
Young Writers Society

Kiss the Damsel 4

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Thu Oct 19, 2006 12:55 am
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 4

Jane silently observed as Eliza Henry flirted recklessly with George Masterson outside of the bakery. Really, she was only making herself look like a complete fool. Jane frowned her way taking slow steps toward Charles’ Bakery with the intent to make herself known. Jane was supposed to be making an order for her mother had decided to have dinner tonight for God knows whatever reason. She was sure there was something was amiss. Her mother had been acting particularly strange every since Marcus Daniel came to call.
Suddenly, Jane approached Eliza Henry. George was smiling and he actually looked more charming than Jane had thought.

“Good afternoon,” Jane said as she took a good look at Eliza. George immediately took her hand and kissed it. Eliza nodded her head to acknowledge her.

“Good afternoon, Miss Dorsey. It’s a good thing you’re here. Miss Henry and I have discovered that Mildred Hampton is in love with Marcus Daniel.”

“Good Heavens!” Jane said as if was the most shocking news ever. “Isn’t that rather ridiculous?”

“No actually.” Eliza replied, “I think it is rather romantic. There are many who hope he may marry her by the end of this year.”

Jane’s eyes grew wide, “That is very shocking news.”

“But are you alright? I mean, I did hear from scores of people that you had kissed Marcus Daniel. I am quite surprised that he didn’t ask your hand in marriage because of the scandal it caused.”

Jane already knew that Eliza was being sarcastic. Jane could have said something for that rude remark, but for some reason, she didn’t feel up to saying anything. George then eyed them in curiosity. He knew one thing was clear; Jane and Eliza did not like each other at all. It was very evident.

“Well, I must be leaving. I am preparing for tonight’s dinner party.” Jane said, trying to pull herself together so she wouldn’t feel the urge to do something horrible to Eliza Henry.

“Good day then.” George said. Eliza just nodded her head and Jane thought she looked utterly ridiculous just nodding like that.

Jane entered the bakery. It was bad enough that she ran into Eliza Henry and now she had encountered the one man she most certainly wanted to avoid. Marcus Daniel. Why now was she always crossing paths with this man? Jane sighed and let out a sigh of frustration. Just as she did, Marcus turned around and looked straight at her. Jane turned around to leave, but she had found herself buried in another person’s chest. It was firm and hard so it was certainly a man. Jane looked up to find that it was no one she recognized. Yet he looked exactly like Marcus, only his hair was dark brown and his eyes were green.

“I am terribly sorry.” Jane said as she tried to move out of the way. The man stepped right in front of her and stared at her in the most uncivilized way. He was tall and built, looking as if he had just come back from a royal ball.

“Excuse me, but I believe saying sorry isn’t enough. I am, after all, the Duke of Mayfair and deserve something more…agreeable.” His smile was devilish.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand your meaning.” Jane said. Her eyes drifted back to Marcus who was watching her intently as he leaned against the counter, his arms crossed. He wasn’t smiling. That made Jane all the more afraid that this was one of Marcus’ way of abducting her. Without realizing it, Marcus walked right up to them.

“Is there a problem?” Marcus asked.

The man said nothing. Then he began, “I take it that you ask me this because?”

“Because you will not do this here. There is no one in this town as depraved as you. Except, perhaps, me. Now take your amusements elsewhere, we’re in public for God’s sake.” Alright, apparently they knew each other. Jane was now quite confused. “Now this here is Miss Jane Dorsey. Remember?”

“Ah! The little minx that destroys everyone’s lives.” He laughed.

“I beg your pardon!” Jane said, “Whoever you are, you have no right to speak to me like that. I am a lady if you hadn’t noticed.”

“Oh, you’re a lady alright.” he looked her over with a cunning smile.

“I can’t believe---”

“The last I checked, it was alright to speak bluntly on this side of town.” The man just shook his head, “This is her?” he said as if there was something he knew about her that she didn’t.

“Just who are you?” Jane asked.

“Apparently, if you hadn’t noticed, this here is my brother.” Marcus smiled. Jane should have known. He looked exactly like Marcus. Jane was absolutely horrified. “Actually…Your very mother took the initiative to host this evening’s dinner party at your very house to welcome my brother home.”

“My name is Trevor Daniel.” Trevor then turned to Marcus, “Keep her away from me; I don’t want to end up doing something drastic.” Soon, Trevor had left after speaking to Marcus about important matters. Jane had taken her order and Marcus was still there. Heaven knew what the devil for.

“Do you need help?” Marcus said as he reached out to gather the bread that she had ordered.

“I can manage,” She said, but Marcus took it anyway. Jane just looked at him and decided to let him handle it for she knew it was worth it. It felt good to have a man take a little weight off her, especially after that dreadful encounter with Marcus’ brother.

“I don’t see why you have to act like a gentleman now when you have not shown any sign of gentle manner since I met you.”

“Well, I did say that I would make you fall in love with me.” Marcus said as he opened the door for her. They headed toward her curricle and he placed the bread inside.

“Falling in love with you deems highly impossible. I wonder why on earth you would continue such a pursuit as to making me fall in love with you.” Jane said as Marcus helped her upon the curricle.

“Well, we’ll just have to see about that.” Marcus was serious and it made Jane feel very much intimidated. It scared her how he could intimidate her with just one look. There was no telling what he might do next. Jane then lifted her head.

“I thank you for your unwanted help, but I have to be leaving. I have to prepare for tonight…and I can’t believe my mother had volunteered to host this wretched dinner.”

“Oh Miss Dorsey, you have much to learn. She expects you will be joining me for a walk in the park, I‘m sure you know that.”

“I beg your pardon!” Marcus was smiling that devious smile and Jane wanted nothing more than to wipe that smile off his face.

“I will come by to call tomorrow.”

“You will do no such thing.” Jane said furiously.

“My, how amusing to see you red in the face. I find it adorable, you know. Do you always have to be so…angry?”

“As I recall, you were the one that told me you didn’t like me at all. You have said some cruel things to me and you wonder why I am so angry? You ought to understand that not everyone succumbs to your charms under a minute’s time.”

Marcus was overly astonished that he jumped into the curricle beside Jane. “What on earth are you doing?” Jane said as Marcus took the reins from her hands.

“I am being a gentleman. I shall take you home. I’m sure your mother will be overjoyed.”

“I will speak to my mother upon this matter. She will not think you of all people will be the one to marry me. Besides, people expect you to marry Mildred Hampton.”

That sent Marcus laughing out loud, “Who the devil told you that?”

“Eliza Henry. I do hope it is true. I would have fewer things to worry about.”

“Well, I am afraid it is not true. Really, Mildred Hampton is not very attractive.”

For some odd reason Jane was at ease, “Really, I didn’t think it was true either. Mildred Hampton? I would have hoped Eliza Henry could have chosen another handsome lady to make her lies seem realistic.”

“Well, I never knew you could keep a simple conversation. What? No nasty remarks?”

“Not as nasty as Mr. Trevor Daniel’s remarks.”

“Don’t tell me you understood his full meaning.” Marcus said interested in what she had to say.

“I refuse to speak of such things.”

“If those people didn’t destroy your reputation, they certainly destroyed your innocent mind.” Marcus said. There was something in his eyes that caught Jane’s attention. He was staring at her in the most peculiar way. It scared her.

“Please…do not stare at me.” Jane suddenly said. Marcus then realized what he was doing and immediately turned away. What was he thinking?

That afternoon proved to be very interesting. Jane had known that Marcus had a brother, but never did she think he would appear young and handsome. Jane had endured being in Marcus’ presence, moreover, his brother’s as well. Great, now she had another Marcus Daniel to put up with.

Marcus had never thought it possible that he could like Jane Dorsey. There was something about her that drew him and he didn’t know what it was. Every time he looked her way, he’d see the light in her eyes and it gleamed into his soul. He only started to notice how very beautiful she was when he had taken her home to prepare for dinner. She was beautiful. His brother had noticed it upon first meeting her and could not stop talking about her. Marcus just couldn’t help but tell him that Jane was his.
Dinner had been unbearable. As soon as Marcus walked into the room, Jane sank further into her chair. This was not happening. She was not attracted to him…and yet, she was so drawn that she had to leave to get some fresh air.

“Excuse me,” Jane said as she stood from her chair. “May I step outside for a moment? I am in need of a little bit of air.”

“Why certainly.” Mrs. Dorsey said, “Mr. Daniel, why don’t you accompany my daughter?”

Jane’s heart sank to the floor and Marcus looked as if he had suddenly gotten ill. He was trying to avoid her and people were just shoving her in his face like she was some kind of--thing! Marcus then watched as she stood from her chair and silently walked out into the hall. He figured she was going to lead him to the gardens. As soon as they were outside, Jane was quiet. Marcus stared at the ground, afraid to look at her.

“Well…I think your mother expects something to transpire.”

Jane looked his way and frowned for she knew exactly what he meant by that. Again he saw the fire in her eyes.

“Shall we tour the gardens?” he asked.

“I suppose.” Jane then received his arm and thought it wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. It was actually pleasant. She didn’t think anything dealing with Marcus Daniel was even close to pleasant. Now, she didn’t know if that fact was true. Of course she wouldn’t have him know that.

“I must say, you look rather fetching in that gown.” Marcus said.

“You don’t have to lie to me, you know. I know perfectly what you think of me.”

“And just how would you know?”

“You explained it to me with such clarity; even Miss Westinburgh was there to witness it.”

“Oh, now about that. I…wasn’t being very polite. I am truly sorry about what I said. It was a cruel thing to say.”

“Apparently so.” Jane then took a seat upon the garden bench. Marcus decided to stand and stared up at the sky.

“It’s a very beautiful night.”

“Yes it is.” Jane said softly. Marcus looked to her and there was nothing more beautiful than seeing Jane under a moonlit night. Her eyes were mesmerizing and just the way she bit her lower lip drove him crazy. Marcus had to stop this urge and he had to end it and the only way he was going to end it was kissing her. Jane was oblivious to what he was about to do and just when she stood, Marcus pulled her gently to him.

“What do I have to do to make you fall in love with me?” Marcus said. Jane just stared at him and in that instant, she realized that Marcus Daniel was going to kiss her. It was evident in his facial expression. Marcus started moving toward her and Jane’s heart began to race.

“Marcus?” Marcus quickly pulled away from Jane to find Trevor approaching them. Jane turned beat red and Marcus looked as if he wanted to strangle his intruder.

“Bloody hell.” Marcus mumbled.

“Marcus, I have important matters to discuss with you.”

“Really?” Marcus said sarcastically.

“Yes really.” Trevor took a good look at Jane. “Miss Dorsey, it’s always a pleasure.”

Marcus clenched his fists together as well as his teeth. His brother knew exactly how to make him furious and that was invading his personal space when he was out with a woman.

Marcus turned to Jane, “Would you please excuse us Miss Dorsey?”

Jane nodded headed back to the house. As soon as she left, Marcus grabbed Trevor by the collar, “You bloody good for nothing imbecile! If you interrupt me like that again, I’ll kill you.”

“Alright. Alright. There’s no need to get all hyped up.”

“You do not know how much I want to strangle you.”

“I’m guessing quite a lot.” Marcus then shoved him to the side.

“Now what do you want? This better be good, because if it isn’t I’ll----”

“Marcus, father wants us to visit him. He is already in his death bed and he wants to see us before he dies. He doesn’t have much time to live.”

Marcus shook his head, “I don’t see why he would want to see us after he banned us from home. I don’t think I can face him.”

“Oh, be a man for God’s sake.” Trevor said.

Marcus gave out a wicked laugh, “Be a man?” he shook his head, “Father never showed us how much of a man he was. He was never really a father either.”

Marcus then walked away and went back to the house. If there was one thing that turned his day up-side-down, it the mention of his father. Marcus returned to the dinner party looking very glum. He noticed Jane was no where in sight and he figured she was embarrassed. Marcus could have kicked himself for attempting to kiss her again. Bloody hell indeed.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Thu Nov 02, 2006 3:51 am
Certainly Love says...

It's the fourth Chapter...
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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Mon Nov 06, 2006 10:52 pm
Karma says...

I am enjoying this a lot...no comments/criticisms at the present time.
My Karma Ran Over My Dogma
( 0 . 0 )

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Sun Dec 10, 2006 6:56 am
falling in love says...

I'm really enjoying this. I can't wait to se how it ends.
"This was my first bus ride."
----Ardeth Bay from the Mummy Returns

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Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:07 am
mandylynn16 says...

Love, this story just keeps getting better and better!

no other comments

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Tue May 08, 2007 8:23 pm
Night Mistress says...

great chapter.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

When a body moves, it's the most revealing thing. Dance for me a minute, and I'll tell you who you are.
— Mikhail Baryshnikov