
Young Writers Society

TITLE COMING SOON - Chapter 1 part 1!

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Thu Oct 27, 2011 6:31 am
inthebeginning says...

Read the spoiler first!
Spoiler! :
This is only part one of the first chapter! The rest will be coming soon. That's why it finishes randomly, so don't hate on me for that. Also, please feel free to tear it to shreds! I want to make it as good as I can, thanks in advance!

“Ella I swear to God if we’re late I’m going to kill you.” My brother’s voice drifted up the stairs, sounding bored.

A sound crossed between a laugh and a hiss escaped from my throat as I opened my bedroom door. I was beginning to get sick of my brothers insolence and it was going to catch up to him one day.

“Too late for that brother,” I put as much malice into the last word as possible. He seemed to grimace as he looked at me.

“Do you really loathe me that much?” He almost seemed, upset? An emotion neither one of us was used to.

Instead of replying however, I just grabbed my bag and walked out of the door. “We better get going.”


As I pulled into the car park of Redwood High I couldn’t help but feel the same feelings I felt every time we moved to a new school: regret, loathing but most of all – emptiness.

Ever since I had been turned I felt as though there was something missing. I missed my life as a human. Being a vampire had made me an outcast. I couldn’t stay in one place for more than five years – people become suspicious and began asking too many questions.

I sat in my car for a few more minutes, gazing at the students walking through the parking lot as though they didn’t have a care in the world. I felt the anger and hatred flare up inside me. They were so oblivious to everything around them. They didn’t realise how lucky they were.

It took several minutes for me to calm myself. I shut my eyes and felt my fangs slowly retract as I gained control. I couldn’t allow myself to lose focus again.

I glanced across at Matt who had been sitting in silence the entire time and realised he had been thinking much the same as me. Sensing that he had drawn my attention he looked over at me and gave a half-hearted smile.

“Here we go again,” he said as he reached for the door handle.

“Matt,” I said, grabbing his arm before he could open the door. “I don’t hate you, I never have. I just hate this half-life that I’m forced to live. “

“I know,” he replied. “That makes two of us.” I let go of his arm and watched as he got out of the car and walked towards the main office. I couldn’t help but let out a laugh as every female head in the parking lot turned towards him. Typical, I thought.

That was one of the perks of being a vampire. Along with all of your senses, a person’s beauty was also magnified when they were turned. Matt was the sort of guy every girl dreamed of. His eyes were a magnificent blue; he had messy blonde hair that seemed to look perfect almost effortlessly. His broad shoulders and muscular arms only added to the dreamy effect.

Today he was wearing faded blue skinny jeans, a dark blue singlet and a black leather jacket. Even I had to admit that he looked good. But I had never seen Matt in that way. Even when I had first met him I had seen him only as an ally - one with a common goal.

One of the girls almost collapsed as he flashed a smile at her. I simply shook my head as I got out of the car to follow him. I caused a similar reaction as I passed a crowd of jocks discussing their game plans for this season. One of the guys actually stopped mid-sentence to stare.

I had long brown hair that was so dark it was almost black. My eyes were bright green with a grey tint. I had a slim frame, but despite my deceptive appearance I was easily the strongest thing within a 100 mile radius.

Unlike Matt, however, I had no interest in these pathetic people. I couldn’t bring myself to even look at them let alone smile. I couldn’t understand how he did it? How could he pretend that they weren’t the one thing we desired to be? As I felt that rush of fury envelope me again I had to stand still and close my eyes. My fangs were only halfway out and I managed to get them to contract without much issue.

Once I was sure that I had my bloodlust under control I continued towards the office. Matt was already there, I could hear him talking to the receptionist about his classes.

The moment I walked in I felt Matt’s shoulders relax. He had been able to sense how close I was to losing control. I gave him a slight nod as he left the office, obviously satisfied with his timetable.

I approached the front desk after he’d left, trying to keep my breathing steady. I was furious for letting myself get like this. It had been almost two weeks since I’d had my last human and it was testing every ounce of my strength not to leap over the desk and tear the receptionist’s throat out.

She gave me a puzzled look and I realised that I was yet to move forward. “May I help you Miss…” She let the sentence hang in the air, waiting for me to finish with my name. “Jones. Ella Jones,” I said, taking a step towards her.

Recognition crossed her face as she put together the fact that the boy she had just finished talking to had the same surname. “Were you here to find out your timetable as well?” she asked as I reached her desk.

“Yes,” was all I said in reply and I watched as she went to her computer and brought up my school file. The process was painstakingly slow and she printed off the wrong timetable twice before finally coming up with mine.

“Sorry about that Ella, here you are.” She glanced up at me as she handed over the timetable. “I’ve also written you’re locker number on there, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to see me.”

“Sure thing,” I said, making sure to keep my tone neutral as I turned on my heel and left the office, desperate to get away.
Last edited by inthebeginning on Mon Nov 14, 2011 11:14 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:58 am
captaindomdude says...

Well....I would like to say something nice here. That way I don't feel quite so....bad about telling you that this is really, really not that great.

Let's start with your character. Ella. A more stereotypical vampire you will not find. Actually, scratch that, the only way to make her more stereotypical is if you made her brooding instead of angry.

Hates her condition? check
Unnaturally beautiful and strong? bigger Check.
Has to struggle and control her 'Bloodlust'? Check.

Not only that, but you seem to make all of that the main focus of her. Maybe if you write more, you'll make her more balanced but as of now, she isn't a character, she is a character trait.

And her friend Jonathan? Blonde hair, blue eyes, big shoulders? Nice job on the originality there.

The other problem I have with this piece is your story in general. Already I can see it being really nothing more then a 'Twilight' knockoff from the vampire point of view.

She will:
A) Find a mortal she suddenly will care about
B ) Find a mortal, eat them, then start getting tracked
C ) be discovered by a amature vampire slayer or another vampire, and have to overcome.

Or some variation of those. Again, all of which sound like a 'Twilight knockoff'. At least you didn't give them powers.

On the topic of plot, the beginning conversation was....completely unbelievable.

Dude goes from angry insolent to cowed and upset in a heartbeat. Can vampires be Bi-Polar? and then she switches emotions quickly too. In fact, that happens a lot, these characters switch emotions...a lot. The things you tried for me to care about, like her intense envy of mortals, I didn't really care about, because it was so stereotypical.

There is probably more I can nitpick, but I think I get the main points across.
"If beauty could be done without the pain, well I'd rather never see life's beauty again"-Modest Mouse.

"What lies beneath this mask is more then a man, it's an idea. And ideas are bulletproof" V, V for Vendetta.

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Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:35 pm
inthebeginning says...

Thanks for the review. And don't be afraid to say what you think, I'm not looking for nice comments I'm looking on ways to improve. As for the whole cliche character, to be honest I would say my vampire is /slightly/ different to others in the sense that other authors, like that of twilight, try to portray their characters as 'nice' vampires. They don't drink human blood, only animal blood. So I was sort of trying to stray from that by having a more traditional vampire in the sense that 'she' rips humans to shreds.

As for my sudden changes in emotion it was intentional. The reason why she's struggling with her emotions is because of her lack of blood, tried to sort of portray that in the office paragraph.

Also, as for the typical storyline of falling in love, becoming good kind of thing. That's not what the ending of the story has planned so far. I'm hoping that I can create an original story that won't be too cliche or boring for you to read xD Once again thanks for the review and the advice (:

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Sun Nov 06, 2011 3:07 pm
Yuriiko says...

Hello there, inthebeginnning!

I think what you're offering has a lot of potential. I actually thought it was good but then there were some parts of the story were it fell flat and uninteresting. Vampire stories are becoming popular nowadays but predictable and boring at the same time. Hey, but no worries- I'm not really going to be strict (and blabber something about Twilight) about that since this is the first part of your first chapter. And I hope it's not going to be something what I'm expecting it to be like.

One of the girls almost collapsed as he flashed a smile at her. I simply shook my head as I got out of the car to follow him. I caused a similar reaction as I passed a crowd of jocks discussing their game plans for this season. One of the guys actually stopped mid-sentence to stare.

I had long brown hair that was so dark it was almost black. My eyes were bright green with a grey tint. I had a slim frame, but despite my deceptive appearance I was easily the strongest thing within a 100 mile radius.

I'm going to be honest. This part actually bothered me for some reasons. Maybe this is just me, but isn't Ella supposed to be disturbed about the "human smell" instead of focusing her physical traits? This confused me because when she walked inside the office to get her schedule, she was more tempted to kill the receptionist than being at a place with students surrounding her with awe of her beauty. And plus, I'm intrigued and concerned about how her body reacts to the surroundings. I'm not saying she should sparkle under the sun ^^ - but perhaps, explain or let us know how she responds towards the new environment.

I also suggest that you need to work on your 'story atmosphere'. I mean, while I was reading this one, Twilight automatically popped into my head (sorry I just had to >.< ). So, I hope you'll fix that since I don't want to think of that again by the next part. Let us feel this 'assurance' that this story is not just going to be those books like we usually see on our local libraries or even adapted in movies. Perhaps some common vampire traits is forgivable- but then again, your readers just don't want to eat a plain oatmeal. Feed them with some fruits and nuts here and there. ^^

Grammar wise, I think you have done a good job on that, but there's just one thing you need to be wary of- it's your punctuation. Yes, I tend to get meticulous when it comes to that.

I swear to God if we're late I'm going to kill you.

Should there be a pause here? Like, "Ella, I swear to God- if we're late again, I'm going to kill you."<--- That's just a suggestion though. ^^

I was beginning to get sick of my brother's insolence and it was going to catch up to him one day.

Lack of apostrophe there.

All in all, like just as what I have stated earlier, this has a lot of potentials.Then again, I suggest that you build the atmosphere more. Also, giving us some flat and predictable characters will just lessen our interest to read the upcoming next part of your story. Dig more and create depth to every character's aspect and traits, or even personalities. ^^ So these are based purely on my opinions (it's up to you whether you agree or not ^^) but I hope you see this helpful and maybe take this into consideration. Let me know if you have any questions. ^^

Keep writing,
"Life is a poem keep it in the present tense." -Sherrel Wigal

Excuse me I have never *lied* about a character I just don't tell the truth
— AceassinOfTheMoon