
Young Writers Society

Kiss The Damsel Chapter 6

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Mon Dec 11, 2006 12:38 pm
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 6

A week later, Jane had stayed in Devonshire with her brother Philip. After learning of why Jane had come to him, he had taken it upon himself to do his best to help her. Jane’s mother had been quite disappointed that Jane had left, but she understood. During the past week, Jane had busied herself, hosting dinner parties and such. Philip didn’t mind at all for Jane had made his days a little brighter. Jane was sitting in Philip’s office, keeping Philip company before he left to do his errands.

“Jane?” Philip said. Philip was neatly dressed in his black coat, looking overly sophisticated. He looked rather handsome and Jane thought that if Philip were to move back to London, he’d be the catch of the season, for he had nice brown hair and a fine physique.

Jane looked up from a book she had been reading since she had arrived at his home. “Yes?”

“You never really told me what it was that you came here. Can I please have the pleasure of hearing a story of how it had happened?” he smiled, “Tell me it has something to deal with a man.”

“Oh Philip. I do think you are the most incorrigible person in the world.” Jane said. She knew he wanted to make fun of her predicament. He always made fun of her, especially when there was a male involved.

“Come now, Jane. I will not make fun of you. I promise.”

Jane looked to him and he was smirking, “That look you are giving me doesn’t seem too promising.”

Philip deeply chuckled, “Since when do I not look at you without smirking?”

Jane sighed, “Very well.” She paused briefly, “Marcus Daniel.”

“Marcus Daniel.” he nearly laughed. Jane darted him with a frown. Philip cleared his throat, “Well, what the devil seems to be the problem with Marcus Daniel? I hear he is the quite a catch.”

“You are all the way here in Devonshire. How could you possibly know that?” Jane asked.

“Well, dear sister, I do have my connections. So don’t be surprised if I seem to know everything.”

“You couldn’t possibly know everything.” Jane replied coolly.

“Really?” He stated more than he asked. “I know that you have been causing quite a lot of drama in London.”

Jane gasped and looked at him, stunned, “Where did you hear that? I do not cause drama.”

“Causing a scene at the Hyde’s ball wasn’t drama?”

“W-Who---Who told you that?” Jane’s eyes were wide open.

“And I presume that is why you are here. Your dear Marcus Daniel has hurt your feelings. Usually you care not about what anyone says about you, but why is it that you cried off when he had told you the truth?” Philip stood from his chair.

“I---I…What are you talking about?”

“He’s a good man, Jane. If you don’t think so…I don’t think you deserve him. Oh and if you hadn’t noticed, he does care about you though he tries not to show it.” he then winked and strolled to the door.

“But---” Jane was speechless.

Philip sighed, “You were always complicated. If you just saw things for what they truly were, then you would know that Marcus was meant for you in every possible way.” Philip opened the door and left Jane confounded.

What Philip had said made a lot of sense, but even when Jane had thought of Marcus, all she felt was rage. She couldn’t stand the man. She just couldn’t imagine what it would be like if he did actually care for. No one ever really cared enough about Jane to ask her hand in marriage. If anything, the gentlemen were running the other way.

That day, Jane had decided to visit a seamstress to find a new dress. It was rather boring in Devonshire and there was nothing to do, so she figured buying a new dress would make her feel a little better. Jane had taken a carriage to Elizabeth’s Shop and when she had arrived there, she had noticed that there weren’t many customers. Jane entered the shop and started to search for something suitable when a lady spotted her.

“May I help you?” She asked. Jane smiled and nodded.

“I am looking for an outing dress.”

“Well, we ran out of those but you can make an appointment and we can make one just for you.” She smiled kindly and Jane nodded. After Jane had made her appointment, she had walked out of the shop, for the seamstresses were mighty kind to her. Jane looked up to the sky and realized that it was about to rain. She didn’t have anything to cover herself and---Jane turned and ran into a gentleman who had stood in her way. Jane almost mumbled something rather rude, but she bit her tongue.

“That is becoming a bit of a habit.” It was Marcus and Jane lost her breath. What on earth was he doing here? “Bumping into strangers and making them fall under your spell.”

“I don’t understand what you mean.” Jane lifted her chin like she always did when she was around him. “Now what brings you here? I thought I told you to leave me alone.” The look Marcus gave her made her feel so weak. He was as handsome as sin and he was too charming for his own good. Jane tried to pull herself together.

“Well, your mother told me you were here and…” Marcus looked at her longingly. “Well, I…”

Jane just stared at him and waited for his reply. Marcus was a bit hesitant and then he began again, “May I…escort you home?”

Jane nodded. She didn’t understand why, but she did. Marcus watched as Jane ordered her coach to go on home, telling him that she was going to walk. Marcus took in a breath as she came to his side. The smell of her was…exquisitely intoxicating. He couldn’t help but want her. She was like gravity itself.

“Miss Dorsey. I…” he began walking and Jane took his arm, “You are missed back at home. Everyone has been wondering where you have been.”

“Really?” Jane said, not the least bit interested.

“You don’t sound very glad at that fact.” he said, glancing her way. “I would have thought that it would have cheered you up a bit. What seems to be the matter?”

“I have no desire to speak of how I feel, especially to you.” Jane said. There was no reason to be so diabolical, but somehow, she just couldn’t help it.

“What is it?” He asked.

“What’s what?”

“What is it that you act so rash toward me?” He said with great concern.

“You weren’t nice the day we met.” Jane was not about to tell him that she had been thinking about him. There was no way she would let him know the feelings that she felt. She had just realized that she was in love with Marcus. She just didn’t know what to do.

“That much was true, but…I no longer feel that way toward you. Can’t you forgive me?” They stopped abruptly.

“You came all the way over here, just to ask for my forgiveness?” Jane chuckled, “I’m impressed---but I don’t think that will change things between us.”

Marcus was shocked and he looked to her with eyes that said he was offended. “I never met anyone as stubborn as you.”

“I have never met anyone so over bearing.”

Marcus shook his head and a bitter laugh escaped him, “You’re not so kind-hearted after all.”

“And you’re not so charming as they say you to be.” Jane replied. It went on.

“You’re too proud.”

“And you are as well.”

“You’re evil schemes will be the death of all London.” Marcus said trying to keep a steady pace with her.

“You will be the death of me if you---”

“If I what?” He interrupted. Now he was furious.

“Why have you come here?!” Jane snatched as she moved from him.

“To tell you that…” He paused. He just couldn’t say it.

Shaking her head, Jane stormed up ahead of him and he had to keep up his pace.

“Do you always have to run away?” He called.

She turned her head around, “I am not running away. I am merely just trying to get to my destination. Can‘t you see it‘s going to rain?”

Marcus then caught up with her, “You know what I think?”

Jane sighed, frustrated beyond anything in the world, “What?!”

“I think you’re afraid to admit to me that you’re in love with me.”

“How would you know I had those ridiculous feelings? Have I not told you that I would never ever fall in love with the likes of you?”

“Yes. You have…but that doesn’t change the fact that you have fallen in love with me.”

“I don’t know where you got that impression.” Jane said as they approached the house, Jane pushed open the door, letting it slam up against the wall.

“What the devil could you possibly be mad about? Is it because I found out that you’re in love with me?”

Jane whirled around, “What?!”

“Yes, admit it.” Marcus was following her down the hall and into the sitting room.

“I will not admit something I deem is not true.”

“You are a swell actress, aren’t you?”

Jane frowned, “Stop accusing me of such things! I’m not to be mocked!”

“What are you going to do? Spank me?”

Jane had had it. Abruptly, she stood in front of him, forcefully pointing her finger at him. She was so angry that she didn’t give a flying fish if it was right or wrong. To hell with propriety!

“I never said I loved you and nor will I ever tell you that I am!”

“Stubborn…Go right on ahead, tell me what you want, but I can see it in your eyes.” Marcus was just as angry and thought if she were to push him even further, he’d kiss her and make her his in under a minute.

“I don’t know what you mean.” Jane said as she turned toward the window. She didn’t want to look at him any longer and just when she thought she wasn’t going to cry, tears started streaming down her face. Marcus sighed and tried to make calm down.

“Jane…” Marcus was trying to sound put together and at ease, “I---I wanted to tell you what has been on my mind for quite some time…” Jane felt him walking toward her, “I…I was too caught up in how vexing you were, that I failed to notice your beauty…and though you are the biggest gossip in all of London, I admire you. I never thought I could be more in love with you and here I am… under your spell like a love sick fool.”

Jane felt her heart beating faster and suddenly she started to cry. She was so angry at him and so confused that she didn’t know how to reply. What was she to say? She couldn’t look at him for she felt like such a fool.

“Jane?” He said gently, “Say something…”

She couldn’t get herself to say anything. She didn’t want him. She didn’t want to tell him how she felt. She was too stubborn to say what he wanted to hear…and it was that she had fallen in love with him.

“Tell me…please,” He pleaded, “Do you feel the same? If not, I shall leave you alone. If you do, I will cherish you for the rest of my life.”

Jane couldn’t stop the tears from falling from her eyes. She knew she didn’t deserve him. She could never be with him without feeling like she was worthless. So Jane did what she knew would make her the most miserable person in the world…

“Just go…” Jane whispered, crossing her arms. Jane didn’t care to see if he had left, but she already knew that he was gone. He was gone and she would never know if she would be able to face him again. It wasn’t likely that she was going to see him in London after refusing him so coldly…but she hoped that one day, he would understand. Jane watched as the rain tapped upon her window and cried some more, for the pain in her heart was too great to bear.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:56 pm
Wiggy says...

Ooo-rejection! More, I say, more!
"I will have to tell you, you have bewitched me body and soul..." --Mr. Darcy, P & P, 2005 movie
"You pierce my soul." --Cpt. Frederick Wentworth

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Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:10 am
falling in love says...

Oh my god. I love it. I was on the edge of my seat in wonder of what was going to happen and then it just ended. I can't wait to read the next chapter. PM me when there's more.
"This was my first bus ride."
----Ardeth Bay from the Mummy Returns

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Tue May 08, 2007 8:47 pm
Night Mistress says...

oooh! that's got hurt. can't wait to see what happens next.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

May you never steal, lie, or cheat. But if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows. And if you must lie, then lie with me all the nights of your life. And if you must cheat, then please, cheat death.
— An Unknown Bride, Leap Year