
Young Writers Society

Ch 3: A Rose That Has Not Yet Bloomed

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Wed Feb 23, 2011 3:03 pm
writerwithacause says...

A/N: Okay, guys, this is a shorter chapter, not so romantic as you've been probably accustomed to, but quite relevant in the development of the characters. I'm pretty sure that you would not find it credible if I'd just skip everything and jump to the moment when they both fall in love with one another. So patience, you guys! I can tell you, though, that some sparkles will flame in the next chapter.

This is not my favourite chapter, I felt as if my inspiration wished to leave me in any moment. I was too caught up in listening to Adele and completely ignored Mozart, hence my lack of inspiration. I will revise it anyway later. I just wished to get it done, so that I would be able to finally re-write the fourth chapter (a chapter in which I can put my soul). Also, I'm a bit busy with school. I don't know how I can keep up with university, hah, and still write 5,000 words per week. Expect an update from me in... two weeks? Or less, if my plans are correct.

Oh, by the way, if you're wondering how William looks like, *teaser hehe*, you'll find out in the next chapter. For now, one single painting that offers you an insight into Scarlet's mansion should satisfy your visual pleasure needs. =D




CHAPTER THREE: "A Rose That Has Not Yet Bloomed"



I tried hard to forget about Rose, thus spent most of the time writing various novels, plays, or poems, one after another, until there would be no more ink left. I thought that it would make me forget about her. The more I drowned myself in work, the less I thought about her, I came to think. And it worked perfectly fine as long as I had inspiration. My hands would not stop for hours and I'd sometimes lose good hours of sleep, but as long as I could keep my mind focused on anything else, it was worth it. However, there were times when I was running out of ideas… and money. And it was at those times when I considered my father's company as being a possible source of income.

I decided to arrange a meeting with Henry in a bar that was next to where I lived. I was ready to sign those papers and start running that company.

When I arrived, I realised that I reached my destination earlier that I should have. Instead of Henry, I saw Scarlet and pointed to her in my direction. She said that she did not wish to disturb. Even so, I insisted that she should join me, since I had to wait anyway, and we both ordered two glasses of lemonade.

We started to talk over various matters and slowly our conversation switched from unimportant things to… her. She inevitably asked me about Rose and I told her what had happened at her place.

"So you finally found out." I nodded in approval. "I hope you do not despise me for hiding the truth, but I really could not interfere between you two." I gestured to her that there was no need to worry about it. "Are you disappointed?" she then asked me.

"I suppose I am, Scarlet. Should I not be?"

"Listen, if you want to know what I believe, I think you are overreacting a little. Rose did the right thing by telling you the truth right from the start. She could have hidden this aspect of her life from you, but she's chosen to be sincere. You are not a saint either. And trust me, she did not choose to live her life this way without a solid reason."

"Scarlet," I quickly contradicted her, "I understand that you are her friend, but do not take her part. No matter what, I doubt that this was her only choice. She could have been anything else."

"Like what?" I paused. Scarlet might have been right, because I could not come up with anything else. Strange enough, I was beginning to feel pangs of conscience for my behaviour towards Rose.

"I do not know… there must've been something."

"William, I know her for a long time. If there's something you should not judge her for, that is the reason why she chose to be what she is. When her parents died, she had nobody to support her. What did you expect of her – to die of hunger? I still remember that night when Mister Wright brought her to the theatre. We were children then, and she – a very frightened one." This took me aback, because I did not know anything about her past. Never before had I thought about this type of women as anything more than silly persons with no feelings, that are not worthy of anything else than a night with them. Although now, after hearing all these, I had to question my judgement. "What other choice do you think she had? Honestly, would you see her in a monastery? You are too naive if you think that it has been easy for her… all of this time. And we do not always take the right choices, do we?"

"She does not have a family? I did not know."

"Oh, so now you pity her," Scarlet commented with sarcasm. "She would hate you for this."

"It is not like that," I hurried to disagree. Suddenly, this small conversation made me feel uneasy, mostly because I started to have qualms of conscience again. Had I not been right? Was I too full of pride, thus harsh, in the way I reacted to what Rose had told me about herself?

There followed silence, time in which I reflected upon those that had happened. After finishing her lemonade, Scarlet added, "Why don't you come tomorrow night at my place? We are having a gathering, after our show – me and some other actors and opera singers. Rose and I will be the hosts, I will tell her that you are my guest."

"I do not know, Scarlet; I doubt that she will even agree to speak with me again."

"I doubt that you have something to lose," she encouraged me. Indeed, this seemed to be the perfect opportunity to apologize to her and, eventually… to seduce her.

Ha! I allowed myself to fantasise with the idea. Seducing the seducer, how ironic!

However, there was still one detail that I needed to know. "Will that old count be there too?" If I were to try to win her heart, he would make my attempts in vain.

"I do not see the reason why he would be." I smiled at the hearing of this and accepted the invitation. "Do you want to hear my personal opinion on the matter, William? You are too jealous. Should you be together someday, it will drive you insane." I pondered for a while. I had just changed my mind about taking control over the company. Business was the last thing on my mind right now. My thoughts had been once again replaced by those of her.

Seconds passed, and our glasses were emptied. Immediately after Scarlet left the club, Henry arrived. "So, are you finally ready to sign those papers? What took you so long?" he asked me while opening his briefcase and handing me some papers and something to write with.

"As a matter of fact," I politely refused to write my signature, "I feel somehow bad for asking you to come here. I have just changed my mind."

"Oh, come on, William," he insisted. "Please tell me you are joking."

"Not at all, Henry. I have already come to a decision," I firmly replied.

"Are you certain?" I nodded. There was no way I would change my mind. "Why would you throw away such an opportunity? What else do you have to do?"

"Well I… I am writing a novel, I have plenty of inspiration, Henry, I wish to use it while it is still fresh on my mind." I did not wish to lie, but I preferred keeping this aspect of my life to myself. Scarlet was the only one that knew, but only because I needed her help. Henry, on the other side, could not be of any help to me. If anything, he would have tried to make me believe that what I did was wrong.

"Do as you wish, William. I am not going to bother you anymore. But I warn you: literature does not pay your rent and this is your last chance before I leave. Besides, this is the best opportunity you will ever have. The market business is prosperous at this time. Times change, and when I will be back…"

"Henry, I am aware of the risks I am taking. But I will not change my mind. Insisting would be useless."

With a sigh, Henry finally gave up.


As soon as I arrived home, I continued working on some short novels and then went to sleep, trying not to think of the day that would follow.

The next day I woke up and went to the theatre. This time I paid attention to the acting, as Rose did not seem to be present in the auditorium. I wondered if she would still surprise me with her presence at the gathering that was to take place at Scarlet's mansion.

After the play ended, I followed Scarlet as she prepared to exit the theatre and stopped her to ask her for reassurance. "Scarlet, I did not see her tonight. Is she not feeling well? Will she come to your place?"

"Of course; there is no need to worry about it. Wait for me here, I will take you there. But first I've just remembered that I have to talk to somebody. William," she asked me, out of the blue, "did you not say you were a writer?"

"I am, but why do you ask?"

"Mister Wright, may I speak with you?" she then quickly turned away from me and started talking to somebody else. She remained in the hall for a few seconds more, together with the rest of the actors. Apparently, that man was the owner and director of The Royal Opera House and Theatre. I remained there, in the distance, and heard them arguing over their appearance from that night.

"Listen, you can not go on like this. Tonight's performance was a complete failure. Did you look at the audience? They were bored to death. We must do something. People are tired of watching the same plays over and over again, they want to see something new, original."

"I could not agree more, my dear, but have you any suggestions?" the chubby old man asked, spinning his Hungarian moustache with his fingers.

"I have, Mister Wright. I actually have." After saying this, Scarlet whispered something to that man, something that I could not hear, because of the noise around me. Within seconds, their conversation ended, and I was asked a question that left me speechless. "William, how would you like the work for us?"

"Pardon me? I could not accept such offer…"

"You've written scripts before, have you not?"

"Well, yes… I did but –"

Facing again that man, she added right away, "My friend is a very talented writer, Mr. Wright, and he does not even know it yet. He has hundreds of papers that nobody had read. I know him for some time and I trust that he would not disappoint us."

Puzzled. That was how I felt. I was completely surprised by Scarlet's words. I could have never imagined her being so persuasive, because the director of the theatre and opera house seemed to have agreed immediately. He asked me about how would I have improved the plot and the characters of the plays that I had seen up till then, and I started to present my own ideas to him. Having watched the play with careful attention, I could easily point out some weak parts, things that I would have personally changed and so on.

"William, these are great ideas," Scarlet exclaimed. Turning to the man, she uttered, "See, Mr. Wright? I told you he has great talent."

"I see… Well it is true… that the theatre could use some talent. Young man, would you ever consider working for us?"

"I am honestly flattered by your offer, but I still have to think about it, Mister –" I paused as I realised that we had not officially met yet.

"Wright. Alfred Wright. I hope your answer will be positive. I'll tell you what we will do: bring some of your manuscripts tomorrow. We could talk after the curtain's fall about how we could put your ideas in practice. Then it will be up to you whether you accept. Deal?" he added, extending his hand to me.

I stopped to think it over for a few seconds. The truth was that I needed money and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. "Mister Wright," I then added shaking our hands, "this is a deal."


Short after our short conversation, we headed for Scarlet's place. While I made my way inside, Scarlet introduced me to her guests as the new writer. Most of them were actors and opera singers that played at The Royal Opera House and Theatre. As soon as I greeted everybody that was present, I found a quiet corner from where I could watch every man or girl that arrived. Faces came into sight and disappeared, and I was slowly beginning to lose my patience.

Spoiler! :
(this is how I imagined Scarlet's mansion, where the gathering took place)
painting by James Tissot

When my eyes finally found blood-red lips and unmistakeable blue eyes, I followed them through the crowd. She was talking to Scarlet, thus I figured that it was the perfect opportunity to interfere between them. I studied her from the distance. She was dressed in a beautiful royal blue dress, her corset decorated with beautiful embroidery.

"I apologize, Scarlet," I heard her speaking, "but I have no money, I can't come this time. Ralph refused to send me money while he is away and now he says he is broken."

"Then accept this role," Scarlet replied. Rose disapproved right from the start. "We have a new writer, and he has brilliant ideas."

"Really? Do I know him? What's his name?"

"He was here a few moments ago…" Scarlet's voice trailed off as she searched for me. I approached them, allowing her to find me. "Oh, there he is!" she finally exclaimed when I came closer. "Rose, I introduce you the new writer of The Royal Opera House and Theatre!"

"Is that so?" she asked, raising her eyebrow in disbelief, but avoided to look in my eyes, as she always used to do when she wanted to be sarcastic. Before I could say anything else, still unimpressed and still ignoring me, she disappeared into the crowd again.

Later, after exchanging some words with the other guests, I found Rose in a secluded corner. She was standing on an armchair, drinking a glass of liqueur. I tried to hide the obvious smile that was already on my lips and pretended to be indifferent, and then kept on glancing at her in an annoying manner, until she noticed it.

"Do you usually stare at people so insistently?" she finally seemed to realise that my eyes were on her. Ah! It was such a pleasure to hear her at last addressing to me!

"No. Only at beautiful young women that present a potential interest for me." She pretended not to hear my words. "Do you usually sit here, by yourself, while everybody else is enjoying their time?"

"Yes, do you have any problem with it?"

"No, not at all. Do you mind if I sit down?" I said in a playful note.

"Not as long as you do not sit next to me. I would not like a young innocent writer as you are to be seen in the presence of such an immoral woman. It would ruin your image, would it not?"

I attempted at taking a seat next to her, but as soon as I did that, she quickly jumped from the armchair. With her apparent lack of interest in me, and with my wish to seduce and possess, we started a game of pretending that did not lead anywhere, apparently.

Even so, I knew that I must've hurt her that day, and my honour dictated me that it was time that I should've apologized. "I am awfully sorry for misjudging you, Rose," I quickly added, grabbing her by the hand, "I ask you to forgive me."

"Mister, your insistence will not lead anywhere. What could a penniless writer offer me? I honestly do not understand what you want from me."

"To spend a night with you," I bluntly confessed, before she would continue to ignore me as usual.

"Excuse me?" she uttered, removing her hand from mine as soon as she realised that I was holding it.

"I will pay you." Looking at me in disbelief, she paused for a moment. Although I hated myself for what I had just said, this was the only apparent way to get to know her. Women like her did not seek the love that I so much longed for. Henry's bitter words came to my mind. "They steal your money, then forget your name." I was afraid that it might have been true. On the other side, I feared that I might have hurt her feelings with my words. I imagined she had been told this by men who only wished to take advantage by her foolishness, men that had forgotten her name as well. I did not wish to be one of them. I tried hard to seek beyond her title.

"Fine. Do you have money with you tonight?" I coughed discreetly, and cleared my throat right away. Such a fool I'd been, thinking that I treated her with disrespect, while she did that herself, by embracing dishonour so willingly!

I admit, though, that I did not expect her to agree… so easily. I would have so much preferred a refusal than to realise that she, indeed, had absolutely no interest in me, at least no decent one. "No, I am afraid I do not. It was none of my intentions to –"

"Then I shall expect you tomorrow night, around eight o'clock. Until then!" These were the last words that I heard from her that night. I did not bother to search her when she vanished into the crowd. Once again, I was left utterly disappointed. Strange enough, although I knew the hands I had hold for a few seconds must've been touched by many before, I did not feel disgusted in any way by her attitude, as I had previously been. Just plainly disappointed. Upset that I would not have the chance to hold them again.

My hopes and dreams with her had been shattered.


Such nerve and persistence! My headache returned every time I bethought* the conversation I had with that man. I could not tolerate such behaviour. I sat on the piano bench. The piano that Scarlet owned was almost half mine, its white bars narrower, so that it was easier for me to play it. Whether I was upset, unsure or displeased, the soothing sound of piano could calm me.

"You've very much improved since I last heard you," Scarlet offered me a compliment while she crossed the threshold, bringing a few cups of tea and a plate of biscuits and setting them on the table. "The last guest has just left. Why did you not stay with us?"

My hands stopped playing and my thoughts burst out. "What was all that about, Scarlet? Why did you invite that man?"

"You mean William? He is a part of the theatre now. I thought it was a good idea to introduce him to the actors."

"You thought wrong!" I hurried to contradict her. "It was a bad idea, and you did not even inform me. Please don't ever do that again."

"Rose, dear," my friend uttered in a calm tone, "it is my place, I can invite whomever I choose. Why is it that you are so irritated anyway? I thought you were indifferent to his interest in you."

"Of course I am! But I can not stand his presence, much less his insistences."

"Oh, was I right? So he does have an affinity for you."

"I have no idea and I could not care less. He would not give in at all, and that is what bothers me. Neither will I."

"Perhaps it is time you should." Engaging myself in piano playing once again, I attempted at hitting a chord, but failed, the discordant notes hitting on my nerves. "I think he truly wants to be with you." I tried to play that final part again, my attempt resulting in failure this time as well.

"Oh, Scarlet… Scarlet, I am not playing any foolish game of love here. He offered to spend a night with me, and pay me. Now what are your thoughts upon the matter?"

"I can only presume that you've pushed his limits too far. I doubt he has any inappropriate purposes." I let out a sigh then continued the piano sonata that I had interrupted. I kept on trying and trying until, losing composure, I surrendered to my failure and stood up. "Did you… by chance, accepted?" my friend wanted to know.

"Yes," came my answer. Scarlet frowned, her eyebrows forming lines of disapproval on her forehead. "I know what you think, but you're wrong. Don't look at me with that face, Scarlet." It was an expression that was not characteristic of her. Scarlet could often be seen with a subtle smile upon her face, which was not the expression she had right then. I knew she was ready to criticise my decisions and behaviour at any moment. "He does not have the money I request anyway," I excused myself. "If he is going to stop me, then I will stop as well. And if this happens, I am ready to re-consider his intentions."

"Let me tell you one thing. You are a fool if you think that you are indifferent to him. Be it hate or attraction, I can tell that there is something you feel for him. Would hate turn into love, you should be careful not to lose it."

These being said, Scarlet left the room, leaving me alone in my incertitude. I did not even dare to consider the possibility of falling in love, never with him, and less probable that with any other. It was not written in my fate.


* archaic verb; it means to remember.
Last edited by writerwithacause on Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:59 pm, edited 7 times in total.
Julie, a sucker for romance, historical fashion, medieval fairs and blues music. Add photography and you already know me 50%. The rest of me you'll discover through my writings and my photos.

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my greatest project, a history-inspired romance

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384 Reviews

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Fri Feb 25, 2011 3:00 am
eldEr says...

So, I've finally come to review this! I've read all three chapters, but I only have time to review one. (I hope that this is okay. My apologies in advance)

First of all, I would just like to say that I love the way you've captured your characters. They are all individual and unique, and each has their own personality. However, there is a bit of vagueness with William. You never really describe how he looks in detail (from what I've read, unless I've missed it, which wouldn't surprise me much at all, really), and I keep on wondering about that for some odd reason.

As for Rose - so far, I love her personality. She's feisty, and I love how you've managed to capture her. Characters like that can be tricky, but you seem to have done a good job of it so far.

As for Scarlet, well, I don't know too much about her yet, other than that she's the polar opposite of Rose. I would like a bit more of her character in here, just so that I can get to know her a bit better. Because honestly, I don't have much to say about her right now other than that.

As for the story as a whole, it's interesting, though there isn't much that's really hooked me. This could be because I'm not a huge fan of this genre (I like lots of excitement. Blood-shed and battle-scenes, but that's beside the point). Your style of writing is excellent - something that I could never hope to accomplish - but it seemed a bit dull.

Now, there was something I noticed about this chapter that I found a bit off. And that was the dialogue. It was okay through the first two chapters, but here it seemed extremely stiff and unnatural. For example:

writerwithacause wrote:"So you finally found out." I nodded in approval. "I hope you do not despise me for hiding the truth, but I really could not interfere between you two."

writerwithacause wrote:"I do not know… there must've been something."

writerwithacause wrote:"She does not have a family? I did not know."

The bits that I have bolded seemed extremely stiff to me. It's really unrealistic as far as dialogue goes. I'm not quite sure that they would have said, "I do not know." It may be old-fashioned and classy, but you over-do it a bit. "I don't know" would have sounded much, much better. Keep an eye on that.

That's all I have to say right now, so thank you for the read and the request! If you ever want another review, feel free to ask again. ;)


got trans?

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133 Reviews

Gender: Female
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Reviews: 133
Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:18 pm
writerwithacause says...

Thank you so much, Isha! You've pointed out some things that I did not quite notice. Thanks so much! =D
Julie, a sucker for romance, historical fashion, medieval fairs and blues music. Add photography and you already know me 50%. The rest of me you'll discover through my writings and my photos.

my fictionpress
my greatest project, a history-inspired romance

I was born to speak all mirth and no matter.
— William Shakespeare