
Young Writers Society

Chapter Five: Nano

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Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:46 am
Soulkana says...

Chapter 5:

Nastusia opens her eyes as a small yip penetrates her sleep fogged mind. Glancing down blearily she spots her still unnamed young shadow tiger pawing her cheek and with sudden realization she notices with panic that her father is no longer sleeping beside her.

As she carefully sits up, minding her injures, she places the cub upon the floor of their inn room to see him standing at the window. Staring out of it, he makes no move nor speaks to acknowledge the face she has awaken. Glancing at him and then at the bathroom with indecision she tentatively asks, quietly, “Daddy?”

As if being shaken out of a dream, Takeshi shudders before turning to face her. Slowly his confusion and irritation vanishes to be replaced with happiness. Quickly crossing the distance between him, he envelops her into his strong arms. Relaxing her tense posture she melts into his loving hold, whispering, “So are we still going to that healer?”

“Of course. Anything to make my daughter's pain go away.” He smiles, dark eyes taking in her pale face and slightly frowning with worry at her hoarse voice.

Gently shooing her off into the bathroom he orders, kindly, “Get dressed and I'll take you there. After that we'll get a few things you kids will need for what I'll be teaching you.”

Smiling lightly she nods before rushing into bathroom unable to hold back a giggle as he picks up the young cub and carefully allows it to paw at his face before it clambers onto his shoulder to rest. As she closes the door, she finally traces the mark upon her arm and with delicate motions forms a rune within the air.

Pulling off her clothes she stares at her scarred body with a hint of disgust and anger. Heart swelling with uncontrollable fury she growls at her injuries. Spinning away from her reflection she carefully pulls on one of the red shirts with the mark upon the side reaching into the front with obvious detailed stitching. After placing on the long T-shirt, she grabs hold of a pair of black cargo pants and with a smile quickly puts them on before grasping the brush.

As she leaves the bathroom about five minutes later, her father leans against the doorway of the inn room with a teasing smile quirking his lips as he taunts lightly, “Why does it take girls twice as long in the bathroom as us men?”

Raising an eyebrow she flippantly drawls out, “Because women are better therefore we must look the part. After all, “ She pauses dramatically to smirk at him, playfully, “We do like clothes.”

Laughter echoes the room as Takeshi shakes his head in amusement as the two leave the inn, still chuckling at their joke. As they reach the crowded marketplace, Takeshi quickly grips her arm while she places her cub upon her shoulder, murmuring for it to stay there until they were safely in more abandoned areas of the market.

After being shoved, almost knocked over, and pulled they finally escape the terrifying tides of villagers to reach a tiny, unnoticeable shop. Its appearance gave no indication of its purpose and therefore is unused by most of the village, expect for the view that could see behind the pocket runes engraved elegantly on its foundation.

Walking inside, Takeshi calls out in greeting, “Anastasia, my friend! Do the stars treat you well this find day, child?”

A young woman turns to smile up at Takeshi with a chuckle. Her warm green eyes take in her mentor's complexion with a grateful grin, “You've been taking care of yourself, Master. I'm glad. How may I be of service to my old teacher?”

With a wave of his hand towards Nastusia, he edgily asks her, his voice low, “Is there some place quiet we may discuss this? The doves have become increasingly insistent with their feeding.” He gazes pointedly at a man a few feet away from them, obviously listening in.

She nods quickly ushering them to follow as she leads them down a dim hallway lit by candles. After a few minutes she stops to trace the edges of a brick wall with a teasing smile as Nastusia gaps as the brick crumbles to reveal a room. As they enter she traces another pattern within the air and the dust upon the floor reassemble into the very bricks it had been a few minutes before.

Sitting gracefully upon her desk she offers them a seat on the sofa before her asking, “Now what's up, Takeshi? It's not like you to bring a child into my domain...especially one that's so powerful.”

Nastusia looks away from this woman, sullenly, her heart offended by being called a child as she growls, rudely, “I'm no child.” Her eyes glare piercingly into this friend of her father's with contempt.

The woman grins only wider and approvingly nods with a chuckle, “I knew the minute you walked in, darling that you weren't. You picked a good one, Takeshi. So do you really think she's your descendant of choice?”

He smiles wryly, “Do you think I would be here with her, if she wasn't? She is truly unlike many of our family before her. She'll go far, if she chooses the path. But whichever path she chooses it will be of her own free will and I will support her so long as it isn't dark.”

He gently strokes her hair, watching as the scowl wilts into a beautiful smile as she asks the woman, “Do you think you can help me?” Vibrant eyes full of hope and eagerness bore into the woman's tranquil, wise orbs before glancing back at her father with a frightened look at the thought she would never be freed and dying before reaching her inheritance.

“I can try, child. But I will need more time to work out a cure for such a destructive rune formula. For now all I can do is stay with you and prevent the pain and damage to becoming too extensive.” The woman answers truthfully, sadness drowning the high hopes in the daughter's eyes of her greatest mentor.

Nodding reluctantly, Nastusia concedes softly, "I knew it wouldn't be quick to reverse what...what he's done...but still..." She trails off with a dejected look as she picks absently at her sleeve, feeling pain crashing against her helpless nerves as the rune upon her heart begins to burn like liquid fire seeping into the crucial organ.

Clutching her heart she wheezes, struggling to breath as her chest throbs painfully. Fingers scratching feebly at her torso, she watches dimly as the woman runs over to her, concern marring her once calm complexion.

Gently prying away Nastusia's hands, the healer presses her fingers, searchingly, against the chest over the heart. Closing her eyes, she murmurs softly an incantation before allowing her soul gently sink through her fingers into the child, focusing all her strength at the main problem at the time, the girl's vulnerable heart.

As she travels through the veins to the heart, she stares with open trepidation at the intensive rune circle around the right ventricle, slowly decaying the cardiac muscle through extreme pain brought by electric shocks. Holding her rage back so she could study the runes, the healer knew she had to place containment runes around the damage to prevent it from spreading to far. Quickly summoning her runic magic she painstakingly paints the runes in desperation to contain the necrotic heart tissue.

Pulling back to study her work, she finally pulls out after sending a large amount of runic magic within the offensive rune to stop the pain long enough for her to recover slightly. Finally back in her own body she watches as Nastusia's face relaxes and sighs with relief.

Carefully sending the child into sleep, she turns to Takeshi roaring with fury, "Who's the idiot that placed such a dark rune system on her!!! There are runes destroying her heart and vocal cords along with several causing her magic to become chaotic and lash out at her own body...she'll be luck to survive the next two years, let alone seven if I don't find a way to fix this, Takeshi Darkcasta! Now tell me! Who did this to this innocent child!" At the end of her long tirade, the woman sinks down beside Nastusia, gently stroking her hair as she sleeps, unaware of the drama unfolding around her.

Calmly, Takeshi sets his hands upon his lap, saying, "His name is Youri Redmoon, Nastusia's birth father." He nearly spits the answer out, his voice and posture pouring venom out like it was water. His eyes stare off into the distant, his face clouded with abhorrence and desire to kill the man who wronged such a beautiful child, HIS child.

Taking one last look at the girl, the woman, firmly asserts her decision, "I'm coming with you, Takeshi. She needs a full time healer if she's to survive this. Especially since I'm the only one you can trust to break this curse." She smiles victoriously as he nods, not bothering the extra company.

"We're making our way to Reya." He begins explaining before turning his head sideways to add on, eyes sparking mirthfully, "We may wind up taking in more children. It seems our little group enjoys attracting the attention of other wayward Ancients from their traditional ways. Already we have two more children and from the way Nastusia was thinking about last night I have a feeling we'll be adding another before we leave."

With a frolicsome smile, she leans forward to place a soft, chaste kiss upon his lips, whispering, "I missed you, Master."

His eyes flicker at her as he grins slyly, "And I have missed you, Anastasia." He grips her arm tightly as they sit, staying deeply in each other's eyes. In complete silence, a mutual conversation is held while they allow the teen to sleep away the pain as they finally begin speaking once more.

"Do you think you can find a way?" He opens up his true concern as he peers, concerned, over at Nastusia whose smooth breathing reassures him that she is ok.

Anastasia smiles warmly and confidently retorts, "I will find a way. And if I don't then I will not allow myself to live on without being able to help such a fragile child." Her eyes carefully survey the child's sleep magic and with a kind smile whispers to Takeshi, "I think you should go ahead with your shopping. When you two get back, I'll be ready to come with."

He nods slightly as Nastusia stirs, opening her eyes to stare at the two of them in bewilderment. Finally coming back to remember what had happened before she fell asleep, she murmurs an apology as Takeshi stands up to hold out his hand, eyes sparkling with gentle care and pride as she smiles up at him.

With a hoarse laugh, she takes his hand and almost gasps with wonder as the two of them vanish from the room in a mist, leaving behind Anastasia who chuckles shouting after Takeshi, "Don't forget, Master! I won't be tamed so easily." A flirtatious smile dots her face as she turns back to her desk, wondering how to pack everything.

Takeshi, having heard his old student's comment, chuckles lightly while helping Nastusia to her feet after landing rather roughly against the ground. Thanking him, she glances around to find the two of them beside the healer shop, only this time in the back. Her cub jumps from her shoulder to land on the floor with a light growl.

Feeling something reach into her pocket, Nastusia spins around to spot a fleeting glance of girl's unmatched eyes, before the figure gasps and sprints off in an almost impossible fast dash. As she moves to run after her, a vision snaps in front of her, holding her prisoner.

“Hey, thief! Get back here!” I holler as I sprint after this small girl who ducks behind a trashcan in an alleyway before me.

As I appear in front of her she cries out, begging, “Please, ma'am! I'm sorry! I just wanted...” Her voice lowers to incoherent mumble as I glare at her, furious.

“I don't care what you want! Didn't your mother teach you it's wrong to steal?” I spat out, grasping my money from her hands, to storm back to my father, while the girl's sobs echo the dark alley with broken hope.

A cold hand grips my arm as she whispers in my ear, “If only you had the heart to accept me that day...then I wouldn't have turned against you. But here we are...all because you refused to accept my mistake.”

I watch with a guilt ridden heart as her fingers easily find the runes within my soul, hissing out, “If you didn't steal from me, I would've helped you!”

Her dark blue eyes pierce my heart as she snarls, fingers ripping open the skin over my heart. “I don't care anymore. I will make your death sweet, long, and excruciating.”

A twisted smile plasters her face as she holds up a dark looking dagger and tightens the ropes binding my arms. As I willfully pass out I could only wonder why I had been so foolish to reject her desperate pleas for being free of running away from them.

Shaking her head to clear the dark thoughts from her mind, Nastusia runs after the child, calling, “Please! Stop, let me talk to you!”

As the tiny girl ducks into a familiar alleyway, Nastusia follows, gently calling out as she enters, “Please, girl. I just want to talk to you.”

After a few minutes of silence, a tentative response comes out from behind a pile of boxes, “Why would you want to talk when I stole from you, are you nuts?” Her tone turns somewhat sarcastic that causes Nastusia to smile, impishly.

“Yes, well I know from experience the only reason kids our age resort to such crimes is if they are fleeing from something. So who is it you're fleeing from, girl?”

The girl steps out from behind the pile to hand out the stolen money, whispering, ashamedly, “I was trying to escape the old man and his group.”

Old man? Nastusia wonders before flinching as she gives a description of who she hopes with her heart that it wasn't that man, “Does he have blond hair, gray eyes and has a scar on this face?” She shows where the scar would be and when the girl nods, fearfully, Nastusia finally lets out a surprising string of ancient curses.

The girl watches Nastusia in terror, taking a step back as the curses roll off her tongue. Timidly, she asks shakily, “Do...do you know him?”

When Nastusia glowers at her for that question, the girl almost bursts into tears as fear sends her mind into turmoil. Quickly Nastusia relaxes and soothingly touches her arm, “He's my grandfather. And trust me, girl, I know just what sort of creature he is.” Her eyes dull with memories as the faint feeling of something crawling down her chest sends her breathing to quicken.

As if understanding, the girl quickly hugs Nastusia mumbling into her shirt, “So I'm not the only one...he hurt.”

Takeshi watches from behind, his eyes flashing with rage as he realizes with a sickening stomach just what that lowlife of an elderly man had done to the two teens in front of him. Suppressing his outrage, he walks forward, loud enough for the two to have time to compose themselves.

“So, child, what's your name?” He asks, kindly as the girl clutches tightly to Nastusia's robes, watching him with terror. Despite the necklace stating it, he wanted to be sure and to at least hear her talk to him.

Whispering softly in her ear, Nastusia watches with relief as her new friend relaxes at her words to answer, voice cracking with fear, “My name is Evelyn...” She pauses slightly to add on, “Evelyn Moonslay.”

Nodding, he smiles warmly, “Well, Evelyn, why don't you come with us? In a few days we will be leaving town to head to Reya Academy. From the looks of it, your heritage should permit you access.”

Confused, Evelyn questions,”Heritage? What heritage?” She glances up at this tall, seemingly trustworthy man with suspicion and distrust at his smooth way of talking...almost as if he knew something she didn't. Narrowing her eyes she demands, almost heatedly, “What do you mean?!”

He stares at her, sternly ordering, “Do not take such a tone with me, young lady. And to answer your question, your last name gives it away. The Moonslay family has always been powerful rune healers. Your grandmother escaped at the risk of losing her daughter. So it seems you won't be alone.”

Evelyn stares at him in shock before nodding her head as Nastusia leads her out of the alley, asking her dad, "Do you think we can pick up some books?"

He watches with a small cringe at the delighted looks on both their faces as he reluctantly nods. Groaning at the two little monsters he created with that agreement he follows behind them as they walk in front, chatting happily about various subjects and books with obvious vigor.

'What have I done?" Takeshi mentally asks himself as he opens the door to the ancient bookstore and the two enter swiftly turning silent in respect for the peaceful atmosphere of any library or bookstore.

"Which do you like more, Nastusia? The Ancient Language of Runes or The Phantom of Redmoon?" Evelyn asks curiously as the two browse the shelves. At the sound of last book, Nastusia opens the book and notices with somewhat mystification that it seems blank. Frowning, she turns to Takeshi who manages to hide his relief at the blank book, "Daddy, why does this book talk about my family? What phantom?" Her inquisitive and quick eyes peer at him as he quickly offers softly, "When the time comes, little one, and you have need of such knowledge, I will tell you."

She watches him closely for a few seconds before nodding. Putting the book back, she tells Evelyn, "We should get some on Runes and Necromancy?"

As they continue debating, Takeshi sneaks amongst some other books and quickly pulls enough copies to satisfy his need to teach all the students the necessary fundamentals for Reya before they arrived...not wanting them to be behind, at all. As he pulls out books on ethics, the Ancient Realm, and several more topics he spots a sentinel book with surprise. As he pulls it out, his eyes narrow with rage. A frightening growl escapes his throat as he spins around ordering the lady of the shop, harshly, "How in Fate's name did you get the sentinel book of Redmoon?! That belongs to my descendants only!"

The last part is whispered far to softly for anyone but the owner to hear. She backs away, face paling with dread as she stammers out, "An elderly man came in with it asking for help catching those two girls...should they come through here...he said if I didn't give him the information he'd kill my baby girl." Tears fill her eyes as Takeshi lets out an agitated sigh.

Placing the book within his cloak, he pulls out a runic pen and carefully begins inscribing runes all along the bookstore, explaining them to the confused owner, who opens her mouth in protest. "These will keep that man and all that wish harm amongst your customers, you and your family out and unable to find you. No matter if you no longer work here. This will become a safe house for those who have need for peace."

Carefully placing the last rune within the midst of the store, he activates them, speaking, "I will not charge you, so long as I may take the book."

Her eyes speak volumes of gratitude and peace as she whispers, "Just take it! It belongs to you anyways, Takeshi. Forgive me for being rude earlier."

He smiles at the woman, "Don't worry. You were protecting your family. In your shoes, I would've done the same. Now, go on Nagori. I believe my child and her friend are ready."

Nastusia and Evelyn hurry up to Nagori with books loading their arms as Nagori chuckles, "Eager to learn, ladies?"

The two nod eccentrically as she totals up the forty books between the two plus Takeshi's fifty-five. After packing them within a runic bag, Nagori warmly sends them off, "Stay safe, now children and listen to Takeshi, you hear?"

As they promised too, Nastusia asks her daddy softly, "What do we have to do next?"

Glancing at the moons in guidance of time he finally replies while walking on with a light smile, "We'll meet Aticulis and the others at a nearby instrument store."

Not questioning his reasoning, Nastusia shyly takes hold of his cloak while pressing near him when the crowd thickenings. Evelyn's tight grip on her wrist did not phase Nastusia who smiles at the other girl.

Finally breaking through the swarming nest of people, the trio manage to reach Malicia's Music store in one piece, even if they were covered in dirt.

Patting the dirt off the children, Takeshi carefully opens the fragile door. It looks like the lightest breeze would crumble it and send it away in it's tide. The paint along the outside is peeling adding to the conclusion that it was a shop with no real value. Such misconceptions allows the more distinguished members of the society to notice it as if bugs swarming around a light.

Aticulis glances up from his book as Takeshi and the girls enter. Rayan and Aryiana were in a heated argument for the past half hour since they arrived and with the slight twitch in his hand, Takeshi notices with slight amusement that his dear friend would snap soon. To make matters worse the topic that resulted in such a foolish argument had been about different fighting styles.

Aticulis glares savagely at Takeshi, growling, "Shut them up, before I leave them within my wife's care." His eyes darken dangerously as the two continue bickering hotly, escalating fast.

Sobering slightly at the threat, Takeshi strictly orders the fighting duo, "Silence! Such disrespect to Aticulis you have shown. Do you want to get on my angry side?" He stares them down with a threatening look and the two quickly pale and shake their heads as Nastusia suddenly exclaims, cuddling the young cub to her chest, "I shall name her, Yori!"

Shaking his head in exasperation, Takeshi grounds out, "Just pick an instrument that feels right to you."

The group wanders off leaving the two adults to stand at the side, relieved at the privacy. As they explore, Aticulis murmurs inquiring, "So can she help?"

Takeshi watches Nastusia gently finger a violin and answer just as quietly, "She can alleviate the pain for now. In time....she hopes to have a way to break it."

Aticulis nods sharply as they watch Aryiana gently pick up a flute, remembering almost absently the sound her brother used to make when he played. Holding the flimsy instrument with care and reverence, Aryiana picks up a music book to the side of it and walks up to Takeshi just as Nastusia joins with the violin.

"Rayan?" Nova whispers as she stares down at the piano with interest. As her fingers glide over the keys, Rayan glances up from the cello he holds tentatively.

"Hmm?" Rayan hums as he picks of the instrument and a learner's book while Evelyn peers with interest at a clarinet.

"What do you think of Nastusia?" She bluntly demands while glaring at the girl in question while her back is away.

Rayan pauses in his stride towards Takeshi to turn and stare at Nova with an indescribable expression. Watching Nastusia from the corner of his eyes, his hands itching to pound this insensitive girl in front of him, he finally growls at Nova, "Take a closer look at people before you judge them! She isn't some stuck up royalty that her family is. Have you actually SEEN her? As she walks? When she speaks when others even slightly raise their voices?"

Nova scowls at him. Eyes darkening with contempt she snaps at the small imprudent boy, "Do not speak to me as if you know more of her than I."

Rayan snatches her arm roughly, his nails cutting into her skin as he finally shouts, "Do not speak as if you are worth more than ME or HER! You cannot lie that she is the only one that can control them! The only one that can stop the light." He spits out the word light as if it was poison before storming away from a startled Nova.

Takeshi glances up at the two and upon hearing the topic, frowns wondering exactly what to do should this seemingly childish dislike Nova held get worse. With a sigh he asks Aticulis, "What's wrong with Nova? Why is she so against my daughter?"

Aticulis shrugs noncommittally before all the children gather around them, each with their own unique instrument. After paying, Takeshi reports calmly, "We'll be leaving in an hour. We'll go to the hotel and pack before picking up Anastasia."

Nodding in agreement the group makes their way back. While they went on ahead, Nastusia slowly falls in behind, her eyes downcast as she ponders sadly over what to do...this feeling wouldn't go away if she didn't speak. Sighing internally she twists the hem of her shirt. Pushing her blond hair out of her eyes, she slowly allows her mind to drift through the various memories swarming inside her mind. One in particular sends chills up her spine, making her cringe when Yori gently rubs up against her ankle as she waits patiently for Takeshi to finish packing.

With the cold wooden wall against her back, Nastusia closes her eyes with a tired groan as memories and insecurities flood her mind. Picking unconsciously at the bandages on her arm, she murmurs almost afraid, "Why can't you go away?"

"Because I am you. You can't run away from the past, beautiful Nastusia. You can only watch as it consumes you. Have you forgotten him, already? He'll find you!" Her heart whispers while exposing the true pain.

"No...he won't! Daddy will keep me safe!" Nastusia screams inside while sliding down the wall to curl up tightly. Tears streak down her face as she fights to hold back the tide of memories. One memory grips hold and with a shrill laughter of victory, her darkest persona lets it open before watching gleefully as Nastusia crumbles under the memory.

The faint smell of coppery blood wafts through my senses as I open my eyes to find myself laying down upon the cold stone floor while off to my side I can hear the whispered voices of my grandfather, Asyian, and my father. Tentatively lifting my arm, I almost give away my consciousness by nearly screaming as pain slams into my foggy mind.

Pushing back the bile rising in my throat, I force my body to move despite the pool of blood forming below me. Knowing I wouldn't be able to die from these wounds, I shakily drew myself to my full height to watch my grandfather smirk at my father, a new expression plastering his face. Stepping back with instinctive fear, I trip over the bloody whip laying beside where I had passed out.

He turns to me and grins as she screams. Crawling back, I shrieks, "Stay away from me!"

Laughing coldly, Asyian grasps hold of my blood covered arm tightly, yanking me up without a care at the pain it causes as I let out a scream of pain. Kicking at his stomach, I claw at his hand, snarling, "What the hell have I done to you!"

Asyian simply grins at me while his body presses me against the wall with suffocating pressure. As I struggle to break free his free hand roughly grips my thigh as he whispers, "Don't fight. It is unbecoming of a slave."

My fingers blindly grasp to stop this sudden frightening invasion when suddenly his teeth rank themselves tightly within my neck, drawing out even more blood. Vision blurring I slip into darkness, praying that someone would save me.

"Nastusia!" Takeshi all but shouts as he tightens his grip on her shoulder. Her eyes stare distantly at him as if in a trance before finally she screams and yanks free, running as fast as possible out into the busy streets, tears blurring her vision as her heart slams into her chest with pounding force.

'Didn't I tell you? You cannot escape what you are...you are nothing." The darkness whispers softly in her heart as Nastusia claws her nails deeply into her right arm, splattering blood upon the road as she continues running, her breathing becoming labored as she hears her daddy's worried voice calling from behind her to stop.

'I'm not! I mean something to him...to Janena! Why else would it choose me over Damien!' She argues back, her inner voice cracking as she finally collapses to the ground, sobbing.

Catching up to her, Takeshi gently leans to touch her shoulder before she jerks away snapping, tearfully, "Don't touch me!"

Takeshi carefully sits beside her, soothingly murmuring, "I won't touch you, if you do not wish it, child."

Nastusia watches with distrust as he calmly sits, unmoving. Tentatively she whispers, "What do I mean to you?" Her mouth opens to add more when he simply responds, his voice kind yet strict.

"You're my daughter. I will give my life for you and I will rid this planet all that have wronged you."

Heart pulling in two different directions, Nastusia carefully crawls over to him, her legs unable to support her shaking body as sobs wrack her body, again. Collapsing in his lap, she cries, "Will you really kill them?"

Takeshi stares down at his beautiful girl, his eyes burning with no faltering determination. "I will. Anyone who dares to harm you or have already done so shall not live on. Not while I still have the strength to fight."

Shakily gripping his arm, she whispers, "Then will you kill those people? Will you get rid of Asyian?"

Staring into her fearful eyes, he knew at that moment that his heir, Asyian would pay for whatever he's done to break his little daughter. Smoothing back her hair as she slips into an uneasy rest, he promises, "I swear that when the day comes, my baby, I will make that man pay."
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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29 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 98
Reviews: 29
Wed Nov 23, 2011 4:21 pm
sandayselkie says...

Aw he really cares for her. I have one comment. Sometimes it gets confusing when she has a vision or a memory. Maybe you would be better putting that in italics. Apart from that it is still as interesting as when you started
"Live in the present, remember the past and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now."

"That's the spirit. One part courage. Three parts fool"

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378 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1276
Reviews: 378
Wed Nov 23, 2011 7:23 pm
Soulkana says...

Sorry I meant to do it when I post it but when I have been working on homework I tend to forget I'll fix that ^^
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

Even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes.
— Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief