
Young Writers Society

The Will of a Deer in Headlights

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Gender: Female
Points: 957
Reviews: 4
Sun Dec 11, 2011 11:48 pm
minimoe30 says...

I’m not a writer. I’m a rusty fighter but I still got it. But still, if I wrote about my life, it’d be pretty interesting, don’t you think? I’d be on the New York Times bestseller list for sure. No, this wouldn’t be a story occurring in a big city where most stories take place. Nor would it be in a small town because I am definitely not a small town girl. Suburbs, yes you don’t hear much about them, do you? I little change I’d like to think. I only have an ordinary name. No cool nickname or anything. It’s just plain. Simple. Common. I begin this 100% absolutely positively true story to the very beginning. But I shall warn you: if you read all the way to the very end, then you’re life will probably get as jacked up as mine. Just a little warning you know? But if you really are that scared, close the book now and get your money back. But if you really want to know why and how jacked up my life is…you’re really in for it…
In my entire life, I thought there were only two types of people in the worlds. There was me, and there was everyone else. I never dreamed about what would happen if I died, and everyone prays and dreams I was dead. I have wished I would fall in love, everyone wishes I would fall in a hole and die. And, I’ve always wondered if I would ever make a difference in the worlds, everyone’s idea of making a difference is having me dead.
So, as you can see, I’m wanted dead. I’m no criminal. Okay, so I lied on that. I was a criminal, and you can say I’m a criminal by doing “destructive activity on public property.” Don’t get me wrong; I can be a nice person. And I do have friends, and a boyfriend. The most wonderful boyfriend you can ever imagine.
We were meant together, even if it meant that my dad hates Ash. I was, indeed, a daddy’s girl. Although it killed me to go behind his back, it was all worth it to be with Ash. But then there’s the guilt. The guilt seeped into me each and every day. Ash is normal. Ash is human. Here in Malloway Point, everyone is normal, human. I’ve prayed that I could be human too, so Ash and I can grow old together and die together. But that’s not how life works. Oh how I’ve wished to tell Ash that I’m not human. Tell him that my mom is only half human or my dad is the reason that the moon rises at night. It killed me. It killed me so much to not even be able to apologize.
I am a first class girl. I live in a very big mansion, I eat fruit parfaits for breakfast and almost everyday I’m showered with gifts I can’t remember by tomorrow. But the things witnessed in my life, made me learn the value of a single dollar. Every time I saw a hobo, I would give him money. I can never let anyone go through what I’ve been through. But I’ve been through so much, that I can’t even tell anyone. My past remains a mystery to Ash. Although he longs to learn about it, he understands that I don’t like talking about it. Ash deserves better, but I just can’t give him anything…
So here I am, in my room reading. Reading books about princesses getting swept off their feet by their knight in shinning armor… Reading books seemed to be my only way of escaping this prison called my life.
“Emily! Dinner time!” Mom called. I sighed, and placed the bookmark in between the pages. I closed the book and left my room. I feel like a prisoner, chains wrapped around my body so I can only walk. I cannot run or fly, or anything that has the taste of freedom. Unfortunately, my father was in town for the week. Usually he’s up Lightbank where he works forever, but he’s home for the week and is keeping my eye on me.
Mom was serving dinner at the table. It looked like it was German night for us. My mom never likes to be boring, even with her cooking. Every meal it’s some different culture. She wants me to try new things. She’s an oddball all right, but she is probably the wisest person I’ve ever met. When I was little, she gave me all the answers I needed to move forward in life, no matter how inappropriate they are. She was my Atticus.
I sat down at the dinner table and piled wursts (bratwursts) on my plate. I ignored the rest and just started to dig in. The quicker I’m done, the sooner I can go back to my room and avoid my dad as a form of protest.
To my poor luck, dad arrived at the dinner table shortly after. He grabbed a bottle of beer from the kitchen, and sat down across from me. Mom sat down beside him, starting to fill her plate. I refused to look at dad and glared at my plate instead. I shoveled the food down.
“If you eat that fast, you’ll get sick. And a proper lady does not eat like that.” Dad scolded. I dropped my fork.
“Why do you care? You’re never around anyway. So what’s the point of being a lady for you if your not even here?” I retorted, raising my voice a little.
“Emily, watch your tone.” Mom reminded quietly.
“What has gotten into you, young lady? First the gang, and then that stupid boy, and now this.” Dad said, raising his voice.
“Ash is not stupid! He’s my boyfriend whether you like it or not.” I snapped, standing up.
“You live under my roof, so you live under my rules.” He boomed. He stood up.
“Then I’d rather die than live in this prison!” I shouted.
“Enough!” Mom yelled, jumping up. “Knock it off both of you! Emily, take your dinner and finish it in your room. Darrel, take your dinner and finish it in your study. Understand?” She explained.
“Better than being here. “ I said annoyed. I grabbed my plate and left the dinning room, not even bothering to push my chair in. When I entered my room, I slammed the door shut and dropped my plate on my desk. I lost my appetite. I walked across my room and pushed the doors open, scaring the birds into the night. Below, the quarter horses ran freely, no chains holding them back. I envied them greatly, but I also felt sorry that my dad was their owner.
I was grounded for three month since last time I snuck out. But, my mom managed to negotiate with my dad. Now, I can go out one night every two weeks from seven p.m. to eleven p.m. My dad keeps an eye on me when I’m out. He has this special device that he can see anyone where they are at with the press of a button. Tonight was my night, but it was only six thirty. Immediately, I grab my phone and text Haley, asking her to meet up downtown.
While waiting for time to pass, I sat on my bed and read my Seventeen. Haley texted back, is saying that we’ll meet up in the corner with everyone. Everyone included Haley, Domo (Dominique), Antonio, Demetria, and Eva. Haley is primarily a dragon and wolf, Domo is a kitsune, Antonio is an ice elemental, Demetria is a werewolf, and Eva is a shape shifter. All of them are thankfully immortal. We all meet at a club on the corner. A great place to dance on platforms, get dizzy in strobe lights, get drunk, and pick up guys.
My radio played in the background, and then it changed to the news. It was breaking news, saying there was another terrible car accident with a deer. I don’t know what’s up with all these deer. Oh, look a shiny car! I wanna give it a hug! Wham! Down goes deer, and car isn’t in any great shape either. People should be more careful.
When the clock struck seven, I grabbed my purse and rushed out of my room. I could fly there, but I didn’t want to draw any attention. Thankfully this is the only time I can use a car (seventeen and still don’t have a car yet).
“Bye mom! I’m going out with my friends!” I called, going into the kitchen and taking the keys off the hook under the cabinets.
“Be home no later than eleven!” She called back from the living room. I exit the kitchen into the garage and I climb into the Mustang GT. Since my dad was rich and I was a high-class girl, I actually did get a car. It was a Ferrari, but long-story-short, it was killed. Let’s just say I was texting when I should have been driving. It was stupid really, but my dad went hardcore and punished me.
I pull out of the garage and drive smoothly down the driveway and into the road. As I made my way downtown, I dig into my purse and pull out my Vitamin Water Zero bottle. When I stopped at the first stoplight, I drank some. I loved Vitamin Water like Russians loves vodka. I’ve been hooked ever since I was fifteen. When the light turned green, I was still enjoying my Vitamin Water until the car behind me scared me by honking. I spilled my Vitamin Water a little, then set it in its cup holder and hit the gas pedal. Sure I was going ten miles over the speed limit, but it was fun.
I parallel parked a little under a block away from the club. But in the distant light, I could see everyone waiting at that corner. I locked the car and started to walk towards them.
“Hey guys. Sorry I’m late.” I apologized. Domo shrugged. This is Domo, the quiet one. She loves dying her hair almost every week. Now, it’s just all red from an anime-con she went to recently. She’s nineteen, living with her mom and dad, works as an artist. She has a lot of chub and a child-like face. Her hair short and flipped on one side.
“What are you doing!? What, what, what, what are you doing!?” That is Antonio. Yes, the one pointing and freaking out. He’s twenty-three, single, and gay. He works for a famous fashion designer and is making his way up to management. He’s an ice elemental that gets vision dreams. Not to mention, a good-looking ice elemental. He has dark brownish red hair and the iciest blue eyes you’ll ever see. Before I could respond, Demetria cut me off.
“Drinking her fourth bottle of Vitamin Water on a green stoplight.” That is Demetria, my old friend since we formed a gang years back. She’s twenty-two and now works for the Protectors as well. Tall, athletically built and has beautiful, cold iron-grey eyes. I rolled my eyes and punched her in the arm.
“Hanging out with my friends.” I responded.
“Girl, you’re in love with one of the sexiest guys ever! You haven’t seen him in a month. You better go get his ass before he starts shaking it for someone else, you crazy girl.” Yelled Antonio.
“If he’s shaking anything for anyone, it’s going to be me. Now go find some bystander and comment on their outfit.” I snapped, annoyed.
“Oh girl, do not get me started on that!” cried Antonio, “It was only once! And she had it coming! She should know that wearing sacks is not a dress!” He threw his arms into the air. We walked into the club and sat in the large corner table in the back like usual. I decided to go straight to the beer. Sure I appear to be sixteen, but since we know the owners, they know that I’m technically old enough for a beer since I’m two hundred and ninety six years old.
Antonio got his special martini, and Domo got her large lemonade. Domo is much older than me, but has the mind of a child. Demetria and Eva got their beers, and Haley got her gin. I was the youngest in the group, so I got picked on the most. I’m also the shortest so they tease me about that too. Well, Domo keeps her head out of it. Eva’s the one who drags her back in.
We sat and laughed and enjoyed ourselves. It wasn’t until eight when I saw him.
I could make out his figure, but I couldn’t see his face. He walked down the sidewalk and past the club we were in. He didn’t look in, but he was the only person I couldn’t look away from. And I can tell he definitely wasn’t human.
“Emily! Are you listening?” Eva asked. I snapped out of it.
“Huh? What?” I asked.
“Why did you decide the only night you can go out to be with us when you have a boyfriend?” Eva asked.
“’Cause she’s a ‘daddy’s little girl’ and doesn’t want to disappoint her ‘daddy.’” Demetria teased. Everyone laughed. Antonio gasped.
“What the hell are you doing here? I mean, if Juliet didn’t disobey her father to be with Romeo, where would she be?” Antonio shouted.
“Alive!” I exclaimed.
“But she would’ve died alone, without dearest Romeo!” He dramatically said. “You and Ash have something everyone wants. I haven’t seen anyone love each other as you two. If you don’t get out there, you’re going to lose him because you’re a ‘daddy’s girl.’”
“Shut up! I am not. I want my drink and to dance and relax with my friends.” I protested stubbornly.
“Then why are you here?” Haley asked, amused.
“B-because maybe I just want to hang out with my friends. And I’m grounded. Don’t you remember? That means I’m not allowed to see Ash.” I replied.
“There it is. Daddy’s girl.” Domo said matter-of-factly.
“I liked you better before reformatory camp. You actually had fun.” Demetria stated.
“Are you kidding me? She’s always been such a goody-goody to her ‘daddy.’” Eva explained.
“Sorry to disappoint you guys. And, do you even know my father is? He can kill us all with snap of his fingers.” I said.
“I don’t die easily.” Haley remarked stubbornly. She brushed some of her damn perfect hair out of her damn perfect face. I admit it. I wished I had her body instead of mine. It just seems so perfect. Silky white hair cascading down her back, but it is as straight as it can be. Beautiful purple eyes that every boy gets lost into. Well I don’t have any of that. I just have wavy and curly blonde hair the color of pus and eyes that look like barf, but they have a name for it. Hazel.
“Whatever. Think what you want.” I said, annoyed.
“Hey lady! Why are you so grumpy?” Domo asked me.
“Because the inmates have taken over the asylum.” I replied, pouting a little. Everyone laughed.
“You’re so easy to mess with.” Haley smiled. I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t be picking on me. I’m just a woman.” I whined.
“Correction. You’re just a kid.” Demetria corrected. I rolled my eyes.
“I think you’re ten and you’re an idiot.” Antonio agreed.
“You guys are so mean to me. I’d leave if you guys didn’t put me in the middle.” I complained. If only Ash was here to stick up for me. Then I wouldn’t feel alone. I know they’re just messing with me, but still. I had to stand up.
And so later that night we actually ordered some cheeseburgers and cheese curds. I dipped my cheese curds in some barbeque sauce. Haley laughed.
“You’re so random, Emily.” Haley remarked.
“I’m not random. You just can’t think as fast as me.” I replied, smirking. Haley stuck her tongue out at me. “Don’t be jealous.” I said in a sassy tone. Everyone laughed.
“You’re hilarious.” Demetria said.
“A real riot.” Eva agreed. I sighed, wishing that Ash wasn’t in Prylea and right beside me. Prylea is his home world, like Earth is mine. Haley is the princess of the world/kingdom of the Butterfly Kingdom. But sadly, that kingdom is as gone as my virginity. So she’s living on Earth. Eva and Demetria are from Earth; Domo is from the world of Marbleloch, and Antonio from world of Highshade. There are so many worlds out there, too many to count in my opinion. We all like to hang out in the big city of Mallowley Point, except for Ash who is stuck in the city of Dracelyn in the world of Prylea.
But now I’d rather be in Prylea with Ash and his dad. I really like Ash’s dad. He’s a lot nicer than mine. And he loves that Ash and I are together. He’s very supportive and when I once snuck out to Ash’s house and his dad was nice enough to keep it a secret.
We got bored after eating, so we decided to join the actual club. I could tell Eva and Demetria were more busy scoping out the guys than actual dancing. I had to admit: there were so many hot boys in here, I didn’t know where to begin.
“Emily, you got to go.” Haley called over the music, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at my phone, checking the time. It was 8:56 pm. It wasn’t time to go. Haley must’ve had too much gin.
“Sorry, what? It’s not time for me to go.” I replied. “I have enough time. Do you want me to go?”
“No, stupid, you got to go and hang out with Ash. You have all this time and you’re wasting it! What are you gonna do when the meteor shower comes along? Watch it’s beauty with your Pikachu stuffed animal from your oversized closet?” Antonio demanded.
“I can’t go see Ash now. My dad will find out.” I protested.
“Forget your dad and get out there! Do you really like him!?” asked Haley. I nodded slowly. “Then go after him!”
“I got your old man covered.” Stated Eva with a smirk.
“Eva, for the last time, I told you not to hire guys to “take care” of him!” I snapped. She always wants to get rid of my dad because she says he kills all the fun. She especially hates how protective he is over me when I’m practically an adult. She thinks my dad is sexist. She is a huge feminist.
“I was talking about fixing the cameras in your room so it looks like you came home and are in your room sleeping.” She responded sharply. I was taken back a little.
“Well, thanks, but will it work?” I asked. Of course it will work. This is Eva. Eva’s specialty is technology. She can hack into anything and have it do whatever she wants. When we were in a gang, she was the one who hacked the security so we can steal whatever’s in there.
“It’s full-proof.” She guaranteed. I sighed as a sign of defeat, and then I pushed over Eva and Demetria. “Never let your guard down.” I smirked, “Later losers.” I smirked playfully and walked out the door. They giggled.
“Hey! That wasn’t very nice, meanie.” Domo grumbled like a little girl, puffing out her cheeks. I laughed and winked in the window. That night I never saw that guy again, but all I really wanted to know was what was it that made it difficult to look away from him. Like when you see your ex boyfriend
I sat in my car, slamming the door beside me. Before starting the car, I drank some Vitamin Water that had warmed up from sitting in the car for a while. After finishing it, I tossed it in the backseat and started the car. As I pulled out, I noticed the road was eerily empty. It was a Saturday night in May. The roads are never empty. But tonight, they were deserted. I didn’t care though. Finally I’ll be able to see Ash tonight. It’s felt like forever. My hands were just itching to slip into his perfectly like we were made to be together.
I gripped the steering wheel and turned left. A one, empty, lane road with trees lining the road. At instinct, I flicked on the bright headlights and drove carefully in case of deer. Deer are always out, even at this hour and you can never know when they decide to pop in to say “hi”. It seemed fine as I made my way down the road, but there was something that made me tense up. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew it would haunt me later.
To help me relax a little, I turned up the radio and listened to my modern-day music. I really got into the beat and let myself relax into the music. I sighed a breath of relief and calmed myself. Another car was on its way on the left side of the road, so I dimmed my lights. When I reached the gate, it was left open. I switched my car in the fifth gear. The fifth gear is called the Switch. You go into that gear when you go through the gate of that world so you can switch into the next world right there. If you don’t, you don’t fall off an edge you just keep driving until you’re back where you started again. The car drove through the gate and it felt like a rush of electricity throughout the car and my body. I was used to this rush, for I have been to Prylea many times.
Ash’s house is pretty small compared to mine. But it’s noticeable and easy to find. It was a light blue one-story house, but the basement is complete. Ash lives in the basement. He almost has enough money for his own place he has his eye on. Deep down, I’ve been hoping he’d ask me to move in with him and release me from my chains. Ash’s cherry Hyundai Sonata sat in the driveway. He’s here! My car didn’t even come to a complete stop behind his car before I flung myself out. I grabbed the keys and my bag and sprinted to the front door.
I didn’t even hit the doorbell. I just pounded away on the door under someone answered. Mr. Kenton never stayed up much past ten, but he should’ve been up. He was, indeed, awake and I nearly punched his lights out when he swung open the door. Luckily, I caught myself before I hit his face. His face lit up with joy.
“Hello, Emily. It’s been too long.” He greeted with a friendly smile. I grinned.
“Hi, Mr. Kenton! It’s good to see you again!” I said cheerfully.
“Good to see you too. Come on in.” He gestured to the small little foyer. I walked inside, letting my body remember this familiar place. “Ash is in his room.” I was already mostly down the stairs into the basement before he could finish the rest of the sentence. Ash’s bedroom door was shut, but I noticed the light escaping from the room. I opened the door and there was Ash. His back was facing towards me, as he sat at his desk. He was writing something down and he had his Skull-Candy headphones on his head, blaring music into his ears. I could almost hear it. He was nodding his head and tapping his pencil on the desk to the beat of his music.
I dashed across the room, leaping over his messy floor, and tackling Ash off his chair. His headphones flew off as I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek.
“Whoa!” He yelped. “Emily!” He hugged my tightly and kissed my head. I snuggled up to him. He smelled like men’s shampoo. It is one of my favorite smells. I was such a creeper…
“I missed you so much, Ash.” I said.
“I missed you too. Won’t your dad know you’re gone?” He asked, concern in his dreamy chocolate eyes.
“Eva hacked the cameras. We’ll be safe for a while.” I smiled.
“Maybe I want to keep you here forever.” My face was getting hot, no doubt about it. I could never help it, but I just blush so easily around him.
“And w-why is that?” I questioned.
“Because I’m selfish and I love you too much.” He replied, snuggling up to me. My face was getting hotter. I felt like I was going to pass out, but I knew that would just ruin everything. I hugged him tightly and interlocking my fingers with his. This moment now is just so right, so perfect. “I want to see you again. Will you come back to see the meteor shower with me?”
“I’ll always come back to you, Ash. It’s like it was meant to be.” He smiled. “I’ll be here on Friday.”
“I can’t wait that long, though. I want you.” I knew by now my face was entirely red and hot and he chuckled. “You are just adorable.”
“So, what’s going on about the animals?” I asked, quickly changing the subject. Ash, sensing the quick change, chuckled.
“I don’t know, really. It’s so weird what their all doing. Like they want to get away from something.” He answered.
“Just promise me you’ll be more careful on the road?”
“I promise.” He kissed my forehead. I sank into his warm, strong arms. I could just take a nap right then and there, but I knew every second counted. He’ll hold me forever, I knew. And I knew that I wanted him. This moment couldn’t have been more perfect. Talking here with Ash, lying in his arms as he held me as if time never existed. No, time goes on. It would always go on no matter what.
“Your dad…” Ash began. I nodded.
“Is such a dick…” I finished. Ash chuckled.
“Harsh, much?”
“Nope.” Ash laughed. I’ve always loved his laugh. I love everything there is about him. His smile, his laugh, his smell. There’s nothing creative about this. This is all cliché to you, but it’s nothing more than the truth. Sometimes the truth is so powerful, it makes everything so heavy to carry. Maybe that’s why people lie—why I lie. It’s hard to carry the truth and carry it because no one wants it. When you give it to them, they won’t take anything but lies. Everyone believes everything but the truth. That’s what it was like from the life I remember. It’s not much, but it’s lies. No one understands my logic. No one is supposed to understand. If it’s not your logic, then it’s stupid, right? Of course. This is society. A society we all live in and we are so used to. Makes me wish I could go exploring in my car. I want to find that place—a place free of lies and it gives us hope for a future. Earth is nothing but looks. It shows us what we want to see on the surface, but if you look just a little closer, you’ll cry.
I left Ash’s so slowly like I just stepped out of my dreams. We had talked for a while, which was easy. He’s so easy to talk to. He is just so understanding and kind, I can’t picture anyone I’d rather be with. He doesn’t tell me what I want to hear. He tells me the truth. He speaks with his heart and his heart is good. I had managed to get back inside my home quietly as usual. I’m sure my mom might’ve heard me, or even dad. But nothing mattered anymore. I did it, and I’m happy. I really was happy. I was hoping for a little bit more this evening though. No, I’m not talking about sex, but I wouldn’t exactly mind that either. Ash always challenged me. That’s probably one reason I fell in love with him. He’d challenge me on everything. It made my life a little more worth it. He’d challenge me because he’s Ash and Ash is stubborn. It actually helped me make the decisions I do. It helped me realize how important the reason behind something you want to fight for.
Believe deep down in your heart that you’re destined to do great things.

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14 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 330
Reviews: 14
Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:50 am
MariaRowlands says...

OH MY GAWD! That was the most heart moving story that I have read! You have a lot of talent and I hop that one day one of your stories are on the shelves of every bookstore and libary. Please write some more.
May The Blood of my Enemies Flow Like Rivers to the Sea

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22 Reviews

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Points: 1590
Reviews: 22
Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:57 am
Xyra says...

I don't have time to do a proper review for your amazing story, but I really really want to! This is really interesting and I want to read more. I do have a couple little things to help you on though. Will you PM me and remind me to really review you? I love this!!
More Than Words Can Say
Forever Yours
Xyra Pekkala

PS I will love you forever if you review my story Maia (revised version!)
I'll review something of yours in return :P

Why does the Air Force need expensive new bombers? Have the people we've been bombing over the years been complaining?
— George Wallace