
Young Writers Society

In the Glass Part 11

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Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:06 pm
Leahweird says...

His memories started to come back gradually. He could suddenly picture his friends and family, and recall how much he had loved them. What did his parents do without their only child? Did they miss him? Or had Narissa stolen their memories as well?

He hoped the witch had let them live, but it didn’t matter now. Everything he had ever known had long since vanished. Since Snow White had been the only thing that still mattered to him, he decided that the least he could do was visit her grave.

It took him much longer to get there than anticipated. He didn’t have a horse, but he didn’t think he’d be able to still ride one anyway. He was still getting used to walking. By the time he got to the cottage, the dwarves had constructed an immense coffin of glass.

“Go away, boy,” someone said when the prince tried to approach. “We’re not feeling particularly kindly towards strangers at the moment.”

“She knew me,” he told them. “Better than anyone alive, she knew who I was.”

“Are you the man from the mirror? The one she talked about?”another dwarf asked.

He nodded. “Please open the coffin. I can’t bear for there to be glass between us.”

“She’s dead, son. There’s nothing you can do.”

“I know. I just need to touch her, just once. Then I’ll leave you alone.”

The dwarves exchanged glances, obviously distressed by this suggestion. But the one who had recognized him scolded his brothers for even thinking about ignoring a final request. Eventually they consented to open the box.

Tentatively, he reached out to stroke her ebony hair. It was just as soft as he imagined it would be, but it wasn’t enough. He had waited so long and yet she was beyond his reach.

Quickly, before anyone could stop him, he leaned down to kiss her.

He had meant to back away before someone started yelling at him, but suddenly the girl he knew to be dead began to stir. Miraculously he found himself staring into Snow White’s dark eyes as she smiled at him.

“I was dreaming of you,” she said, drowsily.

Everything erupted into chaos. Fortunately the dwarves began to explain what had happened, because the prince himself was dumbstruck.

“If we’d known he was going to kiss you, we wouldn’t have lifted the lid,” one of the dwarves admitted.

“We’re glad we did, obviously.”

“It’s kind of weird though.”

“Isn’t this the same guy who told you to break into our house?”someone else added.

“He hasn’t been human for awhile!”Snow interrupted. “If he was being polite, I’d be dead. Besides, I think he’s adorable.”

“I’m sorry?” said the prince.

“Just ignore them. How are you even here? You have your body back!”

Now it was his turn to explain. He told them how the witch had tried to destroy the mirror and that had happened instead.

“Backlash,” Said one of the dwarves, nodding. “You can’t curse someone for that long and expect it to just go away.”

Another nodded. “All that magic lying around probably attached itself to the princess.”

Snow had stopped listening to her friends though. She had moved to wrap her arms around the prince.

“Are you alright?” she asked him. “You’re shivering.”

“I’m free, and you’re alive. I thought I’d never see you again.”

“I’m here. We both are.”

He smiled at her. “I thought it was too late. I never got to tell you how much I love you. “

“I had no idea.”

“I’m not expecting anything.”

“Don’t be silly. If I didn’t think adding to your troubles would be cruel, I would have confessed the same thing.”

Then she kissed him. No spells were cast, and nothing changed. Yet they were finally both able to feel the other person, and it was agreed that that was better than any magic.

Spoiler! :
Was this surprising to anyone? I worry I gave it away too soon.

Anyway, I would love to hear peoples thought on the peice overall. What still needs work? What was something you liked? If you want to give me feedback, I would be extremly grateful.
Last edited by Leahweird on Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Sun Nov 06, 2011 2:36 pm
stevensmith05 says...

Cannot wait for the next part :)
i lvoe your work and i tryed to nitpick but its impossible
Ste x

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29 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 98
Reviews: 29
Mon Nov 21, 2011 12:10 pm
sandayselkie says...

Loved it. The whole idea of how the prince came into the story is really good. I think the build up was good and even how knowing Snow allowed him to retaliate with the Queen. Brilliant.
"Live in the present, remember the past and fear not the future, for it doesn't exist and never shall. There is only now."

"That's the spirit. One part courage. Three parts fool"

Well, if I can't get this chapter to work....at least I will have exercised my fingers.
— Kaia