
Young Writers Society

~Michelangelo's Night and Day~Chapter Ten

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Wed Aug 06, 2008 8:53 pm
ashleylee says...

All right, I am apologizing ahead of time for the length of this (five pages, I know :? ) But I couldn't help it. I truly loved writing these five pages and I couldn't shorten it without it loosing it's voice, so hopefully you won't hate me too much after you read...

Happy Reading! :D



Delicia’s peculiar behavior haunts me and I wonder of her warning. Of Nicandro’s disobedience and how she says it will bring doom to him if he doesn’t calm his spirit. I still haven’t found the bravery to question Delicia of the Inn that was ransacked and what it has to do with her and her family. Lately, she has been distant and withdrawn and I suspect it is the Inn that troubles her mind.
I perambulate through the halls, my fingertips skimming the textures on the painted walls, thinking of these things. I think then of the frescos back home adorning the walls and my heart pangs painfully inside of my rib cage.
A silhouette outlines the end of the corridor and I creep cautiously until I see that it is Nicandro’s backside I view. I halt when I near close enough to see that his eyes are closed and his mouth mumbles nonsense I can’t hear. His hands grip the rail on one of the many balconies scattering the home and a soft breeze scented with the sea blows briefly through his hair, messing the curls framing his face. I fear my presence will disrupt whatever his mind is concerned with and I back slowly away until my foot steps on a board and it creaks. I freeze and a soft smile plays across his lips but his eyes stay closed. I curse myself silently when he speaks. “Don’t go Isadora.”
He stuns me when he knows who pesters his peace. I think then of his carelessness when I injured my head and I frown before speaking. “How did you know it was me?”
His eyes remain shut but he speaks clearly. “Lilacs.”
I fluster. “I shouldn’t bother you any longer.”
“Please. I wish for your company.” His eyes flutter open then and fix me with their stormy gaze.
“I shouldn’t…” I trail off, backing slowly away. The memory of his steely glare makes my feet move quicker in retreat.
“Please.” His eyes flash and my heart pounds under my chest. I breathe deeply and cave under his intense stare, stepping onto the balcony beside him.
I see that this one overlooks the north side of the house, the one with the forest. I think of what lays just beyond those trees and my stomach curls in disgust. I hear Nicandro stir beside me and look up to him. His eyes are fixed on the horizon, where the sun is just beginning its decent into the undergrowth of the world. Into Hades realm and to the souls lost to the world where I reside. “What troubles you?” I ask bluntly. My carefulness with words vanishes when I am with Nicandro and I don’t fear being blunt with him. I forget all formality when in his presence.
He cocks his head, amused. “You are bold, Isadora.”
“I am only being concerned,” I say innocently and he laughs throatily before looking back to the horizon.
I wait for him to answer but when it doesn’t come, I pester him again. “There must be something gnawing at your mind for you are much too quiet.”
“Would you rather me be like you with your loquacious nature?” he wonders, a coy smile tugging at his mouth.
“No. I just wish for you to speak,” I answer simply and hope that his mood will stay cheery.
“’Tis true. My mind is being gnawed but the reason is too obscene for young ladies’ ears.” There is animosity in his voice and I narrow my eyes.
“Too obscene or too irksome to tell me?” I question curtly, not forgetting his rude behavior to me earlier.
His eyes look at me with mild interest. “Both.”
I scowl. “Will women always be the inferior race?” I say this to no one in particular yet Nicandro sees reason to answer.
“Yes. Women have their opinions but men know how to follow through with those opinions and make them realities.”
“So you are saying women are just a bunch of procrastinators?”
He grins widely. “Yes.”
“You – “ I struggle for a word to call him and he laughs openly in my face.
“Proves my point. Don’t plan ahead. Rash and unpredictable, women are not to be trusted.” There is that animosity again.
“Not all women are rash,” I defend my gender.
“Are you willing to test that theory upon yourself?” He catches me. I open my mouth but no words come and he chuckles lightly. “See! You know that you will fail.”
“No! It isn’t that at all.”
“Oh. It isn’t?”
“It’s just that you are one of the rash women and so you wish to seek out one that is not?”
“I am not rash!”
“You are bold.”
“They are different.”
“They are one and the same.”
“You know not of what you speak of!”
“And you do?”
“AH!” I yell, and cross my arms forcefully over my chest. “You are unbelievable.”
“I am reasonable,” he corrects and I glower, to his amusement. “I know what women are capable of Isadora. You are already forming into one.” And I catch his eyes as they linger over my body. This sends my heart hammering and cheeks flaming. “Did I offend you?” His eyes twinkle and I glare.
“No, sir, you did not.”
“I just assumed for your face is as red as a glass of wine.” This makes me blush more and he grins. “What? Becoming a woman not satisfying enough for you?”
“That isn’t it at all.”
“Then what makes your face flame?”
“Your – “ But I stop myself before I blurt stupidly. His eyes widen and he tries to coax it out of me. I refuse and he presses.
“Come now. Spit it out. What of my behavior disgust you?”
“Your actions!” I finally blurt and he laughs. Loudly. Hunched over and tears springing to his eyes, I try to hush him, but to no avail.
“Hush, you fool, before you awaken the entire Roman military!” I scold and only than does he straighten.
“You are not used to men looking at you, are you, Isadora?” he asks audaciously and I blush again, not replying. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He pauses. “But what surprises me is why? What would you do to turn off a man?” He taps his chin in thought. “Could it be your rash tongue?”
I gape. “How dare you!”
“Your words are as sharp as a blade, Isadora. Has no one every told you this?” He is extremely amused at my astonishment.
“No, nobody has ever told me that.”
“Oh. So your loquacious nature only happens with me. Is that it?”
“No.” I fumble and he shakes his head as though he finds me pathetic. “You think yourself in too high esteem, Nicandro.”
“Do I?” he challenges, eyebrows raised. I snort and look to the horizon, where only half of the sun is present. He sighs. I roll my eyes. I peek at him out of the corner of my eye and see him go stiff. “Enough arguing,” he commands, straightening. I stare at him, astounded by his sudden change in demeanor. I eventually see the cause when I spot his father approaching from behind.
“Evening children,” Evander greets convivially.
“I am no child, Father,” Nicandro says stiffly and I see Evander shift uncomfortably before beaming.
“Of course you’re not Nicandro. It’s hard for a father to see his son as grown.” He claps a hand on Nicandro’s shoulder and Nicandro shrugs it off. I am stunned and then I think of Delicia and the conversation we shared. I see now that Nicandro is as rebellious as any child is and I wonder what conspired during Delicia’s and my absence.
“Come now, Nicandro. Don’t fret,” Evander urges and I wonder again of what haunts Nicandro’s mind.
“Maybe you can live and forget father. But I, who had to live with the – “ But he cuts off with a quick glance at me before continuing in hushed tones. “But I will never forget.” Evander looks distressed and I am embarrassed by the exchange.
“I should go. Good to see you both,” I excuse. Neither acknowledges my exit but Evander’s voice rises as I scamper down the hall and into the safety of my room.

~ ~ ~ ~

I ponder Nicandro’s hostile reaction to his father’s cheery mood. I fail to understand his constant fault with his parents. Every meal is an argument. Every word spoken is a threat placed against Nicandro. He finds nothing well with his parents. I discover Delicia in distress, her eyes blotchy. Evander’s mood slips and darkens with his sons growing dislike. Delicia was right in her presumption, I think. Something broods ill with Nicandro.
And I plan to find out what that is.

I find him at the same balcony as before, facing the thickening forest. His eyes are open however, and it isn’t my scent that arouses his senses. He spots me but his face stays plain. “Nicandro,” I bow my head and he inclines back, allowing me to join him.
“What brings you here?”
“Same reason as you,” I say and he narrows his eyes at me.
“I highly doubt that.”
“Why? You seek peace, as do I. You seek condolence, as I do.”
“Yes, but the reasons behind the restfulness are not one and the same.”
“That I can agree with.” There is a heavy pause after that, the humid air outside seeping around us. I pat at my brow as perspiration gathers there. I pull at my hair as sweat slides down my neck in response to hot air and I fumble with the ribbon tying the strands. I sigh as my fingers tangle in my hair before giving up with a huff. I glance at Nicandro. His face is emotionless and I shift uncomfortably. Nicandro groans.
“Are you at peace yet?” he snaps and I jolt at his rudeness. Never had he chided me and my hackles rise.
“Sorry but you can speak plainly if my presence disturbs you,” I glower.
“No. It’s the noise you make that pesters me.”
“Excuse my noise then, sir,” I snort and he rolls his eyes heavenward.
“What is it that you want, Isadora?” he demands pointedly.
“Nothing but peace,” I say simply, to his great annoyance.
“Yes, I know this for you spoke of it earlier but I fear to realize that you also come to become a bother to me as well.”
“I don’t wish to be a problem, Nicandro.”
“You may not wish it but you are nearing one,” he says bluntly and I scowl.
“I only wish to discover what pesters you so,” I say boldly.
“Besides you?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Besides me,” I agree.
He fixes his dark eyes on me and I feel the breath leave my lungs. “You are not like other girls, Isadora,” he says in way of reply, resting his forearms against the railing.
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“No, nor will I.”
“Why? Is it so horrible that you won’t speak of it with me nor with your parents?”
“You know nothing of what you speak of,” he replies coolly, in means to warn me, but I press on, oblivious to his growing frustration.
“I see how you quarrel with your mother and father. I see how you prod at their patience and let it run thin. How your tongue has turn sour and lashes at all who speaks of beatitude.”
His face hardens then and his handsome features cloud with anger. “You are too presumptuous.”
“You are too bitter.” I retort and he faces me with igneous eyes.
“Hold your tongue girl before I find you reason to be bitter!”
My lip trembles under his hateful gaze but I dare to speak. “I just wish to help.”
“No. You wish to be a nuisance.” He throws up his hands and moves further away from me. “You may go.” It is less a request than an order and I hesitate.
“I only pray that whatever broods ill with you, Nicandro, will soon pass for your sour attitude is wearing heavily upon your family.” And with that, I take my leave.

I discover myself, breathless, in the garden. My mind is plagued with images of Nicandro’s steely gaze and hardened eyes. I could feel the anger within him and it’s heat radiated from his eyes like flames from a fire. What was it that gnawed at this man’s mind? I could find no explanation for his sudden hostility to all that walked in this home. I wonder how my father faired for Evander and himself have made themselves scarce in Nicandro’s sudden mood change.
At that moment, I craved nothing more than the company of my own Greek counterparts. My mother, father, Timandra, and even Damaris, who had rejected me most harshly when I departed for Rome. I remember clearly his far-off gaze as I wished for him to find me appealing. However, my efforts proved useless as he sought another in a neighboring village, to his parent’s torment.
I shake those images from my mind and collapse on the marble bench residing beside the nude sculpture. I pay the naked man and woman no mind as I stare blankly at my slippers. I try to go through the days spent in this household since my arrival but I discover no evidence to explain Nicandro’s behavior. One minute, he was alluring and mysterious. Next, he is hostile and vain. I rake my brain but I find nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
I conclude that it must have happened during Delicia’s and my absence. It is the only explanation I can come up with at the present time.
I stand, restless. I think of kind Evander and serene Delicia. Of my loving father, Amycus and my hard-working mother, Fedora. My heart aches at the thought of them and a pace aimlessly.
Never, had I encountered such a person as Nicandro. I should be wary of his unpredictable manner and yet, his cold behavior draws me ever nearer. Something about him catches my attention and holds it on him. And his pain I feel as though it is my own. And right now, I wish nothing more than to soothe his aching heart.

~ ~ ~ ~

Nicandro glowers out on the Terrence, a goblet of wine gripped in white-knuckled fingers. His brow is furrowed and when I enter, he casts his flaming eyes on me. I notice immediately that yet another quarrel between father and son has transpired and I tread cautiously. “Nicandro, sir, am I welcome to join you?” I lower my head modestly and I hear him grunt his reply. I enter and place myself beside him. He shifts to further himself from me and I frown. I go to say something but bit my tongue. I close my eyes, pray to Athena for her wisdom to guide me safely into dangerous waters, before beginning. “Sir, I must be frank.” I start and Nicandro groans, swirling the contents of his goblet in a circle. I pause before continuing. “Why must you quarrel so?”
“The love of fighting,” he answers dryly.
“I can see plainly that you have no love of fighting.” I observe his face, pained after the argument with Evander.
“Oh, how wise you are, Isadora!” he scorns and I huff.
“Don’t mock me,” I order and he glares at me with contemn. “And don’t look at me as if you will shoot me down with Zeus’ lightening bolts.”
“If only I could,” he grumbles and I glower.
“You are ruthless!”
“You are burdensome.”
“How am I? When you storm around as though you are a god!”
He snorts. “No, that would be my father.”
I pause at this. “How so?”
“Did you not see his pride the first day you stepped foot in my home?” He glances wryly at me. “I know you did, Isadora, for you are not as stupid as other women are.”
“Your father admires his success,” I say slowly, not comprehending.
“He gloats.”
“With pride,” I defend, now realizing Nicandro’s scorn.
“Why try to defend one who has never done anything for you?” he wonders curiously.
“Same reason why I try to help someone who doesn’t wish me to,” I persist and he glares. “Why must you harbor such vengeance? What it is that conspired that made you so bitter?”
“None of your business.” He slams his goblet down on the table, making me jump.
“It is my business when you punish the people closest to you.” I push forward with new determination.
“You care not for me but more for my parents.” He hisses the word like a curse.
“Why do you hold your parents in such low esteem?”
“Why do you have to be so annoyingly persistent?” he counters with a sneer.
“Because I care.”
“Ha! Just as my father cares? Just as my mother?” He stands, restless. “Your presence is no longer desired,” he says rudely and I scowl.
“It would seem so.” I stand and straighten my skirt. I turn to go, but I force myself to stay, even knowing of the fury hidden just below the surface, bubbling inside of him, waiting to be released. “But not before you share with me of what causes you so much pain.”
“Leave, girl!” he shouts and I cower at his sudden rage.
“No.” I stand firm, squaring my shoulders in a stance of a fighter preparing for battle.
“AG!” Nicandro yells in anguish. “You women are all the same.”
“What is it that you have against women?” He has plucked a nerve.
“Nothing but that they are all ruthless harlots.”
I blush with fury. “You are the ruthless one!” I accuse, heart hammering. How dare he? I am no harlot, as are most of the women out there.
“Am I?” Nicandro faces me with ignited eyes. “Am I the one keeping one man’s bed warm while toying with another’s heart?” My face pales and his defenses shatter. All is brought to light then and Nicandro runs a shaky hand through his hair as he paces away from me. I realize now what broods’ ill with Nicandro and my heart breaks at his obvious hurt. It is plainly clear what has happened.
Celia has been unfaithful.
I fumble with something to say. Something to utter to give him peace. To share with him the condolence I so wish to give him. But my mouth is bone-dry and my throat feels raw as I gaze at his face lined with pain. His eyes fill with regret and his brow furrows with hurtful memories.
When words fail me, I near him and lay my fingers lightly on his forearm. He looks down at me and my heart feels as though it is being ripped from my chest at the heart-warming look that he gives me. Emotions tumbled and swirled together pour from his eyes like a heavy rain and I am pummeled by it. His biceps tense at my touch and they flex beneath my fingers. His mouth thins and his eyes harden before my eyes so quickly that I jolt. “I don’t need your sympathy,” he hisses and rips from my grip.
“Nicandro!” I call out but it is too late. He snatches his goblet and storms off in a wake of pain and revenge cloaked around him like a coat of darkness. And there is nothing I can do for him to yank the cloak away, no matter how hard I try.
Last edited by ashleylee on Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

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Mon Aug 11, 2008 1:10 pm
KJ says...


I've already read this. I believe you printed it off for me. And I feel bad, but I'm going to be honest: I don't particularly like this chapter.

Isadora and Nicandro are both just dumb and annoying. They're both acting like little children. I wish Isadora would carry herself with grace and aloofness, you know? She's always cvrawling back to that jerk even when he treats her like crap.

Also, the dialogue seems... unrealistic at times. Would someone really say, "You are the ruthless one!"? Maybe I'm just being mean and stupid, but this chapter does seem forced.

Sorry for the negative review. On the plus side, I love YOU and Poisened Roses :)

Your best friend,


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Sat Aug 16, 2008 12:24 am
ashleylee says...



Yeah, I agree with all the stuff you pointed out. I mean, I think Michelangelo's Night and Day might be a down-hill project from here. I am officially stuck in a really deep rut, not really finding a solution to the way out...so I don't know. I'll keep improving but I guess I'll just have to wait and see :wink:

Well, thanks so much for keeping up with these. :D
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

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Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:37 am
deavarna_satina says...

Hey Ashley!

Sorry it took me so long to review this. I actually read it as soon as you posted it, but I forgot to write my crit :oops: Oh well, correcting my mistake now.

Lately, she has been distant and withdrawn and I suspect it is the Inn that troubles her mind.

Now, Isadora seems quite certain that the Inn has something to do with Delcia. But I feel like there is something wrong with the way you are proceeding with this issue. What do we know about the Inn...
1. It was trashed while Delcia and Isadora where staying there.
2. The Inn keepers, for some strange reason, seemed very angry with Delcia about it.
3. Delcia and Isadora fled home immediately.
4. Isadora speculates about it, but it is not mentioned by anyone. At all.

I don't know, it seems like there should be a little more evidence before Isodora jumps to conclusions about Delcia's involvement. There is obviously an issue going on behind-the-scenes, but the only hint you've really given is the Inn. I had no idea there was anything going on until that incident. My advice would be to go back and drop a few more hints. A few whispered conversations, a mysterious item discovered, a fact that doesn't make sense, etc. Just something to build it up a little more.

I halt when I near close enough to see that his eyes are closed and his mouth mumbles nonsense I can’t hear.

Use am instead of near. It sounds better.

His eyes remain shut but he speaks clearly. “Lilacs.”

I like this. It shows that, while Nicandro has been rather rude and arrogant towards Isadora, he has been attentive enough to register what she smells like. :D Reminding us that Nicandro isn't as cold as would appear is important at the moment, because I, for one, am beginning to get very annoyed with him :x

I think of what lays just beyond those trees and my stomach curls in disgust.

Here is another issue that has been neglected a little. The slums. Isadora was so utterly disgusted when she discovered them, and she resolved to do something about it. But since their discovery, she hasn't given them much thought at all. I didn't take her for a fickle creature who could forget something like that so easily. Am I wrong? Maybe Isadora could fret over them once in a while before she goes to sleep. She doesn't have to do anything about them until your ready, but she can't forget about them entirely.

You are already forming into one

Forming into one doesn't sound quite right. Perhaps 'becoming one' might fit better.

His eyes twinkle and I glare.

When eyes twinkle, I associate it with rather more innocent merriment. Nicandro is being aggravating, so perhaps his eyes should gleam instead of twinkle.

Hunched over and tears springing to his eyes, I try to hush him, but to no avail.

Use a period rather than a comma between 'eyes' and 'I'.

“Oh. So your loquacious nature only happens with me. Is that it?”

Maybe use 'surfaces' instead of 'happens'.

I remember clearly his far-off gaze as I wished for him to find me appealing. However, my efforts proved useless as he sought another in a neighboring village, to his parent’s torment.

Aw, Damaris rejected her? Poor Isadora. Does she resent him for it? I don't think so, because there has never been a trace of resentment in her memories of him. Then, does she value his friendship too much to resent him? Even if this is the case, she must be a little hurt. Or was it just a passing fancy, easy to shrug off?

I order and he glares at me with contemn.


My Thoughts

I agree with KJ. This chapter seems forced. The constant bickering between Nicandro and Isadora is tiresome. You must be careful with such a cold and bitter character, because he is losing my affections. Mayhaps a moment of tenderness here and there wouldn't hurt. Nothing incredibly prominent. The bit in the end of this chapter where Nicandro's facade slips for a moment and Isadora touches his arm is good. A few more moments like that would help.

There is something else bugging me about this chapter... Oh! I think I've got it! The entire focus is on Nicandro and the mystery of 'what's up his chuff?'. You have some other plot lines here. Remember what I said about neglecting your mysteries? You do in this chapter. The entire thing revolves around unpleasant confrontations between Isadora and Nicandro. Spice it up a bit. Too much concentrated hostility.

On a positive note...
Okay, that takes care of the 'constructive criticism'. Don't be weighed down by it. I'm pointing it all out because I think you are a great writer and I wouldn't want your story to be dragged down by things that are easily corrected. You still have my utmost attention, and I am DYING to know what's really going on here. Cecilia's infidelity, Nicandro's hostility towards his parents, and the ever-presant mystery of how Delcia is involved with the burning of the Inn.

Oh, and I noticed you said you were in a rut. Want some free advice on what works for me?
When I am blocked on a particular scene, I simply skip it. Don't feel like you have to write everything in chronological order. Write the bits you are interested in and come back to the hard bits later. Just thought I'd mention that, in case it helps.

Keep writing, and PM me when you post again! :D

~Hailey~ xoxo
The problem with falling for the enemy is that you can't take them anywhere ~a Titleless Tale

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Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:41 pm
ashleylee says...


Hey, that's okay, Hailey. And wow, this must have taken you awhile. But thanks a bunch for pointing out all that. It really makes a difference.

Yeah, I mean, I seem to get so caught up in one scene that I forget about all the other elements that make a story. I promise to work on all that and more, especially the slums and the mystery with the Chandrenos family.

Thanks a bunch for reading! :D I will PM you when I post more! :wink:
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

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Fri Aug 22, 2008 10:43 pm
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Merry_Haven says...

Oh my god! Are you going to write more to this? It was so good and gripping. I'm breathless. It was so breathtaking. I just love this story. I really want to read more. Enough with complements. You are an amazing writer, Ashley!
~pm me when you post the next chapter up.~

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Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:31 am
ashleylee says...


Ahhh, thanks! :D :D :D

That really makes me smile!


Yes, I promise to PM you when I post more. I'm not sure when that will be since I still have to write more to it...but I will let you know :wink:

Thanks for reading all of these!
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

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Sat Sep 20, 2008 9:56 pm
Esmé says...


Hello! How’ve you been? Good, hopefully. Anyway, here’s the review:

Of Nicandro’s disobedience and how she says it will bring doom to him if he doesn’t calm his spirit.

I don’t like the beginning of this sentence. If it were one of a couple of similar ones, then yes, but it’s not - as it’s now, it stands out, and is a bit awkward.

I still haven’t found the bravery to question Delicia of the Inn that was ransacked and what it has to do with her and her family.

Consider substituting “bravery” with “courage”? I don’t know, I just think it’d look better. Also, “that was ransacked” drags a bit - consider “of the ransacked Inn”?

I perambulate through the halls, my fingertips skimming the textures on the painted walls

On - of?

I think then of the frescos back home adorning the walls and my heart pangs painfully inside of my rib cage.

Comma before linking word, I think. “inside of my ribcage” - plain “inside my (…)” - see, I don’t like the repetition of the pronoun. It’s unnecessary, and I’m a firm believer of getting rid of pronouns.

Don’t go Isadora.”

Comma before her name.

He stuns me when he knows who pesters his peace.

“when he knows” - awkward word choice. Consider putting something else with a similar meaning?

I think then

Reverse words, I think.

I breathe deeply and cave under his intense stare, stepping onto the balcony beside him.

Was half-hoping he’s under that balcony xD

Into Hades realm and to the souls lost to the world where I reside.

Hades’s. Later: awkward phrasing.

I ask bluntly. My carefulness with words vanishes when I am with Nicandro and I don’t fear being blunt with him.

Blunt, blunt.

“There must be something gnawing at your mind for you are much too quiet.”

Comma before “for”.

So you are saying women are just a bunch of procrastinators?”

Don’t like the phrase, in this context: “bunch of”. It’s too modern.

“AH!” I yell,

I don’t like the caps. The same effect could have been achieved without them - they just hurt my eyes.

“I know what women are capable of Isadora.

Comma before her name.

Spit it out.

Horrid phrase, at least on the background of this piece.

Of course you’re not Nicandro.

Comma before name.

It’s hard for a father to see his son as grown.

“as” - “has”? Or “as”? The latter seems odd. Hmm. I don’t know .

He claps a hand on Nicandro’s shoulder and Nicandro shrugs it off. I

I don’t think I approve of the repetition of his name. “and” - “but”.

I see now that Nicandro is as rebellious as any child is and I wonder what conspired during Delicia’s and my absence.


“Maybe you can live and forget father.

Comma before last word. Capitalize as always?

Good to see you both,”

Horrid phrase coming from her lips.

Evander’s mood slips and darkens with his sons growing dislike

Sons - son’s.

“Sorry but you can speak plainly if my presence disturbs you,” I glower.

Comma after first word. But - “sorry”? “Sorry”?

“Yes, I know this for you spoke of it earlier but I fear to realize that you also come to become a bother to me as well.

Comma before ”but” One “also” or “as well” would do.

“You may not wish it but you are nearing one,”

Comma, I think.

he replies coolly, in means to warn me, but I press on, oblivious to his growing frustration.

That doesn’t make sense. If she can say he’s frustrated, how can she be oblivious to it?

“You are too bitter.” I retort a

Dialogue punctuation. Comma.

“Hold your tongue girl before I find you reason to be bitter!”

Comma before and after “girl”.

My lip trembles under his hateful gaze but I dare to speak.


“No. You wish to be a nuisance.”

I fully agree, heh.

I could feel the anger within him and it’s heat radiated from his eyes like flames from a fire.

Structure, I guess. “(…) heat radiating (…)”

I wonder how my father faired for Evander and himself have made themselves scarce in Nicandro’s sudden mood change.

Unclear sentence alert.

However, my efforts proved useless as he sought another in a neighboring village, to his parent’s torment.

So deprived of emotion, that.

I try to go through the days spent in this household since my arrival but I discover no evidence to explain Nicandro’s behavior


Of my loving father, Amycus and my hard-working mother, Fedora.

Comma after “Amycus”

Never, had I encountered such a person as Nicandro.

No comma.

I should be wary of his unpredictable manner and yet, his cold behavior draws me ever nearer.

No comma, I think.

And his pain I feel as though it is my own.

(…) as though it were

I go to say something but bit my tongue

“And don’t look at me as if you will shoot me down with Zeus’ lightening bolts.”


When you storm around as though you are a god!”


“Same reason why I try to help someone who doesn’t wish me to,”

“Same reason” - horrid.

“None of your business.

At least say “concern”. But me still not likes phrase.

“No.” I stand firm, squaring my shoulders in a stance of a fighter preparing for battle.

But she did turn around? And is not facing him?

“AG!” Nicandro yells in anguish.


I am no harlot, as are most of the women out there.

“out there…” *sobs


Hmm. Unlike everyone else, it seems, I did like them arguing. ‘Twas amusing, actually, though Isa did irritate me sometimes. For my part. I sympathize with Nicandro.

I scowl. “Will women always be the inferior race?”

My first thought was: “What has that to do with anything?” Really. And then it dragged on and on and on. Eh.

Yes, well, in short: Nicandro I liked, Isa - also, though, as was said, she irritated me a bit. No one else was in this chapter, and so apart from commenting on their fights, I don’t really have much to say.

I do, however, agree with deavarna plot-wise.

Anyway, I admire your dedication. I’ve never ever got that far… Can’t say I’m actually looking forward to the future installments as I’ve read (heh) what was posted, but still ^^ Awesome work.


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Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:26 am
ashleylee says...


Thanks for being so dedicated to this story! :D I can't thank you enough for that!

Umm, I guess I can just admit at this point that I went a little overboard on this chapter, huh? I guess so. I totally understand all that you pointed out and I should be correcting this soon.

Thanks again so much for keeping with this! :D
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise? I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. It's ironic he could save others from death, but not himself.
— RazorSharpPencil