
Young Writers Society

Gods of Death-Chapter 2

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Thu Nov 17, 2011 8:05 pm
onthesurface93 says...

Chapter 2

On the short journey to my room, my cubby, I run into Fred and Lina waiting patiently a few corridors down from the Master’s quarters. They are murmuring quietly to one another, Lina worried, Fred impatient. Nothing new there then.
“Lina, Fred...” I sigh tiredly as I stroll up to them. Fred turns and folds his arms across his broad chest, while Lina rushes to me and wraps me in her embrace. I have to bend down slightly because of our height difference, and rest my head on her shoulder.
“I am completely amazed that you have survived almost unscathed.” Fred comments with a sour note in his warm voice. I pull away from Lina and meet his eye.
“I’m sorry Fred. What I said was completely unforgivable, and it will not happen again.” I say, bowing my head to him in a show of my respect. After a short moment, he rolls his eyes a gives me a hardy pat, or thump, on the back.
“Make sure of it Lotta.” He sighs, finally showing his worry for me. Through all his pretending, his facade of manly superiority, he truly does care. I forget that way too often.
“What did the Master say Lotta?” Lina asks, but Fred holds up a hand to stop her.
“Enough talk of this matter, Lotta is tired. I have left some hot soup in your chambers. Eat, then sleep. You will not be attending classes tomorrow.”
Surprised by Fredrich’s kindness, I am speechless for once. Lina sighs, glancing at me wistfully before nodding in agreement.
“We will talk tomorrow Chiquita.” She sighs, then glances at my arm brace. “You can take the off in the morning.”
“Goodnight Lina. Night Fred.” I hug Lina, and kiss Fred’s rough cheek, before dragging my soar and sorry feet up the five flights of stairs to bed.
“Argh!” I gasp when I open my door. Something just hit my shoulder hard, releasing a muffled ‘oooorr’ sound.
“Henry! You crazy cat, let me go!” I chuckle, plucking from my shirt and cuddling him to my face. With his rough tongue he licks my cheek and nuzzles my ear. “I missed you too, friend.” Abruptly, he leaps from my grasp and lands perfectly on the wooden floor, where he begins to pace and growl at me furiously. This isn’t the first time he has done this, and I recognise at once that he is scolding me for being to stupid.
Sighing and rolling my eyes at him, I move around his agitated form to sink onto the end of my bed, removing my shoes and clothes as the cat lecture continues.
Henry is such a special cat, given to me by my mother and father on my tenth birthday. I knew from the moment I laid eyes on him that he was no ordinary house cat. For one, he was fully grown when he was given to me, and two...he seems to be able to communicate with me perfectly. Me, and only me.
I remember when Fred first met Henry, he couldn’t understand why Henry and I could talk perfectly to each other; Fred had no clue of what my beloved old cat was saying. Whilst I on the other hand, was trying to convince Henry that Fred liked him really, but Henry replied by saying that Fred had a funny way of showing it.
Lina was more understanding, she realised that Henry and I have a special bond. Every time she sees us together, she merely smiles to herself in a secret way and pats his head.
Right now, Henry was telling me how reckless my behaviour was, and how drugging him with a sleeping draught so I could escape without his noticing was not going to go unpunished.
“I know, I know. You can lecture me tomorrow Henry, but right now all I want to do is sleep.” I sigh, tugging my night-dress over my head and settling back into my pillows.
When Henry jumps onto my stomach I groan and roll over in protest.
‘If you don’t eat this soup, I will!’ Henry meows furiously, pawing at my shoulder.
“Oh yes, I forgot about that...” Pulling myself up again, I reach for the pot of soup and plate of bread that Fred left me. “Vegetable...great.” I sigh, but eat it anyway.
‘Where’s the meat? Do not tell me there is no beef in there.’
“There’s no beef, just veg.” I pick through the soup, tearing a piece of bread off for Henry to chew.
‘All for the best really, you need nutrition. But beef...’
“I know, we’ll have some in sandwiches tomorrow.” No scraps for this cat. He’s spoilt rotten. Lina has no problem reminding me of that when he always eats half of my meal and never the plate of leftover’s she serves him.
When we’ve both eaten, I blow out my candle and settle into bed. Not two minutes pass before I am fast asleep.

- - -

I wake in the morning feeling more alive than I can remember. My conscience, clouded and terrible before, is as clear as the sky is today. The sun is shining, and I take that as a good sign of what is to come.
Never one for staying still and lazy, I wash myself of all the muck from my journey and dress for breakfast. It is strange, I am sure I prefer men’s trousers. But the dress code for the Academy must be obeyed. Girls wear dresses, end of story.
I am just in time to catch Lina and Fred settling down to their food, plates full with warm eggs and bacon.
“I thought I told you to rest.” Fred says disapprovingly as Henry settles on the bench next to me.
The dining hall is full and buzzing with energy today, and all students seem happy to be greeted by such a warm sun this morning. They all seem to have forgotten, for the time being, the tension of last night.
“On such a beautiful day? No thank you. Besides, I am well rested and ready for training.” At this, Fred and Lina laugh to themselves.
“Very well, Lotta. We’ll begin as soon as you’ve eaten.” Fred pauses whilst we both watch Lina as she hurries off to fetch me some food. Glancing from me to his plate in a strange, and highly suspicious way, Fred chooses his next words carefully. “Are you still wishing to help me in the armoury? I know you felt it was time to stop.” Ah yes, the armoury. That’s where Fred now works when he isn’t busy training me.
“It wasn’t I who wanted to stop, but the rest of the students here thought it strange enough.”
“You never cared what they think.” Lina inputs, returning to the table with my breakfast. I thank her quickly and tuck in.
“I know. Now, more than ever, I want to be on my own. Yes, I’ll help in the armoury.” Apparently, that isn’t what Fred wanted to hear. “Fred?”
“It’s just...I’ve hired a new apprentice. You see, I wasn’t sure you’d feel up to it.”
“You mean you weren’t sure I’d actually return. Finally moved on then?” I do not attempt to hide my sarcasm.
“Lotta.” Lina warns me, stirring her cup of tea carefully. She seems tense, but then...we all are.
“Who is she? Is she here?” This new apprentice girl better be willing to fight for the work in the armoury. I’m not sure what else I would do with my time if it wasn’t spent there. Hunt dragons maybe?
She is a he.” Fred says, smiling. But his eyes are tight, like the fist he has clenched by his breakfast plate. “His name is Myran. He’ll be arriving tomorrow.”
I digest this news carefully, pushing my plate away. My furious hunger has dulled considerably, much to Lina’s dismay. She tut’s at me and tries to push the plate back. But the eggs and bacon doesn’t seem as inviting as before.
“So, let me make this clearer...I’m being replaced?” I ask Fred, hurt by the fact that he seemed to move on so quickly.
“No Lotta, you’re just...not needed like you were before. Come on now, I can’t just tell the boy never mind, he’s half way here already.” Fred, finishing his meal, drains the last dregs of tea from his cup.
“So in other words, you are replacing me. Does this mean our training is cancelled too?”
“Lotta, you’re over-reacting. He’s only working in the armoury! And besides, he’ll be making the swords and armour, not shining boots and cleaning shields like you do.” Fred laughs, but I am stung.
“Well I’m sorry that’s all I seem capable of Fred, but at least I offer to help! From now on, forget it!” I huff, standing up so abruptly that people turn and stare, only to roll their eyes when they realise the outburst is mine.
“Lotta, sit down, you’re making a scene.”
“Let me know when I’m actually important. Bye Lina.” I say, striding from the table. Henry follows suit, but groans at my impertinence.
‘You can stop acting like a brat now.’ He comments with a growl.
“Brat?” I choke, catching a few younger students staring when they see me talking to my cat.
‘Yes, brat. Fred had his reasons, you didn’t even hear him out.’
“If my parents gave you to me for guidance, they were sadly mistaken. You always side with everyone else!” I curve and twist through the endless corridors of the citadel; something I found impossible when I first arrived here. This place is huge, it takes some getting used to. I know where my feet are taking me even if I don’t consciously make the choice. I need out of here, already. Great start, Lotta.
‘Maybe there is a reason for that. I am trying to guide you, and if you stopped for a second and came up for air you might see that!’ My stubborn tabby replies, causing me to whirl round and glare at him.
“Go away!” I yell, pointing in the direction we came. He flinches back, clearly surprised. “I’ve had it up to hear with you telling me what to do, you’re a cat for goodness sake! Why don’t you go spout your feline wisdom on someone more willing to listen? One day, I might just be good enough for you all to accept me as I am, but for now...just leave me alone!” He sees my tears, and steps forward in an attempt to comfort me, but I whirl around and storm away.
“My parents may not be here Henry, but if they were they’d love me exactly how I am!”
As I hurry away from him, wiping my tears on the back of my sleeve, I know I’ll forgive him tonight. He’s all I have left of my parents, and if I don’t forgive him...I lose him. He may be just a cat, but he’s my connection to my mother and father.
I stride right through the citadel and out of the gates, feeling the ripple of magick as I break free of the protective border.
It takes me all of seven minutes to reach the town, at the speed at which I am moving. How infuriating! To be replaced at the drop of a hat! I should be treasured now. Not taken for granted.
“Sometimes, all I want is to be appreciated. Is that too much to ask?” I look to the skies, to the Gods, and roll my eyes. “I do not ask for much, yet I receive nothing.” Muttering to myself is not good for my mental health, or my image. So, clamping my mouth shut, I slow my pace and stroll around the market square.
More often than not I am at the Academy, so I rarely get to spend time in the town. It is a shame, but then...the town is always such a rowdy, energetic place that it becomes tiresome. But today the sun is shining and I am determined to get Fredrich’s words out of my head.
“You thieving bastard! Think you can get away with robbing me of me apples do ya?” Not an hour into my arrival and disruption has already begun. I’m truly starting to think I am cursed. “You’re not going nowhere till you’ve paid!”
I shuffle through the gathering crowd to the fruit and vegetable stall, where the old lady Madge is kicking up a fuss with a young man. In her favour, he has got five apples in his grasp.
“Is my winning smile not enough, gracious lady?” His voice instantly reminds me of Fred, deep and low and unmistakeably Irish. But the difference? I actually like Fred, stubbornness and all. This stranger already gives the impression of a complete imbecile.
“Don’t play little tinker with me lad, you’re a grown boy. Now you’re either hand me back me apples or pay. What’s it going to be?” She indicates the tense crowd, ready for a fight to break loose, a smirk lighting her face.
I swiftly check the young man for weapons, a natural and automatic reaction in these situations.
He carries a sword at his waist, well crafted and beautifully sheathed. Even Fred would admire the craftsmanship put into making such a beauty. There is a good chance there is a dagger at his heal, under his trouser leg. It would be strange if there was not, considering the rest of his weaponry. On his back there is a large sack, indicating he is most likely a traveller passing through. Hence his risqué move with Madge. No one crosses Madge without hearing about it.
If I am right in my assessment, the next move he will attempt will be brave, unexpected and completely, unequivocally stupid.
Slowly, reaching out with his hand, he places the apples back on the stall. With a slight smile at Madge he turns and heads in my direction, away from the stall.
But sly old Madge is just too smart. Grabbing her dagger she slices into his satchel. Out pours at least ten more apples, a few oranges too. The boy stops mid-step and pulls a guilty face, before spinning on his heal, arm striking out, to hold his dagger to my neck. I barely flinch as the crowd falls deadly silent.
“What apples?” He smirks, glancing at Madge. Her eyes squint back at him, glistening with fury. Madge may not be too fond of me either, but she doesn’t want to see me or anyone in the town get hurt.
“We don’t want trouble here sonny, just back away from the girl.” A bystander, someone unfamiliar to me, steps forward with his arms raised. Quicker than I can comprehend dagger boy is behind me, stretching my newly healed arm painfully behind my back, blade still at my throat. In a second I might have to defend myself, though I am curious to see how Madge reacts.
“Lotta, I think you know what you need to do.” The haggard old lady chuckles, turning back to her stall and rubbing a withered hand over her brow. Smiling, I launch into my attack. Kicking back, I twirl free of his grasp when he huffs in pain, the dagger moving away from my throat. As soon as I am facing him I move to avoid his clawing hands, hitting him in the gut, the jaw and the shoulder. I kick at the dagger in his hand, grinning when I hear it hit the ground. Now that he is more vulnerable I lunge at once, grabbing his ankle and pulling with all my strength. He groans as he lands heavily on the ground.
This happens within thirty seconds, ending with the tip of his own beautiful sword at his throat, and my foot pressing on his wide chest. Looking at him now he cannot be more than three years older than myself, but that doesn’t matter.
His eyes show wide surprise as he surveys me all too calmly. I bend, snatch up his money bag, and chuck it to Madge without even looking away from his eyes. Still bent low to his face, I press the sword a little harder.
“Do we have an understanding?” I hiss, uncomfortable at his refusal to show fear. In truth, I’m probably not that scary. But at least I’ve beaten him.
“You’re Lotta?” The corners of his lips turn up in surprise. My guard shoots up further.
“How do you know me?” The swords bites harder. He risks a glance at it, before his piercing blue eyes are back on me.
“You and I may not be strangers for long.” Then he winks, and thrusts the hilt of his dagger hard against my skull.

I wake to the sound of familiar laughter, thick and lilting, followed by a smacking sound and a curse.
“Fred, Lina, stop arguing.” I groan, eyes fluttering.
“Ah, she arises.” Fredrich’s husky voice replies. “About time.”
“Stop it, Fred. Where am I?” My eyes are blurry, and my head is pounding furiously.
“Bad mood already. Ah dear, you’re not going to like my news at all.” More laughter, more smacking.
I struggle to sit, and discover that I am in Lina’s quarters. I sip at the lemon tea Lina hands to me immediately.
“What news? By the Gods what happened?” I groan again, squinting at a third figure in the dim room. As my eyes meet his own blue ones, it floods back. Accompanied by overwhelming nausea and strange fluttering in my stomach. “What the devil!” I reach for my sword, only to find it gone.
“Lotta, please calm yourself. You’ve taken a hard blow, sit down Chiquita.” Lina ushers, mopping my face with a damp cloth. She shoots a glare at the young man from the market.
“Charlotte, this is Myran, my new apprentice.” The use of my full name is strange on Fred’s lips. I glance at him for the first time since I awoke, and find in his eyes a refusal to negotiate. If I aggravate him now, I’ll start an argument that just isn’t worth the energy.
“You realise he’s a complete scoundrel and a thief?” What makes me uncomfortable is how he will not stop looking at me with that stupid smirk on his face like I am a child!
“He is my nephew.” That stings. A lot. It also renders me completely speechless.
The truth is, it really hurts to know that I will never win against a true relative of Fred’s, no matter how much of a scoundrel he is. Fred may be the closest thing I have to a father now, but he is still just my mentor. I’ve already lost the fight, without even sharpening my sword.
“I see.” Lina takes my hand softly as Fred continues to frown at me. Taking a deep breath, I step up to Myran. “Well then, I suppose I will be made to tolerate you no matter what.”
“Lotta, be nice.” Lina sighs, squeezing my hand.
“Lina, do you not realise how I actually got here? He attacked me!”
“If you hadn’t provoked him Lotta, he wouldn’t have had to.” Fred mutters, folding his arms tiredly.
“Provoked him? How ridiculous! I was helping Madge!” My voice reaches higher in octaves, my heart beating hard with anger. Lina and Fred exchange a look while Myran just stares at me in his annoying silent way, smirking at my irritation.
“That is not the story Myran told us.” Fred sighs. “You know by now that stealing is wrong. If you were that hungry, you should have eaten your morning meal instead of throwing a childish tantrum and taking apples from Madge.”
“Dear sweet Alethea!” I yell, looking to the God of Truth. “Myran obviously told you the story backwards, he was lying! He was the one stealing apples! Tell them!” I shriek at Myran.
“Lotta, I’ve have enough of this crap. There will be no training today, get out of my sight!” The boom of Fred’s voice makes me jump in surprise. The anger in it is terrifying, so much so that tears start to fiercely sting in my eyes. All three of them see my hurt.
Lina and Myran both look at Fred, just as surprised as I am that he reacted this way. Lina stands up and steps towards me, but I stagger away. After a moment of awful silence I bite down hard on my lip and squeeze my eyes shut.
With my emotions so fired up the magick within me is glowing bright and warm and golden. Though I hate to use it, right now I just cannot get out of that room fast enough. So I curl my hands into fists and disappear from the room, materialising within my cubby instantly. There, I collapse onto my bed and cry. I cry with anger and hurt, and for the pain I felt when Fred believed lies over me. I cry because, through everything, Fred will always be the one I rely on most, even more than Lina. Except he turns his back on me whenever I need him most.
He doesn’t see how much I love him, or how much I depend on his opinion. Lina tells me what I want to hear, but Fred tells me what he thinks I need to hear. Still...sometimes, I just wish he would hold me and tell me that he’ll always be there.
In my heart, deep down in the darkest parts where I fear to tread, I know there will come a day when Fred will leave me. I just hope he doesn’t completely abandon me until that moment.

- - -
I am happy. I am free, and I am young. I have my whole life to have adventures, to experience wonderful things and be a powerful sorcerer.
I am twelve years old.
I am lucky. My parents love me, and I have a wonderful home and a best friend.
Her name is Eliza, and she makes me feel special because everyone likes her.
Right now Eliza and I are playing at her house. We live in a beautiful valley called Sancra.
Sancra sits between the great city of Iylamor and Kyraquin, where the prestigious Academy is. If I am lucky I will get to go there and become as powerful as my parents. They attended the Academy when they were thirteen, and fell in love. Maybe I will fall in love when I go there.
Eliza laughs when I tell her, but secretly she dreams of love too. Boys like her, so she doesn’t have to worry.
We have just had dinner and are playing outside. The town is buzzing with an energy in the streets that feels strange, almost panicked, and there is a crowd rushing up the street.
When I chase after Eliza as she runs inside a heavy hand falls on my shoulder, and I let out a piercing scream.
“Do not fear. I am not here to harm you.” The man has an accent. He is Irish, with friendly eyes and sun-kissed skin. “You are the daughter of Tyra and Vincent?”
“How do you know me, sir?” Two heads taller than me this man seems giant. Already my hands are shaking. He told me ‘do not fear’, yet that is all I feel.
“My name is Fredrich Jameson. I am here to escort you to the Academy in Kyraquin. You must come with me at once.” Taking my hand, the man named Fredrich pulls me away from Eliza’s garden. Inside the window she sits, watching me go with fear in her eyes. Her long blonde hair flows over her shoulders as she runs to fetch her mother.
But she is too late, for the man Fredrich walks fast. Too fast for Eliza to chase me. His hand is too tight for me to escape, no matter how hard I struggle.
“Release me! I’m not going anywhere with you, not without my ma and pa!” I bellow, my little heart fluttering in pure panic. This man is a stranger. Every parent tells their children not to talk to strangers. To me, this was certainly no exception.
That is...until Mr Jameson turns his head to look at me as he says, “Charlotte...your parents can’t go anywhere now. They are dead.”

- - -

“Lotta...” The faint murmur of my name breaks through the haze of dreams, piercing the memory that had only just started to become a nightmare. “Lotta!”
“No!” The yell escapes from my lips before I can stop it, half confused in my dream.
“Lotta, wake up Chiquita.” A hand brushes across my face, pressing against my forehead. I’m sweating from fear, but Lina must think it is a fever.
“Lina? What are you doing here?” I locked my door, I’m sure of it.
Chiquita, you’re not the only one with magick.” Finally I sit up and open my eyes, only to see that Lina and I are not the only ones in the room.
“Master!” I clutch frantically at my sheets, even though I am fully clothed.
“Lotta, your punishment begins now. There is a quest to Fardor. You must go with Professor Higgins to collect herbology supplies.” Master Rex pronounces, glancing around my cubby in surprising intrigue.
“Professor Higgins?” Oh dear Gods, not him!
“Yes.”A smile quirks on the Masters lips at my obvious distaste for the herbology Professor.
“The trip will take three days. The Professor will meet you at the gates in one hour. Pack your things then have lunch. You’ll need your energy, you’re on foot.”

Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. As names have power, words have power. Words can light fires in the minds of men. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts.
— Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind