
Young Writers Society

Chapter Three: NaNo

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Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:44 am
Soulkana says...

Chapter 3:
Waking up to a strange room, Nastusia glances around to spot a window, revealing the three moons in complete alignment. Remembering back to the book she read a few years ago she smiles briefly, it is only Tuesday. Gazing even more closely at the phases she comes to the conclusion it is only around four o'clock. Turning to survey this strange new room she struggles to remember what happened before she woke.

Pulling back the blanket she stares at her bandaged hand in confusion. As she struggles to sit up a familiar voice comes floating in from the doorway, "Glad to see you've awaken, child. Try not to move too quickly. You may wind up reopening those cuts."

Turning her head towards the sound she spots Takeshi leaning against the doorway with a contemplative expression as he watches her move carefully out of the tangle of blankets and clothing. As she manages to untangle herself he finally questions gently, "Do you remember what happened earlier today?"

As the question leaves his mouth her eyes widen with fear. Remembering how she had fallen unconscious while trying to set up Damien's birthday party and her father's "special" daggers and finally Takeshi, himself. Flinching violently at the painful images she nods sadly. Pushing a strand of her blond hair away from her eyes with her left hand, where her mark lay proudly and unmarred.

"Were you being serious when you said you'd find a way to break those runes?" She whispers dejectedly as she bows her head to stare with discourage at the mark. Her eyes like vibrant violet swirling in water as tears slowly trickle down her cheeks.

Moving across the room to sit on the edge of bed beside her, Takeshi firmly states, "I meant every word. I promise you, child, I will find a way. No matter what it takes! And in time that man will get his punishment for hurting my daughter."

Snapping her head up to look at his face she stutters in shock and fearful longing, "Daughter?"

Carefully cupping her face with his hand Takeshi replies smoothly, “Yes, daughter.” He begins before asking, teasingly, “What you don’t want to be my daughter, child?”

He immediately regrets his question when she stares at him with pure horror and hurt as her tears finally fall. Shrinking back she whispers, “I do...but why me?” She looks away to stare out the window, shoulders shaking as she cries almost completely silent.

Moving nimbly he catches hold of her arm to pull her tightly into a comforting embrace, reassuring her, soothingly, “Of course I want you as a daughter. You’re a very wonderful person, child. Your strength and personality are truly admirable.”

Burying her face in his torso, her answer comes out almost inaudible, “No, I’m not.”

Shaking his head in disagreement he reluctantly moves on, “Well, we will just have to disagree on that, little one. Now let’s discuss some things before we have breakfast, alright?”

With a muffled sigh Nastusia moves back to glance at him tearfully. As she reaches up to wipe away the tears she notices for the first time she no longer is wearing her torn kimono. Instead she now had on a dark blue nightgown made of Rythread.

Takeshi watches as slowly regains her confidence and straightens up to gaze upon the book shelf behind him with admiration. Its elegant white oak wood makes a nearly perfect background for the beautifully carvings of brilliant violet moons and graceful tigers in different positions. All around the room were bookcases up to the ceiling.

"Nastusia, we need to talk about what will be happening in the next few years. But also about what you are, specifically." Takeshi speaks with a serious tone that causes her to turn her attention immediately to his with curiosity and apprehension.

"Okay." She fidgets nervously with the blanket as he moves so that he is resting against the wall in which the bed is against.

Pausing in attempt to find a way to begin he finally begins after a few minutes of tense silence, "Nastusia, the best way to explain this would be to start at the beginning. The very, very beginning, " He starts explaining while watching her carefully for any signs of discomfort, "When the Realms were first created they were populated by a species of extremely resilient people with specific abilities for what they called Yarak, or what people now call, magic. But they're magic came with a hefty price. Should you use too much than what you're capable of you experience all sorts of effects including death for those who use far too high level power. It was and still is a safe guard for those who have their blood in their veins."

"But then wouldn't everyone have this problem?" She interrupts quietly before turning terrified and stares at him with apologetic eyes. "Sorry." She mumbles, gazing down at the floor.

"Don't be afraid to ask questions. That question is actually a very wise question to ask. To answer that slowly as time went on some of them begin mating with creatures from different cultures like the Lykras which their children later became what we know as humans. They're magic is less violent. There are many families that are still very powerful in the ways of the Ancient ones or what humans later called, Necromancers and Summoners."

Nodding in understanding Nastusia asks softly, "So what does that have to do with me?"

He smiles mystically at her, "The ancient royal family of Janena has always been of both Necromancer and Summoner blood. Thus they're heirs tend to be one or the other. Never have there been an heir with both powers, like you. You, Nastusia, is the lost heir to Janena. Your real name is Nastusia Raven Redmoon-Darkcasta. The throne has been vacant since the rebellion and later slaughter of the Summoners and Necromancers by the humans, whose primal instinct to fear what it doesn't understand caused the death of millions."

His eyes shadow over with a dark, scorching glare as he spoke of humans that makes Nastusia pause slightly, "So the knowledge of who is the royal family disappeared because of the massacre, then?"

He nods, smiling proudly at her quick ability to put the pieces together. "Yes. But they still live on, only hidden from the humans to preserve the few, but still growing descendants."

"So, what does this have to do with me and the future?" She asks almost panicking at the thought of being royalty.

"For now we must train you at the Reya Academy for the Gifted. A school where all the knowledge of the Summoner and Necromancer races are sealed away within its basement. Spells, records, laws, belongings all are preserved as if no time has passed. Should someone break into its vault the consequences would be catastrophic." He explains with a strict look at the girl who nods quickly in understanding of the hidden message.

"In a few months we will begin our trip to the Academy where you will learn to control your powers and learn the limits and abilities you've been given. You will also learn of the traditions. But for now I think we should eat and find you some suitable clothing at a nearby village." He warmly moves on before standing with his hand held out to help her off the bed.

A happy smile crosses her face as she willingly, but slightly hesitantly takes his hand. Surprised by how gently and considerately he is when he helps her stand she wonders absently if she would be able to trust him. Even though he never left her side since they had met a part of her constantly rings off in her head that sooner or later she would no longer be of use and like her parents, he would get rid of her. Despite her constant doubts she realizes as they make their way out of the room that she wouldn't mind trusting him, no matter the consequences. He was the first to respect her as a human before her sister was born when she was 8. Now almost thirteen she ponders of the possibility of wanting to have a father when she truly didn't know what a real dad was like.

'No time like the present to start learning,' She thinks positively as she walks behind him.

Inspecting the hallways as they move towards the dining room she admires the comfortable silver and black color scheme within the house. Pulling a little at his hand she asks, curiously, “Why did you chose black and silver instead of something like wood or green and blues?”

Laughing at her, Takeshi smiles, “I like those colors besides why be like everyone else when you can be your own person?”

Stopping just before the door to the dining room, Nastusia pauses to consider his reasoning before letting out a slight smile, “Then I like it. I never liked the overwhelming red and brown theme at their house.” The raw emotion in the at the end causes Takeshi to turn to look at her with a considering expression.

“Well you won’t be going back. Is there anything in particular you want for breakfast?” He asks as they enter the dining room together to see a young girl sitting with what one assumes is her father. The girl glances up from the book she is reading to stare with open curiosity at Nastusia and says friendly, “Hello , I’m Nova and you are?”

Nastusia flinches and steps behind Takeshi to hide from this stranger. “Hello, Nova.” She mumbles from behind him as Nova glares haughtily at her timidness.

Glaring with annoyance on her face, Nova demands, “What’s your name?” Her dark eyes pierce the spot behind Takeshi where Nastusia stands with her face buried deep in his back, her hands shaking as they clutch at his dark robes.

Takeshi shoots her a stern glare and answers, “Her name is Nastusia, Nova. Now are you and Aticulis ready for breakfast?” He stares pointedly at the book in her hands and her father’s rather amused expression as he nods his head in acknowledge of Takeshi’s question.

Turning to remove Nastusia so he could find the chef, Takeshi steers her towards a chair beside Nova, saying, “I’ll go get breakfast. Can you try and get to know Nova, while I’m gone?”

Nastusia searches his eyes for any signs of deceit before nodding and tentatively pulling out the chair beside Nova muttering,”I’ll try, but only because you asked.”

Glancing fearfully at Nova as Takeshi vanishes in a black mist out of the room, Nastusia asks awkwardly, “What are you reading?”

Nova turns to face her with a sneer, her eyes boring into Nastusia’s with contempt, “It’s about the ancient language, Yruka. You probably wouldn’t understand it.”

Eyes shifting their gaze to the table Nastusia whispers, sadly, “I do know it.”

Nova glares haughtily snapping harshly, “No you don’t! How could a mere kinqa possibly know the ancient language of the Summoners?!”

“Nova Alix Ashwind! How dare you speak so disrespectfully of the Lord Takeshi’s daughter?!” Nova’s father sharply rebukes as carefully placing the ancient book he held unto the table.

“But father! Look at her! She can’t possibly be thirteen she looks like she’s only eight!” Nova insultingly protests staring at Nastusia’s small stature.

Nastusia flinches and looks away. Refusing to concede that Nova’s words were hurting her she turns her attention to Takeshi who enters with several plates and bowels of food upon a large tray. With agile movement he balances the tray in one hand all the way to the table.

As he sets it down Nova abruptly stands and storms from the room. Takeshi glances at Nastusia with concern when he spots the tears and Yry’s angry face as he watches his daughter leave with disapproval.

“What happened?” Takeshi asks with a hint of anger creeping into his voice as Nastusia glances up at him in fear.

Wincing at his tone, Nastusia murmurs pleadingly, “It’s nothing.”

Takeshi eyes his daughter closely for a minute. Seeing just how badly she wanted the subject dropped he finally gives in, “Alright. Now then, let us eat. I will send a plate down to her room in a few minutes.”

Placing an empty plate in front of her, Takeshi orders kindly, "Eat whatever you want, Nastusia."

Nastusia stares at the various types of foods spread amongst the large table and hesitantly looks over at the ones she knew for she had cooked them everyday since she turned three. Now wondering what they taste like she carefully grabs a few stripes of bacan and a piece of white bread with grape jelly.

Glancing confused down at the silverware she fingers the metal fork with a helpless expression as she turns to Takeshi. He carefully picks up the fork and slides her fingers around it saying, “I’ll have to show you how to use these later on.”

She sighs softly but tightens her awkward grip upon the fork. Determined to learn how to use this delicate looking piece of metal she slowly begins eating, keeping eyes on Takeshi to see just how to use it.

As she almost finishes her body tenses as she turns cold. Shivering she tightens her grip around the table edge, digging grooves into the edge. Blood drips slowly to the floor as her eyes glaze over and stare off into the distance in front of her.

This had to be the place the old man spoke of. I peer at the manor with open curiosity as I hide, unseen, behind a bush a few feet from the window. Inside I can see a girl leaning against my target. He had waited far too long to stay here. With a smirk I move to strike.

Skillfully tossing my dagger so the moonlight’s reflection would be the dimmest, I watch with satisfaction as it shatters the glass and embeds itself deep within his chest.

Smirking, I watch with amusement as the girl lets out a scream and her eyes flash a deadly black. With a swift whispered incantation I escape the deadly fury of magic just barely with a last look at the girl who could be about my age.

As I vanish from the yard without being spotted I wonder what would’ve happened if the man had left earlier. Shrugging it away I harden my resolve while repeating that if it is the way to finding my sister, I would do whatever it took.

Glancing up at the three moons with determination I vow firmly, “I will do whatever it takes to find you, imouto-chan!”

Nastusia hand jerks as her eyes turn slowly more focused. Pulling her hands to her lap she looks down at the table, stomach churning with terror. Pushing her chair back she flees the room suddenly when Takeshi moves to comfort her. Worried, he trails after her making sure to remain unnoticed at the moment.

Rushing into the room she had woken up in, Nastusia huddles tightly in a corner with her face pressed against her knees as tears spill unchecked down her face. Shoulders shaking as sobs wrack her small frame she cries out, "I don't want to lose him.."

"Lose who?" Takeshi pries gently as he kneels next to her.

Nastusia glances up to stare at him with despair as she whispers, "We have to leave for the Academy now or you'll be killed!"

Staring deep into her fearful, panicked eyes Takeshi inquires softly, "What do you mean, child?"

Fidgeting with the nightgown slightly she explains in a quiet, tearful tone, "I saw that if we stay here an assassin will kill you. Please, Takeshi, we have to leave!" Her voice rises to a desperate shout at the end as she begs with tears in her eyes.

Unconcerned about this revelation, Takeshi soothes, "We will leave later tonight. But for now we needs to get you a new wardrobe. Relax, little one, we'll be long gone before this happens." He assures her firmly as she opens her mouth to protest.

Sighing sadly she nods with a disbelieving frown before wiping the tears away, winching as pain shot up her arm. Glancing at the bandages she realizes with faint horror that the wounds have opened and felt fear trickle slowly in as she looks at Takeshi, expecting him to be furious. Instead he takes her hand into his and gently unwraps the bandage to inspect the damage with concern sparking.

The wounds have only open a bit but the amount of blood worries Takeshi as he carefully pulls a handkerchief from his sleeve to apply pressure to the wounds saying soothingly, "They would've reopened sooner or later, child. Do not fear that I will become angry with you over something you have no control over."

As he carefully draws out a roll of bandages she asks tentatively, "Will we be able to go shopping now?" She didn't want to stay in here any longer than they needed to be..the vision of his blood all over the her vision self sends a crawling sensation of distress up through her body as she glances out the window in curiosity of their surroundings.

Laughing at her antics, Takeshi stands up to head out the door. Turning back at her who is still staring out the window, Amused, he calls out to her, "Are we going shopping or not? Because I'm willing to stay inside if you-"

"No!" Nastusia shouts, jumping to her feet to rush after him. Catching up to him she gasps for breath while panting, "But..is it ok for me to be wearing pajamas?" She asks, breathlessly as she gestures at her nightgown with a disgruntled expression.

"What nightgown?" Takeshi teases lightly as he draws a rune behind his back changing the nightgown into a violet dress that reaches her knees and smiles brightly as she lets out a small laugh, eyes twinkling with mirth.

As they exit the house Nastusia's eyes widen with childlike delight and awe at the vast scenery. In front of the house is a large orchid of apple trees, yanga trees, and sakura trees. As the sakura petals fall to the ground by the mighty wind, Nastusia notices a brilliant squirrel heading towards her.

Curious piques up as she kneels down to hold out her hand. As it scampers up her arm and around her shoulder with its tiny feet she couldn't help but laugh at the tinkling sensation and the chattering of the silver squirrel makes her laugh grow stronger. Takeshi smiles from behind her as she walks in front of him, following the road, talking to the young animal without fearing that someone would overhear.

Briefly touching her shoulder as she continues walking forward, not watching the fact she is heading in the wrong direction, Takeshi takes her hand. Guiding her behind him, he begins making a list of things they would need and things he would have to finish before they left latter. Turning to glance at the child he wonders, absently, if his daughter had lived if she would be like Nastusia.

"Takeshi, can I keep him?" Nastusia implores, widening her eyes with hope as she pets the oddly tame squirrel with such gentleness and love.

Glancing down at her, Takeshi feels torn between agreeing and the fact the animal is obviously wild. Sighing with regret he answers, gently as possible, "No, Nastusia. The squirrel is a wild animal. He would be unable to adapt to sudden changes and would lose his instincts to live in the wild should something happen and he's left without an owner."

Tears fill her eyes as she glances mournfully at the silver squirrel who nuzzles her cheek as a lone tear falls. With a heavy heart she gently picks the squirrel up and sets it on the ground. It glances up at her as she whispers sadly, "I guess you're right."

It chatters for a few seconds before darting back up a nearby tree as Nastusia grips her father's hand, trembling with grief. Takeshi sighs internally and offers in hopes to make her happy, "When we finish clothes shopping I'll let you pick an animal from the pet shop."

Her eyes catch his with hope as he nods smiling at her unasked question. Eyes widening with excitement she continues to walk beside him with a joyful spring in her steps. Despite her excitement and the fact his goal has been accomplished, Takeshi wonders absently just what he has gotten himself into as they enter the small town of Trui.

"Why do they have food out? Won't it wilt?" Nastusia inquires tucking slightly on his sleeve as she stares at the food stand in confusion.

"The stands sell their food to buyers in the day, " He explains, "Most will buy a week's worth of food today since it's Tuesday."

Nodding absently she glances away shyly as the stand owners smile warmly at her. Moving closer to Takeshi as the crowd thickens as they near the town square, Nastusia asks, "Where are we heading?"

Takeshi nods his head to a rather large shop just ahead, "We're heading to Ryranth, the cloth weaver." He answers as they cross the road as several villagers wave, welcoming to Takeshi.

As they enter the shop an elderly woman with long and surprisingly light blonde hair greets warmly, "Aah Takeshi, have you come to visit, child?" Her hands nimbly moves the delicate Rythread through the loom with skillful grace and accuracy. Her mouth quirks into a grandmotherly smile when she spots Nastusia staring at her with reverence as she watches her hands moving along the loom.

Takeshi smiles coyly and apologizes, "Sorry, madam, I'm here to get my daughter a full wardrobe."

Nastusia gazes around at the many different styles and colors, overwhelmed. "But there's so many!" She whispers with awe as she hesitantly moves forward to inspect the various articles of clothing with careful respect.

"Don't be afraid to look around, child." Ryranth coaxes her as she sets the down her work on the loom to help Nastusia who stares at the different clothing. Unsure of what to do she asks hesitantly, "What do we need?"

Taking her hand he leads her calmly over to the girls' section explaining the different varieties. "You'll need shirts, pants, robes, training gears, and several other garments." He points out the varieties of each one and adds on, "Just pick out what you like and we'll find ways to match them."

Eyes shining with joy she spends the next hour gazing intently at every piece of clothing within the sections with an almost frightened longing. As she moves towards the huge section on shirts she stays close to the darker colors and with a chuckle Takeshi whispers to Ryranth, “Watch what seems to gaze at the most, I need to get something.”

Smiling at the man the elderly woman smiles while encroaching upon the young teen, “What’s your favorite animal, child?”

Startled, Nastusia spins to face the woman, dropping the red shirt in her haste. Starting wide at the woman she scampers to place the shirt upon the rack with care. “I’m sorry, ma’am! I won’t drop it again.”

Patting her hand gently, Ryranth scolds lightly, “Don’t worry over such a tiny mistake, my dear. Now, do you know what you’re favorite animal or design is?”

Nastusia pauses to think slightly before lifting her left arm so the woman could see the detailed mark. Taking her hand, Ryranth gently turns the arm over to inspect the whole design and smiles brightly with glee.

“I think I can manage. Now run along, dear, and pick out some colors for everything.” She says, gently scooting the teen towards the clothes with a smile.

Another half hour passes and Nastusia places a rather huge pile of clothes upon the counter which hesitation glittering in her eyes as she watches Ryranth work at the loom. As she finishes what looks like a long white cloak made of some heavy material she questions, "So what have you picked out, little one?"

Nastusia smiles lightly, more at ease now, and squints down at the tags to read them. With a smile she totals the clothes with a grin, "I have six shirts, seven pairs of those baggy pants, three dresses, and a bunch of cloaks..." She trails off when Ryranth takes a look at the assortment with pride.

"You managed to do what many children you're age cannot." She murmurs in amusement. Carefully sorting out the colors she notices immediately they were interchangeable. Laughing softly she surveys the colors of black, blue, violets, silvers, and reds with a hint of contemplation.

"Which ones do you want to have the mark on, Nastusia?" The old woman inquires as she lays her weathered hand on the counter, watching the girl carefully as she pulls from the pile several black pants, several shirts and one of her silver robes. Glancing up at her she timidly asks, "Are you sure you can do it on all of them?"

"Don't fret so much, girl. Of course I can." Ryranth scolds mildly as with surprisingly quick movements of a stone, draws a complex language upon the air above the stack of chosen clothing. A brief flash of red light causes the mark to fade upon each before sealing it within the Rythread fibers.

Staring at the changed clothing with reverence, Nastusia thanks the woman graciously as Takeshi enters the shop once more asking, "Have you chosen?"

Spinning around, Nastusia beams happily at him. "Yes, sir." She says, pointing towards the pile upon the counter.

Chuckling as he walks up to the counter, Takeshi ruffles her blonde hair while asking Ryranth, "Who much do I owe you, mother?"

Ryranth smiles brightly, "All I ask is that you bring my adorable new granddaughter more often, child." She pierces him with a fierce glare as he laughs nervously before agreeing as the temperature drops a few degrees when he stayed silent.

Packing the clothes within Nasusia's mark with the heirlooms she had taken from her birth parents, Takeshi calls over his shoulder as they make their way out, "Don't worry, mother, we'll be fine. Promise me that if you have any trouble that you'll tell me?"

Cuffing her son on the back of the head, Ryranth scolds icily, "Don't tell me you think I can't defend myself, young man. Because let me tell you I can too!"

Takeshi glares haughtily snapping, somewhat hurt, "I just want you to stay safe, mama. I know you can protect yourself but what if something happens and it's no longer safe for you here?? I don't want to lose you!" He stares at her, eyes tearing up at the thought of her getting hurt because she was too stubborn to come find him.

Her hazel eyes soften at her usually withdrawn child look so worried over her safety. Finally sighing she relents, "Very well, child. Should something happen that warrants such drastic measures, I will come to you. Stay safe, Takeshi and take good care of my granddaughter!"

The two head off on the way back to the Manor. As they cross the street full of wandering villagers and merchants Takeshi suddenly turns directions to a rather large shop near the edge of the village. Its rugged, nearly collapsing appearance doesn't deter from his relentless advance as Nastusia follows behind him like a chick following the mother duck.

"Where are we going, dad?" Nastusia asks, slipping out for the first time what she has been calling him for almost three years. Gasping, she stares uneasily at Takeshi who turns to face her. Flinching violently as he moves towards her she steps back stammering, "I'm sorry! I won't say it again..." Her voice quiets down to a whisper near the end as Takeshi leans in and pulls her into a tight hug.

Stroking her hair softly Takeshi murmurs in her ear soothingly, "I want you to say it. I'm happy that you are willing to call me that." Pulling back to look her in the eyes he answers her question with a teasing smile, "Didn't I promise to let you have a pet? But if you don't want one-"

He's cut off as Nastusia shouts, "I want one!" Grabbing his arm tightly she tries to drag him to the pet store in front of them only to stumble when he stays exactly where he is. Turning to stare at him pleadingly, "Come on!!!"

He keeps his face blank while inside he is laughing before calmly walking at a moderate pace much to Nastusia's impatience. She yanks impatiently on his hand as she walks in front, desperate to reach the store as quick as possible despite his attempts to prolong the inevitable with amusement.

As they finally enter the shop a small bell rings as a signal of a customer while the animals begin to pace in their cages or fenced off sections at the prospect of being picked. Turning to face the counter where a young lady stands exchanging a piece of paper with another customer, Nastusia hesitantly moves over to inspect the various animals with excitement.

As she looks at the variety of pets, Takeshi leans against the wall and waits patiently. Still absently wondering what else was to be done before they left in a few hours. Calculating slowly how much time it would take to leave the current area he watches her gently stroke the sign that reads, "Shadow Eggs."

"The Shadow Eggs hatch into a specific animal with the ability to protect itself by using shadow magic. In no way is their magic used for us, humans. Do you understand, child?" Takeshi inquires softly as she turns to face him.

She nods slowly and questions what she heard, "They use their abilities to protect them and won't be used for the gains of humans, yes?" Despite this knowledge she still tentatively strokes the various eggs with fascination.

"Aah, have you found something you like?" The lady at the front asks as she saunters over to Nastusia who nods, holding up an egg with tender care and consideration.

The woman smiles down at Nastusia with respect. To find a teen so considerate and kind to the creatures is truly a miracle in itself. Carefully taking the egg she murmurs a soft incantation and the black egg glows faintly before she hands it back saying cheerfully, "This egg shall hatch within a few days. I'll give you a book keyed into its specific code so when it hatches you'll know how to properly take care of it, alright?"

Nodding eagerly, Nastusia almost bounces on her heels as she waits for the lady to come back. Holding the egg reverently she glances over at Takeshi and gives a soft, heart melting smile before turning back as the sound of footsteps echoes back as the lady enters with a book, out of breath.

Puffing for air, she smiles warmly handing over the book. "Here it is." She says carefully handing the book over as Takeshi pays her for both the book and the egg. As he hands over the small black coins Nastusia pipes up, curiously, "Why are the coins black when others have different colors?"

Takeshi notices despite her vibrant energy she is slowly draining her energy. Subtly swaying on her feet Nastusia struggles to keep her tiredness hidden as they head out the store. With the egg held still carefully in her hands she asks again, "Why is that?"

Takeshi raises an eyebrow at her with amusement before picking her up in his arms, carefully so the egg wouldn't be dropped. Sighing deeply, Nastusia murmurs quietly, "I can walk."

Not bothering to answer her, he calmly walks back up the path to the manor while explaining the coin system, "Each of the coins are of the same value. The colors represent wealth. The symbols stand for which country we live in or planet. The black of mine represents the highest class and the symbol represents Janena."

Still curious she fingers the delicate looking black coin Takeshi handed to her during his explanation. Turning it over to see what sign is engraved upon the metal she raises an eyebrow at the three moons with exasperation.

"What do these moons mean? It keeps coming up in lots of places?" Nastusia questions as they head farther within the forest that surrounds the town and their home.

"They share many meanings. Sometimes they're used to symbolize Janena as a whole since every other planet only has one moon due to the gravity being unable to hold three. It also is the marking of the Necromancers and Summoners. It also has been used to symbolize different creatures that have long passed. Only their documents remain behind hinting at some mystical force our moons hold over us, but it's never been researched thoroughly." Takeshi murmurs as Nastusia smiles briefly.

She always enjoys their conversations of the things around them. Even though he hadn't been in his human form, he spoke to her through runes along the floor in order to teach her during the long hours of being locked away. Curling her hands tightly around his neck, and resting her head upon his should she comments almost absently, "You're a good teacher, dad."

His laughter causes her to let out a small laugh as well just as they reach the start of the manor gate. Takeshi carefully shifts his hold on her as she gently fingers the egg almost crooning to it as she murmurs undefinable words to it, as if it is listening.

Opening the large gate, Takeshi finally notices a subtle change within his daughter. For the first time in the three years since he had adopted her by placing upon her arm that mark, she actually seems happy. She had torn down that mask almost immediately and just now he realizes with surprise that it had been gone since he came back from gathering some supplies while she picked out the clothes.

Now laughing internally at himself for not noticing sooner, Takeshi carefully sets her down on the steps outside, commenting amusingly, "Sit here and spend some time with that lovely egg of yours, while I go find out what needs to be taken with us."

Nodding, Nastusia agrees quickly before turning her attention back to the egg, saying quietly, "When I was five..."

Her voice grows quieter as he heads inside to spot Nova leaving the dining room, again, with a scowl. Finally, out of patience, Takeshi asks, "What's gotten into you today, Nova? I figured you'd be happy to have a girl your age around, you always wanted a friend."

She turns to face him, her eyes searching his as if figuring out what he truly wanted, "I don't like her. She seems...different."

Raising in eyebrow, he keeps to himself that he knew something else was going on, he answers calmly, "Maybe you should try too. She's not going to open up so easily to strangers."

With that lesson given he heads towards his private study, noticing with a shiver, at the distant look in Nova's eyes as she mulls over the words he just spoke.

Nastusia frowns as a rustle in the bushes causes her to fumble in her tale to glance fearfully at the shrubs a mere foot away. Tentatively, setting the egg down in a soft pile of grass, she stands to confront the bushes when a rabbit hops out from behind.

Staring somewhat sheepishly at the bunny, Nastusia finally pulls from her shock to let out a loud laugh, clutching her sides as fits of laughter rack her body. Gasping for air she laughs for several long minutes before hearing distantly what sounds like a person crying in pain. Unable to move past the wards, she feels her heart crack as the cries grew increasingly more desparate.

'I hope whoever is crying will be ok!' She thinks while praying to the otherwordly moons hanging up in the sky that the being in pain would be freed from it soon.

As the two prepare to leave the manor a young boy returns home from school with worry for his sister. Clutching his bag tightly within his hand, he murmurs under his breath, almost desperately, "Please let her be ok. Please don't let him hurt her!"

Rushing out of the town into the mountains he finally reaches a small row of what could only be described as rundown shacks. With the dark clouds, promising snow, the small clutter looks desolate and oppressive as he finally reaches the one at the far end. The only one occupied...the others had been abandoned almost a hundred years ago.

Pulling open the wooden door, not even twitching as it comes off and lands on the ground as he peers within the dimly lit room. Stepping inside a strange gurgling sound causes him to jerk out of his stupor and rush into the tiny bedroom area to see a terrifying site.

Heart jumping in his throat he watches with fear as his father pulls out from his mother's chest, a bloody dagger. He tosses her to the side to turn towards his frightened three year old sister who clutches a blanket tightly in her tiny fists from underneath the bed.

As the dangerous father encroaches upon her, the young boy screams, "Leave her alone, you bastard!"

The twelve year old rushes forward and grips the father's arm and kicks him in the ankle with all his might. Staggering back the father makes to slash the boy's chest with the knife only for him to jump back, eyes burning with contempt.

Grasping hold of the only other weapon within their tiny house, a thin sword, he lunges at his sire with hatred as the two clash for several minutes. The poor daughter watches in horror as her brother lands the killing blow with not even a sign of regret he lands another blow. Adrenaline surging through his veins he kicks the man as he falls, before letting the sword fall with a clatter to the floor as he catches site of his once beautiful mother covered in crimson blood.

Stomach churning he turns, heaving the meager lunch he had eaten mere hours before. Gasping in lungfuls of air he whispers, "Katalynn?"

She rushes towards her brother, crying. Wrapping her skinny arms around him she whispers, "Ra'an, no stay! Them w'll come."

He stares blankly down at his sister, wondering just how she knew of them. The ones that hide themselves in plain site. The light that is dark. "I can't leave you here, Katalynn. They'll take you away."

She jerks her tiny arms to their mother, who in her hands, clutched several necklaces. Together the siblings walk towards her, each with tears in their eyes as they carefully pry the pendants free as her eyes flicker towards them as she gasps out with her dying breath, "They are linked. Katalynn never forget your brother. And Rayan...my precious son...do not lose hope. You will find each other again...until then, I beg of you, get stronger. Find...find the true heir...the one of Redmoon. Her presence is with my mentor of the ancient Darkcasta."

Her eyes dull as the color fades as with her last breath leaves a plan for her two and only children. Shaking violently, Rayan turns to take his sister's shoulders speaking sternly, "Don't forget me, Kat. I promise you on mother's dying wish, I will find you again!"

The girl nods, wordlessly slipping down to her knees with tears in her eyes as her brother quickly rushes from the house. They would be on their owns now.

Running down the slopes of the mountains and into the thick woods as quickly as his short legs could take him, Rayan pushes aside his doubts, but unable to keep the tears from falling down his face. Sobs wracking his body and vision blurring with tears he quickly slows to a stumbling hurried walk as the wounds upon his back from a few days ago rip open and pain crashes through every nerves like a white hot flame.

Halting to fall to his knees he screams in anger and despair, "I'm sorry, Katalynn!! My lady, why couldn't you let her live!! Mother...please I don't know what to do without you! How do I find this mentor of yours??!"

Curling up along what feels like solid ground, he cries his broken heart to sleep, unable to take the grief any longer. With one last prayer for help, he slips easily into unconsciousness. As he rests several animals pause to sniff at him, others curling up beside him, as if desperate to hide his scent from the true darkness.

Nastusia watches the moons as they change ever so subtly as she hears a faint cry, just as Takeshi, Nova, and her father walk out of the house. Rushing back to them she picks up the egg and book, pleading with Takeshi while grasping his cloak sleeve to, almost blindly with overpowering concern for whoever was crying, drag him in direction to where the crying had come from.

"Nastusia, the academy isn't that direction." Takeshi states, uncertain to what could possibly possessing her to walk so deliberately in the wrong direction.

She turns to him, her face fierce, "There's someone crying out there! We have to help whoever it is! Please, daddy!" Her eyes shone with withheld tears as she opens the gates to rush off into the forest, not looking back or waiting for an answer.

Cursing under his breath, Takeshi races after her, leaving the other two to watch with confusion before they too go after the girl. As he rushes after her, Takeshi shouts, "Nastusia, don't run so fast! We'll find who it is, just slow down please, child."

Nastusia dimly hears her father's shouts as she stumbles out of a branch to trip over a large rock. Letting out a yelp of pain she glances up from the ground to see a small, slim hand curled out in front of her. Glancing in the dark light, she almost screams as she spots the blood stained clothes and the seemingly lack of breathing.

Pushing herself up as Takeshi halts behind her, she hurries to the unconscious person. Kneeling down beside him, she lets out a slight breathe of relief as the boy turns his head and opens his red, swollen eyes to stare at her in open terror.

Scampering back he screams, "Who are you!!!"

Nastusia backs away, flinching violently, whispering in fear herself, "I'm Nastusia...." She trails off as the boy turns his attention to Takeshi and widens his eyes at the Darkcasta symbol upon his cloak with both shock and relief.

Takeshi stares at this boy through the dim light and almost gasps at the similarities to her. Quickly pushing past his surprise he asks, gruffly, "By any chance, are you related to Helen Firewings?"

The boy jolts in what appears to be anguish as he looks away whispering, "She's my mother."

Takeshi winces and asks gently, "Did something happen?" He watches closely as the boy quickly retreats within himself, as if seeking relieve from some sort of traumatizing pain.

"She," his voice cracks with chocked sobs, "She died." He explains, unable to look at any of them as he stares, brokenly at the ground. Hands clenching into fists he adds on, almost spitting out the first few words with loathing, "My father killed her."

Takeshi's eyes shadow over as he mutters, a bit too loudly, "I knew that no good bastard wasn't safe."

Nastusia stares at the boy, her heart panging with sympathy. This boy is almost exactly like she had been before Takeshi. Carefully moving forward she takes his hand, promising heartfully, "It'll get better with time."

His blue eyes stare at her, the shine in most children's eyes gone, as if it had never been there. Slowly he nods, clutching her hand tightly, as if he let go she'd vanish and the pain would never fade. Whispering quietly, "She asked for me to find her mentor of the Darkcasta family and to grow strong so I can find my sister who, no doubtfully by now is within the hands of the light that's dark."

His cryptic ending sparks recognition in Takeshi and Nova's father. The two glance at each other and Takeshi smiles warmly at this boy, knowing there was no other choice now. This boy will become a target. No doubting this conclusion he makes his final decision, speaking, "Alright then. Would you like to come with us to the Academy?"

The boy pauses, almost frightened at the sudden prospect of having a future after losing all that he had before shakily answering, "Yes..I would like to become stronger...will you help me?"

Nastusia grins brightly, "We will try our best!"

With a slight smile, the boy moves closer to her, whispering, "Hi...my name is Rayan Firewings."
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

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29 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 98
Reviews: 29
Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:17 pm
sandayselkie says...

I really like this story. I love the whole way Nastusia has ended up a part of something really much bigger then thought of before. You manage to keep the build up going through out the entire story. Personally I would say that you need to explain things more. For example what is this light that is dark? What is actually going on with Takeshi's strange interest in the girl and his determination in sending her to the Academy?
I am not the best person to critique as I do to much describing. So I will just say, Yeah. Really good.
"Live in the present, remember the past and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now."

"That's the spirit. One part courage. Three parts fool"

Perfection is lots of little things done well.
— Marco Pierre White