
Young Writers Society

The Notorious Chronicles Ch. 3

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Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:43 am
kaiden says...

Location: Chicago Illinois, Downtown

Date: Jan 1, 1930

Time: 08:12 a.m.

As I was walking down the streets, on my way to headquarters, I couldn’t help but think about the bust we made last night. A lot of things could have gone wrong, but they didn’t. Ah well, what’s done is done.

As I was walking, I passed this old coffee shop and figured I could go inside for a quick fix. I was still trying to wake up, so I definitely needed something. I could tell the place had been around for a while, and was doing considerably well. I’m surprised that there were any customers in here, what with depression the country is in now. I sat at a booth inside, with my hot chocolate in hand. I took a sip, and looked out the window, watching the people and cars go down the streets. Never in my life had I seen such sad faces. While looking out, I noticed a figure walk towards the booth I was sitting at.

“Hot chocolate eh Tommy boy?” said a woman’s voice.

I gave a little chuckle.

“Only on good days do I drink this.” I explained.

“Mind if I take a seat?”

I gave a hand gesture signaling to go right ahead. I took my eyes off the people outside and gave my attention to Nice Holystone. Nice is my informant. She’s the one who tipped me off about the supply of alcohol coming in last night, and several smaller jobs before that. She has a small crew that goes around the city, giving mob families trouble by committing petty crimes, such as robbing a few hat stores, shoe stores, candy stores, you name it. Normally I would put Nice away for stuff like this, but she’s helped me out a lot with the mob, so in a way we’re even.

“I like the vest,” I said “is it new?”

She was wearing a sleeveless red buttoned vest. It was definitely made with expensive fabric. Then I noticed how well it went with her black ribbon tied around her neck, black pants and boots. A little bit of her cleavage was showing, so it was pretty obvious to me she wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath her vest. Nice looked pretty good…for a criminal.

“What this old thing?” she asked “Yeah, you like it?”

“That depends, is there a receipt to it?”

She gave a little chuckle. I couldn’t help but laugh myself.

“So how did the bust go last night? It was like I told you right?”

“Yeah…it went along great.”

“You don’t sound too excited about it.”

I took a quick sip from my chocolate, and set it back down gently. Nice and I both know that there’s more to what the mob is doing other than bootlegging.

“What are they up to Nice? The mob has been pretty careful about where they put their booze, but last night seemed to me like they were getting careless.”

“I don’t know what else to tell you Tom. You know how they are; they don’t take the law seriously. They think you guys are a joke. But at least I know better.”

“Yeah I know. I don’t know what it is; maybe I’m just starting to get paranoid.”

“With the stunts you and your pals pull I’m not surprised.”

I nodded with agreement, and took another sip from my cup. “Got anything else for me today?”

“I thought you’d never ask hon.” She winked “Last night the Martello’s made a bust on the Tolima’s. There were a couple of trucks disguised as CCC trucks, they had some goodies inside. The people who were in the trucks are now sleeping with the fishes.”

I gave a slight smile because I knew that the only reason why the Martello’s did it was because of me and the others. Even still, this is probably going to heat things up even more between the two families.

“Do you know which one of the Martello’s was in charge of the operation?”

“Uh huh, it was Ernesto.”

“You’re kidding?”

“Yeah, I didn’t think the piece of shit had it in him.”

“I still don’t think he has it in him. But I’ll take your word for it. You have any idea where they’re headed now?”

“Nah sorry, my guys lost track of them when they made off with the goods.”

“That’s too bad. Well thanks for letting me know.”

“No problem Tommy.”

I finished off the last of the hot chocolate. Looking at the time, I that if I didn’t get to headquarters soon, the guys would start giving me crap about how I was late for work, even though I rarely ever am.

“I’m out. If you hear anything else, give me a call ok?”

“Sure. Oh yeah, there is one thing.” She said playfully.


She held out her hand. I should already know by now, information doesn’t come cheap. I pulled out my pocket book and laid out some bills. I placed the bills on her hand and she put them away under her vest.

“You know most people usually count it. What if I didn’t put in the right amount?”

She let out a little smile and gave me a soft look.

“Nah, I trust you Tommy. Besides I’d kick your ass if you didn’t put it all there.”

“Yeah sure, I’ll keep that in mind haha.”

She gave me a playful punch to the chest.

“See you later Nice.”

“Seeya Tommy boy.”


“Your quick thinking last night proved invaluable.” Don Martello greeted as Kaiden shuffled groggily through the door, the hangover still pretty heavy.

“With all due respect boss,” Kaiden yawned, “You don’t have to thank me, in fact you’d thank me enough by letting me sleep the day off.”

“Of course.” Don laughed, “I see you haven’t quite mastered the hangover yet, but I’m in a good mood and I’d like to share some of it with you.”

Don Martello pulled out a Colt .45 and admired it lovingly. From first glance Kaiden knew it to be customized. The grip made of ivory decorated in Christian faith with ebony colored steel for everything else. It was much bigger than the usual Colt .45 you find in

“Looks expensive.” Kaiden whistled, losing any grogginess he once had.

“It is a beautiful piece of work,” Don Martello stroked it admirably, “The Angel of Death himself could have used this.”

Kaiden examined the ivory grip and on both sides it had a gothic cross on both sides with detailed thorns snaking around them. He looked at the Don who was smiling knowingly. He must have said something while he was observing the gun.

“I said,” Don Martello smiled, making it clear he was saying it twice, “and I give this to you.”

“You can’t be serious.” Kaiden lowered his gaze back to the gun, “It is much too expensive to be given as a gift.”

“Ah my boy but it is you who are most invaluable.” Don laughed, “We made twelve thousand dollars last night! Two thousand more than what we originally could of made!”

“You can thank me by letting me sleep.” Kaiden said, “That is all.” He began to walk away from the desk but the Don stopped him.

“Please,” Don Martello said, “You are a son I never had.”

“Ernesto is your son.” Kaiden replied.

“But Ernesto is not fit to run the mafia,” Don Martello said, “You and I both know that.”
“I suppose.” Kaiden shrugged.

“Take the gun,” Don Martello demanded, “and take the day off as well.”

Kaiden sighed; there was no use in arguing. He walked back and took the gun and shoulder holster for quick easy reach from his left chest. While holding the gun in his hands he felt power just holding the gun. He tested the sights and it seemed like a good shot. The ivory felt good in his hands, the stainless ebony steel giving off a mystic aura. The gun commanded respect and power.

“Volente o nolente you will lead one day.” Don Martello said, “I am sure of it.”
Kaiden said nothing as he nodded again and walked out. The rest of the house was still quiet, many still recovering from hangovers. Kaiden just recovered from his. He looked at his pocket watch and sighed, it was just about time to meet up with the informant anyways.
“You’re late.” Nice chuckled leaning against the brick wall, not taking her eyes off a headstone.

“You’re just early.” Kaiden said looking at his pocket watch then around the cemetery.

“So how did the operation go?” Nice said, “Everything just as I said it would?”

“It did.” Kaiden said, “What did you tell the government dogs?”

“Just about the stunt you pulled off with Ernesto.” Nice replied.

“That wasn’t part of the deal.” Kaiden said growing alarmed.

“Relax, I only mentioned Ernesto.” Nice said, “I remember the deal.”

“I don’t think you do.” Kaiden snapped, “Repeat it to me then.”

“Tell me what I need to know and I’ll tell you what you need to know without jeopardizing each other’s positions.” Nice said, “I keep them away from you, and you keep your family away from my brother.”

“Is your brother working for you too?” Kaiden asked, “Or are you just being a big sister?”

“Of course he works for me,” Nice said, “remember; if my brother gets harmed in any way from your family…”

“I know,” Kaiden said, “I hear he’s proved himself invaluable to the Tolima family. It won’t be long before he starts leading major operations against us.”

“You better be the one to lead the counter operation and take the fall.” Nice said.

“We shall see,” Kaiden said, “But in the meantime, why don’t you use the money the feds gave you to buy me some breakfast?”

“I didn’t get paid today.” Nice looked at him quizzically.

“Don’t bullshit me Nice.” Kaiden said, “I secured your position by giving you the location of the warehouse now I’m sure paying for me would be like losing a dollar when you have a thousand.”

“I made you profit two thousand dollars from the Tolima family.” Nice shot back, “I believe we’re even again.”

“Then perhaps you’ll pay for your own breakfast while you join me with mine.” Kaiden smiled playfully.

Nice strutted closer to Kaiden, her body less than a centimeter away. There was no denying that Nice was a pretty girl. Her long dark blonde hair and slim body demanded attention. Behind the glasses, were sharp brown eyes, cunning, calculating, with a hint of seductiveness. She wore a simple hat and coat to blend in with the crowd.

“You know I don’t date associates.” Nice winked, she patted Kaiden on the chest and walked away, already melting in with the crowd of people walking on the sidewalk outside the cemetery.

Kaiden shrugged and whistled a happy tune, blending into the crowd as well.
Any man can handle adversity, to test a man's character give him power - Abraham Lincoln

To be the greatest is when everything before you is obsolete, and everything after you bears your mark. - ?

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199 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 14356
Reviews: 199
Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:41 am
Apple says...

Woah, it's pretty long but hey its relly good so I'm not complaing. I like the way you explained things in a sort of liquid way <-- (My language is gosh darn bad! Don't blame me if I can't think up of words quickly. :P Liquid, hahaha, who says that) and not in a clumpy sort of context.

Personally, I think this is really we done. And I haven't read the other Notorious Chronicles I think <-- (I mean know) I am going to go read them. (^.^)

Your Grammar, pretty good! But as I say to all those who I review, I am not myself good at the whole "Grammar" thing and really think you should get someone else to do a more in detail review. Tehe, moving on....

Your MC. Cool Beans! I loved him, he is very detailed and you could honestly fall in line with him, if that makes any sense.

Overall: Great story! Really well written and well dialogued! (I don't think that is a word) :lol:
I spy!

There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.
— W. Somerset Maugham