
Young Writers Society

Romance Chapter 3

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Mon Jan 29, 2007 12:34 pm
Certainly Love says...

Chapter 3

Alyssa and Danielle had been traveling by carriage to the palace for hours. Danielle had been reading the whole trip and Alyssa just thought about how much she was going to miss everyone she loved. Looking out the window, Alyssa found the environment to be quite peaceful. It was cold and the trees were covered by the white snow as was the fields, but that didn’t make her feel in any way at home. So she sighed.

“Danielle?” She said as she slouched, barely opening her eyes.

“Hmmm?” She replied as she slowly put her book down, “I know what you are thinking. Just relax.”

“Well, are you not nervous about the man you are betrothed to?”

“No.” Danielle shrugged, her tone confident. Alyssa envied her for that. How could she be so confident? “You shouldn’t worry. There are a lot more important things to worry about than the person you are to marry.”

“But you don’t even know his name, nor do you know who he is---what he looks like.” Alyssa said.

“Sometimes you have to think about what an adventure it would be to meet a mystery man. I know I have never met him before, but that is what makes everything interesting, the suspense. Otherwise, I’d be miserable, like you.”

Alyssa had nothing more to say. Finally, the carriage had came to a halt and the stage coach opened the door. As soon as they stepped out, they were looking at their new home. Prince Andre and his daughters were standing at the huge entrance of the palace and the pillars were so high that it could make one dizzy just looking at it. He greeted them and introduced them to his daughters. They didn’t say anything and the expression upon their face were enough to make them feel a little less welcomed.

“Good evening, this is my daughter Princess Nicole and Norma Jean.” Prince Andre said with a bright smile upon his face. Alyssa and Danielle bowed as did their mothers.

“And dears,” Amy said to them, “This is my daughter Alyssa and my niece Danielle and her mother Renee.”

“Yes, I am very pleased to meet you. Let alone, I am pleased to be living here with you.” Renee said, overly enthusiastically. Then came the awkward silence and in that instant, Alyssa was hating the fact that she was going to live here with two princesses that were probably spoiled beyond anything. She liked the prince very much, but she just didn’t know how she was going to ever open up to his daughters.


They were then introduced to their rooms The servants stood in their midst and waited on them as they settled in. Alyssa had settled herself quietly in her room as her new personal maid helped her with her hair. The maid smiled at her.

“You look like a princess your highness.” She said, pinning the last of the pins upon her hair.

“But I am not.” Alyssa said sadly. She looked at herself in the mirror and thought that the maid had done an excellent job at fixing her hair.

“I don’t know, but if I may say so, I really do think you look absolutely beautiful. Lord Rogan will be pleased.”

“Why, thank you, but I don’t think I am really going to marry the man.” Alyssa nearly laughed.

“Why ever not?” She asked, not quite believing anyone could not want to marry him.

“I don’t know him.” She shrugged.

“Oh, well, I suppose.” The maid replied with a sigh.

“Pray tell, what is your name?” Alyssa asked, turning around to look at her. The maid looked down upon the ground.

“I---My name is Magdalene Austin. Are you angry with me?” She asked. Her face showing embarrassment.

“Of course not. Thank you very much, Magdalene. I do enjoy your company.”

Just then there was a knock upon the door. Danielle strolled in and announced, “Do you hear that? A celebration!”

“Danielle, you’re finally going to meet your betrothed.” Alyssa reminded.

“R-Really?” Danielle turned pale and looked as if she was going to swoon.

“Well, there is no doubt that he is here.” Alyssa tried to say as she watched Danielle stare at the wall, “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing, I just…I feel a bit uneasy.” Danielle sat upon the bed and the maid had left them.

“I told you so.” Alyssa said as she placed a pearl necklace around her neck.

“Well, he couldn’t be all that bad. I’m sure he is a kind gentleman.”

“Who?” Alyssa mocked, “You don’t even know who he is. You don’t know his name, where he came from, where he---”

“Alright!” Danielle snatched, a little annoyed that Alyssa found that she was not as brave as she thought. “I understand. Now what about Orlando Rogan? What are you going to do with him?”

“I don’t need to do anything. I already discussed it with my mother.”

“Well, aren’t you lucky?” She mumbled.

“Just how charming is this Orlando Rogan?” Alyssa pretended to like the idea.

Danielle smiled, “He is handsome. Highly charming than anyone I’ve known. Every lady in the kingdom chases after him.”

“Then why don’t you marry him?” Alyssa finally said.

“He wants to marry you. Besides, we have nothing in common.” She smiled thoughtfully.

“Danielle, you will never know the depth of how much I dread the day I would ever marry Orlando Rogan II”

“No, I will never.”

“Let us just hope your intended is not a scoundrel.” Alyssa laughed.

“Yes…let us.” Danielle mumbled.

* * *

As Alyssa entered the Great Hall, Danielle had been taken away for a dance and she was left with her mother. Amy smiled as she saw Prince Andre approach her. His smile was bright and Alyssa loved that her mother was happy. She was certainly going to have a happily ever after.

“Ah, How are my lovely ladies.” He asked as he greeted them with a bow. “I am so very happy you are here. Come, we’ve much to do. You have people to meet.” He then looked to Alyssa and she gave him a half smile. “I know what you are thinking and I hope you can at least find the palace to be somewhat to you liking.”

“I admire it immensely. Really, I am just missing home, I will adapt just fine.” Alyssa tried to smile. She then lifted her head, searching for the man she had seen in Paris. Suddenly, Amy nudged her daughter.

“I do hope you are ready dear.” She said.

“Yes, because Orlando Rogan awaits you. He’s over there.” Prince Andre pointed in the direction where he stood and there she saw a man with dark blonde hair. He was tall possessing fine thin lips that didn’t smile. He looked charming but she didn’t feel any sort of good feelings. They had made their way to him and once she had stood before him, he bowed and smiled at her.

“You must be Miss Alyssa De Broglie.” He said, “I am pleased to meet you. I am Orlando Rogan II, the Duke of Alvin.”

“I can see that---” She said, but her mother nudged her and she went silent. Orlando already caught her sarcasm that he laughed.

“Well, I will leave you both to get well acquainted.” Prince Andre said happily, “I must introduce Amy to my relatives.”

He then nodded and left with Amy at his arm. Alyssa could only stand there and stare at Orlando as if she were filled with ennui. She was in no way nervous nor did she feel any attraction toward him.

“Well,” He cleared his throat, “I have heard a lot about you. I guess he was right, you are beautiful.”

“Thank you.”

“To get straight to the point, how long will it be until we are married?” Alyssa’s eyes grew wide.

“It all depends. I won’t just marry anyone.” She then bit back her tongue. If anything, she wanted to blast him.

“No one told me you were one to speak your mind.” He said, quite amused.

“I’m very sorry.”

“No, no. I find it intriguing.”

“My brother tells me you are the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes upon.”

“Really, I don’t think that much is true---” She then caught herself in the moment and laughed, “I apologize.”

“Don’t.” He smiled.

“What is his name?” She suddenly asked, dying to make some kind of conversation.

“Who?” He quirked a brow.

“Your brother.”

“Oh, yes….His name is Jonathan. He was sent to Paris to take a look at you.” He said, “For me.”

“You made him spy on my person?” She said, quite shocked and insulted.

“Well, no. He did it upon his own will, heaven knows why.”

“I thought you requested my hand in marriage.”

“Oh no. That was Prince Andre’s doing.”

“Oh.” She then nodded, turning around to see if there was any sign of her mystery man. He was no where in sight.

“I have a feeling he is going to try to steal you away from me.”

Alyssa darted him with a frown, “My Lord, I am not a prize.”


“If your brother admires me, then so be it. You should only worry if I will have you or not.”

With that, Orlando went silent. “I apologize…I’m sorry if I offended you.” He waited for her to nod and just as she did, he began, “Since there is nothing more to say, would you care to dance?”

“I’d be happy to.” She said, trying to sound civil. He then led her upon the dance floor and they began to dance. Alyssa could only think about the man she had seen and would never see again. As the gentlemen began to switch partners, she twirled and started to feel a bit faint. She went from one gentleman to another and finally, without warning, she looked up…and there he was. Alyssa caught her breath. It was him! His eyes were fixed upon hers as she watched him from across the room.

He was indeed darkly handsome and he had the most serious expression. She then tried to look away. The dance began to go at a faster pace and soon she didn’t know who was who and she recklessly stumbled into the arms of another man. She was breathing heavily as she laughed.

“I am so very sorry.” She laughed heartily.

“Are you alright?” He asked. His voice was deep.

“Yes…thank you.” When she finally looked up, he was there. She had lost her breath and her knees were betraying her.

“Just be careful next time, lady.” He said non too gently. Then he walked away and Alyssa stood in the middle of the dance floor, watching him as he left the hall. Alyssa didn’t notice that she was standing alone until she looked around. There was nothing more embarrassing than being eyed by every person in the room. Alyssa then laughed and left the hall with her cheeks burning red.

* * *

Danielle was feeling a bit nervous as she watched Alyssa’s expression as she stood upon the dance floor---doing nothing. She was wondering why her cousin was just standing in the middle of the room. Did she not know that there were people staring curiously at her? If anything, Danielle thought her cousin to be bit daft.

Suddenly, Danielle heard her mother’s voice. “Darling, Prince Andre awaits your presence up stairs to introduce you to your betrothed.”

Danielle tried to smile. She had so many questions that needed to be answered. Who was this man? Was he kind? Was he handsome? She was quite excited and yet so nervous and scared. Her stomach tightened and growled for she had not eaten since they had departed Paris. There was just no time for food at a time like this.

Finally, when they had stood in front of the door to the guest room. “Mother---” Danielle breathed, “Wait…Whatever do I say?”

“Don’t say anything. Just be yourself.”

She nodded and her mother finally opened the door and as they entered, Prince Andre was standing at the fireplace. He turned to them, but no gentleman stood in their midst.

Prince Andre smiled, “How is your evening so far?” He asked.

They bowed and Renee began, “It’s wonderful. I haven’t had this much fun since…forever.”

Prince Andre laughed, “I am glad. Well, he will be here shortly. There are certain matters that he had to tend to.”

“That’s alright.” They sat down quietly.

“Are you fond of picnics, Miss Bencroft?” Prince Andre asked.

“Oh, yes. I do enjoy that.” Renee replied.

“Good, we are having one tomorrow and inviting a few people to join us and you are ever welcome.”

“I’d be delighted.”

Just the, the door to the sitting room was opened and a gentleman walked into the room. Danielle caught her breath once his eyes fell upon her. He was indeed very tall, possessing eyes like silver stones. His was a dark brown hair and thin lips that were set in a serious manner. His gaze was down right serious and that intimidated Danielle a tad bit.

Prince Andre stood before them, “Miss Danielle Bencroft, meet your intended…Matthias McKnight, the Baron of Nomandae.”

“It’s lovely to meet you.” She replied, feeling like such a wanton.

“I am Danielle’s mother, Renee Bencroft.” Renee said happily. It was evident that she took a liking to him because he was just as charming as Orlando Rogan II.

“It’s a pleasure.” He said, not at all enthusiastic. He bowed. Then he simply just stared at them and waited for Prince Andre to speak.

“Well---” Prince Andre said abruptly, “Your mother and I will leave. I have to find your aunt and introduce her to many others who are dying to meet her.” He laughed and slowly led Renee out the door. Just as they left, it was utterly silent. Matthias stared at her and sat down, stretching out his legs.

“Danielle? Is it?” He asked. His eyes were the most charming she had ever seen. She couldn’t even speak. When Danielle didn’t say anything, he began, “As you know, I am a baron and I am in need of a wife…and so I was told. Prince Andre deemed it best, although I preferred not to.”

Danielle nodded. She felt so light-headed and it felt like the room was spinning. She didn’t feel so good. In fact, she felt ill and her head was pounding. She then started to rub her temple.

Matthias noticed there was something amiss, “Are you alright?”


Before any of them knew it, she fainted.
Sincerely, Amanda R. Holden, Author of Azyea's GIfts

The thing about plummeting downhill at fifty miles an hour on a snack platter - if you realize it's a bad idea when you're halfway down, it's too late.
— Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune