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Finding me back-Prologue(Final edit) Please re -read

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Tue Feb 23, 2010 2:34 pm
MiaParamore says...

So hi all,
I have edited after reviews some members provided me with. Please read it and let me know if it's any better.:D
“Melanie, stop,” I cried. I was running after her on a dark street in God knows where, wearing my pyjamas. She was very frightened so she didn’t look back. She was sure that it was one of the Iraqis that were trying to kill her and I was sure that it was Melanie. How could I forget my own figure and the dress I wore on my last birthday? It had to be Melanie. How could she not recognize her own voice?

“Melanie, it's me, Jemima." I shouted to make myself audible against the howling winds. She turned back, and I could just make out that she was happy to see me here, but facial features weren't clear. I could hear an animal’s cry as if to mark our reunion. But why were they crying? We were going to meet after nine months so why did they mourn? Maybe we weren’t going to meet.. I could hear a horn from somewhere nearby. I saw something bright flash into my eyes and Mel's too, disrupting our meet. The next thing I knew was that she was shot dead by the soldiers while I stood there watching them do this. I didn't think about anything else or they didn't give a chance and I began running to a place which I was unaware of. I had proved that I was such a coward. She was gone. I was gone. Forever and ever. I started evaporating and in the next moment I wasn't there anymore. She died. I died. I had trifled with the last chance I had got. The howls of the birds were the only living thing present on the silent, dark road. That was the end. It was the end of the story that had started nine months ago. No more Melanie Stone and Jemima Rover would haunt the Iraq streets.

I woke up from this nightmare which formed a very much part of my existence now, since they had left. I was gasping for breath. Although the same nightmare had been haunting me for months, each time it scared me more than the previous time. I was sweating and panting. I looked at the clock which showed the time 05:30 PM and threw it away in disgust. Couldn’t the clock go to the last day of my life and show me with all the people I loved, from Melanie to my parents? I think dying once is easier than dying everyday with guilt stored within me, maybe that wasn’t a good idea; what if they didn’t exist then. It would be more heart-breaking .No; I would have to wait for them.
The door didn’t open so I assumed that Mel’s parents were still asleep and hadn’t heard the voice. I couldn’t even think of hurting them again with this hysterical behaviour of mine. I got up from the bed and walked down to the kitchen to fetch myself some water.
“You are awake?” a female voice made me jump as I retrieved a bottle from refrigerator. The bottle fell from my hand to scare me even more. I was quivering with fear and my throat was dry. The after effect of the dream had not yet vanished.
“Yes mom. I just came down to drink water. Why are you awake?” I inquired when I saw Mel’s mom dressed in her pink nightgown standing right next to the kitchen entrance.
Her face was still like a statue but a beautiful one with all the godly beauty.
“Actually I have a project to complete so was just working on it. You know how stressed I am these days,” she said and looked at me carefully. There was no sweat now, only tension which couldn’t be hidden from her. I turned to the other side so she could know that her inspection was irritating me.” Had that dream again?” she guessed.
“No mom,” I lied.
“Don’t lie to me. I heard the voice of something you broke,” she was angry. She wasn’t angry that I had not forgotten my past but because I was lying to her. Mel’s mom ( Mrs Stone) was the most truthful person I had ever come across. She was what one could call American Gandhi.
But now she had forgotten her Gandhi avatar and lied to me. There was no project to complete but an inspection which she had to make. She was coming upstairs to see me. I turned back at her to see that how serene her face looked. Her heart shaped face, with no wrinkles to mark her age. How could one manage to be so pretty at this time of night when the most beautiful models are lost in a world of dreams, oblivious to their surrounding world? Her hair was tied in a perfect pony and no strand of hair was out of its place. How much I admired her!
“I was just taking my medicines, mom,” I said. By now I had practiced a lot to call Mel’s mom mine. Time and time I called her by this name so I could never make a mistake and get used to it.
“You should take them now. I’ll give those to you .Wait here,” she had a command over her voice. She went to a cabinet near the kitchen.” Was Jemima again in the dream?" she called out from there.
Couldn't I tell her that I was Jemima and her daughter had gone there? Jemima is here, Melanie is there, I shouted in my mind. We had changed bodies and hadn't anyone know of this.
“Yes,” was all I could manage .Why didn’t I have the courage to go to her and say that I don’t need your help and let me be me. Maybe this was because I was hiding something from her. She brought the pills that I had to take. I gulped them with a glass of water in one go.
“Now, you go and sleep .Don’t roam around. Try to forget Jemima. I know it's tough but you have to for your own good,” she said as her usual bright smile returned on her face. She patted me on my back and hugged me. Her grip was too tight that I couldn’t break myself free.
“Let me go,” I demanded and she released me and then smiled. I think I had been too rude to her. She just wanted to hug her own daughter. What was wrong in that? Maybe I felt so claustrophobic because she wasn’t my mom after all. She made a sad face and then walked back to her own room thus not giving me a chance to apologise.

I went upstairs after taking medicine still thinking: Why did I ever agree to it? The pain to go there was curling up inside me. I wanted to be there with them, feel what they were feeling, listen to what they were listening. But not now. It wasn't possible now. I had to fight a lot with destiny. The fight might have been going on between two countries: USA and Iraq but I was fighting another war. The one with destiny. If I fail now, I won't ever get other chance to fight anymore.
She wanted it, I didn’t. Or did I? Did I want to be in her shoes and see the world as Melanie? No, never, I was okay being Jemima. What if I was a little bit less popular than Melanie and no one would want to be my friend except for her and Kara? I got good grades and had a bright future so why would I want to be Mel, an average. It was Melanie who insisted on this. Not me. It was her idea and she wanted it to be executed.” I am not guilty, judge." I had to get her back even if that meant going to hell.

Last edited by MiaParamore on Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:41 pm, edited 5 times in total.
"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

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Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:35 pm
Ktg17 says...

:D I love this! I didn't find any grammar errors, so that's good!! I love the storyline here! It's creative and great!!! The first paragraph captivated me! :D
Even if you see in black and white, think in color...

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Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:53 pm
Merlin34 says...

I did notice a few grammar errors, but nothing too serious. I'll go through your first paragraph and bold bits that could be improved.

“Melanie, stop,”I cried (1). I was running (2) behind her (3) in the dark street in God knows where (4), wearing my pajamas. She was very frightened thus didn’t look back. She was sure that it was one of the Iraqis that were trying to kill her and I was sure that it was Melanie. How could I forget my own figure and the dress I wore on my last birthday? It had to be Melanie. How could she not recognise (should be "recogniZe") her own voice?

1. There should be a space between the last quotation mark and the word "I".
2. When describing actions, don't use "was ____ing". In your case, say "I ran".
3. Behind her? That's as if you and Melanie are just running for no reason. "After her" is what to use.
4. First off, you don't run "in" the street. You run "over" or "on" the street, Secondly, "God knows where" seems more like it would be coming from the mouth of a soldier, not a little girl.

There were also a couple redundant sentences, like "The winds were blowing to give special effects". You had already mentioned the wind.

Also, you mention the truck "coming out of nowhere". Wouldn't your characters have heard it coming?

There were also issues with the dialogue between your character and her mother. It doesn't sound natural. The best dialogue sounds just like two real people (except without all the "uh"s, "like"s, and slang words).
“Yes mom. I just came down to drink water. Why are you awake?” I inquired when I saw Mel’s mom dressed in her pink nightgown standing right next to the kitchen entrance.

“Actually I have a project to complete so was up to complete it. You know how stressed I am these days,” she said and looked me carefully. There was no sweat now only tension which couldn’t be hidden from her, I turned to the other side so she could know that her inspection was irritating me" Had that dream again?” she guessed.

1. I just came down to "drink water"? Most people say "get a drink" or "get some water".
2. Actually I have a project to complete so was up to complete it. Should be something like "I have a project to complete. That's why I'm up." Also, what was the project for?

Read the work carefully, preferably out loud to catch some of these errors. Also, try reading it backwards. That way, you read the words, not the story.

Overall, I wasn't especially hooked. While the mysterious beginning has its charms, this was just plain confusing. At times you talk as if Jemima and Melanie are the same person, others it seems like they aren't. Be careful, as this can turn off readers easily.
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Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:12 am
ballerina13 says...

This was interesting. I found a few grammatical errors and some words missing so just re-read your story and you will be all set on that part. I found the first paragraph hauntingly beautiful. I could picture it all in my head. So great job there. I feel that you could have described the two main characters a little more though. You showed us what was happening instead of just telling us so that was great! I really like and believe that you should continue this story. Great job! :wink:
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Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:05 pm
Lava says...

Hey Shubhi!

This is a good read. Let me just help you out with a few comments.
1.It began well. Good description. I agree with Merlin that the sudden appearance of the truck is unnatural. They would have heard it's noise or something to indicate its presence.
2.I'm a little confused as to who Mel and Jemima are. The way it's written makes it confusing.
“Yes mom. I just came down to drink water.
I agree that people generally don't say 'came to drink water.' However, I realized that it is sort of the general and accepted thing that people say in India.
USA and Iraq but I was fighting another war.

5.Dialogues: You'll need to work on this. The dialogues have to bring out your MC's personality/character. Show us how she stands when talking to her(Mel's?) mom or something to describe her.

Overall: I noticed some grammatical errors. Try re-reading and editing. Also; work on your dialogue. The beginning was quite good, but toward the end, it just left me confused.
Try re writing this so as to give us readers a better understanding of Mel and Jem.

I hope I helped.

Pretending in words was too tentative, too vulnerable, too embarrassing to let anyone know.
- Ian McEwan in Atonement

sachi: influencing others since GOD KNOWS WHEN.

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Mon Mar 01, 2010 11:10 pm
Wariofart says...

shubhiloves2write wrote:So hi all,
I woke up from this nightmare which formed a very much part of my existence now, since they had left. I was gasping for breath. Although the same nightmare had been haunting me for months, each time it scared me more than the previous time. I was sweating and panting. I looked at the clock which showed the time 05:30 PM and threw it away in disgust. Couldn’t the clock go to the last day of my life and show me with all the people I loved from Melanie to my parents? I think dying once is easier than dying everyday with guilt stored within me. Maybe that wasn’t a good idea; what if they didn’t exist then? It would be more heart-breaking. No; I would have to wait for them. (deleted repeating sentence) The door didn’t open so I assumed that Mel’s parents were still asleep and hadn’t heard the voice. I got up from the bed and walked down to the kitchen to fetch myself some water.
“You are awake?” a female voice made me jump as I retrieved a bottle from refrigerator.
“Yes mom. I just came down to drink water. Why are you awake?” I inquired when I saw Mel’s mom dressed in her pink nightgown standing right next to the kitchen entrance.
“Actually I have a project to complete so I was up to complete it. You know how stressed I am these days,” she said and looked at me carefully. There was no sweat now only tension which couldn’t be hidden from her. I turned to the other side so she could know that her inspection was irritating me "Had that dream again?” she guessed.
“You should take them now .I’ll give those to you .Wait here,” she had a command over her voice.She went to the cabinet near the kitchen.We had changed souls and hadn't anyone know of this?
“Yes,” was all I could manage

Decent story, but has a few issues. First off, you're putting in too many run-on sentences. So instead, just split them into two smaller sentences. Also, your forgetting questions need question marks. Then basically all your mistakes I edited repeat. So try and fix those, and this will be a lot more fun to read!
"This is a song for a scribbled out name
That my love keeps writing again and again
And again"

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Tue Mar 02, 2010 5:30 pm
Lydia1995 says...

Hello Shubi! I am here to review as requested.

Well Done with this, it was a complex subject which you handled fairly well. I loved the first paragraph it had me hooked right from the first few words. You need to make the changes that everyone else said above though. I also notice quite a few typo's and grammatical errors. They can be fixed with a quick proof read so I won't pick them out.


I am a little confused as to who is who in this at the moment though I hope it will become clearer with time. I think that you could fix this by re-wording some of your story. It was just the way it was written, it made it a little confusing.


The plot is interesting. There are a lot of twists. I didn't quite understand the dream and how she had changed into Melanie but I suppose you will add that in with time. I also think that this was a little long for a prologue. You could cut it off at the end of the second paragraph and make the next part the first chapter. It is more of a cliffhanger there and it gives us a taste of whats to come which is what a prologue is supposed to do. It works as it is but it would be more effective that way.

Overall I liked this, it needs a little proof-read and a few tweaks to the storyline. You can break it down how I have said as well if you want to.

Well Done
Keep Writing
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Tue Mar 02, 2010 10:12 pm
ToritheMonster says...

Hey, Dreamy here, as promised. Alright, I agree with Lydia. This needs some proof-reading. You have tons of errors that can easily be caught. Here we go, my corrections in red, asterisk meaning I took something out:
“Melanie, stop,” I cried. I was running after her on a dark street in God knows where, wearing my pajamas. She was very frightened so she didn’t look back. She was sure that it was one of the Iraqis that were trying to kill her and I was sure that it was Melanie. How could I forget my own figure and the dress I wore on my last birthday? It had to be Melanie. How could she not recognize her own voice?

“Melanie, it's me, Jemima." I shouted to make myself audible against the howling winds. She turned back, and I could just make out that she was happy to see me here, but facial features weren't clear . After I said these words, she stopped and for that moment everything stood still. I could hear an animal’s cry as if to mark our reunion. But why were they crying? We were going to meet after nine months so why did they mourn? Maybe we weren’t going to meet. She turned to look at me though I couldn’t make out the face clearly.I could hear a horn's voice from somewher nearby.I saw something bright flash*into my eyes and Mel's, disrupting our meet. The next thing I knew was that she was shot dead by the soldiers while I stood there watching them do this. I didn't think about anything else or they didn't give a chance and I began running to a place which I also didn't know. I had proved that I was such a coward. She was gone. I was gone. Forever and ever. I started evaporating and in the next moment I wasn't there anymore. She died. I died. I had trifled with the last chance I had got. The howls of the birds were the only living thing present on the silent, dark road. That was the end. It was the end of the story that had started nine months ago. No more Melanie Stone and Jemima Rover would haunt the Iraq streets.

I woke up from this nightmare which was very much part of my existence now, since they had left. I was gasping for breath. Although the same nightmare had been haunting me for months, each time it scared me more than the previous time. I was sweating and panting. I looked at the clock which showed the time 05:30 PM and threw it away in disgust. Couldn’t the clock go to the last day of my life and show me with all the people I loved, from Melanie to my parents? I think dying once is easier than dying everyday with guilt stored within me. Maybe that wasn’t a good idea; what if they didn’t exist then. It would be more heart-breaking. No; I would have to wait for them. I think dying once is easier than dying everyday with guilt stored within me. The door didn’t open so I assumed that Mel’s parents were still asleep and hadn’t heard the voice. I got up from the bed and walked down to the kitchen to fetch myself some water.
“You are awake?” a female voice made me jump as I retreived a bottle from refrigerator.
“Yes mom. I just came down to drink water. Why are you awake?” I inquired when I saw Mel’s mom dressed in her pink nightgown standing right next to the kitchen entrance.
“Actually I have a project to complete so was up to complete it. You know how stressed I am these days,” she said and looked at me carefully. There was no sweat now only tension which couldn’t be hidden from her, I turned to the other side so she could know that her inspection was irritating me "Had that dream again?” she guessed.
“No mom,” I lied.
“Don’t lie to me .I heard the voice of something you broke,” she sternly said.
So she had heard this and was also lying to me. She was coming upstairs to see me .I turned back at her to see that how serene her face looked.
“I was just taking my medicines, mom,” I said. By now I had practiced a lot to call Mel’s mom mine.
“You should take them now .I’ll give those to you .Wait here,” she had a command over her voice.She went to the cabinet near the kitchen."Was Jemima again in the dream?" she called out from there.
Couldn't I tell her that I was Jemima and her daughter had gone there ? Jemima is here, Melanie is there,I shouted in my mind.We had changed souls and hadn't anyone know of this?
“Yes,” was all I could manage .Why didn’t I have the courage to go to her and say that I don’t need your help and let me be me. Maybe because I was hiding something from her and I was guilty. She brought the pills that I had to take. I gulped them with a glass of water.
“Now, you go and sleep .Don’t roam around. Try to forget Jemima. I know it's tough but you have to for your own good,” she said as her usual bright smile returned on her face. She patted me on my back and hugged me. Her grip was too tight that I couldn’t break myself free.
“Let me go,” I demanded and she released me and then smiled. I think I had been too rude to her. She just wanted to hug her own daughter. What was wrong in that? Maybe I felt so claustrophobic because she wasn’t my mom after all. She made a sad face and then walked back to her own room.

I went upstairs after taking medicine still thinking: why I ever agreed to it? Why did I ever agree to it? The pain to go there was curling up inside me. I wanted to be there with them, feel what they were feeling, listen to what they were listening. But not now. It wasn't possible now. I had to fight a lot with destiny now. The fight might have been going on between two countries: USA and Iraq but I was fighting another war. The one with destiny. If I fail now, I won't ever get other chance to fight anymore.
She wanted it, I didn’t. Or did I? Did I want to be in her shoes and see the world as Melanie? No, never, I was okay being Jemima. What if I was a little bit less popular than Melanie and no one would want to be my friend except for her and Kara? I got good grades and had a bright future so why would I want be Mel, an average. It was Melanie who insisted on this. Not me. It was her idea and she wanted it to be executed.” I am not guilty, judge." I had to get her back even if that meant going to hell.

Okay, I just made some very minor changes here, there's much more that needs to be fixed. I honestly mean no offense, but I'm curious: Is English you first language? Because this seems like it was put through an internet translator or something. You should definitely go back and do lots of editing.

Keep writing!

Honey, you should see me in a crown.

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Wed Mar 03, 2010 4:48 am
penguinduan1 says...

I was a little bit confused at the beginning, but I finally realized that "Melanie" is Jemima. Good writing. Really good plot! :elephant: :mrgreen: :smt003 :D :) :o :smt001 :smt002 :smt003

"If you are mad at someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you're a mile away from them and you have their shoes." -Anonymous (I forgot)

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Wed Mar 03, 2010 11:59 am
MiaParamore says...

Thanks to all who reviewed my work.I will soon be going through all the errors and edit them. I will PM when done.
"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

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Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:37 pm
taimur says...

well, the idea began well but it could have been further developed and emphasized....apart from the grammatical errors which were not serious in the first place, develop ur story line...sentences like "I had to fight a lot with destiny now." appear to haphazard and blunt...remove such as this one......

i dont need point...jus review ma own sotry "the piper of palestine"

cheers taimur

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Thu Mar 04, 2010 6:17 am
MiaParamore says...

Thanks Taimur. I will surely go through it.
"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

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Fri Mar 05, 2010 5:32 pm
Demeter says...

Hey, Shubhi! Here as requested. =)

The idea you had here (mainly the Melanie/Jemima confusion) seems fairly interesting and something that would be fun to read when executed well. So far, however, I was mostly confused about everything else. For example, I had a very hard time following especially the first two paragraphs. I think it's mainly because the fact that the Melanie/Jemima thing gets more screen time toward the ending of the prologue. It would be great if you found a way to introduce the double personality thing (in search of a better word) with keeping the suspense and making the reader want to know more without making them confused.

The dialogue sounds a bit stiff in many places. When putting words into your characters' mouths, think of whether you could say the line in an ordinary conversation, or whether someone else could. In short, just try saying it out loud, figuring if it sounds realistic. For example, how many people do actually add "Mom" in their sentence every time they're talking to their mother?

Also, never ignore the meaning of proofreading and spellcheck. I won't go into further detail now as I'm in a bit of a hurry and since a lot of it seems to be already covered alright. However, feel free to PM me if you would like opinions about some particular thing, for example. Hope this helped!

"Your jokes are scarier than your earrings." -Twit

"14. Pretend like you would want him even if he wasn't a prince. (Yeah, right.)" -How to Make a Guy Like You - Disney Princess Style

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Sat Mar 06, 2010 4:24 am
MiaParamore says...

Thanks for reviewing my work and I will work on the characters.
The dialogue sounds a bit stiff in many places. When putting words into your characters' mouths, think of whether you could say the line in an ordinary conversation, or whether someone else could. In short, just try saying it out loud, figuring if it sounds realistic. For example, how many people do actually add "Mom" in their sentence every time they're talking to their mother?

Many of us say, 'mom' while talking to our mother. Sorry couldn't agree on this with you.
"Next time you point a finger
I might have to bend it back
Or break it, break it off
Next time you point a finger
I'll point you to the mirror"

— Paramore

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Sat Mar 06, 2010 3:04 pm
Valentine says...

Hey-Here as requested.

The first thing I noticed was that it was thick. That sounds weird, but while i was reading it, it felt like i was trying to walk through a foot of mud. Try to thin it out more. Don't change anything, but huge paragraphs can be tough to get through if they're boring.

There are punctuation errors, which I'm not going to point out, but if read it out aloud, you can find those and change the awkward sentences. Make sure not to use the same word twice in sentences near each other. I noticed one of those:

Actually I have a project to complete so was up to complete it.

That is pretty awkward. People don't usually say the same word like that. maybe try this:

Actually, I have a project to do, so I was up to finish it.

Here's a chunk of it that I found really hard to one: understand, and two: to get through.

“Melanie, it's me, Jemima." I shouted to make myself audible against the howling winds. She turned back, and I could just make out that she was happy to see me here, but facial features weren't clear . After I said these words, she stopped and for that moment everything stood still. I could hear an animal’s cry as if to mark our reunion. But why were they crying? We were going to meet after nine months so why did they mourn? Maybe we weren’t going to meet. She turned to look at me though I couldn’t make out the face clearly.I could hear a horn from somewhere nearby.I saw something bright flash into my eyes and Mel's too, disrupting our meet. The next thing I knew was that she was shot dead by the soldiers while I stood there watching them do this. I didn't think about anything else or they didn't give a chance and I began running to a place which I also didn't know where was. I had proved that I was such a coward. She was gone. I was gone. Forever and ever. I started evaporating and in the next moment I wasn't there anymore. She died. I died. I had trifled the last chance I had got. The howls of the birds were the only living thing present on the silent, dark road. That was the end. It was the end of the story that had started nine months ago. No more Melanie Stone and Jemima Rover would haunt the Iraq streets.

Since this part is a dream, it will be confusing. But, I found it really boring. Maybe you should break it into smaller paragraphs and simplify the sentences. In dreams, people don't usually think about all the details of a relationship of their friend. Especially reoccurring nightmares.

To sum everything I just said,it has a good base, but it needs work. Remember, if the peice doesn't totally excite you, it won't excite the reader. I'm sure this was an improvement from your last one, but it needs work.
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain- TDK"

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As the notifications drift in I stop and wonder. Why do they take so long? Do they have adventures we don't know about? I bet they do. When they come I will ask myself. What amazing adventure has this straggling notification been on? How far did it travel, and why didn't it take me?
— TypoWithoutCoffee