
Young Writers Society


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Sat May 14, 2011 9:58 pm
blondeshorty01 says...

I walked out of my two story house onto the soft damp grass, it was the beginning of August, a few days before my eighteenth birthday. I squinted my Green eyes against the harsh, yellow glare of the sun. I breathed deep, and ran as fast as my long, tan legs, and millions of petticoats, would allow. I stopped at the pond in our back yard, and sighed as I settled down with my book of poetry. I brushed a few strands of fiery red hair out of my face, and listened to the gunshots.
I almost let a tear down, my brothers, Paul, only eighteen, Peter, Paul’s twin, and George, twenty-three, married with three kids. All fighting against one another. George had move from the sweet state of South Carolina, at twenty, with his new wife, Lilly, to make himself a good, hard working man of the factories, and was fighting along with the North. But my twin brothers, both engaged, were fighting for the good old Confederate states of America, or, CSA as my friends and had lovingly nicknamed it. While I sat reminiscing about old times, my favorite slave, the one I had once tried to free, without her help, ran out,
“Rose!” she gasped with relief.
“why, Auntie G! you hadn’t got the idea that I was in danger, do you?” I blinked innocently, Auntie G’s eye’s, black and depthless, hardened, “Don’t use that twang on me sugar! You’s always getting’ yourselves in trouble! And thoses twins are much worse! You’s mother is frantic! You bess get your sorry tail into that house, incase the guns miss, and your pretty green eyes loose the light behind them’s!”
she then turned, not bothering to see if I was following, and walked with the long-legged pace only she had. I walked a bit more slowly towards the white house. A few boy’s from my school were running down the road, playing war with sharp sticks and sling shots. I sighed longingly, I wanted to join, to prove women were just as tough as men, but my family was of great importance, and young ladies just don’t do that! Auntie G must have heard my sigh, because she turned to me, softness in her lined face,
“Sugar, I know you want to have fun and play with the boys, but it’s just not possible!”
“I know, I know!” I snapped running into the house. It was rash, I admit, but I was tired of that speech, yes, I know my father was a general in the war, and I was proud, very, very proud, but, sometimes I wonder if it’s worth it. I have, of course, heard of the women’s rights movements, but I could never be allowed near the brave, wonderful women that were starting a revolution. My beautiful, but brainless, and gutless, sister Mary, can never understand my craving to be able to play like the boys, Only my best friend does. Anastasia, the brilliant brunette, with a hint of red, and Green eyes, the color of lush moss, was fun, energetic, and loud. She felt the same way, having grown up with all men, except her mother.
I ran into my room, and shut the door on Auntie G. I hated her, my mom, my sister, my dad, my brothers, I hated all of them, let them hate me to, I hate myself, why does it matter now anyways? It was all going to end soon, the war comes closer and closer everyday, and Sherman is making his way up, yet we refuse to leave, we have just written our obituaries, so why even care?

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Reviews: 52
Sat May 14, 2011 10:10 pm
halogirl4197 says...

I love the idea! And I can tell you learned a good bit from history class XD all I can say is don't be so straight forward in the beging. You should explain your brothers more throughout the story instead of giving them a summary at the beginning. Other then that, it's awesome. :)
Remember me for who I am, Not for who I was

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Reviews: 18
Sat May 14, 2011 10:25 pm
blondeshorty01 says...

thanks! i'll remeber that :3

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Reviews: 18
Sat May 14, 2011 10:36 pm
blondeshorty01 says...

CRAP!!!! where it say's mother, it means father....sorry XD

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Mon May 16, 2011 5:25 am
jedigeek says...

That was good I really like it. I think when you said
I walked out of my two story house p
you could just put I walked out of my house and then later in your story when your main character is describing the hous add that in. But this so a really good story so keep going with it.
Having friend is like peeing your pants, every one can see it but only you get the warm feeling it brings.

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Sat Jul 09, 2011 1:41 am
Calligraphy says...

Hi again Shorty!

Like Halogirl said you shouldn't give your description in big clumps like that. Giving info dumps is just annoying and confusing to the reader. We won't be able to remember all that information unless it is engrained throughout the story. By the end of the paragraph about her brothers I couldn't even remember that we were talking about how she was sad about the war. I had to go back and re-read. That isn't good.

I also saw a similar problem when you described her friend:

Anastasia, the brilliant brunette, with a hint of red, and Green* eyes, the color of lush moss, was fun, energetic, and loud.

This is way too much information. When Anastasia comes in later you can show us that she has brown hair (with a hint of red), moss green eyes, and an energetic and loud personality through her actions. Right now you should skip past those pointless details and get to the story. Telling me these details isn't going to make me want to read more, and it doesn't make me relate or like your character.
*Should not be capitalized.

I also noticed that you rushed this chapter. First you are talking about her brothers and how she doesn't like the war. Then you are introducing her favorite slave and telling about the time she almost escaped. Next you are talking about the women rights movement and our main character's best friend. Slow down. Give more time and detail to each subject. I have tons of questions that weren't answered, and they aren't the type of questions that I know will be answered later. They are details that should be answered right away. Replace your facts, and describe things instead. Do you get what I mean? Don't tell us how many kids her brothers have, tell us how her one brother fighting for the north has torn the family apart.

Another thing I would like to say about this is that nothing really happens. (Even though it moves fast!) It seemed slightly like you were just getting around to telling the story. True, you introduced a few characters and problems, but it didn't make me want more. I don't feel like I connected with the characters you introduced or anything. So maybe you should just start telling the story.

I would have to read more to give you an over all, so bye, bye for now! If you have any questions just throw me a P.M.'

Hope I helped,


"Cowards die many times before their deaths; but the valiant will never taste of death but once."
— Julius Caesar