
Young Writers Society

The secret journal of animus PT 2: The messenger.

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Mon Jan 30, 2006 8:22 pm
*Twilight* says...

I'm sorry it took so long to post the next part but I have not been able to get to a computer long enough to do anything. But, here it is.(Finally)

Heres the first part for those of you who haven't read it.

Ally and Ben looked at each other still stunned at the fact that they had just found a magic journal. But, they were still a little confused. How were they supposed to find this man when they didn't even have the mirror he was talking about in his last entry?
"Is this mirror even important?" Ally asked.
"I don't know," Ben said as he got up and looked out the window. He saw sissy staring into her dog house as if a cat or something had made itself at home in there. "Maybe it's still outside," he said
"I hope Sissy didn't find it and break it," Ally said getting up to look out the window with Ben.
"We better go and see if it's out there. If were lucky, it might still be in one piece."
"Okay, let’s go," Ben said.

Ally never thought she would be going outside at one o'clock in the morning to look for a mysterious mirror but, there she was in the backyard, searching by moonlight. She felt kind of awkward, as if all of this wasn't real and she was just letting her imagination run wild. But Ben felt quite the opposite, he was excited and he felt that he was ready for anything that came his way.
"So, this dosen't’t feel strange at all to you Ben?" Ally asked.
"Nope," Ben said as he stepped out of the tool shed. "I think this is kind of cool actually. I mean we don't know what kind of awesome things we will learn about while trying to find this man."
"I guess so," Ally said. "But, what if this guy is all the way in England, or China. How are we supposed to get there?"
"I don't know," Ben said. "But, you know what I've been thinking."
"What?" Ally asked.
"How did this journal get in our backyard?"
"Well, if this guy knows how to use magic maybe he teleported it over here," Ally said.
"That would be cool," Ben said as he searched all over the ground looking for any hint of the mirror. He was keeping his eyes peeled for anything whether it was pieces of broken glass or a bag that might contain it. But, they haven't found anything yet and this brought another thought into his mind.
"Hey Ally, what if he did poof it over here by magic but, the mirror didn't end up at the same place as the journal."
"That might have happened," Ally said as she searched by Sissy's house where Sissy was still staring into her dark little hut. She got down on her knees and crawled around the dog house brushing her hands over the dew-covered grass to make sure she checked everywhere before moving on. But, something caught her attention. A light rustling sound was coming from inside Sissy's house. She looked at Ben and smiled.
"I think we've finally found the cat that has been getting in our trash every morning."
"Really?" Ben asked. "It's about time; I'm tired of cleaning up after it."
Ally scooted around the dog house and sat near the opening to see the cat and when she peered in she saw two yellow glowing eyes staring right back at her.
"Yep it's definitely the cat," she said. "Get ready Ben it might come running out."
"Okay," Ben said as he positioned himself in front of the house. Ally reached in to grab it but before she could, something very weird happened.
"Protect!" a voice yelled.
"What was that!?" Ben yelled. "Did the cat just speak?"
"Protect!" It said again as it jumped out of the house. The kids watched in amazement as a three-foot tall goblin-like thing dressed in raggedy clothes stumbled to its feet. It stood there for a moment and stared at the children then it quickly leaped onto Ben and wrapped its arms around him squealing. "Protect! Protect from beast!” It said pointing to Sissy with a long bony finger.
"What!? Sissy isn't a beast," Ben said.
"The beast come and try to eat me!" the goblin squealed again.
Ally looked at sissy and motioned her hand telling Sissy to go in her house.
Sissy just stared for a moment then obeyed Ally's commands and walked into her house with her eyes locked on the goblin the whole time.
"Good girl Sissy." Ally said in the baby voice she always used to talk to animals.
"Let me guess," Ally said. "You're the one who brought the journal."
"Yes," The goblin said as he released his grip from Ben. "And I bringed something else too." The goblin reached into a brown bag hanging from his side and pulled out a hand mirror with the same decorations as the cover of the journal. "I gonna teaches yous how to use it," The goblin said.
"The mirror!" Ally yelled as she ran up to the little goblin.
"You readed the journal?" the goblin asked.
"Yes, we read the journal," Ben said. "Why?"
"Good! Good! Then I can start splaining right now!" The goblin said clapping his hands.
"So, your going to explain what the mirror is for?" Ally asked.
"Yes but, you haves to read some mores pages in the journal firsts."
"Okay," Ally said as she opened the journal. "I'll read it out loud for everybody to hear."

Entry #1

I...can barely keep my hand steady as I write right now, because at the moment I have just discovered something amazing. It is a mirror that preforms something astounding. I looked into the glass and saw my reflection but, this reflection wasn't exactly me. As I looked into it my surroundings changed and I was all of a sudden in another place and I don't think that this place can be traveled to by airplane. There are weird things here. It looks like a normal neighborhood but the sun provides little light so, It seems like it always night time and the houses are all abandoned. The only person I have met so far is a fellow that goes by the name: Iggs. He looks strange, sort of like that character from lord of the bracelets...or was it rings? Blast! I can't remember.

Still writing
With shaky hands,
"The name seems to be scratched out," Ally said.
"Yes," The goblin said. "I will splain why later."
"So, are you that guy he was talking about?" Ben asked.
"Yep my name is: Iggimuster but,yous can calls me Iggs.
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