
Young Writers Society

~Michelangelo's Night and Day~Chapter Twelve

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Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:06 am
ashleylee says...

This is the last chapter I have written for this story...and it might be the last. I'm afraid to tell you all but this story probably won't be continued.

But I hope you all enjoy this chapter all the same.

Happy Reading! :D



Lyra lifts the cup of fermented wine to my trembling lips as my hands are shaking too badly for me to lift it myself. I sip tentatively, my eyes shut tight. Lyra whispers words of encouragement, but I hear none of her kind speech. My mind is stuck on my father’s pale, stony expression with the dribble of blood slipping down his chin. My heart pumps faintly and my head spins. I choke as the wine slips down into the wrong pipe as I swallow. I fall forward, my head between my knees as Lyra hits my back, forcing the wine out and the air in. I swallow and rise my head, just as Evander enters, with Delicia and Nicandro. “Just sit out here and wait. I will let you come in a few minutes,” the doctor intones. Evander nods but doesn’t sit, allowing his wife and son a sofa instead. They all glance warily at me but I don’t meet their anxious gazes. I watch the doctor leave with a sinking feeling in the pit of my gut. I had seen the doctor’s eyes; I had witnessed the hopelessness present there.
And I think I am going to be sick all over Lyra’s slippers.
I hunch over again, my shoulders starting to shake as my limbs turn to jelly. Lyra smoothes the hair from my clammy forehead and forces me to look into her blue orbs. “Listen to me, Isadora,” she orders. “Amycus will live.” I swallow and concentrate on breathing through my nose as bile rises in my throat. “He will live,” she repeats as I clamp my lids shut, blocking out the world. My mind is a tumble of thoughts. I think of Mother, oblivious to Father’s state, not ever able to see him off, to kiss him good-bye. My stomach clenches painfully and I take a shaky breath, allowing air to flow down my throat, pushing the bile back. I hear muffled sounds, as though the Chandrenos are whispering secrets about me. But, I care not of what they think.
My mind is on Amycus and Amycus only.

The doctor returns moments later, his hands clasped behind him. I sit straighter, eyes wide, fearful. “You can come in now,” he allows, and I race forward, pushing my way passed him and into the adjoining room. Amycus is lying on his back, eyelids fluttering. I freeze as I watch his eyes slowly open. His mouth twitches, as though he wishes to smile. I don’t need any further persuasion.
I hurry forward, cupping his hand in mine as I kneel at the side of his bed. The corners of his mouth stay up-turned for only a moment in a weak attempt to please me, before slipping down. “Dora,” he sighs, tilting his head to better look at me.
“Father.” I swallow the lump forming in my throat and the tears smarting at the corners of my eyes.
“Dora, I am fine,” he breathes as tears slip down my cheeks. I sniffle but don’t reply, too struck with his ashen face and cloudy eyes. I rip my own from his face to see the doctor and Evander whispering just outside the door. Anger courses through me and I stand. I feel Father weakly take my hand and I pause, gazing tenderly down at him. “I’ll be back,” I vow before striding from the room, closing the door behind me.
Evander and the doctor jolt at my entrance back into the entertainment room. “What is wrong with him? What happened?” I demand, my eyes flashing.
“He’ll be fine,” the doctor promises.
“Sure,” I drawl, turning to face Evander. “I demand to know what caused this upon him.” Evander struggles to answer when Delicia speaks up.
“She’s just distraught, Evander. Take no harm.” She touches his shoulder lightly but keeps her eyes on me.
I glare, my fists clenching. “I demand to know,” I repeat.
“You are a guest, Isa,” Delicia reminds me, silently pleading with me to hold my tongue. I can see the doctor watching with questioning eyes, but I take no heed. My mind is made up. Evander will answer, or pay with the family’s embarrassment.
“What happened to my father?”
Evander shakes his head, and Delicia’s eyes flash dangerously. “Isa, come, I will show you to your room.”
“No!” I cringe away as she reaches for me. The doctor stares with open astonishment. I step around her and stop just inches from Evander. He is much taller than I am and I have to yank my neck back to look at him. “Tell me what happened, Evander.” He opens his mouth to speak when Nicandro enters, as silent as a phantom.
“Father, let me remove Isadora. She is distraught, as mother said,” he offers, nearing ever closer to me.
“Don’t touch me,” I glower, backing slowly away. Nicandro’s eyes take on a hypnotizing stare, and I shrink beneath his gaze. I know the doctor is watching and I know Father resides just a room away, but I see the fault in my ways and slide to the floor against the wall, feeling the tears flow freely now. Nicandro grips me by the shoulders and hauls me upwards, taking little care to be gentle.
Without another word, he leads me away.

Nicandro throws open the door to my bedroom, shoving my inside. I whirl around to face him, my hair springing loose from its usual bun. “Don’t push me around like that,” I snap.
His face is stony. “Maybe I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t flap your mouth every chance you got.”
I blush furiously. “I was trying to figure out what happened to my father,” I explain.
“Why couldn’t you wait until the doctor left?” he questions.
“Because…” I trail off, breathing heavy.
“Exactly. My point is proven yet again,” he says, moving out into the balcony.
I pursue. “What point?” I demand, standing beside him. My mind is a jumble of thoughts and my anger is directed towards him now, Evander forgotten.
“That women don’t think before they speak,” he answers, eyes directed to some distant object.
“Here we go with the ‘women’ thing again.” I throw up my hands, leaning heavily on the railing. I let my head fall between my shoulders, the loose tendrils falling into my eyesight. My breath rustles them and they blow back and forth. I feel the tears start to well again; this time, angry tears. Tears filled with hatred for the Chandrenos, who have their secrets and lies and deceits. Tears that take on an acrid sting, making my eyes bloodshot. I rub at them, sniffling. A gust of wind blows my hair all around and I groan in frustration when it mats on my forehead. I reach up and pull loose the ribbon holding my hair in place. My dark strands flow over my shoulders, slightly wavy from the bun. I swipe at my cheeks again as another pool of tears stream down my face. “Are you okay?” Nicandro’s voice pierces the silence, and I jolt.
I don’t dare look at him. I can just picture his smug face if he saw me crying again. So, I swallow the lump forming in my throat, and say, “Yes.” I was hoping that my voice would come out strong but it sounds weak, even to me. I hear Nicandro shift closer to me and, under my hair, I can see the tops of his sandals.
“No, you’re not,” he whispers. My breathing stops when I feel his hand pull the hair from my face, tucking it behind my ears. I peek up at him and see that his eyes are swimming with something close to compassion before looking to my feet again. “The doctor said your father will live.”
My eyes shoot upwards at this statement. “Can you be sure?” I ask, my eyes wide.
“Yes,” he assures me and I watch as his thumb glides over my cheek, wiping away all of the tears. I freeze under his touch and his fingers trail to my jaw, all the while keeping his eyes locked on me. His face moves steadily closer as his fingers pause at my neck. My lips part just as his face stops, inches from my own. I could count every luscious lash on his eyes, number every hair on his chin. His eyes are suddenly fierce, lit with a fire that frightens me. My stomach twists and he runs his knuckles along my forearm. His face nears even closer when the door is thrown open.
We spring apart and I gasp when I see who stands in the doorway. “Senator Laskaris?”
“Isadora,” Caradoc breathes a sigh of relief, running a wary hand through his chestnut hair. “I just heard the news about Amycus.”
“You did?” I step towards Caradoc, still slightly surprised by his sudden appearance. What I really want to ask him is, What are you doing here? But I restrain myself, keeping my expression plain.
“Yes. I talked to Dr. Radenos as I came in. I was just coming to visit with Evander when he left,” Caradoc explains and I watch his eyes flicker over my shoulder. I follow his gaze and see Nicandro. His form is stiff, his eyes stony. I look back to Caradoc and nod slowly. “Well, you must want to go see Evander, then,” I say, moving towards Caradoc again.
“Ah, yes.” He bows his head. “Isadora, will you do me the honor of leading the way?” He flashes me a dazzling smile.
How could I refuse such a face? I think weakly, feeling suddenly lightheaded. I nod, grinning at Caradoc before turning to Nicandro again. “Will you come with us, Nicandro?” I ask politely.
Nicandro’s eyes lock with mine and there is a hint of animosity in his eyes that I feel is directed towards Caradoc. But it vanishes as soon as it comes and his eyes are flat, the storm subsiding. “Of course,” he bows his head, stepping up to be face to face with Caradoc, whose smile falters. I see the tension between the two men and quickly step between them, as though to break the flow. “Shall we?” I raise an eyebrow and both the men smile at me, Caradoc sweeping out his hand to let me pass first.

Back down in the entertainment room, Evander and Delicia are conversing quietly near Father’s doorway. Again, that sudden rush of anger flows freely through my veins when I see Evander. Why won’t he tell me what happened to Father? Why won’t he explain everything to me? I wonder, my blood boiling. Caradoc must sense my sudden mood change, for his warm hand smoothes over my shoulder, molding to my form. I peer up at him, and his blue eyes flicker with compassion as they gaze at me. My stomach twists, as it had with Nicandro, and I feel an excitement that I don’t understand. Evander breaks the trance as he speaks, “Isadora, I need to speak with you.” He points to the adjoining room, and I hesitate. Caradoc sees this and gives me a gentle push in Evander’s direction.
I didn’t need any further persuasion.
Evander leads me into a small room and I see that it is a storage closet of some kind. There are large golden statues grimy with layers of dust and tapestries in need of a good washing. He closes the door behind him before facing me, the light from the lantern he holds stretching our shadows up to the ceiling. I rip my eyes away from a figurine of a horned goat and turn to peer up at him. “Isadora,” he begins. “I am truly sorry about the circumstances that have played out today. Your father is a good, loyal friend of mine and I hate to see him as he is.” The first thought that runs through my mind is: who are you fooling? Evander’s eyes are flickering back and forth, a sure sign of someone lying. But why would Evander lie about my father?
I need answers and I need them now.
“The events that have pushed him to be bedridden, I apologize, are not to be disclosed. However,” he rushes forward, fearful of my interruption. “He will make a full recovery, so quoted by Dr. Radenos.” Evander beams at me, flashing his fake smile in the gloom.
I grin just as falsely back and say, “That is good news, sir. But, I still do not understand.”
“Understand what, Isadora?” he asks, clearly befuddled.
“Understand why the events are not to be disclosed…” I trail off, locking him under my icy gaze.
“Because this is what I have decided,” he answers with a harsh tone.
“He’s my father!” I shout in disbelief. “I have every right to know what happened to him!”
“Not here, you don’t. In my house under my supervision, Amycus’ recovery will be seen over by my servants and I. Not by his daughter,” he commands. “And that’s final!”
“You are not my father,” I say coolly.
“Nor are you my daughter,” he replies with just as much sting. We glare silently at each other before he whispers, “You will not make a fool out of me in my own home again.” His voice is soft, yet there is a threat imbedded in his words and I flinch openly. Then, he sweeps from the room, leaving me cowering in the dark.

~ ~ ~ ~

I barricade myself into Father’s quarters, never once leaving his side. Evander expresses his discontent with this every time he comes to visit, giving me a disapproving look before conversing with Father. I can see the loathing in his eyes as I disobey his orders and it gives me great satisfaction.
Father health doesn’t seem to be improving, however.
Some days, he is awake and jolly, but others he is weak, coming in and out of consciousness throughout the day. During these times, I feel a fear so fierce that I think I will be ill. It gives my heart great pain to think that he may pass away, never to see Mother or Greece again; to die here in Rome, a city of thieves and deceivers.
Finally, Evander discovers a way to force me to leave Father’s side.
“Miss Isadora?” Lyra enters silently, peeking her head around the door.
“Yes, Lyra?” I call out without looking at her, carefully tucking Father in.
“You have a visitor,” she explains, and I look up suspiciously.
“May I ask who?” I question, and she nods.
“Of course. It is Senator Laskaris.” Her eyes light up at the news, and my own eyebrows shoot upwards, almost disappearing into my hairline. I fumble for something to say, knowing full well that I can’t refuse him. Lyra eyes me carefully, waiting for my decision. I stand, smoothing the wrinkles out of my skirt. I glance down at Father, who is sleeping soundly. Lyra makes an impatient sound deep in her throat, and I leave his side, crossing the threshold and into the entertainment room.
Senator Laskaris is conversing animatedly with Evander, his smile broad. A slight flutter in my stomach surprises me when I see him. I mistake it for joy, thinking that it is the sight of a to-be friend that sends my blood rushing.
He turns at my entrance and his face splits into a wide smile. I beam back, feeling my spirits rise despite the condition of my father. “Miss Isadora Chatzi, a vision!” Evander exclaims in overdone enthusiasm. I force a small grin for his effort, not wanting to appear foolish in front of Caradoc.
“I agree, Evander. A vision of purity and innocent beauty,” Senator Laskaris says softly, gazing at me with an intensity that frightens me…and yet not in a bad way. My heart hammers at such a stare, roses blooming in my cheeks at his statement.
“You flatter me, Senator Laskaris,” I say, bowing my head in modesty.
He laughs. “’Tis true.” When I look up, I see his eyes twinkling with obvious delight. I smile as well, unable to resist such a temptation. “Miss Isadora, would you care to take a stroll with me through the garden?”
I pause, glancing at Evander, silently daring him with my eyes to refuse this offer. I see the contemplation happening behind his eyes and then he beams at Caradoc. “My man, Miss Isadora couldn’t refuse such an offer!”
I smile sweetly and approach, eager to disappear from Evander’s view. Hooking elbows with the senator, Caradoc leads me out into the gardens and far from Evander and his ears. We stroll in silence for awhile, each content with each other’s company. Finally, I feel that it is time for me to speak. “How are you, senator?”
“Fine, fine,” he answers but I hear the hesitation and realize that he is lying.
“Truly?” I press softly, and Caradoc sighs.
“You are a very perceptive girl, Isadora. Where did you learn to be so smart?” he asks, subtly changing the subject.
“My father.” He hears the pain in my words.
“How is he?”
“Not good, I’m afraid.” My eyes stray to his. “I fear for his life.” Caradoc’s face slacks into a compassionate look. He leads me to a marble bench and helps me sit like the gentlemen he is. Then he sits himself.
“You mustn’t fret. I have talked to Dr. Radenos. He is optimistic about your father’s fate.”
“I wish I was as positive as you are, senator.” My eyes fall to my lap. “I just wish I knew what had happened to him to make him get into this dire state.”
“What do you mean?” Caradoc asks, confusion coating his words.
I meet his eyes. “Lord Evander has yet to tell me why my father is ill.”
“Really?” Caradoc allows a hint of surprise enter his expression for pulling his face back into an easy smile. “Well, if you can keep a secret, I will share it with you.”
My eyes light up and my heart starts to pound with a rhythm all its own. “That would be very kind of you.” I flutter my eyelashes at him.
“Your father,” I lean closer to better hear him, “Was riding out in the city when thieves ambushed him. It was lucky for him that Evander was out riding at that time too, or your father could have been injured worse than he already had been.”
“Thieves?” I say in disbelief. Why would Evander keep something so simple as thieves from me?
“Yes. I assume the reason for Evander’s discretion with you is that a lady such as yourself shouldn’t be burdened with such gruesome things.” I nod numbly, still unable to grasp the crazily normal thing like attacking robbers.
“I guess,” I say, for Caradoc’s benefit. Just then, a servant enters, looking for the senator.
“Senator Laskaris?”
“Yes?” Caradoc stands.
“Your litter awaits,” the servant informs us. I stand then as well.
Caradoc turns to me. “I’m sorry, Isadora, but our time is cut short.”
“But duty calls,” I tease him lightly, producing a grin from him.
“So true. Till next time, Isadora.” He sweeps himself into a low bow and, before departing, takes my hand in his and brushes his lips across my knuckles, making my stomach flutter again. With another smile, he takes his leave, strolling with the confidence of a man with honor.
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

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208 Reviews

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Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:18 pm
Merry_Haven says...

This is the last chapter I have written for this story...and it might be the last. I'm afraid to tell you all but this story probably won't be continued.

WHAT!!!! Seriously? Ashley, you are seriously making me cry now. :cry:

But I hope you all enjoy this chapter all the same.

Happy Reading! :D

Of course. I'm always pumped up to read this story. Oh, and very happy too.


Nicandro throws open the door to my bedroom, shoving my inside.

Man, did he really have to push her like that?

“Yes,” he assures me and I watch as his thumb glides over my cheek, wiping away all of the tears. I freeze under his touch and his fingers trail to my jaw, all the while keeping his eyes locked on me. His face moves steadily closer as his fingers pause at my neck. My lips part just as his face stops, inches from my own. I could count every luscious lash on his eyes, number every hair on his chin. His eyes are suddenly fierce, lit with a fire that frightens me. My stomach twists and he runs his knuckles along my forearm. His face nears even closer when the door is thrown open.

Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. UGH!!! Why did someone have to ruin their perfect moment? This is totally killing me.

He laughs. “’Tis true.” When I look up, I see his eyes twinkling with obvious delight. I smile as well, unable to resist such a temptation. “Miss Isadora, would you care to take a stroll with me through the garden?”

Why did I have the oddest feeling he was going to propose. Man, I'm getting ahead of myself.

“Your father,” I lean closer to better hear him, “Was riding out in the city when thieves ambushed him. It was lucky for him that Evander was out riding at that time too, or your father could have been injured worse than he already had been.”

Thieves? I would have never thought of it. But I have another odd feeling that Caradoc is lying to her.

“So true. Till next time, Isadora.” He sweeps himself into a low bow and, before departing, takes my hand in his and brushes his lips across my knuckles, making my stomach flutter again. With another smile, he takes his leave, strolling with the confidence of a man with honor.

He sure has a way with women.

So like Ashley, why are you stopping this story? You had me totally hooked and I love historical pieces. I'm pretty disappointed that this is an abrupt end. Yet, I guess it's up to you.

I reread it over again and didn't see any grammar mistakes.

Off I go...
Mary had a little lamb. Little lamb. Little lamb!

Ugh!! I really hate my name. >.<

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Thu Sep 18, 2008 12:25 am
ashleylee says...


I'm sorry. :?

This isn't an end, really. It's just like a "Not Continued" piece for the moment because I'm not sure where to go from here. I think I have an idea for it and I'll keep working but I probably won't post for awhile.

I'll keep you posted if I do! :wink:

Thanks so much for reading!
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

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Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:00 am
deavarna_satina says...

Oh no, how could you, Ashley?! How could you leave me so unsatisfied? You cruel person! Not continuing? :smt089

I swallow and rise my head, just as Evander enters, with Delicia and Nicandro.

That would be 'raise'.

Nicandro throws open the door to my bedroom, shoving my inside.

That would be 'me'.

I freeze under his touch and his fingers trail to my jaw, all the while keeping his eyes locked on me. His face moves steadily closer as his fingers pause at my neck. My lips part just as his face stops, inches from my own. I could count every luscious lash on his eyes, number every hair on his chin. His eyes are suddenly fierce, lit with a fire that frightens me. My stomach twists and he runs his knuckles along my forearm. His face nears even closer when the door is thrown open.

This has got to be the most suspenseful paragraph in the whole story. My stomach was doing back-flips while reading it. So vivid, so intense. A moment you've been building up to for a long time.
Kiss, kiss, KISS!!

We spring apart and I gasp when I see who stands in the doorway. “Senator Laskaris?”

What?! No! No, no, no, no! How could he... and they... and you...?!
I actually liked Senator Laskaris before, but now... well... his timing SUCKS!

I see the tension between the two men and quickly step between them, as though to break the flow.

What's this? Competition? Not enough tension for you yet, Ashley? :wink:

I didn’t need any further persuasion.

Should be 'don't'.

I need answers and I need them now.

I know how she feels. I'm going mad :smt043

His voice is soft, yet there is a threat imbedded in his words and I flinch openly.

Evander is turning into a bit of a nasty character, isn't he? Oh, and it's 'embedded.'

Finally, Evander discovers a way to force me to leave Father’s side.

So does this mean Evander deliberately invited Caradoc over to move Isadora away from Amycus? How did Isadors come to this conclusion? Is she, perhaps, obsessively protective of her ill father and sees conspiracy everywhere, hence the assumption? Or is there evidence that Evander wants to be alone with Amycus for some purpose?

I mistake it for joy, thinking that it is the sight of a to-be friend that sends my blood rushing.

If Isadora mistakes this feeling for joy, it conveys that she already knew what the feeling was. But if that is the case, it would be more like she convinced herself it was joy. It is different when writing in past tense, but in present tense the MC finds out things at the same time as the reader.

My thoughts...
Caradoc seems to be Nicandro's opposite in almost every way. He is so openly friendly, caring and compassionate, and also a little manipulative from what I gather. Whereas Nicandro is so hostile and bitter, but has been honest with Isadora from the start. It's so hard to choose who I like better... I think I'm still rooting for Nicandro.

Ugh, how could you abandon this juicy tale just when things were getting so good? Meanie. Well, I do hope you continue one day. Let me know when you do.

~Hailey~ xoxo
The problem with falling for the enemy is that you can't take them anywhere ~a Titleless Tale

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Wed Sep 24, 2008 3:49 pm
ashleylee says...


I'm sorry. I feel so bad but I'm so stuck at the present time that I really don't know where to go from here. But I am optimistic that it WILL be continued...I'm just not sure to what extent.

But I will PM you whenever I post further installments.:wink:

Thanks so much, Hailey, for being so supportive of this story throughout the whole thing. You're awesome :D
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

I love her dearly, but I can’t live with her for a day without feeling my whole life is wasting away.
— Miss Kenton, The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro