
Young Writers Society

A Day They Would Never Forget: Chapter One

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Thu May 19, 2011 12:41 am
michaeld says...

“Good morning sleepy head.”
Those were the last words I heard her say before the disaster. She said those four words and gave me a good morning kiss.
You’re probably thinking I’m some acne ridden teenager that gets told that every morning by their mother, but I’m actually a grown man. And that was my wife talking. I don’t exactly remember anything from that day, except those words… to this day I still wonder why. The disaster was well… disastrous. It wasn’t just any disaster; it was a disaster that will still be known for centuries on end. It’s a disaster that if you asked any American, ninety nine point nine percent of them would say they remembered exactly where they were when the saw the event on the news or just when they found out that it had happened. Some saw it as a conspiracy but most saw it as a national disaster that is still affecting people and will their whole lives. Especially mine. When I hear the date, my skin tightens, my ears ring, and I am overwhelmed with sadness. Instinct you might say. When I hear the date, my body tenses, I break down, and I start to cry. Like a switch turns on and BOOM. I’m crying like a little kid that doesn’t get what they want at the store. Maybe it’s because I didn’t get what I wanted… but she did.

Chapter One
“Good morning sleepy head.”
Mary leaned over and tenderly kissed me on the cheek. I rolled over, angered by the fact that I had been awoken from my slumber, and waved my wife away like a master to a slave. I tumbled out of bed groggily, and zombie- walked to the kitchen to get my coffee. I took a sip of the black, bitter substance and made a face like I had just eaten a whole sour lemon.
“Too strong,” I complained.
I always wondered why I still drank the stuff even though I hated it. Habit? I guess. I set the cup down and sauntered over to the bathroom where my toothbrush and razor were waiting clean my yellow tinged teeth and slice my stubble off my rough neck. I cringed as I accidentally sliced the first layer of my skin with the thin, sharp razor blade. I ran my dry hands through the water, messed them in my coarse, black hair, put gel in my hands, and neatly combed it until it was neat and crisp. Today was going to be an interesting day. I could feel it in my bones. I moped back over to the bedroom where I would dress, expecting my wife to be there. She wasn’t.
“Honey?” I called, waiting for a response.
No reply.
Ok then. I continued with my daily ritual as if nothing had happened because well…nothing had. Yet. I casually pulled on my white undershirt fidgeting with the tiny buttons. They never seemed to fit exactly inside the smaller holes. I then layered my cleaned and pressed suit over it. I wriggled my wrists so that the sleeves of the suit would comfortably fall over them. I spent almost fifteen minutes trying to get the gold buttons of my sleeves clamped together but I eventually came out victorious. I picked out my favorite tie (the shiny black one) and tightly pulled it until it snugly hugged my neck. I walked to the mirror and straightened the tie until I felt at ease with how I looked. I finally gave myself the nod of approval and walked out of the bedroom with newfound confidence; my tiredness suddenly swept away. I headed over to the shoe closet where I found my newly shined black shoes and shoved them on over my black socks. I grabbed my work-case, opened the door to start heading out, but hesitated. As I kept the door open I turned my head towards the hall and shouted,
“Bye sweetie! I’m off to work! See you when I get home, ‘kay?”
Still no response.
As I walked out the door, I pondered how odd it was that she hadn’t answered either of the times that I had called her that morning. I still don’t know. I hopped in the taxi cab and told the driver to take me to the World Trade Center. He looked very pleased and happily took me to my destination. I was about to spark up a conversation, but then decided not to because I felt like just sitting and being mute. I checked my watch.
The ride takes about fourteen minutes during low traffic so that left me with about six minutes to spend on my own. Yesterday I had spent that time trying to get the vending machine to accept my dollar bill. It never did. I decided that I would just sit outside among the trees and bustling traffic, to just get my thoughts together and think things through. Does your mind a lot of good to just relax and let your thoughts free flow. We pulled up to the office grounds.
I had exactly eight minutes to do as I pleased which was still to just sit and think. I thought about why I felt today was going to be interesting. I thought about why my wife never answered me and why she seemed to not be in the house. I thought about why coffee was so bitter. I Those eight minutes had passed by so fast… Now I wish I had been sick that morning. Actually, I wish I had never been born that morning. Wish I had never taken my first breath, wish God had never created me, and wish my parents never got together. I wish I was never alive that morning. I wish that my thirty eight years of living had been reduced down to zero. Not because of the physical pain that followed the disaster, but the emotional.
When I checked my watch, I realized that it had actually been nine minutes. I was late. Normally I would have been panicked, and would have run as fast as I could to get to my cubicle, but today was the boss’s day off and Larry was in charge. Larry was nice. He didn’t get mad if you were late, he didn’t yell. He was very placid and kind. A very convivial companion to have. I liked Larry.
He warmly welcomed me with a cup of coffee and a glazed donut from Krispy Kreme™. I turned down the coffee but gladly accepted the donut since I hadn’t eaten breakfast that morning. I was too caught up. Too laid back. Larry patted me on the back as I headed over to my cubicle. I sat down and started up the old computer.
I waited as the computer heated up and finally finished my donut. I wiped the crème residue off my face with a random napkin that was lying around my cluttered cubicle. As I was about to throw it away, I saw that something was written or drawn on it. It had random notes all over it but what caught my eye was the number eight hundred and forty six underlined and written boldly in the middle of it. I racked my mind trying to make sense of the note but couldn’t find anything. Just blank memories. I shrugged and tossed it into the waste bin and stared at my computer screen, trying to remember what I was going to do. I couldn’t remember so I just opened up my email. ‘One new message!’ popped up annoyingly on the screen so I opened it. It read:
‘Hey John,
I was just letting you know that our little family gathering is today at 8:30 pm at the Sheridan’s back yard! I hope you remember what to bring, but if you didn’t, here’s a list.
• Your wife
• Bug spray
• An entrée of your choice
• A delicious dessert! Yummy!
• A hat (it will be hot)
• And sunscreen (don’t want to burn in the heat of the summer sun)
Graham and Lacy’
I groaned and closed my email.
“SHHHHH!” complained Jenny.
“Sorry!” I replied to her.
Jenny was… well she was Jenny. That’s practically the only way to describe her. She was highly religious, always came to work very early to do I don’t even know what. She was always the employee of the year even though the boss hated her. Well, the boss hated everyone, but he mostly hated her because of her annoying rudeness. She had average length hair that was always pulled taught in a bun. Her piercing grey eyes could turn anyone to stone, and her harsh voice made her an even more un-loveable person. I felt sorry for her… sometimes. Many rumors have been going around the office that her husband left her or her daughter died or she had a miscarriage. I just think she’s a naturally harsh and bratty person.
Back to the email. I hated our monthly gatherings with the in- laws. They were always so boring and the sun always killed me! Also I had completely forgotten to bake anything but I was sure that my faithful wife had made something special for her parents. They shouldn’t really call it a family gathering because it literally is just us. Me, Mary (my wife), and her parents. It’s always in the Sheridan’s back yard because they are always on some church trip every fifth of the month so we just use theirs. (The Sheridan’s and us have been friends for quite a few years, so they don’t mind at all really.)
I looked down at the bottom right corner of the screen to see the time.
I sighed and went through all of my folders trying to find some old work that I could finish, as I had already finished my current assignments. I looked at all the pictures of my wife posted on the sides of my computer screen. We looked so happy, and in most of them we were. But the rest, we were just wearing a mask for the rest of the world to see how happy we were when it was quite the contrary. We had been bickering for a few months now over kids. I wanted them, she didn’t. It was quite ironic because normally it’s the opposite in relationships. The man is supposed to be the one not wanting kids and the wife should be the one that does. I guess that’s not what fate had planned for us. Sometimes, when I see the pictures of us smiling, I imagine that we are in a hospital, and that we are smiling at a new born baby girl. Her name would be Sarah. She would be 8 pounds and 7 ounces and would be bundled up in a pink blanket. But I’ve pretty much lost all hope. I hold up my wrist to see the Rolex ™ that’s sitting there.
My skin tightens. My breath quickens. The room is suddenly very cold. I itch with anxiety but I don’t know why. It was all natural. A reflex. But what was the stimulus? If I had known then, I would have run from that office as quick as I could. Wouldn’t even bother calling for help. I would have been too focused on my survival than to let others live. Selfish, but true.
No one was expecting that in six minutes, they wouldn’t exist. Only in peoples’ minds would they still be alive. Their spirit would be elsewhere. Heaven, Hell, Paradise, Nirvana, whatever they believed in, they would be there. People in a plane would be panicking. Babies crying, children screaming, people praying. The brave would be pouring boiling water on the pilots, trying to help the situation. Flight attendants would be trying to call for help, while also trying to calm the alarmed crowd.
Mothers’ would be singing their babies to sleep. They tried convincing themselves that they were singing just for their babies, but they knew. They knew they were also singing themselves to sleep. A sleep that would never end.
It was September first.
It was 2001.
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

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Thu May 19, 2011 1:29 am
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Noelle says...

Hi there!

There isn't really anything bad for me to say about this. I like it and I can't wait to read the rest of it. We just finished talking about 9/11 in history class and there's actually much more that went on than most people know of.

Keep writing! Can't wait for the rest of this.
Noelle is the name, reviewing and writing cliffhangers is the game.

Writer of fantasy, action/adventure, and magic. Huzzah!

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"I'm writing a book. I've got the page numbers done." -- Steven Wright

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Thu May 19, 2011 1:37 am
michaeld says...

Thank you so much!! I was afraid it was a little bit too rough because I didn't edit it at all but I'm glad that it is good so far!! Thanks again! :)
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

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Sat May 21, 2011 3:09 am
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sarahjane97 says...

Hey Michael!!!
Sorry it's taken me so long to review this! I couldn't find your story for awhile (I've been on this site for three weeks and I still can't navigate it!) but eventually I prevailed. So here I am, all set to review and critique. But honestly, there isn't that much for me to point out. Sure, there were maybe one or two typos or run ons, but nothing big enough for me to really edit on. I liked the story. The main character was great , and I'm glad that you showed his flaws because it made him more realistic. His physical descrition was transferred into the story quite flawlessly...good job. The exact times helped add suspense, and both the endings of the prologue and the chapter were intruiging. I can't wait to hear what happens next, so post Ch. 2 very very soon!!!
P.S.-I aso liked the name of the main character's future baby. Sarah. Oh yeah. (:

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Sun May 22, 2011 5:39 am
Sannah says...

Wow! I really liked your story. It was cool how you showed he was a normal guy living a normal life like anybody else but how you made him feel real. Some characters you can just walk right through because they don't really feel like a person. Do you get what I'm saying? Characters like that are just a video camera with a name. They see and record the events but they don't really react to them or it doesn't affect them emotionally. I also thought it was cool how you recorded the exact times of the events. I can't wait to see what happens next. :)
"Raise your voice every single time they try and shut your mouth." My Chemical Romance
"I will never cease to fly if held down and I will always reach too high." Vanessa Carlton
"And rest assured, cause' dreams don't turn to dust." Owl City

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Mon May 23, 2011 12:30 pm
michaeld says...

Thank you Sannah!! That was exactly what I was aiming for! My next chapter should be up really soon! It was supposed to go up a few days ago but I got grounded :( But it will be up soon!
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

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Mon May 23, 2011 12:37 pm
michaeld says...

oh and Sarah. The name of the baby was purposely named after you because you showed me this site lol :)
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

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Sun May 29, 2011 7:28 pm
ballerina13 says...

Hello! Alrighty so, I think that the concept is a good idea- I've never read a book about 9/11 so this will be interesting. I think that this story could have a lot of potential. The day hits home in so many peoples' hearts. Anywho, onward with the review.
I liked that you created your main character in a smiple fashion and was well-grounded, ordinary man. Also, it was a interesting that you chose for your MC to work at The World Trade Center.
I loved that you narrated the story also by using the times to when it was leading up the disaster. It made you suspect what was going to happen.
There were a couple of grammatical errors, such as words that did not need to be in there, like a random "I" and things like that. Alright well that is about it, it was a nice start. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.
Got YWS?
"No one can arrive from being talented alone,work transform talent into genius" - Anna Pavlova

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Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:02 pm
HorsebackWriter says...

Wow this is pretty good. I'm really enjoyed reading it.
"So it all comes down to this, doesn't it? Does the wand in your hand know it's last master was Disarmed? Beacause if it does...I am the true master of the Elder Wand."

"And quite honestly, I've had enough trouble for a lifetime."

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Thu Jul 07, 2011 3:44 pm
michaeld says...

Thank you so much! Also thanks for the follow! I'm going to follow you right back ;)
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

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Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:28 am
AngelKnight900 says...

This is really good. Keep writing :)
True confidence leaves no room for jealousy. When you know your are great, you have no need to hate.
-Nicki Minaj

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Sun Jul 10, 2011 2:08 pm
michaeld says...

Thanks Angela!
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

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Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:05 pm
xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

“Good morning sleepy head.”
Those were the last words I heard her say before the disaster. She said those four words and gave me a good morning kiss.
You’re probably thinking I’m some acne ridden teenager that gets told that every morning by their mother, but I’m actually a grown man. And that was my wife talking to be honest I did think it was a man and his wife, the teenager thing never crossed my mind and felt a little out of place. I don’t exactly remember anything from that day, except those words… to this day I still wonder why. The disaster was well… disastrous. It wasn’t just any disaster; it was a disaster that will still be known for centuries on end. It’s a disaster that if you asked any American, ninety nine point nine percent of them would say they remembered exactly where they were when the they saw the event on the news or just when they found out that it had happened. Some saw it as a conspiracy but most saw it as a national disaster that is still affecting people and will their whole lives. Especially mine. When I hear the date, my skin tightens, my ears ring, and I am overwhelmed with sadness. Instinct you might say. When I hear the date, my body tenses, I break down, and I start to cry. Like a switch turns on and BOOM. I’m crying like a little kid that doesn’t get what they want at the store. Maybe it’s because I didn’t get what I wanted… but she did.
Chapter One
“Good morning sleepy head.”
Mary leaned over and tenderly kissed me on the cheek. I rolled over, angered by the fact that I had been awoken from my slumber, and waved my wife away like a master to a slave. I tumbled out of bed groggily, and zombie- walked to the kitchen to get my coffee. I took a sip of the black, bitter substance and made a face like I had just eaten a whole sour lemon.
“Too strong,” I complained.
I always wondered why I still drank the stuff even though I hated it. Habit? I guess. I set the cup down and sauntered over to the bathroom where my toothbrush and razor were waiting period clean my yellow tinged teeth and slice my stubble off my rough neck. I cringed as I accidentally sliced the first layer of my skin with the thin, sharp razor blade. I ran my dry hands through the water, messed them in my coarse, black hair, put gel in my hands, and neatly combed it until it was neat and crisp. Today was going to be an interesting day. I could feel it in my bones. I moped back over to the bedroom where I would dress, expecting my wife to be there. She wasn’t.
“Honey?” I called, waiting for a response.
No reply.
Ok then. I continued with my daily ritual as if nothing had happened because well…nothing had. Yet. I casually pulled on my white undershirt fidgeting with the tiny buttons. They never seemed to fit exactly inside the smaller holes. I then layered my cleaned and pressed suit over it. I wriggled my wrists so that the sleeves of the suit would comfortably fall over them. I spent almost fifteen minutes trying to get the gold buttons of my sleeves clamped together but I eventually came out victorious. I picked out my favorite tie (the shiny black one) and tightly pulled it until it snuglyhugged my neck It‘s a picky comment, but I feel like you use too many adverbs and it slows down your prose a little bit. Here I thought you could cut out ‘snugly‘ because ‘hugged‘ kind of implies a snug fit x) Just a suggestion. Read it without the ‘snugly‘ to see if it sounds better to you. . I walked to the mirror and straightened the tie until I felt at ease with how I looked. I finally gave myself the nod of approval and walked out of the bedroom with newfound confidence; my tiredness suddenly swept away. I headed over to the shoe closet where I found my newly shined black shoes and shoved them on over my black socks. I grabbed my work-case, opened the door to start heading out, but hesitated. As I kept the door open I turned my head towards the hall and shouted,
“Bye sweetie! I’m off to work! See you when I get home, ‘kay?”
Still no response.
As I walked out the door, I pondered how odd it was that she hadn’t answered either of the times that I had called her that morning. I still don’t know. I hopped in the taxi cab and told the driver to take me to the World Trade Center. He looked very pleased and happily took me to my destination. I was about to spark up a conversation, but then decided not to because I felt like just sitting and being mute. I checked my watch.
The ride takes about fourteen minutes during low traffic so that left me with about six minutes to spend on my own. Yesterday I had spent that time trying to get the vending machine to accept my dollar bill. It never did. I decided that I would just sit outside among the trees and bustling traffic, to just get my thoughts together and think things through. [It] Does your mind a lot of good to just relax and let your thoughts free flow. We pulled up to the office grounds. We? I thought he had gotten out of the taxi and was outside.
I had exactly eight minutes to do as I pleased which was still to just sit and think. I thought about why I felt today was going to be interesting. I thought about why my wife never answered me and why she seemed to not be in the house. I thought about why coffee was so bitter.IThose eight minutes had passed by so fast… Now I wish I had been sick that morning. Actually, I wish I had never been born that morning. Wish I had never taken my first breath, wish God had never created me, and wish my parents never got together he sounds so whiny to me right now x( This seems like something a twelve year old would say and not a grown man. . I wish I was never alive that morning. I wish that my thirty eight years of living had been reduced down to zero. Not because of the physical pain that followed the disaster, but the emotional.
When I checked my watch, I realized that it had actually been nine minutes. I was late. Normally I would have been panicked, and would have run as fast as I could to get to my cubicle, but today was the boss’s day off and Larry was in charge. Larry was nice. He didn’t get mad if you were late, he didn’t yell. He was very placid and kind. A very convivial companion to have. I liked Larry.
He warmly welcomed me with a cup of coffee and a glazed donut from Krispy Kreme™ I don‘t think you need the little TM in the corner . I turned down the coffee but gladly accepted the donut since I hadn’t eaten breakfast that morning. I was too caught up. Too laid back. Larry patted me on the back as I headed over to my cubicle. I sat down and started up the old computer.
I waited as the computer heated up and finally finished my donut. I wiped the crème residue off my face with a random napkin that was lying around my cluttered cubicle. As I was about to throw it away, I saw that something was written or drawn on it. It had random notes all over it but what caught my eye was the number eight hundred and forty six underlined and written boldly in the middle of it. I racked my mind trying to make sense of the note but couldn’t find anything. Just blank memories. I shrugged and tossed it into the waste bin and stared at my computer screen, trying to remember what I was going to do. I couldn’t remember so I just opened up my email. ‘One new message!’ popped up annoyingly on the screen so I opened it. It read:
‘Hey John,
I was just letting you know that our little family gathering is today at 8:30 pm at the Sheridan’s back yard! I hope you remember what to bring, but if you didn’t, here’s a list.
• Your wife
• Bug spray
• An entrée of your choice
• A delicious dessert! Yummy!
• A hat (it will be hot)
• And sunscreen (don’t want to burn in the heat of the summer sun)
Graham and Lacy’
I groaned and closed my email.
“SHHHHH!” complained Jenny.
“Sorry!” I replied to her.
Jenny was… well she was Jenny. That’s practically the only way to describe her. She was highly religious, always came to work very early to do I don’t even know what. She was always the employee of the year even though the boss hated her. Well, the boss hated everyone, but he mostly hated her because of her annoying rudeness. She had average length hair ‘average length hair’ isn’t very descriptive. I mean, what is average? It would be better if you just said ‘shoulder length hair’ or something that gives us a clear picture. that was always pulled taught in a bun. Her piercing grey eyes could turn anyone to stone, and her harsh voice made her an even more un-loveable person. I felt sorry for her… sometimes. Many rumors have been going around the office that her husband left her or her daughter died or she had a miscarriage. I just think she’s a naturally harsh and bratty person.
Back to the email. I hated our monthly gatherings with the in- laws. They were always so boring and the sun always killed me! Also I had completely forgotten to bake anything but I was sure that my faithful wife had made something special for her parents. They shouldn’t really call it a family gathering because it literally is just us. Me, Mary (my wife), and her parents. It’s always in the Sheridan’s back yard because they are always on some church trip every fifth of the month so we just use theirs. (The Sheridan’s and us have been friends for quite a few years, so they don’t mind at all really.)
I looked down at the bottom right corner of the screen to see the time.
I sighed and went through all of my folders trying to find some old work that I could finish, as I had already finished my current assignments. I looked at all the pictures of my wife posted on the sides of my computer screen. We looked so happy, and in most of them we were. But the rest, we were just wearing a mask for the rest of the world to see how happy we were when it was quite the contrary. We had been bickering for a few months now over kids. I wanted them, she didn’t. It was quite ironic because normally it’s the opposite in relationships. The man is supposed to be the one not wanting kids and the wife should be the one that does. I guess that’s not what fate had planned for us. Sometimes, when I see the pictures of us smiling, I imagine that we are in a hospital, and that we are smiling at a new born baby girl. Her name would be Sarah. She would be 8 pounds and 7 ounces and would be bundled up in a pink blanket. But I’ve pretty much lost all hope. I hold up my wrist to see the Rolex ™ again I don’t think the TM is necessary that’s sitting there.
My skin tightens. My breath quickens. The room is suddenly very cold. I itch with anxiety but I don’t know why. It was all natural. A reflex. But what was the stimulus? If I had known then, I would have run from that office as quick as I could. Wouldn’t even bother calling for help. I would have been too focused on my survival than to let others live. Selfish, but true.
No one was expecting that in six minutes, they wouldn’t exist. Only in peoples’ minds would they still be alive. Their spirit would be elsewhere. Heaven, Hell, Paradise, Nirvana, whatever they believed in, they would be there. People in a plane would be panicking. Babies crying, children screaming, people praying. The brave would be pouring boiling water on the pilots, trying to help the situation. Flight attendants would be trying to call for help, while also trying to calm the alarmed crowd.
Mothers’ would be singing their babies to sleep. They tried convincing themselves that they were singing just for their babies, but they knew. They knew they were also singing themselves to sleep. A sleep that would never end.
It was September first.
It was 2001.

Very well written. You have great grammar and the way you wrote certain parts in shorter, choppier sentences was effective in making this more suspenseful, which is what I think you were going for. You do well with character introductions too, I feel like I have a good idea of who these people are as soon as you show us them.

I have to say I knew what the date was, right from the very beginning where you first mentioned it as a day where ‘everyone would remember where they were’. And the parts about him going to the World Trade Center only made it too obvious. So if you were going for a surprise ending, it didn’t really work that way for me :P

Another thing that’s just my opinion, but your main character seems really grumpy x) I mean, I get it that he’s not the morning bird or the best husband or whatever. But he complains so much that at times it felt a bit irritating. I mean, no one wants to listen to someone else gripe, whether it’s in real life or in a book or movie. So I think this guy’s personality made this a little less enjoyable for me. But for all I know, after all the events that will take place soon, you’ll make it so that his character gets completely transformed, and that will really benefit this story. So I’m not saying you have to go back and change his attitude, I’m just giving you my first impression of this man.

Lastly, this is another thing that is just food for thought. But I wasn’t fond of their names. They are just so bland. I think that maybe this was on purpose, to show how these are just average people with average lives. But there had to have been something a little more interesting than Bob and Mary. Whoops, I mean John and Mary. Same difference.

All in all, I really did like this ^_^ ! I‘ve never read a book on 9-11, so this is a new thing for me and I definitely want to see where you take it. I’ll be reading on for sure!

Hope this helped! If you have any questions/comments send me a PM ^_^
The bad news is we don't have any control.
The good news is we can't make any mistakes.
-Chuck Palahniuk

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Tue Jul 26, 2011 9:31 am
michaeld says...

Thank you so much!! This was so helpful!!!! XD XD :)
"Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass." ~ Anton Chekhov

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Thu Jul 28, 2011 3:25 pm
smvanr says...

Hi, I'm just here for some quick remarks that I picked up while reading.

First: your character/narrator loves to use "I." Not only that, but he loves starting almost every sentence with "I." For example:
I continued with my daily ritual as if nothing had happened because well…nothing had. Yet. I casually pulled on my white undershirt fidgeting with the tiny buttons. They never seemed to fit exactly inside the smaller holes. I then layered my cleaned and pressed suit over it. I wriggled my wrists so that the sleeves of the suit would comfortably fall over them. I spent almost fifteen minutes trying to get the gold buttons of my sleeves clamped together but I eventually came out victorious. I picked out my favorite tie (the shiny black one) and tightly pulled it until it snugly hugged my neck. I walked to the mirror and straightened the tie until I felt at ease with how I looked. I finally gave myself the nod of approval and walked out of the bedroom with newfound confidence; my tiredness suddenly swept away. I headed over to the shoe closet where I found my newly shined black shoes and shoved them on over my black socks. I grabbed my work-case, opened the door to start heading out, but hesitated.
It's not a terrible thing, but there has got to be a better way to say this. Some way to vary the sentence structure a little. Maybe that's just me XD but this really bothered me; I just didn't want to read the entire "I" paragraph past the first few lines.

Speaking of which, you have a lot of thick paragraphs. Just something I noticed as I scroll. It kind of makes me less willing to dig into said paragraph. If you could vary your paragraph lengths and maybe break up some of the huge chunks of text, it will be more attractive to certain tired and sleep-deprived brains. :P

The last thing I really wanted to say involved this:
It was September first.
It was 2001.
Erk. Am I missing something here, or is this a 9-11 story? And if it is... why is it September first...? Sorry if I'm being totally slow and inconsiderate and completely missing an important point. I just noted that and was like oO huh?

Aside from that, this was an interesting start. I definitely want to see what's coming up next. Keep it up! (:

“Isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?”
— L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables