
Young Writers Society

~Michelangelo's Night and Day~Chapter Five

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Sun May 25, 2008 7:05 pm
ashleylee says...

Hello everyone,

Just a heads up, I really REALLY struggled with this chapter. You will get what I mean as you read, so harsh critiques are needed.

Well, hope you all enjoy it! :D

Happy Reading!


Weeks pass and life is uneventful again until Octavio decides to throw a celebration for Senator Caradoc's reelection into office. I find no excitement, however Evander expresses his every day at dinner. By what Evander says, it seems that this senator is a big supporter of businessmen and with him in office, Evander and my father will continue to profit from him.
The party date nears far too quickly and soon, Lyra reenters my room and helps me dress for the occasion. But first, she says. “The miss insists you bath before the party.”
I shrug. “I suppose so.” I stand and follow her from the room and down into the bathing quarters. Since my arrival here, I have always bathed in the small wash room off from my own room. But today, Lyra leads me to the lower levels, which bewilders me.

When I enter the room she directs me to, I am shocked to see a bath as large as a swimming pool. I raise my eyebrows at Lyra. “Am I to bath in this?”
“Of course,” she giggles. “My mistress says that it is time you experience a true Roman tradition.” I just shake my head, not bothering to reply as she passes over a white towel and an instrument I had never witnessed before. It was like a giant hook and I widen my eyes as I ask the obvious question. “And, what am I supposed to do with this?”
Lyra looks at me as though I am insane. “Are you serious?” All her polite manner connected with being a servant disappears and she just stares at me. I nod weakly and she shakes her head. “This is called a strigil. It is to scrape the oil from your body.”
“Oil!” I frighten at her words.
“Yes, oil,” she says slowly as though I am stupid.
“I see,” I nod shakily, glancing back at the water, second-guessing taking a bath now.
Lyra sees my hesitation and urges me forward. “Go on.”
“Not with you here!” I tell her with a scalding look.
She doesn’t take my words seriously and just sighs. “You are not used to Roman baths, are you, Isadora?”
“No,” I say, offended.
“Luckily you are staying with a family. Otherwise, you would be bathing publicly with women and men.”
I am astonished at this information. How crude and uncivilized? I think. Back in Greece, we had our home baths and bathed one at a time from the privacy of our own room. I am shocked at how proud Roman’s are of their bodies and nudity. “Well, if I wasn’t, I just would never bath,” I answer simple, inching slowly towards the edge of the tepidarium.
“People would avoid you in swarms if you did.” Lyra grins and I ignore her comment. “Now, come now and remove your tunic.” She presses, impatient with me. I shake my head like a scared child and she tilts her head with a look of frustration. “Miss Delicia wishes you tobath. Now, let’s not upset her.”
I sigh deeply. “Only on one condition.”
Lyra rolls her eyes but agrees. “What is it?”
“That you will leave.”
Her eyes widen. “You have to be joking?”
“No,” I assure her.
“All right,” she sighs when she sees that I am stubborn in my decision. “I’ll be back in a while to do the oil.” I open my mouth to ask of the oil but she is already gone and I can breath easier.
I glance around one last time to make sure I am alone in this wall-to-wall tiled room before removing my tunic and belt. Standing at the edge of the pool, I look down into the clear water. I am able to glimpse the whitewashed stone floor below for the water is so clear. I shake my shoulders loose before descending slowly down the stairs. When I am up to my neck, I fully submerge myself.
Once I am fully wet, I douse my hair in soap and scrub with sharp fingernails until my body glistens pink. I rinse my hair once more when Lyra enters. She doesn’t glance twice at me, naked in the pool and speaks as though this is a common sight of my bare body. “All right. Out with you. If you stay any longer, you will wrinkle and resemble a prune.” I scowl but remain underneath the water, bending my knees so only my head shows. “Umm, Lyra,” I incline to my not clothed body and she just rolls her eyes.
“Come on and get out like I told you to.”
“Then turn around!” I order and she glares.
“I need to do the oil first, Isadora.”
I sigh deeply, knowing that Lyra will not be persuaded otherwise. I close my eyes, willing my embarrassment away before slowly stepping out of the pool. I try to cover as much of me as I can. Lyra finds me comical and smirks. “It’s oka,y Isadora. Nothing to be ashamed about.” I glower at her as she hands me the oil. I stare at her and she explains. “Smooth it all over.” I sigh and do as I am told. The oil makes my skin brighten before my eyes. She then hands me the strigil. “Now, scrape it off.” She instructs and I obey, removing the oil with gentle strokes.
When I am done, she throws me a towel and I quickly cover myself. “Wasn’t so bad, hmm? I shake my head solemnly and she laughs, her mouth wide. She reminds me of a baby bird before her mother with worms wiggling from her beak. I smile in spite and she leads me back to my room.

Tonight, she dons me in a tunic that runs to my knees with a cinching belt encrusted with jewels. The tunic is white and Lyra tells me that all that attend this gathering is to wear white in respect to Senator Caradoc Laskaris. I don’t understand this bizarre tradition but don’t question Lyra further as she struggles to perfect my headdress of pearls. My hair is long and wavy and the headdress sets off my tan skin.
She paints my lips a crimson red along with my eyelids. My cheekbones shimmer with gold and my skin glistens with scented lotions and perfumes. As I tie my sandals, Lyra presents me with six bangles of gold to adorn my arm. I slip them on, one by one, as Lyra looks over my critically. She nods a few times, as if to confirm her judgment and then speaks. “You are ready.” I thank her graciously and follow her from the room and down into the entrance hall once again.

Everybody is decked out, just like before. Delicia and Evander are stunning and my father sophisticated in his white toga and gold sandals. I look to see the litter assemble just outside the doors. My eyes lift from them and I see Nicandro.
I fumble and I feel my jaw give way. He is magnificent with a pure white toga hanging from one shoulder and his hair curling around his ears and jaw. His eyes are hooded as they scan over me. My body heats up and I quickly lower my gaze.
When I look up, he is there, standing before me. “Isadora,” he says, keeping up his act when his parents are around.
“Nicandro,” I nod my head towards him. His eyes float over me again and when they meet my eyes, his mouth is upturned in a cat-like grin.
“You look…nice,” he finally utters and I scowl before quickly regaining my composure.
“As do you.”
“Thank you,” he slurs. My cheeks flare but thankfully, the litter is ready and we are allowed to leave.

Octavio house is as extravagant as before with white drapes and gold goblets. We are one of the last guests to arrive and people mill about, talking quietly. A burst of laughter erupts and I freeze as we enter as all eyes scan us critically. I feel as though I am being cross-examined and retreat to the safety of my father’s side. Octavio’s deep voice booms and he embraces Evander. I sniff the air and I notice that the mulled wine is flowing freely among the adults, many having already consumed more than they should. Laughter rings out like a chime of bells and I shrink ever closer to my father.
The party is awkward and the people foreign. I feel more alone now then ever before. I follow my father like a lost puppy as he mingles with guests. I smile and nod like a dutiful daughter but I can’t help but notice when Celia enters the room.
She is beautiful with an embroidered tunic and gold belt, her hair shimmering. Her eyelids and lips are painted a stunning red and her hips sway as she descends into our midst. Nicandro isn’t the only man lusting when she joins us. They scan her body with smoldering eyes and lolling tongues. But Nicandro is the only brave one to speak to her.
He approaches at an easy lope and comes to rest at her elbow. She raises shy eyes to meet his stormy ones. They greet. Chat. I watch as he lowers his head and whispers something in her ear, which makes her giggle and I feel my stomach tighten painfully. I spin away and see Lucretius making his way over to me. Nicandro’s warning flashes through my mind but after seeing him so occupied, I’m feeling a little rebellious. I smile coyly and I see his eyes brighten. “Isadora, aren’t you a sight!” He greets, his voice silky.
“Same to you, sir,” I say, modestly lowering my chin.
“Not as fine as you,” he says softly and I smile shyly.
At that moment, Octavio announces that dinner is to be served and the guests settle into appointed chairs and sofas. Lucretius sits with me and I feel another’s eyes on me as the servants weave through, laden with food. I peer up cautiously and see Nicandro’s piercing eyes. They flicker but don’t tun away when I catch him staring. I narrow my own menacingly. A smile tugs at his mouth but his eyes darken. They flicker to Lucretius and back to me pointedly. I roll my eyes and sit straighter, giving Lucretius my full attention.

Lucretius stays with me throughout the night and I find his company to be refreshing. He is sweet and charming and not bad looking as I gaze longer at him. His hair is as greasy as his father’s but his eyes are bright, like his sisters and his build is slight, not as built like Nicandro. His smile is contagious and his laughter is like music in the dimly lit room.
Or maybe it is just the wine that is making me look at him in such a bright way. I take another sip as he tells me yet another political story about Caradoc. He looks at me then and stops mid-sentence. I fear I have done something repulsive and raise my hand to my throat. “Did I do something, sir?”
“No,” he shakes his head and there is a glint that darkens his eyes. “I was just wondering if you would like to tour the garden with me?”
I take another sip of wine. “That sounds delightful, sir,” I drawl and stand with a flourish, swaying my hips in mock imitation to Celia, not caring who sees. Lucretius trails behind and, as we near the garden, I hear voices. I turn to face Lucretius and put a steady finger to my lips. He nods, grinning idiotically and we tiptoe silently and peer around the corner.
My stomach drops to my ankles and I feel as though I will hurl.
Celia is backed up against a wall, Nicandro smothering her lips with his while he murmurs unintelligible words to her. His hands are buried in her hair while hers are tugging at the front of his toga. I hear Lucretius snicker but I have no effort to response. I just stumble from the corridor and into the garden.

Lucretius catches up and notices my sudden sober mood. “I see that you are more than unhappy with that scene.” His voice is grave.
“No, I just think I drank too much wine,” I giggle, trying to lighten the mood as I trip over my own feet. Lucretius scoops me up before I hit the ground and we tumble together onto the nearest bench. I laugh loudly and I hear Lucretius join me. My brain is fuzzy and buzzing. My eyes struggle on focusing on Lucretius face and I laugh again as he goes in and out of focus.
Suddenly, he is too close and I veer away but the wine swimming in my veins dulls my reflexes. He catches my neck with the palm of one hand and strokes the skin there as he whispers, his breath caressing my lips, “You are extremely beautiful, Isadora.” Before I can express my protest, his lips make contact with mine and I notice that they taste like wine. I push weakly on his chest when he forces open my mouth and his tongue slips inside. I pull back with more force and his lips leave my mouth but he isn’t done with me, yet.
He holds my neck in a firm grip as his lips trail down my neck and jaw. I fumble to find my voice as his free hand fingers at the lace at the base of my tunic. “Please!” I cry out when his hand crawls up my leg. “Please, Lucretius!” I plea.
“I know you want me,” he whispers, his breath hot, when he presses his lips over mine again. I squirm and his hand squeezes my knee. I know his intentions and this is enough to clear my mind of the buzzing but not enough to wear off the weakness of my muscles as I fight against him.
His lips leave mine again and I gulp in fresh air. My skin tingles as his lips land on my collarbone and the hand on my neck tightens in warning when I pull away from him. I look around wildly but I know that we are alone and that no one can hear my pleas. I feel his hand move further up my thigh and I cry out again. “Lucretius! Stop!” I am louder than I should be and his hand leaves my thigh to cover my mouth.
My eyes are fearful as he hisses, “Shut up, you little wench. You want the whole house to hear you?” He waits until I shake my head obediently. Then, he grins, slow and easy, and kisses me passionately.

It happens so suddenly after that. One minute, his hands are in my hair and his lips are smothering mine when, abruptly, he no longer is holding me and I wobble. I open my eyes and gape when I see Nicandro holding Lucretius up but the front of his tunic, his feet dangling a good foot off of the ground.
“Listen now, you Roman pig, and listen good,” Nicandro spits into his face. “If you ever go near Isadora again, I will personally slit your throat.” My blood chills at such a violent threat. I watch as Nicandro releases Lucretius, who scrambles away, eyes wide.
I shiver and Nicandro glares at me. I cower and he glares even more fiercely. “I warned you about him.”
“Yeah, so,” I say, standing shakily to my feet.
“And you didn’t listen.”
“Why should I listen to you?” I shoot and stumble pass him but not before tripping. He catches me in his arms. The air leaves my lungs and I gasp, gripping onto his forearms. He smirks, “A little tipsy, I see.” I glower and try to stand but he holds my waist firmly in his grasp. “From now on, don’t go wandering alone with any creeps.”
“The only creep I see is you,” I say coolly and I feel his fingers dig into my skin as his eyes flash dangerously.
“I saved you from that pig,” he reminds me and I feel all the anger ebb away as realization of what just occurred comes into my mind. He’s right, after all. If it hadn’t been for him, I would have lost my virtue.
“Thank you,” I swallow, feeling the unwanted tears coming.
“Now, that’s more like it,” he smiles softly, seeing the tears welling. One drops from my eye and onto my cheek. He lifts if away with a gentle thumb.
At this soft gesture, the dam breaks and tears flow freely as I bury my face into his chest. I feel his arms wrap around me in condolence and I hug myself to him. I hear him mumbling words of comfort and his breath moves the strands of my hair on the top of my head. I wipe at my eyes, furious, and when I pull my hand back, I see it smeared with red. I whimper and he lifts my chin with his index finger. “What now - " He cuts off as he sees my disaster of a face. I see that he is trying not to laugh and I find myself grinning stupidly. “My, aren’t you beautiful,” he teases and I whimper miserably. He pulls from his pocket a handkerchief and starts rubbing away the excess make-up. His hands are gentle and I feel my eyes slipping closed at his light caress. He sees this but doesn’t stop. He only moves slower, his strokes delicate and soft.
Finally, all the make-up is gone and my eyes open, glistening but clear. His own are smoking as they scan my face. Modesty soon takes over and I lower my face. He lifts my chin again and I am forced to look him in the eye. “Better?” I nod slowly and he smiles softly. “Promise to stay away from Lucretius.” His voice hardens dangerously at my assulter's name and I quickly agree, afraid to anger him further. “Good, now lets depart before they start to talk.” My cheeks flame and he laughs openly. “Talk is harmless when there is no evidence behind the words. Remember that, Isadora.”
“But they shall talk all the same,” I say, stepping past him.
“Well, with your face flaming as it is, you will give them reason to.” This brings even more color to my cheeks and Nicandro shakes his head, smirking.

The entertainment room is a buzz with gossip when we return. My first guess is it is Nicandro’s and my departure and late return but, then I notice the source of the commotion. Octavio’s head is bowed with a stout man with a thin beard and mustache. They whisper urgently to each other and with every syllable spoken, Octavio’s watery eyes glint more and more with a vicious, greedy spark. Nicandro leads me to the nearest sofa and I see that Lucretius is no where to be found. Probably with another girl. My stomach clenches at this and I feel as if I might vomit. I clutch at my abdomen just as the stout man takes his leave. Octavio’s guests watch him depart before all turn to their host to see of the news.
Octavio’s grin is wide as he announces, “Dear guest, I have wonderful news,” he pauses dramatically. “I have been invited to the next games by Caradoc himself.” The room erupts in wild applause and he waves his hand until the room is silent again before speaking. “And, of course, you all are invited as my guests.” Another round of applause and then, the room resumes its chatter, all congratulating Octavio.
I glance bewilderingly at Nicandro. “When are these…ah, games?”
“A week from now,” he answers promptly but his eyes don’t stay on me for long. His voice trails off and his eyes spark with a fire that leaves me feeling unwanted and used. I look up and, to no surprise, it is Celia who has captured his attention. I think of the following week, when we will be Octavio’s guests once again and my heart pounds in protest. Celia will be there, as will Nicandro, giving them even more time to spend together.
After Nicandro’s heroic rescue of me, I thought I had misjudged him. I assumed Celia had seduced him with her seductive ways but now I see that he has bewitched her just as she has him. His smile is broad and hers is shy yet coy. He leaves the sofa without a second thought to join her, abandoning me in a household full of foreigners.
Last edited by ashleylee on Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

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Mon May 26, 2008 5:25 pm
Esmé says...


Chapter five, aye? *is happy with how dedicated Ashley is* Onward, then.

I find no excitement, however Evander expresses his every day at dinner.

That sentence should be rephrases - it’s a bit of a contradiction, for one thing. “find”? How about “feel”? “However” - “though”. Or keep the “however” if you rephrase is in a manner where it’ll be needed. Up above, it just feel awkward

“The miss insists you bath before the party.”

There is a “miss” in the household? No - later on you use “mistress”, and that is more appropriate.

But today, Lyra leads me to the lower levels, which bewilders me.

She, and Lyra - remind her, perhaps, that she is a slave. Because she is, no? If I don’t remember correctly, then “servant”, at least.

The party date nears far too quickly and soon, Lyra reenters my room and helps me dress for the occasion.

“soon and comma” seems a tad bit awkward, no? Consider: and soon I find Lyra reentering my room (…)”

“Am I to bath in this?”

Bath - bathe?

It was like a giant hook and I widen my eyes as I ask the obvious question.

“It looked like”(add more description?)

“And, what am I supposed to do with this?”

Why comma? You don’t have commas after “and” (though perhaps it’d look better with them, perhaps)

Lyra looks at me as though I am insane.

As though I were insane.

“Are you serious?” All her polite manner connected with being a servant disappears and she just stares at me.

“Are you serious?” And are you, by placing that in Lyra’s mouth? She might have forgotten herself, but to what extent? Or, if you do insist on keeping it, the pass on the same, but in different words. Are you serious by putting “are you serious”? Also, “disappears” - “disappear”.

“Yes, oil,” she says slowly as though I am stupid.

“as though” is up above (slightly), but not far.

I nod shakily, glancing back at the water, second-guessing taking a bath now.

second-guessing taking a bath now?

“You are not used to Roman baths, are you, Isadora?”

A slave, or servant, calling her by the name?

“Well, if I wasn’t, I just would never bath,” I answer simple,

Simple - simply. If I wasn’t - if I weren’t, I would just never bathe.”

. “Now, come now and remove your tunic.” She presses, impatient with me.

Comma, minor “she”. If not intended as that, then expand.

I shake my head like a scared child and she tilts her head with a look of frustration.

“and she tilts hers”

Lyra rolls her eyes but agrees. “What is it?”

“That you will leave.”
Her eyes widen.
Her eyes seem to be doing a lot. Of course, feel free to keep that, but consider adding something other then that.

“All right,” she sighs when she sees that I am stubborn in my decision.

Comma, seeing that I am…

I open my mouth to ask of the oil but she is already gone and I can breath easier.

Comma before “but”. However, while I do understand the part about breathing easier, does she just like that forget about the oil? I don’t want a rant, a ramble, but “breathe easier” + just mentioned oil? Toward which she is, apparently, not very optimistic.

I glance around one last time to make sure I am alone in this wall-to-wall tiled room before removing my tunic and belt.

The interference (that “tiled” part) is just too long, and as no commas can be added, it needs to be rephrased.

Once I am fully wet,

Fully, fully.

Once I am fully wet, I douse my hair in soap and scrub with sharp fingernails until my body glistens pink.

Sharp fingernails, and scrubbing with them, refers still to the hair.

I rinse my hair once more when Lyra enters.

“am rinsing”.

She doesn’t glance twice at me, naked in the pool and speaks as though this is a common sight of my bare body.

Rephrase, especially last part. I don’t think commas would do any good.

If you stay any longer, you will wrinkle and resemble a prune.
True, true.

“Umm, Lyra,” I incline to my not clothed body and she just rolls her eyes.

Umm? Make her hesitant, or something, but delete the “umm”. “not clothed” - awkward. And she rolls her eyes again?

“Come on and get out like I told you to.”

Come on?

I sigh deeply, knowing that Lyra will not be persuaded otherwise.

“persuaded otherwise” demands elaboration.

I try to cover as much of me as I can.

How? Details.

“It’s oka,y Isadora

“okay” is not okay. Comma in wrong spot.

“Now, scrape it off.” She instructs and I obey,

Comma, minors. Shouldn’t Lyra be doing that?

“Wasn’t so bad, hmm?

Ending quotes.

She reminds me of a baby bird before her mother with worms wiggling from her beak.

Er, what? How?

I smile in spite and she leads me back to my room.

“in spite” or “in spite of myself”?

The tunic is white and Lyra tells me that all that attend this gathering is to wear white in respect to Senator Caradoc Laskaris.

Are to wear.

I don’t understand this bizarre tradition

Wearing white for senators? Well, I don’t either, apparently. Why “tradition”? Does she know it’s a “tradition”?

She paints my lips a crimson red along with my eyelids.

I am assuming the eyelids are crimson, too, but rephrase.

My cheekbones shimmer with gold and my skin glistens with scented lotions and perfumes.

Cross out second “my”

As I tie my sandals, Lyra presents me with six bangles of gold to adorn my arm.


I slip them on, one by one, as Lyra looks over my critically.

“As” after the interference doesn’t look too good. “As” is used in next sentence, too.

Everybody is decked out, just like before.

“decked out”..? I do not approve of the expression.

I look to see the litter assemble just outside the doors.


My eyes lift from them and I see Nicandro.


“Isadora,” he says, keeping up his act when his parents are around.

Talk more of “the act”.

His eyes float over me again and when they meet my eyes,

Eyes, eyes.

Octavio house is as extravagant as before with white drapes and gold goblets.


We are one of the last guests to arrive and people mill about, talking quietly

And when we are welcomes inside, people are already milling about, talking quietly. (that needed a smoother transition).

A burst of laughter erupts and I freeze as we enter as all eyes scan us critically. I

As, as, as…

I feel as though I am being cross-examined and retreat to the safety of my father’s side. Octavio’s deep voice booms and he embraces Evander.

I fail to see the link between those two. Smoother transition.

I smile and nod like a dutiful daughter but I can’t help but notice when Celia enters the room.

The above. And generally expand this paragraph.

Her eyelids and lips are painted a stunning re

Oh, but so are the MC’s. Why “stunning” if everyone has it?

But Nicandro is the only brave one to speak to her.

I think that is strong enough to make a paragraph on its own.

He approaches at an easy lope and comes to rest at her elbow. She raises shy eyes to meet his stormy ones.


I watch as he lowers his head and whispers something in her ear, which makes her giggle and I feel my stomach tighten painfully.

“ear, which” <- and the words next to them = awkward. Rephrase.

Nicandro’s warning flashes through my mind but after seeing him so occupied, I’m feeling a little rebellious.

Comma before “but”.

“Isadora, aren’t you a sight!” He greets


Standing at the edge of the pool, I look down into the clear water. I am able to glimpse the whitewashed stone floor below for the water is so clear. I shake my shoulders loose before descending slowly down the stairs. When I am up to my neck, I fully submerge myself.
I glower at her as she hands me the oil. I stare at her and she explains. “Smooth it all over.” I sigh and do as I am told.

I am, I am, I this, I that. I do this, I do that.

He is magnificent with a pure white toga hanging from one shoulder and his hair curling around his ears and jaw. His eyes are hooded as they scan over me. My body heats up and I quickly lower my gaze.

Expand that. Blah blah blah. Blah blah. Blah blah. There. That is the rhythm of the paragraph, and yet I feel that there should be more to it.

The party is awkward and the people foreign. I feel more alone now then ever before. I follow my father like a lost puppy as he mingles with guests. I smile and nod like a dutiful daughter but I can’t help but notice when Celia enters the room.

Last sentence. Last to second? Reference? Link?

They flicker but don’t tun away when I catch him staring.

Tun? Also, comma before “but”.

I narrow my own menacingly. A smile tugs at his mouth but his eyes darken.

Merge. Yay, and no repetition of “eyes”.

Lucretius stays with me throughout the night and I find his company to be refreshing. He is sweet and charming and not bad looking as I gaze longer at him.

“(…) and not bad looking when one gazed longer at him”. If you want to keep the “I” - which I wouldn’t advise, seeing as there are already quite a lot of them (and should, too) - rephrase.

His hair is as greasy as his father’s but his eyes are bright, like his sisters and his build is slight, not as built like Nicandro.

Er, what?

. His smile is contagious and his laughter is like music in the dimly lit room.

. His smile is contagious and laughter like music in the dimly lit room.

Lucretius trails behind and, as we near the garden, I hear voices.

Commas after “and” are quite wonderful, but you hardly ever do them, and so scrap the one up there.

I laugh loudly and I hear Lucretius join me.

Cross out second “I”.

I giggle, trying to lighten the mood as I trip over my own feet.

Rephrase - “as” does not work too well. “Mood” again.

My eyes struggle on focusing on Lucretius face and I laugh again as he goes in and out of focus.

Awkward, and very much so. “focus, “focus”, for one thing (the “laughter” is deemed okay).

Suddenly, he is too close and I veer away but the wine swimming in my veins dulls my reflexes.

Comma before “but”.

He catches my neck with the palm of

With a palm? The inside of his hand?

and strokes the skin there as he whispers, his breath caressing my lips,

And whispers, his breath caressing my lips,

I know his intentions and this is enough to clear my mind of the buzzing but not enough to wear off the weakness of my muscles as I fight against him.


I am louder than I should be

Humor me. To whom, Lucretius?

Then, he grins, slow and easy, and kisses me passionately.

Grins slow and easy?

It happens so suddenly after that.


One minute, his hands are in my hair and his lips are smothering mine when, abruptly, he no longer is holding me and I wobble.

And when he is indeed holding her she isn’t? Wobbling? Shaking?

“Yeah, so,”

Question mark needed at the very least. Rephrasing, in my opinion, because I just didn’t like that.

Finally, all the make-up

How about: face paint. “make up” seems too modern.

Modesty soon takes over and I lower my face.

You can do better’n that. And “face” again.

His voice hardens dangerously at my assulter's name and I quickly agree, afraid to anger him further.

Assaulter. And perhaps talk of Lucretius.

My first guess is it is Nicandro’s and my departure and late return but, then I notice the source of the commotion.


Phew. Okay, impressions.


-> this time I shall start with Lyra. She needs work - I don’t think her reaction was adequate to the situation. Isadora is a foreigner, and as such is entitled to some ignorance, yet I feel that the slave (servant? In chapter three you say she is a servant, but dressed in slave’s clothes, and so I am assuming she’s a servant) should be more incredulous. Her eyes should widen, etc., etc.

Also, her forgetting her manners. I don’t believe she’d go as far as to call Isadora by her name. I don’t like the “are you serious” part, either.

Later on, her agreement with that “condition”. Too abrupt, too fake. You can do better than that. She also rolls her eyes too much (though that expression I still don’t like and approve).

And: “She reminds me of a baby bird before her mother with worms wiggling from her beak.” How? Why? I didn’t get any impression of her at all. She just was. Flat and dead, a tad bit.

-> the MC. She (to the situation above) is better, though yes, I’d like some thoughts expanded. At the party… Hmm. At first she clings to her father, but maybe say that after she finds Lucretius, she stops doing so? The part about wine (which will be echoed and elaborated a bit downward) should really be placed somewhere else. Nicandro and Celia… Well, I’d like to see her thoughts, not only one sentence about her reaction. I know that the action is very abrupt afterward, but that sentence is simply not enough.

“the garden scene” - in it I’d like to see more of her emotion. That’ll be explained a bit below, but I thought I’d repeat that scene. I did like, however, her bursting into tears. That ought to be expanded, I think.

-> Lucretius. Wasn’t he a bit, well, repulsive? After the “silky” part in the first scene with him, one might think that he is attractive, and that clashes a bit with his introduction. Later on, yes, we might suppose it is the wine, but perhaps put that when he actually becomes “evil”?

His part in the garden scene (before Nicandro comes to the rescue) is, I think, okay. I’d add a bit more details if I were you, but he can do (can do, though there is a bit more room for improvement). But after Nicandro comes… t’is a tragedy. More of that in the ‘careful, careful’ section.

“creep” - unapt description, if used just like that.

-> Semi-prince-charming, hereby known as Nicandro. Or, rephrase (opposites). Never mind, then. How did he get to Isa is he was busy with Celia? But I did like him at the end : )


-> Language. “Umm”, and “come on”..? Come on! Are you serious? “Okay”?

-> eye description frenzy. Really. At least to the half of the text.

-> what with the people who had too much wine? Side cast, I know, but still.

-> as. Watch out with that, because that is one tricky word, sometimes. And there is so, so much of that in the text. As-spree.

-> “I”, “she”… Pronouns, to be specific. This being first person, I understand “I’ littered all over the text, but refrain from using it - or any other one - when there is no need, and when it can be avoided.

-> Octavio’s, Lucretius’s. If you are talking about something that is someone’s, and both are specified, there needs to be an apostrophe and an extra ‘s’.

-> “Listen now, you Roman pig, and listen good,” Nicandro spits into his face. “If you ever go near Isadora again, I will personally slit your throat.” My blood chills at such a violent threat. I watch as Nicandro releases Lucretius, who scrambles away, eyes wide.

Er, no. First of all, isn’t it supposed to be dark? Add some descriptions of lanterns, or something, to make her see those “wide eyes”. Secondly. “you Roman pig” - humor me. Roman, he is (Nicandro), and I don’t think that’s an insult for him. To him? Coming from him and to him. Next, abruptness. Some is good, yes, but all of that should have been put to use in the paragraph above. Here it’s just out of place, and not good. Bad. Melodramatic at the very least. I didin’t like that, and it disappointed me. Isa’s reaction, too. Not afraid anymore, not the slightest? Not shaken? What about his sudden appearance? And Lucretius! What of his reaction?

Rewrite needed. Major. The few sentences after, too, because it all seems pressed, false, fake. Sorry.

-> He’s right, after all. If it hadn’t been for him, I would have lost my virtue.
Doesn’t seem to care much about that fact. That’s like a statement. Boom. Or not even a “boom”. Not worthy of the slightest excitement, aye? Later on it okay, I guess, but no paeans.

-> The party date nears far too quickly and soon.” Okay, that should really be expanded, I think. Why “far too quickly and soon”? What is she afraid of? Or, if she isn’t afraid, then why isn’t she looking forward to it? Celia? Nicandro? Wonderful occasion to show us her feeling concerning them, rather that those two to each other. If you don’t fancy talking of feelings, that think of something better to back up her feelings.


-> titles. “miss/misstress” was rambled about, yes, but what about “sir”? It feels slightly out of place, actually, but I am not sure. This is Ancient Rome, no? Did they call each other “sir” back then and there?

-> chairs and eating. Hmm. Didn’t they kind of lay while doing so? (I’m not by any means an expert, but it’s been bothering me, and so I put it here).

-> the time. Era. Ancient Rome. Add a few more details, generally, that would make me find myself there. That does great things to the atmosphere. In Ch 1 (you’re probably sick of hearing that, aren’t you? - but your fault, really; shouldn’t have written it so well) that is very visible.

-> the Lucretius/Isa scene, in the garden (before Nicandro). I have a feeling that should be more powerful, leave a deeper imprint. The descriptions are good, yes, but a descriptive narrative isn’t enough. I want to see the wine steadily dulling her senses, I want her to wake up with a jolt. I want to see revolt. Fear. Desperation. Surprise. And slightly less about lips and more of other body language. Right now, I read this and think: okay, but why should I care? She cries, she pleas (melodramatics, those two so by each other). Truth be told, it’s the beginning I’m most concerned about - afterward it is better, but can still be improved.

-> toward mixing the messenger/Lucretius is nowhere to be seen.

-> “” Another round of applause and then, the room resumes its chatter, all congratulating Octavio.” - expand, elaborate,

The “WONDERFUL” section consists of everything that I did not deem unsatisfactory. I’m still half expecting Amycus to die, and Delicia to suddenly prove an alcoholic. Don’t know why. But, things I want to emphasize:

-> the whole, general scene of the “party” - very good idea.

-> good characters (when they weren’t being a tad bit flat)

-> how you manage, after all these chapters, make me interested in “Michaelangelo’s Day and Night” - I was very, very excited to see this section posted, and I can’t wait to see another.

Conclusions: Some scenes most definitely need to be rewritten, others worked on. That did disappoint me, but I tend to exaggerate those things.

Also, I realise this is a very chaotic review, and so if you have any questions (that goes to everything) PM me. Again, sorry.


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Tue May 27, 2008 5:17 pm
KJ says...

Hey, Ash. I've already made and given you my corrections. But I have to again emphacize, as Esme already has, that slave's should not act as Lyra did. They were submissive, timid, and invisible.

There were a bunch of other things too, but you have it all down on papaer. So make those corrections, girl! I want to see this in it's finest!

Ha! Eat it, Esme! I've read this all the way to chapter SEVEN! :P


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Tue May 27, 2008 8:01 pm
Esmé says...

What? Seven? What?!

I... I... I don't like this. *tiny, tiny voice. I want to read chapter seven, too... Now. And I echo KJ's last sentence.

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Thu May 29, 2008 2:59 pm
ashleylee says...

Both to KJ and Esme:

Yes, I will try to finish this. It's just that it is getting harder and harder the farther I go.

This weekend (if I get the computer back. F.Y.I, I'm grounded and this is being done at school right now so..shhh. :wink:), I will be doing some MAJOR MAJOR editing because I know this chapter was a disappointment to you both.

Well, hope you like the next chapter when I post more (which I have no idea when that will be)

Thanks bunches to you both!

"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
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Sat May 31, 2008 9:59 pm
PrincessSitara says...

ashleylee wrote:
I find no excitement, however Evander expresses his every day at dinner. By what Evander says, it seems that this senator is a big supporter of businessmen and with him in office, Evander and my father will continue to profit from him.

The first sentence is rather awkward. You may want to use 'Evander expresses his excitement every day at dinner, but I feel none'. Also, the term 'businessman' seems too modern for the setting of this story.

ashleylee wrote: “It’s oka,y Isadora. Nothing to be ashamed about.”

'okay' sounds too modern as well. Try 'all right'.

ashleylee wrote:Octavio house is as extravagant as before with white drapes and gold goblets.

The description is good; however, some grammatical changes are needed. For example, you forgot to put the apostrophe and the 's' after Octavio, and a comma should follow 'before'.

ashleylee wrote: “Yeah, so,” I say, standing shakily to my feet.

Again, 'yeah' sounds too modern.

Despite these critiques, your descriptive language is excellent. I look forward to the next installment in this story.


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Sun Jun 01, 2008 3:23 pm
ashleylee says...


Thanks for the review! :D

Well, I have chapters One-Four, if you want to look at those...

But I probably won't be posting any time soon, since I am doing some MAJOR editing on the other five installments.

Well, thanks again!
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

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Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:38 pm
Merry_Haven says...

Oh, I like, I like this. It was getting very intense between Isadora and Lucretius. And of course, Nicandro comes to the rescue. And I'm starting to wonder about Celia and Nicandro. And Isadora and Nicandro. I wonder what's going to happen? But I'll just have to read on...off to chapter six.

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Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:22 am
ashleylee says...


Yes, many mysterious will start to show up, so keep your eyes peeled hehe :wink:

Can't thank you enough for reading!
"Woe to the man whose heart has not learned while young to hope, to love—and to put his trust in life."
~ Joseph Conrad

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
~ Red Auerbach

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