
Young Writers Society

Sophia's Suitors-Chapter 5 Part 1

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Wed Sep 03, 2008 3:26 am
Merry_Haven says...

~This is revised and well, enjoy!~

Love poetry, the very essence of marriage within a single letter. Those romantic words form into the thoughts of proposal.
The elderly doorman came by the breakfast table with something on the silver tray. “A letter for Miss Sophia.” Everyone who was occupied, glanced up, even the twins.
Uncle John reached up for the letter, “Here. Here, let me see.”
“No, John. Let me see.” Aunt Caroline grabbed the letter gently without bending it, before her husband took it. “It's probably from that Lord Covington last night. Which was quite a surprise at the Theatre Royal.”
She lowered her gaze to the letter, realizing there were two of them on the chestnut dining table. “Sophia, dear. There seems to be two letters for you.” Two? Who else would write to me?
“Here, Sophia.” Aunt Caroline placed the two letters face down and pushed them gently across the table to Sophia.
“Thank you.” Sophia reached for the letters and laid them on her lap. She then glanced at them and looked up. “Aunt Caroline, may I be excused to retire to my room?”
Her aunt did not raise her head to reply, “You may.” Sophia rose up from her chair and left the dining table, leaving Helena behind.
When she got to her room, she excused Maria and Lina out and sat on the colorless bed. Sophia, placed one letter on the bed and gently opened the other one. She scanned her eyes over the delicate handwriting and read to herself.
Dear Miss Selwood,
I am sorry I startled you last night at the Theatre Royal. What I said was true, I am planning to marry you by the end of the week.
You are wondering how I know about you, so let me explain myself.
About six months ago, a Sir George Selwood appeared at my house offering me a proposal. He had written days before hand that he was coming.
He said that I would become one of his daughter's suitors because he found out that I am the Marquis of Ellsworth. He must have had connections to come knocking at my estate.
If she chooses me, then she would be the Marchioness of Ellsworth. He wanted to have a secured future for his only child and in return I would have a wife.
I promise, if you choose me as your one and only suitor, you will have a happy life. You'll have everything you ever wanted. All the bonnets and muslins, your heart desires. Your wish is at my command.
Please accept my offer of marriage, and you'll be the happiest woman alive. Have your answer by tonight when I see you at Almacks.
Your Truly,
Lord Richard Covington
Marquis of Ellsworth.

As Sophia read those last lines, she clasped her hand to her mouth. How can this be? She glided her small hand across her cheek as tears flowed down from her eyes. My father, how can he be so cruel? He has me finding my suitors and now this? What am I supposed to do? How can I possibly answer by tonight? I am so lost.
Sophia then switched to the other letter and read.
Miss Sophia,
Our trip to Lyme was unexpected, and I wish for it to never happen again. We need to talk what was going to happen between us at the shore. I do not blame myself, but you were tempting me with your sweet scent of wild lilies. I will never put you through something like that again.
Last night at the Theatre Royal was shocking. I had no idea that Lord Covington was going to propose to you. Everyone, now has heard the news. I wish you a splendid life with him. For no one will make you happier then him. All my wishes to your new life.
Captain James Bentley

What a minute. Sophia raised a dark brow at the letter's last words. What's this supposed to mean? I'm not even married yet, and barely even proposed. And James, what is wrong with him?
“Sophia?” The urgent voice of Helena entered the bedroom. She placed the letters beside her and looked up at her cousin. “Are you alright?”
What does she mean? “I'm alright. Why?”
“Nothing, really.” As Maria and Lina walked in, Helena remembered someone. “Lucy Malloy is downstairs. And she would like us to walk the gardens with her.”
Sophia's ocean blue eyes lit up at the word garden. “That would be amazing. I haven't been to the gardens, yet.”
“Lina, tell Miss. Malloy that we will be with her in a few moments.” Lina replied with a nod to Helena and left the room. “So, Sophia. Who wrote to you?”
Maria was helping Sophia into her pale pink muslin, “Just Lord Covington.”
“Just him? I thought there was two letters.” Lina had walked in the room and was now helping Helena into her light brown muslin.
“No.” That was the only answer Sophia said. I don't want her to know that James wrote to me. It'll be a disaster if she found out. She'll probably won't handle it well.
By the time they were done, the headed downstairs to meet Lucy. “Miss Sophia!” Lucy's perky voice had dropped down a notch from yesterday. “Are you ready?”
All Sophia did was smile and all three of them left to go to the gardens. I wonder what it'll be like? Maybe it's like home. Will there be alba white roses and banksiae yellow ones? Hopefully today will be very grand.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
When they got to the gardens, Sophia noticed how beautiful it was. “How magnificent.”
“They sure are.” Lucy replied. “Come, let's walk.”
Sophia trailed behind taking in all the glory of the flowers. I was right. My favorites are here. She gently brushed her fingers upon the delicate white petals of the alba roses. How soft and pretty.
Time must have passed because Sophia noticed she was far behind from Lucy and Helena. “Lucy? Helena?” She called out.
Then all of a sudden she heard someone giggling. Sophia lightly walked to the edge of a tall, green bush and heard someone. “Lord McCord, you are such a flatterer.” Lucy? What is she doing with Lord Issac McCord? Being confused as she was, Sophia gently walked backwards except she bumped into someone.
“Sophia?” That voice. She looked up seeing no other then James.
“James? What are you doing here?”
“A man can't walk the gardens in solitude?” His cheery voice was getting to her. Why does his mood constantly change?
“I guess so. But I was looking for Lucy and found her with Lord McCord. Well actually heard her with him. Then I can't find Helena.”
“She's with Simon Malloy.”
“What?” Her soft voice was becoming a whisper. “Why? I need to find her.” Sophia walked passed James but of out nowhere she felt his strong arm grasping hers. “James. Let me go.” She spoke each word with agitation. What is he doing? He shouldn't be grabbing me like this in public.
All James said was, “No.”
Sophia's stunned face turned to face him. “And why not?”
“Leave them alone. And plus we need to talk about yesterday.” He was still holding on to her small arm, not tightly but with gentle care.
“We don't need to talk about anything. Now let me go!” Sophia was getting angrier by the moment.
“Are you afraid I might kiss you?” Immediately, Sophia's blue eyes widened but didn't get to say anything. Instead James pulled Sophia in and crushed his rough lips with hers. The kiss didn't last long because the next thing that happened was very shocking.
Sophia pulled away and did the most unladylike thing. She slapped him, right on his very cheek.
James pulled his hand to his slapped cheek, “Why did you do that for?”
“You are the most infuriating man I've ever known, James Bentley! I wish to never see you again!” Without hearing another word from James, she walked off finding her two friends. How dare he kiss me! And he did it in broad daylight. In public! I wish to never see him again.
She found Lucy and Helena together without the other men and pulled them out of the gardens. “Sophia, what's wrong?” Helena said.
“Nothing. I wish to go home now.” Without another word, they got into the carriage and headed home. Hopefully tonight at Almacks will be a lot better.
Last edited by Merry_Haven on Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:42 am, edited 2 times in total.
Mary had a little lamb. Little lamb. Little lamb!

Ugh!! I really hate my name. >.<

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Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:26 pm
jasmine12 says...

Merry!! I am so sorry. I fell asleep last night before I got the chance to review it!!!!!!!!
Gah! I shall redeem myself...yeah idk.
Okay I'm in one of those moods...you know what I'm talking about.
It's nit-pickin time.....[random thought] I bet there's a guy out there somewhere named nit...and hes always being picked at....how rude?

We need to talk what was going to happen between us at the shore.

Missing a word I think.

I wish you a splendid life with him. For no one will make you happier then him

UH! NO, way boyfriend! I am SO not letting him give in. HE CAN"T!!! haha

Then I can't find Helena.”
“She's with Simon Malloy.”

Convenient much?

James pulled his hand to his slapped cheek, “Why did you do that for?”

Indeed what did she do that for?

Well, jeez. I'd nit-pick more if there was something to nit-pick about. You did great. AWESOME!! Good luck with....school and writing.
Can't wait to see more.
"Sometimes the worst bad guy makes the best good guy." Nigel--Untouched

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Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:49 pm
Night Mistress says...


why didn't you tell me you posted another chapter? have you forgotten about me? :sniffles:

anyways, James is being wierd in this chapter. i am surprise he kiss her. i thought he want to her to be happy with covington since he heard of all the rumors going around.

and Issac, i thought he like sophia, but is he going to fall for miss Mallory.

and i like the helena and Simon pairing. it gets her mind off simon, becuase at the beinning of the story, i was getting the feeling the helena would hate her for falling for james.

Don't forget about me next time. post again soon.

"I love you," she whispered in his ear, before taking his mouth with her own.

~Elizzabeth Grey of Addicting Posion

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Thu Sep 04, 2008 12:54 am
Merry_Haven says...

Night Mistress-
I am so sorry. :cry:
I had posted this last night and forgot to pm everyone.
'Cause I was so tired and sleepy.
I will definitely pm you!

I forgive you, for not reviewing yesterday.
Yeah, I wonder who's Nit doing?
Anyway, to the point. Thanks for the helpful pointers!

So everyone, I'll edit this part and send in the next part when I get the chance. But definitely before this week ends. See ya!
Mary had a little lamb. Little lamb. Little lamb!

Ugh!! I really hate my name. >.<

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Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:05 pm
CastlesInTheSky says...

Merry_Haven wrote:~It's been awhile since I've posted something up for this story. Sorry, everyone. Well, when school hits tomorrow, I'll probably won't be able to post something up til later. Enjoy!~

Hey, I'm Sarah :D I've read through your whole story so far but everyone covered all the mistakes, so I decided to start on the latest chapter, because there hasn't been that many critiquers yet to beat me to it :wink: I hope you don't get offended by these, they're only nitpicks, not massive problems.

Love poetry, the very essence of marriage within a single letter. Those romantic words form into the thoughts of proposal.

Excellent start.

Everyone who was busy with their own thing, glanced up, even the twins.

I think the first clause of this sentence seems a bit too modern for a historical novel. Take out the whole "busy with their own thing" and replace with "occupied" or something. Then again, you may be comfortable with it, so I'm not one to enforce :D

Aunt Caroline grabbed the letter gently without bending them,before her husband took them.

Shouldn't this be, "Aunt Caroline grabbed the letter gently without bending it. before her husband took it." ? Am I right or am I just being slow and missing out the obvious?

She lowered her gaze at the letter and realized that there was two letters on the chestnut dining table.

A better way to phrase would be , "She lowered her gaze to the letter, realizing there were two of them on the chestnut dining table."

Two? Who else would right to me?

"Two? Who else would write to me?"
Edit= you put "right" instead of "Write"

“Thank you.” Sophia reached for the letters and placed them on her lap.

Repetition of the verb 'place'. Use "put" or "laid".

She then glanced at the them and looked up.

You wrote "she then glanced at the them." Heh. Take out the word in bold.

Her Aunt did not raise her head to reply,

I don't think 'aunt' needs to be capitalised unless its prefixing "Caroline."

Sophia then, placed one letter on the bed and gently opened the other one.

No comment needed after "sophia."

She scanned over the delicate handwriting and read to herself.

I think "she scanned her eyes over the..." would read better than simply "she scanned over the..."

About six months ago, A Sir George Selwood

No need to capitalise the "a" before "George"


Again, a bit too modern/colloquial, but if you're comfortable with it, then leave it.

The concerning voice of Helena entered the bedroom.

I think you mean "the concerned voice" or "the urgent voice".

Time must have passed because Sophia noticed she was far behind from Lucy and Helena. “Lucy? Helena?” She called out.
Then all of a sudden she heard someone giggling. Sophia lightly walked to the edge of a tall, green bush and heard someone. “Lord McCord, you are such a flatterer.” Lucy? What is she doing with Lord Issac McCord? Being confused as she was, Sophia gently walked backwards except she bumped into someone.
“Sophia?” That voice. She looked up seeing no other then James.
“James? What are you doing here?”
“A man can't walk the gardens in solitude?” His cheery voice was getting to her. Why does his mood constantly change?

This is all very well phrased.


Okay, this was all very good. The dialogue was realistic, the characters are really developing, some parts had a very nice flow to them, and your vocabulary is improving. Just work on making the historical setting more orthodox and then you'll have a perfect novel :D

Had I the heavens embroider'd cloths,
I would spread the cloths under your feet.
But I being poor, have only my dreams,
So tread softly, for you tread on my life.

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Tue Sep 16, 2008 11:16 pm
ashleylee says...

Oh, James kissed Sophia! I’m so jealous!! :evil:

But anyway…

This was another good chapter, Merry, but I do feel as though it is choppy. It’s kind of like you zoom from one subject to the other without really going into depth with any of them. I would try to concentrate on really developing the plot at this point since you are so far in it. Right now, it is kind of flat. And I don’t mean that harshly, I just mean it as that you need to find that peak where things will start to climb, you know??

All the bonnets and muslins, your heart desires.

No need for the comma after “muslins”

What a minute.

Do you mean “Wait”?? :wink:

Sophia walked passed James but of out nowhere she felt his strong arm grasping hers.

Here, this sentence is kind of awkward and you put words in the wrong places. Try something like: Sophia went to walk pass James, but out of nowhere, she felt strong arms grasping hers. or something similar to that.

Hope this helps!

On to Part Two>>>>>>
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.
— Mark Twain