus climbed up the tree and stopped shortly. He didn’t speak, but just stayed still. Jane was curious as to why he was dead silent. Apparently there was something utterly amiss.

“Whatever is the matter?” Jane asked.

“Someone’s been staying here.” He said as he jumped down.

“What? What do you mean?” Jane said. Marcus was looking around. He then looked down and Jane looked down as well.

“There’s someone here.” Marcus said, “There are footprints upon this ground. I think we’ve a spy, thief---whatever he is---among us.” Suddenly he took Jane by the hand, “Come, let us get back to the house. We must alert the servants.”

Jane felt her heart beating fast. He sounded so serious and in that moment, for the first time ever, she didn’t want Marcus to leave her side.

Soon after, Marcus was traveling about the Dorsey estate, trying to find any sign of intruders. The children were with Jane, safely inside the house. He had instructed Jane to send a missive to her aunt and uncle. Marcus had not found anything at all, but he knew very well that they were not safe.

Marcus came back in the evening. He was shrugging off his coat when Jane appeared over the stairs. She immediately approached him and Marcus liked how she was very interested in what he had to say.

“Well? Did you find anything?” Jane asked eagerly. Marcus just shook his head. “I informed my mother about the situation, but I told her we were alright.”

Marcus nodded and sat upon the steps with his hand upon his chin, “I don’t think that we are in any kind of danger, but I do think that we should always be alert.”

“Of course.”

“Are you alright?” Marcus asked.

“I’m fine. I’m just frightened…a bit.” She said as she sat beside him. Marcus smiled.

“There’s no need to be afraid. I’m here, aren’t I?” He said with such sincerity.

“In the beginning,” Jane said as she chuckled, “I thought you were a cold-blooded killer.”

“You were not the only one to think so.” Marcus smiled.

“It was all due to the sudden disappearance of your former mistress.”

“Ah. That makes sense…Her name was Sarah Benedict. She left me because she thought that I didn’t care for her the way she cared for me.”

“Did you?” Jane asked curiously.

“Did I what?”

“Did you care about her?”

Marcus sighed, “No.”

Jane nodded as she yawned. She didn’t want to bring up something so personal. So she decided to end the conversation, “It’s been a long day. I’m sure you’re tired.”

“I am.” Marcus then stood and stretched, “Shall we retire for tonight?”

“I believe so.” Jane said as she took his hand. As they started up the stairs, Jane began, “The children adore you, you know.”

“Really?” he said with a surprised look about him.


Marcus was smiling, “Did you put the children to bed?”

“Yes. In fact, they were wondering when you were going to tuck them in.”

Marcus began to laugh, “Funny. I feel like a father of three children, you being their mother and I’m not even married to you yet.”

“Yet?” Jane smiled.

Marcus stopped and stared at her. “You know…Why do I feel as if you are falling in love with me already?”

“I am not falling in love with you.” She said plainly, but to Marcus, it wasn’t very convincing. So Marcus, feeling very devious, took her into his arms.

“Yes you are.” He whispered softly. Jane shivered and stared into his blue eyes that were now as soft as she had ever seen them. Just when she thought that he was going to kiss her, Marcus let her go and she could see that he was just as confused as she was.

“Goodnight, Jane.” Marcus said kindly.

“Goodnight, Marcus.”

Marcus started walking down the hall and Jane couldn’t help but feel utterly horrible. She didn’t want him to leave. “Marcus?”

“Yes?” He said as he turned to her. His face was charming and his lips were set in a very gentle manner that made one feel good inside. Jane slowly walked toward him and suddenly placed a kiss upon his cheek. Marcus was in great shock that he didn’t know how to respond.

‘Goodnight.” She said.

“Goodnight…” Marcus said as he watched her leave to her room. The moment she closed the door, Marcus inhaled deeply. That was much uncalled for and Marcus knew that his last few days at Dorsey house were going to be a real treat.

* * *

Just as Michael heard the last door close, he sat up and woke his siblings. “Eddie! Minnie!” He said in a loud whisper. They got up quickly as Michael searched his drawer, pulling out a key.

“What are you doing?” Eddie asked, squinting to see what Michael was doing.

“You and I made a deal with Lord Mayfair. We promised we’d help him get Cousin Jane to fall in love with him, else we wouldn’t get our tree house.”

“What are we going to do?” Eddie asked curiously.

“Yes and what’s that key for?” Minnie asked as she climbed out of bed.

“This key locks and unlocks every door in this house from the outside. Remember when father locked us in the room for being insolent?”

They nodded. “Well,” Michael said, acting as if he were a mere man, “I stole the key from father and mother’s bedchambers.”

Minnie gasped, “Won’t you get into big trouble?”

“Not if they don’t know.” Michael said as he opened the door to see if the hall was clear.

“Michael, what exactly are we going to do?” Eddie asked.

“It’s simple. We get Minnie to pretend she thinks something’s wrong, then she will lead them to the empty guest room at the end of the hall.”

“---At the same time?” Eddie whispered too loudly.

“Shhhh! Do you want to disturb them?” Michael shook his head, “Now, Minnie, you will first get Jane to go to the guest room and Eddie, after Minnie is finished getting her there, you wake the duke. Be sure to make it sound serious.”

“Now how do you know they won’t figure us out?” Eddie asked.

“They won’t. Besides, we’re kids. What won’t they believe?” Michael then ushered them out the door, “I’ll be waiting across the guest room.” He whispered as they walked down the hall.

Just then, Minnie was on her way to Jane’s room. She immediately slid inside and woke Jane. She sat up as Minnie took her by the arm.

“Jane. Jane…I think there’s something in the guest room.”

“What do you mean Minnie?” She asked.

“Follow me…”

* * *

Eddie was quick to get inside the duke’s room. He saw Marcus lying in bed and Eddie didn’t wait. He shook Marcus abruptly and Marcus immediately wrapped his arm around his neck. Eddie squealed and Marcus immediately let go.

“What on earth?” Marcus said in a loud whisper, “Eddie, what are you doing out of bed? I nearly strangled you.”

Eddie coughed a little and cleared his throat, “I think there’s something in the guest room. Come, quick.”

Marcus didn’t hesitate and he followed Eddie down the hall. Just when Marcus entered the room, he found Jane.

“Jane what are you doing here?”

Just then, the door shut and they heard the turn of a key. Jane gasped, “We’ve been blackmailed.”

Marcus tried to turn the knob, but it wouldn’t budge. Blast! What was going on? “What the devil is going on?” Marcus suddenly said.

“Children!” Jane called, “Unlock this door at once!”

Silence was all that consumed them.

“Children!” Jane called again. She looked to Marcus who stood in the dark quietly, “Marcus, what on earth is going on?”

“I have no idea.” Marcus said as he lit a match and lit a candle. “I don’t think there is much that we can do.” Marcus tried not to smile. Indeed he was going to build them a grand tree house.

“What do you mean there isn’t much we can do?” Jane frowned.

“Well---I can’t just break the door down. That would be too messy and besides, I don’t want to bruise up an arm. They are precious to me.” He added.

Jane gave him her most wicked gaze and stared at the door. “The door is not going to magically open just by you staring at it like that.”

“Oh, hush.” Jane said as she crossed her arms. “I can’t believe my cousins have the nerve to do such a thing.”

“Well, you are as cunning as they. I think it runs in the family.” Marcus then laid back upon the bed, “I’m rather tired Jane. Why don’t you come to bed?”

“I am not going to sleep in the same bed as you.”

Marcus shrugged, “Then I assume you’d prefer the floor?”

Jane looked to the ground. Marcus could tell she didn’t like that whole idea whatsoever. So he sighed, “If it’s of any consolation to you, I won’t do anything that would compromise your innocence.”

In that moment, Jane didn’t know whether to scream or break down the door herself.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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402 Reviews

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Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:54 pm
Wiggy says...

Awesome suspense! I can't wait to see what Jane does...
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
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Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:34 am
TellATaleForTwo says...

*Tina claps*
hold on a minute
*she laughs hysterically*
love it!
please add more quickly!!
oh btw

Jane gasped, “We’ve been blackmailed.”
i dont think blackmail really works there... maybe tricked or um... fooled
love it!
"Theoretically, if you go to the past in the future, then your future lies in the past. This is a picture of you in the future - in the past."

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Sat Mar 03, 2007 7:07 am
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Kay Kay says...

Blackmailed???? That sounds too modern to be in this story. I've been reading this from the beginning and love it. I can't wait to see what jane is going to do and when she will eventually give in to marcus. I can't wait to read more.
Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.
--La Rochedoucauld

"An unexamined life is not worth living..."

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Tue May 08, 2007 9:10 pm
Night Mistress says...

it's keeps getting better and better.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

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