
Young Writers Society

Ega and the life of Raider Ch 5 the soul healer ,Ch6,Ch7,Ch8

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Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:16 pm
aquatica says...

When Ega woke up he found himself in Diana's apartment and he was on her bed, he put his hand on his head he found some bandages tied up around his head and his upper body, he stood up and walked to the door and he opened it quietly a Little and he found Jerry the fox lying on the ground and Diana behind it putting her hand in the air above Jerry's damaged body and her eyes were closed.... ,Ega was interested of her position she suddenly opened her eyes and t was all white and she started moving her hands in the air in all directions and the potions around her started to move and pour it liquid on Jerry's body and she start rubbing her hand gently on its body injuries, then she breathed into the liquid and lifted her hand to the level of her head and said
"الروح الطيبه فى السماء, أرجو أن تعطي لة الحياة, ساعدينى فى نجاح شفاءة"

Ega was surprised and said in a low voice "Good spirit in the sky, I hope that gives him life, help me in the success of his recovery...... she is the soul healer?!" Ega took a step back, suddenly the door braked into two halves and she walked toward Ega and she stood behind him and held his shoulders and said
"سيد الين أرى لي ظلا فى عينيك, أنا أرجوك أستطيع أن أشفي الجروحك"

Ega stared as thought "master of the yen, I can see my shadow in your eyes I beg you I can heal your injuries..... why she is using this language?" she was moving her hand slowly to his heart, he quickly stood away from her and he looked at her eyes she wasn't controlling herself, he suddenly stood forward again and held her head and said "please in the name of the book of healers let her free" but he didn't know that to free her it took more power than he thought, he started to bleed and he couldn't take it anymore, one time.... he left her and he fell on the ground and his bandages was full of blood, when Diana woke up and realized what happened she lend down beside Ega and tried to talk to him there was a weak response from him she wanted to put him on the bed she found that jerry the fox woke up she called him to put Ega in the bed, the fox put him on its back and put him back to Diana's bed "I don't think he is OK my dear" said jerry but it didn't sound like a male's sound more like a female, "you don't sound like a male" said Diana "because I'm not, I'm a female and my name is Petra", Diana looked at Ega and thought while she was bringing new bandages "I wonder what will happen if Ega realized that Jerry is a female called Petra"

(After 3 hours 6:00)
Ega opened his eyes and looked at Petra who was sleeping beside him, at that moment Diana came in with some food and she place it on a table beside the bed "I see you woke up at last..., wake up Petra" "he is not Petra he is jerry" said Ega "no she is right my name is Petra and I'm a female" said Petra before she leave the room "she is a female?!?!" though Ega in a surprise, "you should eat something you lost most of your power trying to...to.. Save me...thank you" said Diana in a low shy voice, "you should bring a new door" said Ega avoiding looking at Diana "Heh...Ahh! The door...Yeah" Diana was actually expecting another answer from Ega like "you welcome Diana" or "no problem" not the door! MAY THE DOOR BURN IN HELL! She didn't realize that Ega lost his all family from 20 years ago, well..... maybe not all of them but he doesn't know how to treat a woman since every woman can't see him without laughing at him, he looked at her and said "can you leave alone? ,please" "sure Ega you can stay here until you feel better, I'm going to call a doctor tomorrow until then some sleep, OK?" said Diana with the most sweets voice ever, "OK" said Ega with a Little bit of coldness, Diana smiled and left the room with the feeling of happiness in her heart......

chapter 6 the yang world

Ega woke up when the clock stroked twelve he couldn't stay in her place any more he isn't dare enough to talk to her, he can't stay with her any more he feels that she is giving him too much than he deserves, he went to the living room to get his coat, he found that Diana is sleeping on the couch he looked at her and he gently lifted her to her bed and he left her alone..... when Ega closed the door behind him he felt that he done a very big mistake and he did when Ega entered his apartment Raider entered Diana's apartment and he searched for her he found her sleeping in her bed he took out a knife and he took small piece of her hair and he ordered his mutant monster to bring her to him after 15 days....

(Next day 9:00 AM)
Ega was looking for information about the soul healers history "it says that the soul healers lived for hundreds of years and they have the ability to heal the body and the soul, they have their own medicines, in 1650 this family recorded was higher than any year saving more than 300 vampire, 500 shadow souls, 100 mutant, 15 nine-tailed fox 20 dragon and the yang master, it was one of the most amazing records in the history of normal healers in the two souls world, some of the soul healers live in the spirits world and some live in the human world, you can recognize a healer from a drawn symbol on their waists that is shaped like a sharp flower for females and three black curved lines for the males, suddenly the door knocked Ega was worried although he didn't know who was knocking but he hoped that Diana isn't the knocking person he opened the door slowly, it was Petra "few! ,thank god you wasn't Diana I would die from embarrass" said Ega comfortably, Petra smiled and said "actually Diana send me to tell you that she have your yen necklace with her and she also said if you want it you have to come to her apartment and apologies" Ega was really stuck he doesn't want to go back to her apartment but his necklace is the only thing left from his family so he have to go, will.... Ega is back to Diana's apartment "Diana are you their?" Diana walked to the living room and head toward said "yes I'm here, why did you leave I was worried about you" Diana was going to put her hand on his chick but he took a step back and said "can you give me my necklace, please?" Diana was shocked from his cold feelings "ok.... but no" "what!!, why?" said Ega in a surprise "if you really want it you have to pass a quest" said Diana angrily "a quest" said Ega in a surprise of Diana's looks at him "you have to go to your brother in the yang world and bring me a white brown rose with red spikes " said Diana, "why do you want it?" "so I can help someone I know" said Diana and continued "and Petra is not coming with you" Ega didn't answer he opened a magic gate leads to the souls world there was a giant gate with two doors every door leads to a different world, a door leads to the yen souls world and the other to the yang souls the two doors was made like a giant gate the two doors shared the yen and yang shape, Ega told Diana that he can't open the yang door without the necklace she came with him and gave him the necklace to open the door when he opened it he gave her the necklace again and send her back home, when he interred the door he found himself in casino or a café or both, there was vampires, werewolf, mutants and other terrifying monsters, Ega thought he should change his cloths colour before someone notice him he was wearing black except his coat he flipped it and instead of white with black strips it became black with white strips and he walked through the people sitting on a chair in front of a bar, a half man and half machine looked at Ega and said while he was making him a free drink
"I didn't see you here before, must be a new arrival in here, right?"
"Yes....." Ega said quietly
"AAHHHHH, don't be shy kid, you see.....everyone here is evil but they still have soft heart"
Ega looked around him everybody was killing eating the other he said "I can clearly see that!"
"Ahhhh, they are just so active these days, tell me kid what is your name?"
"Before I tell you my name what do you know about a person named Ega?"
"He is the most asked person for our master, he says that if anybody captured him alive he is going to pay him a lot of money" said the man in a quiet voice
"Why does he want him anyway?" said Ega curiously
"Nobody knows, but they say that this man bring the girl who destroyed his family" said the man
"My name is....is.....Ryan" said Ega
"What?!" said the man curiously
"My name, it's Ryan" said Ega
"Oh..... You have a nice name their kid"
"I'm 27 years old" said Ega a Little angry
"OK...... you're still a kid" said the man in a funny way
"Oh dear... I wonder what he was going to say if I told him my real age" he though a Little annoyed
"By the way what is your name, sir?" Ega said politely
"Mine? My name is Joe; some people call me big Joe"
Then suddenly some skull wearing a black cloak and he only noticed that it was a skull when the skull looked at him and said "I never saw you here before are you new?"
"Excuse me who are you?" said Ega dearly
"Ryan this is death, death this is Ryan the new arrival" said Joe a Little worry
"Wait a minute.... are you death the death that hits everybody in his end or that is your name?" said Ega with a very worried voice
"the death itself is sitting beside you just had a hard time today there was an old man who didn't want to die and he started hitting me on my head with a stick when I told him that he have to leave the living world"
"You're the death your suppose to take him with no discussions, except if you are......weak?" said Ega very dare way
"Big mistake their kid...." said Joe with a little laugh
The death stood up and looked at Ega and Ega stood up the death looked angry and he said "I like you kid! You are the most daring person I have ever saw, WOULD EVERY BODY PAY ATTENTION PLEASE!!"
Everybody looked at Ega and Death "I would like to introduce you Ryan the daring spirit and his words is hard like stone"
"Let's name his something else Ryan is a lame name" said a female vampire
"OK, let's see......how about Seth?"
"No, no it is not him at all!" said Joe
"How about shadow!" said one of the people
"No, we gave it to the last person came here" said death
"How about Dave" said a vampire
"No" said death starting to get bored
"Dracula" said Joe laughing
"We are not joking here Joe" death said this
"How about Chucky?" said Vinita
"Who said that?" asked death curiously
"I did"
A female vampire came out of the crowd and she had a green eyes and red hair
"Looks we found you an assistant, kid" whispered death
"My name is Vinita, and I think Chucky is a good name, I would like to be his assistant in this world"
"Deal, but don't think about a fast way to him he is a metal" said death
"Excuse me?!" said Ega
"Nothing, let me show you the yang world......Chucky" said Death happily

Death, Vinita and Ega when out of the café and went to the streets...............

Chapter 7 the main shops

They all walked in the streets and thier was shops every were, but Vinita said that she was late and she should be in her book shop to open it, they went inside a shop that looks like a repairing shop death and Ega came they saw two teenagers one is a boy and the other is a girl
"Chucky...I want to introduce you to Suki ,she is 15 years old and she is Suzuki's little sister she is a very nice vampire she is not monster but if it comes to her brother she is ready to kill anyone" said Death
"Hello Chucky!" said Suki
"and this is Suzuki the older brother he is a werewolf he is so calm in a strange he is a normal person but if you looked deep in his eyes you will feel that you are going to faint, he is ready to do anything for his sister he loves her so much although he is a werewolf but he have a soft heart"
"Death if you said another word i'am going to sent you to hell!" said Suzuki angrily
"Wait....if he was a werewolf and she is a vampire....they can't live with each other, there kind is the enemy for each other" said Ega in a surprise
"Love can beat anything Chucky even war and hate thier father was werewolf and thier mother was vampire you know..." said Death
"Ok I get it" said Ega
"Hey, Suki… can you make this kid a shield?" asked Death
"Sure! Come back tomorrow and you are going to find it" answered Suki
"I knew I can count on you Suki" said Death
Suddenly they heard a sound like a blast, and then Suzuki came out with his hair standing up like towers.
"Another machine bellows up like the one before" said Suzuki in a angry voice and he continued "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE???????!!!!!!!!!" shouted Suzuki
"We better move on kid" said Death running out of the shop taking Ega with him
They walked for 10 minutes and they entered a shop was written on it "Jason's trading shop", they walked in and Ega found the most strange things he have ever saw like chicken legs ,eyes in a jar, dragon wings ,devil's claws ,holly water ,almost everything rare ,strange ,disgusting is in this shop ,they walked to a small bar ,Ega never was in a place even similar to this one
"Hello…. Is anybody here?" said Ega while standing
Suddenly a male vampire stood up and said with a smile that doesn't look like one "Jason Wallace, how can I help you?"
Ega jumped back and said "AHHHHH! For good sake you almost gave me a heart attack"
"Sorry kid of course I didn't….. Death!! I didn't know here! , step aside kid let the big people talk"
Ega was getting out of his feelings right now he just made himself smaller 2 years and everyone is calling him a kid he couldn't take it anymore he took the man from his jacket and shouted
"Help!! A crazy devil! Help! Help!" shouted Jason
Then Ega threw Jason out of the bar and he crushed to the wall, and Death was surprised with his anger, Ega's hair is so soft that is hard to make it as a plait so when he gets very angry his hair slips and gets free and that is what happened, Death didn't notice Ega's long hair except now
"Wow! You have a long hair there chucky! You have to cut it"
"WHAT!!!!" shouted Ega in a surprise
"Don't worry I know exactly where to go!" said Death
"Wait! Wait!" said Ega when Death was pulling him out of the shop and he took his hand and then they head to hair dresser called "Daniela's red hair dresser", when they entered the shop it was all red like blood and in the middle there was a woman who was sitting on a chair drinking a cup of coffee
"Hello Daniela"
"Death?! Why did you came here you don't have a hair so you can dress it, ha-ha!"
"Of course it's not me… it's him" said death while trying to make Ega leave the door
"Come on you coward! Leave the door Handel!"
"No way! I'am not going to cut my hair…even if the yang master came and told me to!"
And of course Death made it and he brake the door so he can force Ega to come in and they forced him to sit on the chair the Ega shouted
"Wait! Can I cut it myself?"
"Well… ok, I think its fine" said Daniela
Ega went to a small room in the hair dresser shop, Daniela said in a surprise "why would he cut his hair in the cleaning room?"
"Great! Now no one can see me now!" said Ega and he snapped his fingers and his shape has totally changed, he opened the door and Death and Daniela were totally amazed Ega looked like a gang guy, his hair was short and like spikes and he had a tattoo like a dragon on his left arm and he wore a sleeveless black shirt and black trousers, Death's lower jaw fell on the floor and Daniela couldn't stop staring at Ega ,he walked toward Death and he took his lower jaw and he placed it in its place again.
"You look …..Look… I don't know what to say!" said Death
"You're welcome! Now where are we suppose to go now?" asked Ega
"We are going to Mandy's blood shop" said Death while leaving the hair dresser they came back to the trading shop and they turned left to their first direction, they walked for a few minutes and they made it to the shop and they walked in, it was full on bottles in it different liquids with different colors and most of them was blood and then a little 10 years old girl came from a door inside the shop and she was wearing a gray dress with a red ribbon on its waist and long gray and red striped socks and she had two blond ponytails and a fully shining silver eyes and she stood in front of them both and said
"Hello Death… I didn't see in my shop for a while…" and she looked at Ega and said
"I see you brought me a new costumer… He is a hot one too" said the little girl
"Yeah, Chucky this is Mandy, Mandy this is Chucky the new arrival in the yang world" said Death
"So you own this shop Am I correct?" asked Ega
"Yes, and I sell blood for most of the people in this street… Chucky"
"And which kind of public people are you little one a vampire or a werewolf?" asked Ega lending down on his knees so he can face Mandy
Mandy gave a scary smile and said "I'am Devil"
Ega's face turned pale and said in a worried voice "w…What?"
Mandy's face changed into a scary evil one and said "what's wrong Chucky are afraid of devils or that you are and intruder who came into my shop and deserves to be hanged for a crime nobody knows"
Mandy start to move forward and Ega was taking two steps back and he fell on a chair and Mandy stood in front of him with cold eyes and said " you don't look so evil to me are you sure you was suppose to come to the yang world and pretend to be one of us"
Ega was out of breath and his heart was racing with time his face was pale more than ever and he was sweating like a guilty criminal in a church
Suddenly Mandy's face changed from scary to innocent normal little girl and she started to laugh in a loud voice and said "I can't believe it! You actually believed what I have just said, you chicken! Maybe I'am a devil and I like to make people worried you smarty pants!"
Ega didn't believe that he was so scared from her, she is just a little harmless devil girl she have just prove that she doesn't harm anyone ,and that the situation was so strange to him, he started to laugh to
"So Mandy I came here so I can ask you if chucky can live here with you, you have a large house with a shop in it and an extra room" said Death
"I don't mind, do you mind if you live with me Chucky?" asked Mandy
Ega didn't knew this place will and he needed a place to stay in, but he wasn't ready to stay with a devil, it’s breaking the rules of mother nature but since that this place is not considered from the natural places so he didn't find a good reason to say "no" and Mandy looked so nice from inside, and also a loyal little harmless girl ,and from her little conversation she maybe felt a little comfortable for him and he felt comfortable for her too after that loud laugh, so he agreed.

Chapter (7) the main shops

They all walked in the streets and thier was shops every were, but Vinita said that she was late and she should be in her book shop to open it, they went inside a shop that looks like a repairing shop death and Ega came they saw two teenagers one is a boy and the other is a girl
"Chucky...I want to introduce you to Suki ,she is 15 years old and she is Suzuki's little sister she is a very nice vampire she is not monster but if it comes to her brother she is ready to kill anyone" said Death
"Hello Chucky!" said Suki
"and this is Suzuki the older brother he is a werewolf he is so calm in a strange he is a normal person but if you looked deep in his eyes you will feel that you are going to faint, he is ready to do anything for his sister he loves her so much although he is a werewolf but he have a soft heart"
"Death if you said another word i'am going to sent you to hell!" said Suzuki angrily
"Wait....if he was a werewolf and she is a vampire....they can't live with each other, there kind is the enemy for each other" said Ega in a surprise
"Love can beat anything Chucky even war and hate thier father was werewolf and thier mother was vampire you know..." said Death
"Ok I get it" said Ega
"Hey, Suki… can you make this kid a shield?" asked Death
"Sure! Come back tomorrow and you are going to find it" answered Suki
"I knew I can count on you Suki" said Death
Suddenly they heard a sound like a blast, and then Suzuki came out with his hair standing up like towers.
"Another machine bellows up like the one before" said Suzuki in a angry voice and he continued "WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE???????!!!!!!!!!" shouted Suzuki
"We better move on kid" said Death running out of the shop taking Ega with him
They walked for 10 minutes and they entered a shop was written on it "Jason's trading shop", they walked in and Ega found the most strange things he have ever saw like chicken legs ,eyes in a jar, dragon wings ,devil's claws ,holly water ,almost everything rare ,strange ,disgusting is in this shop ,they walked to a small bar ,Ega never was in a place even similar to this one
"Hello…. Is anybody here?" said Ega while standing
Suddenly a male vampire stood up and said with a smile that doesn't look like one "Jason Wallace, how can I help you?"
Ega jumped back and said "AHHHHH! For good sake you almost gave me a heart attack"
"Sorry kid of course I didn't….. Death!! I didn't know here! , step aside kid let the big people talk"
Ega was getting out of his feelings right now he just made himself smaller 2 years and everyone is calling him a kid he couldn't take it anymore he took the man from his jacket and shouted
"Help!! A crazy devil! Help! Help!" shouted Jason
Then Ega threw Jason out of the bar and he crushed to the wall, and Death was surprised with his anger, Ega's hair is so soft that is hard to make it as a plait so when he gets very angry his hair slips and gets free and that is what happened, Death didn't notice Ega's long hair except now
"Wow! You have a long hair there chucky! You have to cut it"
"WHAT!!!!" shouted Ega in a surprise
"Don't worry I know exactly where to go!" said Death
"Wait! Wait!" said Ega when Death was pulling him out of the shop and he took his hand and then they head to hair dresser called "Daniela's red hair dresser", when they entered the shop it was all red like blood and in the middle there was a woman who was sitting on a chair drinking a cup of coffee
"Hello Daniela"
"Death?! Why did you came here you don't have a hair so you can dress it, ha-ha!"
"Of course it's not me… it's him" said death while trying to make Ega leave the door
"Come on you coward! Leave the door Handel!"
"No way! I'am not going to cut my hair…even if the yang master came and told me to!"
And of course Death made it and he brake the door so he can force Ega to come in and they forced him to sit on the chair the Ega shouted
"Wait! Can I cut it myself?"
"Well… ok, I think its fine" said Daniela
Ega went to a small room in the hair dresser shop, Daniela said in a surprise "why would he cut his hair in the cleaning room?"
"Great! Now no one can see me now!" said Ega and he snapped his fingers and his shape has totally changed, he opened the door and Death and Daniela were totally amazed Ega looked like a gang guy, his hair was short and like spikes and he had a tattoo like a dragon on his left arm and he wore a sleeveless black shirt and black trousers, Death's lower jaw fell on the floor and Daniela couldn't stop staring at Ega ,he walked toward Death and he took his lower jaw and he placed it in its place again.
"You look …..Look… I don't know what to say!" said Death
"You're welcome! Now where are we suppose to go now?" asked Ega
"We are going to Mandy's blood shop" said Death while leaving the hair dresser they came back to the trading shop and they turned left to their first direction, they walked for a few minutes and they made it to the shop and they walked in, it was full on bottles in it different liquids with different colors and most of them was blood and then a little 10 years old girl came from a door inside the shop and she was wearing a gray dress with a red ribbon on its waist and long gray and red striped socks and she had two blond ponytails and a fully shining silver eyes and she stood in front of them both and said
"Hello Death… I didn't see in my shop for a while…" and she looked at Ega and said
"I see you brought me a new costumer… He is a hot one too" said the little girl
"Yeah, Chucky this is Mandy, Mandy this is Chucky the new arrival in the yang world" said Death
"So you own this shop Am I correct?" asked Ega
"Yes, and I sell blood for most of the people in this street… Chucky"
"And which kind of public people are you little one a vampire or a werewolf?" asked Ega lending down on his knees so he can face Mandy
Mandy gave a scary smile and said "I'am Devil"
Ega's face turned pale and said in a worried voice "w…What?"
Mandy's face changed into a scary evil one and said "what's wrong Chucky are afraid of devils or that you are and intruder who came into my shop and deserves to be hanged for a crime nobody knows"
Mandy start to move forward and Ega was taking two steps back and he fell on a chair and Mandy stood in front of him with cold eyes and said " you don't look so evil to me are you sure you was suppose to come to the yang world and pretend to be one of us"
Ega was out of breath and his heart was racing with time his face was pale more than ever and he was sweating like a guilty criminal in a church
Suddenly Mandy's face changed from scary to innocent normal little girl and she started to laugh in a loud voice and said "I can't believe it! You actually believed what I have just said, you chicken! Maybe I'am a devil and I like to make people worried you smarty pants!"
Ega didn't believe that he was so scared from her, she is just a little harmless devil girl she have just prove that she doesn't harm anyone ,and that the situation was so strange to him, he started to laugh to
"So Mandy I came here so I can ask you if chucky can live here with you, you have a large house with a shop in it and an extra room" said Death
"I don't mind, do you mind if you live with me Chucky?" asked Mandy
Ega didn't knew this place will and he needed a place to stay in, but he wasn't ready to stay with a devil, it’s breaking the rules of mother nature but since that this place is not considered from the natural places so he didn't find a good reason to say "no" and Mandy looked so nice from inside, and also a loyal little harmless girl ,and from her little conversation she maybe felt a little comfortable for him and he felt comfortable for her too after that loud laugh, so he agreed.

i love me some swole chickens
— yosh