
Young Writers Society

The Notorious Chronicles Ch. 2

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Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:39 am
kaiden says...

Author's Note: Hopefully you've read the first chapter already, in fact, it's most sensible to do so if you haven't yet. :wink: Once again, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

“Ready or Not, Here We Come”

Location: Chicago Illinois, Mob Warehouse

Date: Dec 31, 1929

Time: 17:30 p.m.

“We’re almost there; you all know what to do.” I said.

“No worries Tommy.” Luck said.

“I’m good to go.” Merrick said.

“I’ll see you guys on the other side.” Dallas said.

As Merrick pulled out to the side of the road, Merrick, Luck and I immediately hopped out, and Dallas took the car and got it into position. The night was pretty damn cold, but I wasn’t really thinking about that, and neither were the others. We made our way through the trees and had the warehouse in site. A minute after we got inside, that’s when all the fun started.

We busted through the doors and started firing warning shots. I heard gunshots outside as well from Dallas.

“Federal agents” we yelled to the suspects “drop everything and get your hands in the air!”

Unfortunately it wasn’t that simple. Some of the idiots thought that they could pull a fast one on us and take us all out. Lucky for us, Luck saw it coming. Making a long story short, there was a gun fight, a few of their guys were killed, and we made it without a scratch. After all the mayhem ended, we made the call to headquarters to have guys come over and take away the trash, and their precious cargo.

“I got to admit Tom; this went by a lot better than I thought it would.” Luck said.

“Well I have you guys to thank for that haha.” I replied.

“Damn, look at all this liquor.” Dallas said. “You think they were going to drink it all to themselves?”

We looked around the warehouse and definitely agreed with Dallas, there was a lot of booze…more than what she told me.

“Um, I don’t think so Dallas.” Merrick replied. “But they would make a lot of money distributing this out.”

“No shit Merrick.” Luck snapped “Haven’t you seen the price labels on these things? They’re worth more than the crap we’re allowed to drink now.”

“Well it’s a good thing we stopped them before they could hand them out.” Merrick said. “I don’t want someone dying or getting killed out there because someone had too much to drink.”

“Yeah like that’s going to change.” Luck retorted.

Luck had a point. So yeah this was a big score for us, there’s still a lot going on here that even we have a hard time keeping up with. At the rate we’re going, who knows how long it will take before this is over.

“Alright guys, backup should be here any minute.” I announced “We’ll stay long enough for them to do their thing. After that, we can all get some rest.”

“Yeah, not really how I wanted to spend the new years, but this sort of makes up for it.” Luck said with a smile.

They watched from a safe distance, the sound of sirens ringing through the air. Kaiden rubbed his face calmly, not really caring.

“The Boss isn’t gonna like this one.” One of the henchmen blurted the obvious.

Kaiden shook his head and sighed. No he wasn’t. He was going to have to be careful about how he phrased the issue. The last thing we need is the Don to have a heart attack. Kaiden calculated the loss, ten thousand dollars down the drain. That’s a lot of money.

“Alright boys,” Kaiden said, “Let’s go break the news to the Boss.”

“Hey boss, look.” One of the henchmen said, pointing to the warehouse.

Kaiden ignored the slip of the tongue when the henchmen referred to him as boss and looked down to the warehouse. Four guys were walking out casually, apparently pleased with their success.

“We could take those guys out right now.” One of the henchmen suggested, “There are four of them and eight of us.”

“Too risky.” Kaiden said, “Let’s just go back and report the problem.”

“But the cops won’t be here for another ten minutes.” The same henchman argued, “We could wipe these guys.”

“I’ve been on the streets long enough to know that you got to know your enemy before you pick a fight.” Kaiden said, “If there were only four of them, how did they manage to take out the entire warehouse? There was supposed to be at least fifteen guys in there.”

The henchman grew silent and sighed in resignation.

“These guys are good.” Kaiden said, “Besides, you don’t want to die on News Years do you? There is so much puttane and not enough men for all of them.”


“We arrived too late.” Kaiden said, “And it wasn’t the Tolima family.”

“Then it was the federal agents.” Ernesto said sitting on the edge of Don Martello’s desk.

“Four people took out my fifteen men?” Don coughed, lighting a cigar, “I need a smoke for this one.”

“I’m not lying.” Kaiden said, “Four guys. They must be special agents for the government.”

“I knew Hoover was power hungry.” Ernesto snorted, taking a swig from his flask, “Americans are always wanting more power.”

“I find irony in that statement coming from you.” Kaiden retorted.

Ernesto laughed, “I’m Italian-American then.”

“Back to the matter at hand.” Don Martello demanded irritably, “I just lost ten thousand dollars, most of it coming from my loyal buyers. We got about six hours before New Years and they want their liquor.”

Kaiden pulled out a cigar of his own and lighted it. He let out a long puff of smoke before suggesting the obvious.

“We get some more liquor.” Kaiden said, “From the Tolima family. By the way of things, they owe us one.”

The Don nodded slowly, smoking and contemplating. He let out a puff of smoke in reply and said, “Take however many men you need and get it done.”

“I’ll take Ernesto with me.” Kaiden said, determined not to let himself be the only one to do the dirty work.

“Take him with you then.” The Don waved them away, “I’m about to be busy.”

Three beautiful women walked in the room and immediately began to rub the Don seductively.
Kaiden got up, inhaled one last big puff of smoke before placing the cigar in the ash tray, nodded curtly then looked at Ernesto, who had an annoyed look on his face, and walked out. Ernesto followed suit right behind him.

“Bastard, had to drag me along didn’t you?” Ernesto grunted, sipping from his flask.

“I wanted to share the fun.” Kaiden said, motioning his crew of eight and Ernesto doing
likewise with his crew of twelve.

“I hope you know what you are doing.” Ernesto grumbled.

“You’re the underboss aren’t you?” Kaiden replied, “Aren’t you leading this operation?”

Ernesto growled some more and drained the last of his flask.

They hopped into their Ford Sedans and drove off towards Tolima territory.

“I’ve been keeping tabs on the family,” Kaiden said, “They’ve got a couple of cargo trucks in the disguise of CCC trucks getting ready to head out to Cleveland.”

“How do you know this?” Ernesto asked skeptically.

“I have my ways.” Kaiden replied ending the conversation.

Two hours later, Kaiden and Ernesto are sitting in one of the cargo trucks, the other one driven by another henchman followed by the Ford Sedans.

“You don’t think anyone will find the bodies do you?” Ernesto asked.

“Let us hope by then the fish will have made a meal of them.” Kaiden replied coolly. They spent the rest of the day and most of the night delivering the alcohol and reaping in big rewards.
Any man can handle adversity, to test a man's character give him power - Abraham Lincoln

To be the greatest is when everything before you is obsolete, and everything after you bears your mark. - ?

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Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:50 pm
kristin777 says...

getting better!! love the henchman and the reference to Italian stereotypes. Can't wait for ch.3

I feel like it will be absolute hotdog water, but oh well. It's just a draft.
— Charm