
Young Writers Society

An Immigrant's Tale ~Chapter 2

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Sun Nov 07, 2010 6:07 pm
d@ydre@mer27 says...

Chapter 2

Kate sighed and closed the box, returning it to it's hiding place. Sleep came quickly and she succumbed to it willingly thinking of her parents. The next morning was Saturday and she was quick to feed the twins and finish her chores before she was on her way to see Ciaran. The morning air was particularly freezing that morning and a fresh blanket of powdery snow decorated the ground. She found herself daydreaming about a shawl her mother had once owned, it was thick and red, made of soft wool.

Walking slowly down the small winding path that led away from the house she watched as birds flitted about landing on the heavily laden branches only to take off just as quickly, chirping loudly, leaving sprays of snow to scatter in all directions. It made her chuckle softly to herself and she quickened her own step toward Ciaran's family farm.

After ten or fifteen minutes of walking through dense wood she could see it through the trees. The sounds of logs being split in the pasture across the way caught her attention and she headed towards the sound. She found Ciaran stripped down to his threadbare undershirt wielding a large axe.
''Ciaran, fancy a walk to town with me?'', she called out. He turned to the sound of her voice and grinned at her, wiping sweat from his face with the back of his gloved hand.
''I would indeed, I feel like I've been chopping wood for days. Let me just make myself decent for ya' here.'', he said and reached for his heavy cable-knit sweater from its place nearby on a fence-post. Kate pretended to be shocked and covered her eyes but couldn't hide the giggle from her old friend.

She had known Ciaran since they had both been small children, their parents had been good friends for years. They had gotten along splendidly as Kate had always been more of a tomboyish sort of girl, covered in mud and not one to back down from the thought of holding a slimy bullfrog in her bare hands. When her parents had died Ciaran's had offered to take her in but it was thought that she would be of more use to the Murphys as Ciaran had no brothers or sisters to care for. Ciaran himself was of medium height with a shock of dark longish hair that never seemed to be where it was supposed to. He had beautiful green eyes and high cheekbones along with a larger nose that was slightly crooked due to a ice-skating injury when he was little.

''Well are you ready then?'', she heard him ask and nodded in reply.
''You heard anything back from that uncle of yours?'', he inquired as they walked along.
''No, but that's my main point for going into town. It's been such a long time. And you know I don't even really know what kind of reply I'm hoping for.'' After a pause she spoke again.
''I'm tired Ciaran, I need to leave this place. I'm afraid if I have to stay with the Murphys much longer I'm going to kill one of them in their sleep.''
This brought a chuckle from deep inside his throat and the corners of his mouth turned up in a grin.
''You know I might be able to help you with that,'' he joked.
''I'm serious Ciaran.''
His face changed, ''I know you are.''
''There's nothing left for me here anymore, except you and your family.''
''Now don't talk like that Kate, things will be getting better for ya'. You've just got to be paitient.'', he said his voice taking a serious and more concerned note. He wrapped an arm around her shivering shoulders as they walked and kissed the top of her head softly.
They walked the rest of the way in silence with only the sounds of their boots crunching snow
and the occasional plop of the stuff hitting the ground as branches buckled under the strain to keep them company.

When they reached the small town which consisted of a general store and a post office along with a few weather-beaten houses it was relatively empty. No one had much money to spend and letters cost money as well. Knocking on the frosty window at the post office she watched as it slid open and the portly man inside greeted her with a scowl.
''Do you know what time it is young lady?''
''Mr. O'Heraty, can you please just see if I've any mail'', she said back with a fake smile meant only to annoy.
Mumbling to himself the beefy character turned for exactly three seconds before facing her once again and shaking his head.
''Sorry, no.''
''Well thank you anyways'', she replied dejectedly as the window slammed shut in her face with a resounding crack.

I'm sorry Kate'', Ciaran said.
'' No, don't be, it's alright. There's always next week isn't there?'', she said in a voice near cracking. She sat down hard on the front steps and buried her face in her arms. Tears dripped silently down her face onto her sleeves. She heard Ciaran sit beside her and felt his arms enfold her and pull her against him.
''Sshhh, shhhh, it's alright'', he said comfortingly.
After letting her cry for a few moments he lifted her face to meet his gaze.
''Will you come with me, there's something I've been wanting to show you.''
Sniffling loudly Kate nodded and he helped her stand.

He began to lead her back down the road leading away from town and about half-way he turned and took her hand, taking her off the path and into the woods. Confused Kate attempted to ask him where they were going but he merely shook his head and placed a finger over his lips.

After several minutes they arrived at a secluded clearing which was divided by a little burbling brook. Splashes of color dotted the shoreline as small crocus bulbs were beginning to burst forth from their long winter's sleep. She smiled as he bent down and picked one for her. What happened next shocked her to her very core.

He took her face into his hands and tipped her lips to meet his in a soft kiss. After a moment she fought him and broke away, gasping in disbelief.
''What are you doing?!'', she yelled before spinning away and heading back the way they had come. She was furious. She heard his footsteps give chase after her and his hand encircled firmly around her arm, turning her once again to face him.

His face was flushed and Kate was sure hers was as well.
''Kate is it so terrible for you to imagine us together, I apologize for back there I know that was a bit of a surprise to you, but I've wanted to tell you about my feelings for you for such a long time. I didn't know quite how else to do it. I had wanted....but then...'', and his voice fell away and his hands dropped to his sides. Kate could see the hurt swimming in his dark green eyes.

Her anger softened and she reached a hand out to his.
''I had thought that this would solve your problems, you could get away from the Murphys, we could have a life together.''
''Ciaran, we've been friends almost our entire lives. I don't know if I feel the same way as you do, can't you understand I don't want to lose what we have. You are my only friend.''
His face turned to a mask devoid of emtion and he shoved his unruly black hair behind his ears.
''So you're sayin' that there's no hope for us at all?''
Kate didn't answer for fear of only hurting him more. He gave a nod and released a breath acknowledging her reply. Shoving his hands in his sweater pockets he turned and walked away, deeper into the forest. She knew that he was hurt and wanted to run after him but thought the better of it and decided to head back towards the road. She made up her mind not to return to the Murphy home and instead to continue on to her old home which still sat vacant and empty.

As she trudged on, her mind a blurred and confused mess she heard a young female voice behind her. She turned to find the postman's daughter, Margie chasing down the path, her cheeks flaming, waving a envelope above her head. Kate felt her heart flutter with anticipation and hope.

When the breathless girl finally reached her she handed her the letter and between gasps managed to get out,''My father.....found this in....in the mailbag....it was caught in the folds. He also said to....to tell you that...he was sorry for being so grumpy earlier.'' ''Thank you Margie, and thank your father for me as well won't you?'' ''Yes I will Miss Kate, goodbye!'', she said merrily before turning and dashing back up the lane just as quickly as she had come.

Kate turned her attention to the letter and her hopes were confirmed when she saw the postmarks. A large smile washed over her face and she rushed to her old home, in a hurry to read her letter in private. Pushing through the familiar gate she climbed the creaking stairs to the porch taking care to avoid the broken top step. She opened the door and walked in, first lighting a fire in the hearth to provide light and some warmth before sitting upon the only piece of furniture still left in the small house, a small three-legged stool which she dragged in front of the fire.

Fingers shaking with the cold and the anticipation she tore open the bulky envelope to reveal a separate, smaller envelope and a folded piece of paper. The piece of paper she opened first and scanned the brief contents.
It read as follows:
Dear Kate,
We've just received your past letter and offer our deepest condolences on the passing of your mother and father and my own dear sister. Your mother was always looking up to me to protect her and I feel that I have failed somewhat in my resposibilties as her older brother. Iam assuming you are living alone in your house, I pray to God that people are at least helping you through this time. After speaking with my wife we have decided on a solution if you are willing.
We would like you to come and stay in America with us. I know how shocking this might seem to you, to leave everything you know, but please consider your every need will be taken care of. We own a small sweatshop in New York City and are always in need of new workers. You will have food and shelter, and most important, an opportunity. The contents of the second envelope are the reason why this letter was so long in coming. They are your tickets to America. If you decide to come your first train will leave February 16th. If you make up your mind to not come, please feel free to sell them to provide money for yourself. But we truly hope that you decide on the former.
~Aunt May and Uncle James

A warm feeling washed over Kate as she picked up the second envelope, this time her entire body was trembling. It seemed entirely too good to be true. But as the contents of the packet spilled into her lap her dreams came true in an instant. She stared in disbelief at the handful of tickets along with the considerable amount of money that was cradled in the fabric of her skirt. A grin came over her face and suddenly she felt the urge to dance and sing. Her spirits soared and she knew right away what her decision was. Yes!
"A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere." ~courtesy of one of history's funniest men, Groucho Marx. ^_^

Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
— Miles Kington