
Young Writers Society

"Four to Stand" - Prologue

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Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:05 pm
Mighty Aphrodite says...



Moonlight streamed into the room, coming through the billowing curtains like an astral spider web. A cool breeze shifted in the space, filling Ness Parazzi’s lungs with its delicious freshness.


Who was calling her so late at night? She groggily swung her feet over the bed and stretched, surprised at the loud clunking noise her feet made as they hit the floor.

She looked down to see that she was shod in red tennis shoes despite the fact that she’d been sound asleep in her bed a few moments ago. The scarlet leather was halfway covered by ripped-up, paint-splattered jeans. For a second she thought nothing of it, but then the scene quickly processed through her mind.

Why was she sleeping with shoes on? And in jeans, in a purple tank top, in a gray blouse....


There was that voice again. Who was trying to wake her up...?

Slowly, Ness lifted herself off the bed and began to walk toward the window, following the mysterious voice. She swore that she’d heard it before, that it was familiar...or wasn’t it?

She looked out into the night, head turning from side to side and ears searching for the person that was calling her name. The wind suddenly blew again and she was swept up into the sheer curtains, surrounded by their gauzy whiteness. Then, the material turned from soft fabric to thick smoke, invading her vision and taking away her view of the street.

When the cloud cleared, Ness was no longer in her bedroom, no longer surrounded by familiar things. There was a large house in front of her—at least it looked like a house; the hulking shape could be nothing else—and there were people walking in and out of it.

The night air was unusually still as Ness crept silently along the street. The same cool breeze rustled through the trees, causing the dead leaves to create cover noise for her footsteps.

“There’s too much wind, Ness,” the boy behind her said. “They might guess we’re here. Turn it off.”

She turned around to see his face, but it was covered in shadow. However, she knew who he was, and having him behind her gave her a sense of comfort.

“Ness, get down!”

His hand grabbed her arm and pulled her down behind a row of extraordinarily green bushes. She fell stiffly to her knees and felt a dull feeling go through them—not exactly a pain, but it didn’t feel good, either.

By the time she was completely on her knees, the wind had died down. Again, she tried to see the boy’s face, but it was dark. The only thing she could make out was the glint of strangely colored eyes.

“There has to be an easy way to get them all out,” he said.

“Set the house on fire.”

“What? No, we can’t do that...what if there’s innocent people inside?” The outline of his face looked tense as he spoke.

“There’s not.”

“How do you know...?”

“It’s just...I know.” Ness shrugged.

“Damn Seers know everything,” he muttered.

“Okay, so do it. We have a time limit.”

“Are you ready?” he whispered.

“Yes,” she whispered back. The two looked at the building in silence.

The boy gulped and said, “This could be the end of everything—”

“Or the beginning of it all,” Ness interrupted.

“The beginning of the end.”

“It doesn’t all have to end here.”

“Yes, it does. We can’t keep doing these kinds of things.”

Ness was getting impatient. “We can do this. It has to start here.”

“Or it has to end here,” the boy whispered.

“Light the roof on fire,” she told him, annoyed. It was up to him to do something; after all, his power of fire was greater than anything she could ever do.

“Alright, alright,” the boy said. He took a deep breath, snapped his fingers, and muttered, “Fire!”

Immediately a tongue of fire popped up onto the roof of the building, and it spread faster than any fire Ness had ever seen. She knew it was the boy who made it grow so fast, him and his power…

People dressed in robes were streaming from the building, standing at the vast front yard and pointing at the roof.

“They’re here!” the people called. “They’ve come to stop us.”

“Find them!” a deep, booming voice that seemed to come from everywhere at once bellowed. “Find them now, and do not let them escape!”

“Turn us into wind, Ness!” the boy yelled, grabbing Ness’s arm. She closed her eyes in concentration and felt her power course from her brain, through her fingertips, and into the boy.

It was hard. Her nervousness was filling her faster than her power over the wind—but she had to do it. She had to keep them both safe. Their bodies rose into the air; then they merged with a misty smoke that disappeared in seconds.

“Ness, concentrate!”

Her full power was thrust into the job of keeping them both a part of the air, of keeping their molecules joined.

“They’re in the wind!” the evil voice resonated through the air. “Stop them! They chose their fate; it must come upon them! Stop them!”

Ness felt her body jerk as her molecules pulled fiercely back together, and she tumbled with the boy back down to the earth, behind the impossibly green bushes.

They had failed—and now the whole world would suffer.


She was being pulled harder and harder. The people waiting for them, whose evil she could feel pouring from their bodies—they were going to bestow upon the two teenagers a fate worse than death, and give it to the rest of the world...

Ness hit the ground.


That's the Prologue to my book, Four To Stand. I hope you enjoy, and review if you can! Thanks!
"lovers alone wear sunlight." -e e cummings

"A well-behaved woman rarely makes history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."
-Mark Twain

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Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:56 pm
Boni_Bee says...

It's...interesting! :? I don't know what to crit, but I thought it was pretty good. The first bit, when she was called lots of times, went a bit drawn out...

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Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:39 am
Jennafina says...

Wow, thats good! I couldn't find anything to crit either. It all seems so... Perfect! I love how it starts slow, and gets faster and faster.

Ness felt her body jerk as her molecules pulled fiercely back together

That's a really good image :) I'd take out the fiercely though.
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Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:48 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Er... is this a prologue?

Oh wait, that's my job.

I see this is your first post, hopefully you will introduce yourself to everyone in the Welcome forum. It is nice to see writers who can't wait to get involved.

They had failed—and now the whole world would suffer.


She was being pulled harder and harder. The people waiting for them, whose evil she could feel pouring from their bodies—they were going to bestow upon the two teenagers a fate worse than death, and give it to the rest of the world...

Ness hit the ground.

I guess this sort of counts, but this is my advice.

1. Since the above quote is the only real indication of a prologue, why don't you just integrate this information into the story? As it is, it sounds like something you'd expect to find in Chapter One. Chapter One differs from the prologue because the prologue introduces the setting and the plot, whereas Chapter One is dedicated to character development and a very tiny amount of plot development.

2. The story seems jumpy. The motives of the characters is unknown, which makes the reader ask, why? I know you must have spent some time on the powers, but it is more imperative that we learn about the characters, especially in the beginning.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:07 am
Icaruss says...

That was really good. A good prologue for a book, gets you to know what the kinds of characters are they, what they can do. It also builds up interest. Great job. If maybe you can tell us more about the plot... or not, whatever you want.

Also, about GriffinKeepers review, ignore point number two. I mean, I don't want to sound disrespectfull, but I think it is good that you haven't told us much about the characters -- this makes the reader want to know more, therefore follow the book letter by letter, until they get the answer to all of their questions. Until they get the answer to: "Why?" I think that this is a great prologue, worthy of a good book...

I hope.
there are many problems in our times
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Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:30 am
Mighty Aphrodite says...

It's not that I'm going to ignore anyone's points, or whatever, but I think if you read the first chapter (which I'll post soon!), you'll get a better understanding of what's going on. So I definitely understand what everyone means by their comments.

And just to let you know--I know that some prologues give a general idea of what's going on and all that, but some don't. Once again, you'd definitely understand more if you read the first chapter, and eventually the whole book...which I'm getting around to posting.

Thanks for the reviews so far! :D

"lovers alone wear sunlight." -e e cummings

"A well-behaved woman rarely makes history." -Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."
-Mark Twain

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Sat Sep 17, 2005 11:36 am
Sureal says...

Hm, I suppose my points are similiar to Griffin's. I don't know what's going on, or why these people are doing these things (or how for that matter).

But, other than that, the style of writing was generally clear and easy to read. No spelling or grammar errors that I saw.

Now... to go read Chapter One :).
I wrote the above just for you.

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Tue Jan 03, 2006 2:32 am
Ani May Queen says...

Awsome, I love it. I like the whole element thing with the wind and fire going on. A little confusing, but then again we're not really supposed to get it at this point are we? I like the fact that the boy tells her to "turn off" the wind, I don't know why but I like it. Great job.

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Tue Jan 03, 2006 3:10 am
Jiggity says...

I know this is a strange thing to find fault with, but still:
He took a deep breath, snapped his fingers, and muttered, “Fire!”

Okay, no offence but that sounds poor. cheesy. I dunno call it what you want, it is not a sufficient description of someone making use of a powerful inherent power.
something like this would be more apropriate: He took a deep breath, reached deep inside his well of power, and with his exhalation whispered: flame...

Just be more descriptive when it comes to a lot of power: Like using an Elemental Power!!! Dont trivialise it, enhance it, thereby making the experience seem that much more realistic.
Mah name is jiggleh. And I like to jiggle.

"Indecision and terror, thy name is novel." - Chiko

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Tue Jan 03, 2006 8:52 pm
deleted6 says...

That was so good, i was wondering why this was in fantasy, now i know it's promising.
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