
Young Writers Society

The Reckoning- Chapter 1

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Mon Jan 02, 2012 7:39 pm
PersephoneMary says...


That loser you heard about? That used to be me. Hard to believe I know. But yeah, I was fragile once. Not so long ago I was innocent and troubled and a short while before that I was a normal shy teenage girl. Times have changed. Now I’m different. Besides being under almost twenty four hour supervision by the police, I am different. I am no longer that girl in the small town who no one really knows. Now? I am the girl everyone knows, or thinks they do anyway. My name is Aoife Maloney. I know, my parents never gave me a chance to be popular did they? You would think Ava would suffice, but my parents were Irish, and proud of it. That aside I am now the girl people avoid. For instance, on my first day to Phoenix Grove High school the queen bee and her simple minded bitches were striding through the corridors, thinking they owned the place as those girls in high school always do. They told me to move out of the way. I told her nothing in reply, but she ended up with a broken nose and well, let’s just say she wasn’t in my way anymore. Nor was anyone else after that.
I was known as the psycho here too, and there were countless rumors about what I did. One even says that I ate my own liver. Another that I set a secret military base on fire killing over a thousand people in one day. My personal favorite however is that I sold my own soul on eBay for fifty bucks. Some of them frustrated me at first, but no one could tell when I was angry or just being myself nowadays. Well here I am, three years on. Not a day went by I didn’t think about the killings, but when I did I smiled inside, because I had stopped them, despite what others thought. Would anyone believe me if I told them what really happened? Of course they wouldn’t. The whole world is a skeptic. Hell I was too, until I saw the truth for myself.
So this was me now. Dressing in black jeans, ripped t shirts and black boots, just to ad to ferocity of my appearance. I never would’ve dreamt of this before, but when the killings started I suppose I got a little… rough around the edges. There was always a policeman on standby in the station, and one stayed on the grounds of the school every day and drove me to the home. At least that’s what they called it. It was a secure environment for the mentally troubled teens of Phoenix. Most were just recovering crack heads, but there were others that you simply didn’t ask about. I wasn’t the toughest in there, and that is saying something. I heard that there were people in Oregon who were scared of me. Probably another rumor, but the fact that it exists tells you something about my reputation.
Biology made me mad. So generally I just stared out the window, tapped my fingers on the desk or listened to something loud and badass to block out the sound of Mr. Wailer’s undeniably annoying voice. Yes he is aptly named, I assure you, for wail is all he does. His voice is much too high, but it stays at a consistent pitch and never wavers, ever. He is one of the few teachers who I don’t have a nickname for, as his name already suits him, and is easy to remember. As soon as he speaks you are reminded.
Class went by quickly enough. Well, compared to what it would have been like if I was listening. In fact the whole school day was a blur now. The only time that dragged was lunch. I had to sit at a table with my policeman, Luke. He was scared of me too when he found out this was to be his job for the next year, but it wasn’t long before we became… something close to friends. But it was the fact that it lasted 45 minutes that dragged. And kids were now free to roam, and piss me off.
“Hey Aoife,” He looked tired today.
“Luke. Rough day?”
“Rough night, think I’m getting Mono.” Come to mention it, he did look rather ill. His skin was patchy and sticky looking, and his eyes were red.
“Sucks. Well don’t be getting too sick on me, I don’t wanna be guarded by some up tight ‘nam veteran that I have to ask permission from to take a piss.”
“Well… we’ll see. I’ll try Aoife.” He laughed weakly. “How was class?”
“The vocal stylings of The Hives were very good, thank you.” He sighed and dropped a chip he had been picking at.
“Blocking out again?”
“Would I ever?” I shrugged and smiled exaggeratedly.
“You can’t keep this up. You’re lucky to be here you know. They’re giving you a chance to get some qualifications. So you can get a job. You can’t pass that up.”
“Who is going to employ a homicidal maniac? College degree or not.”
“So you have accepted that you’ll be trapped like this your whole life?”
“But what you did in the past…” I stood up.
“I have done nothing.” I went over to get some food. The cafeteria used to be a place to hang out. Now it was like a jungle. Do you eat the gunk they feed you? Or bring a pack lunch? And if you do bring a pack lunch how should you bring it? Brown paper bag: classic testament to suburbia or ultimate geek gear? Then there is the Tupperware: an eco-friendly way to save the planet, or the sign of an overinvolved mother? After taking a tray of crap I sat back down with Luke and ignored his worried looks.
“Don’t you dare. Just don’t, Luke.” He looked down at his unfinished chips again and pushed them away sitting back in his chair. I nibbled on some of the slop and then threw the rest out. I plugged in my iPod and sat there looking in a totally different direction to Luke who spent his time either staring at the floor or staring at me. When the bell rang I got up without hesitation and stormed past Luke to English class.
English wasn’t just as bad. Meaning I at least turned my iPod off for it, but I still didn’t listen. Hell I didn’t listen to anything anywhere. My English teacher was in her forties with a giant ball of tumbleweed for hair. Her dark splinters of hair hung around her face crowning a pair of her large black framed spectacles. She was just as crazy as me, although no one was afraid of her. She mumbled and stammered and jittered her way through class every single day. I called her hair woman. She handed out journals like she did every day in case we had any sparks of inspiration in the middle of class. People mostly just drew funny pictures of her instead of listening. By people I mean me.
I scribbled a sketch of her being attacked by her own hair which had turned into a nest of snakes with enormous pointy teeth, kind of like medusa. I sat on my own, as usual. It was just easier that way. I didn’t get along with people anymore and they were all terrified at me. Once in biology a new kid sat beside me and spent the entire period shaking and staring at me as I sat with my back to him. He sat at the farthest edge of his chair and once when I set my bag on the table he fell off his chair whilst squealing like a 5 year old girl, I pictured pig tails and a pink gingham dress, how sweet.
The day just dribbled along, passing me by like the birds outside the window which were the subjects of most of my attention. It wasn’t long before I had to meet Luke again so he could drive me home. He was waiting in the car. I got into the passenger seat and put my feet on the dash.
“Must you?”
“Sorry,” I put my feet down. “So you doing anything good tonight?”
“Fun times. Oh well, beats hanging with the crazies.” By that I meant with me. He knew this of course and laughed.
“You know Aoife I think I’d still rather hang out with you. And you’re not crazy.”
“Well if you say so.”
“A little eccentric and scary, but beyond that nothing.” I laughed.
“Why thank you Luke, you sure no how to compliment a girl.”
“Don’t I just?” he pulled up outside the home and opened the doors. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
“Yeah, unless I die or end up in crazy town again I’ll see you tomorrow.” He knew I joked, but he hated it. Every time I joked about myself like that he looked away and grimaced as if I had just stabbed myself. He cared too much, that was his problem. I got out of the car and headed up the steps to the torture chamber. It was a terrace building that needed knocked down 4 centuries ago. The red brick work was falling to pieces and the windows were almost nonexistent. The door was one of those big red ones that to some people said ‘welcome to our warm inviting home’. To me it said ‘stay away, danger’. Either way I went in and ran upstairs to drop of my stuff before heading down to the kitchen to tell Harry I was home and grab a bottle of water from the fridge before heading back upstairs and plugging in to my iPod. Yes, I did need to charge it every day.
Mary x

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Tue Jan 03, 2012 2:41 pm
StellaThomas says...

Hey Persephone, Stella here, back for more!


Besides being under almost twenty four hour supervision by the police, I am different.

Because she was under surveillance before? I'm puzzled.

You would think Ava would suffice, but my parents were Irish, and proud of it.

This isn't a nitpick, it's just I find this funny because, living in Ireland, Aoife is a ridiculously normal name to me xD

My personal favorite however is that I sold my own soul on eBay for fifty bucks.

Seriously? I'd find the liver one much more entertaining :P

just to ad to ferocity of my appearance.

Biology made me mad.

Okay woow, sudden scene change. Before this we didn't know specifically where she was. I think it might be better to actually start the chapter with setting the scene like this, then let Aoife's mind wander into the explanations.

“Hey Aoife,” He looked tired today.

Full stop after Aoife in this case.

“Rough night, think I’m getting Mono.”

Mono is oddly specific. Couldn't he just say the flu?
Her dark splinters of hair

You could easily say "Dark splinters of it" to stop the repetition of 'hair'.

kind of like medusa.

Capital M.

“Why thank you Luke, you sure no how to compliment a girl.”


knocked down 4 centuries ago.



I lovelovelovelove the voice you have going on here! It's great, and the rumours are a fantastic touch. The trouble I have, mainly, is the fact that she's in school. They don't send the criminally insane to high school. They just don't. Is it a normal school? Because I can't imagine any principal ever accepting to have Aoife in their classes after what happened. This is going to eternally annoy me in your story unless you can come up with a plausible explanation for it. Other than that, I'd also like to see some hint of the plot coming through in Chapter 1- even if Aoife sees something funny or something. Right now, as great an introduction as it is to her life, you could have chosen any day out of her life so far after the incident to describe- why this one? What makes this day important?

Hope I helped, drop me a note if you need anything!

-Stella x
"Stella. You were in my dream the other night. And everyone called you Princess." -Lauren2010

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Tue Jan 03, 2012 4:30 pm
PersephoneMary says...

thanks for all your advice :) sometimes when I'm typing I get ahead of myself and just want to get it down, so I miss some things, and don't notice them when reading over. Also, I live in Ireland too!!! hehe, but it is set in America and living in the north of Ireland it's not as common a name, no one I know has ever heard it before. To explain the school thing. She's isn't insane anymore, theres a full explanation in the following chapters, at this stage it's supposed to be a little frustrating. Also there was very little evidence in the case and she wasn't charged with it, just suspected heavily. I'll be sure to fix the speech a bit, i kind of skipped over that when I was writing it haha. With reference to the sudden scene change, I kind of intentionally did that to show that she is a little 'rough around the edges', I'll maybe try leaving a space between the paragraphs to try to emphasise this but I did that for a reason hehe. Thank so much for all your advice!!! I always find it hard to pin down all those little errors hehe, thanks, ttyl ;P x
Mary x

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Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:56 pm
Carina says...

review #2 - team yellow
Hola! First off, I was totally going to write the exact same thing as Stella said, but she beat me to it. D:
So I'll focus a little more about the slips you might have pissed.

Not so long ago, I was innocent and troubled, and a short while before that I was a normal, shy teenage girl.
Don't forget commas! They usually come if it's a complex sentence, a description, etc.
For "innocent and troubled," I would say "an innocent and troubled girl."

Besides being under almost twenty-four hour supervision ...

I know, my parents never gave me a chance to be popular, did they?

For instance, on my first day to Phoenix Grove High School, the queen bee and her simple minded bitches were striding through the corridors ...

One even said that I ate my own liver.
Make sure you stay in past tense!
Another that I set a secret military base on fire killing over a thousand people in one day.
I think you missed a word here. Did you mean "another said"? If so, the "that" isn't needed.
My personal favorite, however, is that I sold my own soul on eBay for fifty bucks.
Commas! "Is" should be past tense, so it should be "was."
Hell, I was too, until I saw the truth for myself.

ripped t-shirts

Biology made me mad.
I agree with Stella here; this was kind of random. Was she there? Or did she just felt like bringing it up? Make sure you state it clearly.
Mr. Wailer’s undeniably annoying voice
There's nothing wrong with this; I just find this iron-ism horribly funny. XD
Well, don’t be getting too sick on me, I don’t wanna be guarded ...
The comma after "me" should be the end of the sentence.
“But what you did in the past…” I stood up.
There's nothing wrong with this grammatically; I was just confused. I know Luke said this, but this sentence makes it seem like Aoife said it. Like I said in my review in the prologue, space it out every time there's a new paragraph or when there's a new person talking/doing something.. It'll save confusion.
English wasn’t just as bad.
This sentence is a little funny. I don't think the "just" is necessary, but then you're doing a comparison. English wasn't as bad as...what?
I called her hair woman.
First, hah! I cracked a smile at this. Second, I think you should capitalize her nickname.
Once in biology, a new kid sat beside me ...
Alright, just for some clarification: did the new kid know about the killings? Or did he found out mid-way through? I was a little confused, so make sure you specified whether or not he knew at the beginning. (I'd go that he didn't know since it would make sense that way.)
He sat at the farthest edge of his chair, and once when I set my bag on the table, he fell off his chair whilst squealing like a 5 year old girl. I pictured pigtails and a pink gingham dress. How sweet.
R-O, run-on. I fixed it for you.
“Sorry,” I put my feet down.
That comma should just be a period. Only use commas if the sentence continues off as something like "he said."
He knew this, of course, and laughed
How do I know commas go there? If you take "of course" out, the sentence could still stand alone.
“Don’t I just?”
I don't know, this just sounds a little funny.
Either way I went in and ran upstairs to drop off my stuff before heading down to the kitchen to tell Harry I was home and grab a bottle of water from the fridge before heading back upstairs and plugging in to my iPod.
This is another run-on. I'll let you fix it this time. :]

in general;
Food for thought: don't you think that Aoife would be expelled after she kind of killed people? I mean, I know someone who got expelled after they choked a kid, and I know a lot of other people who got expelled from getting into too many fistfights, but actual murder? Yeeeeah, she should of kissed school goodbye. XD I don't know if you intended this or not, but if you didn't, make sure you include that somewhere, sometime on why she's still in school.
I think this chapter was a little rushed and could be more organized. Like, you could start off in a specific place and go from there instead of going right into the story, which again, you did a fabulous job on.
I agree with Stella again on this one; your voice in this piece is amazing. Just make sure you pinpoint each transitional paragraph and proofread over your work a few times. (By the way, I didn't go over every single little slip, so make sure you do go back to check out what you wrote.)

Sorry for pointing out a lot of the nitpicks (it's a little embarrassing, I know, but we all make mistakes). Other than that and the things I mentioned above, the story's pretty nice.

chaotic lazy

the queen of memes

secret supreme overlord of yws

saint carina, patron saint of rp

*cries into coffee*
— LadyLizz