
Young Writers Society

Kiss the Damsel Chapter 2

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Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:31 am
Certainly Love says...

Chapter Two

Marcus headed home that night in a bad mood. There was nothing more that he wanted to do, but sleep and never see the sight of that irritating Jane Dorsey. Marcus was glad someone had the decency to warn him. She was pretty in all her elegant gowns, but it did nothing to stop his mind from wanting to teach her a lesson. Marcus entered his house in hope to find himself in peace and quiet, but when he opened the door, he glanced up and had to look a second time to find that his former mistress was standing at the top of his stair case. Sarah Benedict. She was dressed in her red slim gown and it was worn in the most provocative way. She stared at him, all seductive and so female, but Marcus was not in the mood. He had enough thinking of how vexing Jane Dorsey was and he wasn’t about to endure another female.

Marcus started up his stairs and he passed right by her and headed down the hall. Sarah followed.

“Hello, Marcus.” She said.

“Why are you here?” Marcus said as he stopped at the front of his door.

“I have missed you.”

“Sarah…you left me--and who let you in here and where is Brent?”

“Marcus, surely you miss me, I know you can’t resist.”

“You? You have yet to find out.” Marcus said none too gently, “Now, please leave.”

Sarah ignored him and came closer to him, she grazed his thigh and Marcus closed his eyes as he lifted her hand away.

“No, I refuse to indulge in this scandal. Now please, do us both a favor…leave.”

Sarah sighed, “Marcus?”

“Yes…” He said calmly.

“I hope you rot in hell!” With that, she walked away. Marcus shook his head in dismay and hoped to God someone would change the lock upon his door. Someone had better call the locksmith and soon.

The next day, Marcus received an invitation to the Westinburgh’s evening dinner party. He was quite surprised that he was invited for he rarely received many invitations. Lady Westinburgh was a fine lady of course. She was wealthy and highly regarded in society. It was too bad that she had a daughter that was friend to the most insolent people in the world. Pamela was beautiful indeed, but she was too closely involved with Miss Jane and that wouldn’t do any good.

Heading out the door, Marcus frowned at his butler. “What ever is the matter, my lord?”

“You should do better not to allow any female into my house. I don’t care if you have to throw them out with your bare hands.”

“Yes, my lord,” He said, giving a nod of his head.

“Be sure to buy a better lock.”

Marcus had left and upon arriving at the Westingburgh’s, he was sure he would a have a good time. It wasn’t likely he was there because they admired him, he was quite certain that he was invited to fill another’s absence. It had always been that way. As soon as Marcus entered the house, Lady Westinburgh greeted him with a smile.

“Greetings Mr. Daniel, how nice of you to come.”

“Good evening.”

Marcus continued to make polite conversation and just as he glanced the other way, he had spotted Jane in all her cunningness. She was smiling and laughing, but Marcus knew what lay behind that petty smile of hers---so innocent and all full of deceit. Marcus stared at her until finally Jane looked his way and Marcus could already see the terror in her eyes. Was she afraid of him? Good, she had better be, Marcus thought.

Jane and Pamela stood at the center of the foyer and as usual they were gossiping again. Pamela leaned in and began to whisper.

“I have just heard the truth on whether Eliza Henry is untouched or not.”

“Did you?” Jane said excitedly.

“Jane, she has already been compromised.”

“Oh dear…”

“Yes, Samantha Bakersworth spilled the beans at last.” Pamela started laughing and Jane began to laugh as well until her attention was brought to the man that stood at the door. Marcus Daniel. He was staring at her with such intensity that Jane nearly lost herself. She swallowed and she swallowed hard.



“Who invited Marcus Daniel to dinner?”

“What are you talking about?” Pamela turned to Marcus Daniel and gasped, “Oh. Why, my mother is usually the one to invite the guests. Perhaps it was her. I’m sure she doesn’t know that you dislike him so. I am truly sorry.”

“Dear me, I think I am going to swoon of all this---this anxiety.” Jane took Pamela’s arm.

As soon as all the guests had arrived, Lady Westinburgh had announced dinner and their partners. Jane was surprised she didn’t have a partner. Just then, as everyone started to head to the dining hall, Lady Westinburgh was standing next to Marcus.

“Jane, dear, Jonathan Blunt wasn’t able to make it tonight so I took the liberty to invite Marcus Daniel. You will be seated next to him.”

Jane felt like she was being strangled for she couldn’t breathe. Of all the people in world, it had to be him. Lady Westinburgh then headed to the dining hall and Pamela was about to leave when Jane grabbed her firmly by the arm.

“You can’t leave me with him.” Jane said eagerly.

“Jane, I am sure you will be fine. It’s not as if you have to talk to him.”

“But…can’t you explain to your mother that I have just gotten ill.”

“Jane! That would be quite an insult on my mother’s behalf.”

“I know, but---you didn’t hear of my encounter with Marcus Daniel.”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?”

Jane and Pamela didn’t notice Marcus approach them that they immediately went silent. Marcus looked down on Jane and nodded.

“Good evening,” He said.

“Good evening,” They replied a little too softly. Marcus looked at them strangely.

“I do hope you are not so overjoyed by this arrangement.”

Jane frowned, “I’d rather die than to dine with the likes of you and what makes you so special to think that I would be happy that Lady Westinburgh assigned me as your partner?”

Marcus frowned and in that instant, he knew he had to say something, “You, Jane Dorsey, are the most vexing creature I have ever met. Not to mention, you have a very beautiful friend and I find it sad that she has to endure what society says about the both of you.”

Pamela’s eyes widened and she wanted nothing more than to slap him, but she was taken away by her partner that she didn’t have time to say anything. Jane felt as though she had swallowed a bottle. She had never heard such harsh, cruel words spoken to her in that way. She couldn’t help but feel a sting of tears forming at her lids. Marcus pretended not to see it, but in the end, he almost felt sorry he had said such a thing. He never said such things before to a lady and he didn’t know why he had said that to Jane Dorsey.

“I think we’ve come to an understanding that we do not like one another. I think they are waiting for us.” Jane then turned on her heels and headed to the dining hall without him. Marcus followed and made no attempt to escort her by the arm. As they entered the dining hall, everyone watched as Jane and Marcus took their seats. Marcus yanked his chair out from under the table and everyone could see he was vexed beyond measure. It was obvious that they had not found each other to their liking.

Dinner was like torture. Jane had sat, feeling so tense and anxious to get on with the night’s activities. She couldn’t wait to go home. Just when she thought Pamela’s mother would go on talking about her experiences, Lady Westinburgh stood.

“Well, since we are all finished with our meals, we should take our conversations else where. Shall we head to the sitting room?”

Marcus and Jane looked down and found that they had barely eaten. Pamela noticed it too. As everyone found a place in the sitting room, Lady Westinburgh decided to make up a little game she called Damsel in Distress. Jane was about to object when she saw the look upon Pamela’s face. It was obvious that she wanted Jane to participate.
Jane looked to Marcus and saw that he too was about to object when Lady Westinburgh intervened.

“Oh, Mr. Daniel, won’t you join the game? It wouldn’t be the same without you.”

Marcus scoffed, “But I---Well…alright.” Jane’s heart dropped to the floor. But that didn’t matter, because Lady Westinburgh had failed to notice Jane’s dislike toward Marcus Daniel.

The game was simple. Each lady in the room was appointed a certain character. There were the maids, the widows, and of course, one damsel; and each man had to choose a lady to see if she was the damsel for the one who found her would receive a kiss. The entire single ladies and gentlemen were able to play the game. So those who were not eligible to join in the on the game decided to find their amusements elsewhere. Lady Westinburgh then went around the room and gave each of the ladies their characters and just when Jane thought she was going to be a maid, she was assigned, the damsel. Oh and she was a damsel in distress.

As Jane heard Lady Westinburgh whisper those horrifying words, she nearly swooned. The game had begun and George Masterson decided to go first.

“Well, who do you choose, Masterson?” Dudley Hyde asked. He was the oldest gentleman in the game, reaching the age of thirty and nine. Yet, he could deceive many in believing he was twenty years of age.
George Masterson decided very hastily and picked the prettiest lady in the room, which was Sarah Bent. A smile formed upon her face as she announced that she was the maid. Everyone laughed softly and then it was Dudley’s turn.

“I choose, Ms. Pamela Westinburgh.” he said jovially. Pamela was blushing when she heard her name and started to laugh.

“Dear me, I am just a widow. Sorry, Mr. Hyde.” Everyone erupted into laughter. Only because they knew that he had a slight tendre for Pamela. It was very evident.
Finally, there were only three ladies left. Jane Dorsey, Mildred Hampton, and Faith Manley. Just when Marcus was about to get up and walk away, Lady Westinburgh began.

“Oh, Mr. Daniel, won’t you please stay. It will be fun.”

Marcus looked as if he was about to murder somebody. He stared at Lady Westinburgh for a good minute, “I suppose…it will not hurt.” He said, trying not to clench his teeth together. Marcus plotted himself back into his chair and felt like cursing the game to hell where it belonged.

“Oh good!” She replied happily.

Jane wanted to run away as much as he did, but she didn’t want anyone to think she was afraid. Surely this game was scandalous. Everyone knew it would cause gossip but that didn’t stop Lady Westinburgh from performing her match-making magic. It was hard to tell who she was trying to put together. Jane knew it couldn’t be her because Lady Westinburgh saw her like her daughter.

Finally, it was Marcus’ turn to have a go. Marcus stood up and bowed politely. He looked to each lady and found that he had no idea how to choose. He wanted to choose a maid or a widow. Whoever it was, it had to be Jane. Why would anyone in their right mind make Jane Dorsey be the damsel? It wasn’t likely she was anyway. Marcus then smiled. This was going to give everyone something to gossip about. It was time to put her in her place. Maybe choosing her would make many laughs to think that someone would think her worthy of kissing.

“I choose…” He began slowly, “I choose, Jane Dorsey.”

A few gasps floated into the air and Jane was horrified beyond measure. If there was any ounce of weakness in her, she wished she could swoon right then and there. Everyone looked at her waiting for her reply. Jane then stepped forward with a disappointed look about her and that was when Marcus realized he had made a big mistake. Bloody Hell.

“I…I am your damsel.” She confessed with much regret. Everyone broke into whispers and Marcus stood there looking like a complete idiot.

“Oh, go on. Kiss your damsel.” Lady Westinburgh said cheerfully.

Jane was so embarrassed that she turned beat red, then back to normal. “I’m sorry, but I do not wish to kiss Mr. Marcus Daniel.”

As soon as she said those words, Marcus immediately looked at her. He was actually offended. There was no one in the world that would refuse his kiss. No one. That made him all the more intrigued that he began to feel the urge to do the unthinkable. Why he wanted to kiss her all of a sudden was beyond him. And just thinking about it was making him feel all queasy inside.

“I think I have earned my reward.” Marcus said. His smile was devious. Jane was so shocked that he had said that. He didn’t even like her and why all of a sudden did he think this was…a joke! This was a joke, she thought. Lady Westinburgh then told everyone to exit the room to give them a bit of privacy. As soon as they were alone, Marcus scoffed.

“I never thought it’d be you.” he laughed, “I think this is the most interesting game, don’t you?”

“I think this is all sick! I have no desire to kiss you and I’m sure you feel the same way. So---”

“Perhaps I do…”

Jane’s eyes widened, “You cannot be serious.”

“Oh, I am…” Marcus said.

Jane then turned to leave the room but he caught her by the arm, “I believe you owe me something.”

Jane turned around, rage in her eyes, “What I owe you is a slap in the face! Unhand me, you scoundrel!”

Marcus was fascinated by the fierceness in her eyes that he stared at her in the most peculiar way. Jane didn’t struggle, but she was still angry and ready to back hand him good.

“I believe you should stick with your end of the bargain. I joined and you participated as well. I am sure that it wouldn’t be fair.”

“I don’t know what you mean. You wanted out of this game the moment I was a part of it. You wanted to leave as bad as I did.”

“That was how it seemed, but now…I think I might enjoy this.”

“You’re not going to do anything---because you’re not going to have the slightest satisfaction of kissing me!”

“Really.” He said plainly, “Then let’s see how everyone gossips of how you were so afraid of kissing the one man everyone dreams of kissing.”

“Your ego has been boosted too high up for anyone to notice your cockiness.” Jane said with a frown. She then yanked her arm from his hold and stepped back.

“I don’t care what you say…” Marcus said softly. His eyes looked down on her as if he were mesmerized and he pulled her to him---and that was when Jane knew she had to go through with this. She couldn’t move, “I’m going to kiss you anyway…and not because of that ridiculous childish game, but because I want to.”
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

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250 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1040
Reviews: 250
Tue May 08, 2007 1:04 am
Night Mistress says...

Again, very good. I have to take my leave now, but i will be back to read the other chapters.
"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

Being a hero doesn't mean you're invincible. It just means that you're brave enough to stand up and do what's needed.
— Rick Riordan, The Mark of Athena