
Young Writers Society

Chapter Eleven: NaNo

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Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:06 pm
Soulkana says...

Chapter 11:
The castle lay only a few feet in front of the group and despite this its grace and beauty binds the children as they take in the awe inspiring scenery. Its walls were of a dim gray and it is surrounded by acres of land. Trees dot the land as children hug families tearfully as they prepared to be on their own for the next five years.

“Come, I’ll give you the tour.” Takeshi heads forward, not even doubting that they would stay there. As they head towards the castle, Aticulis breaks away from them telling Takeshi, “I shall meet up with you later, Mr. Headmaster.”

The teasing tone and the nickname draws the kids’ attention to Takeshi as they narrow their eyes with somewhat surprise, “You are the Headmaster, sir?” Rayan pipes up, being the bravest of the bunch.

Running his hand through his raven black hair, Takeshi concedes sheepishly, “Yes, but I’m often missing to look over some important...” He pauses to think of the best way to say his next few words, “Important business. So in my lead, Lord Aticulis sees over the Academy should I be called away for any point in time.” He finishes with a light smile as the children roll their eyes with laughter.

“Of course, daddy. You weren’t seeing Lady Anastasia.” Miko grins, tauntingly as they reach the steps in front of the Academy where several whispers break out behind them.

Students behind them bustle in curiosity over the mysterious sudden daughters of their Headmaster. Neither of them attempt to badger the group as Yuuki rushes in front of them, gripping the door and tries opening it only for her to be sent staggering back as something repels her.

Takeshi lets out a chuckle as he smiles impishly, “You have to allow me to give a key to enter the Academy, silly child.”

Getting up off the stone floor, Yuuki huffs with her arms crossed with a childish pout, “You could’ve told me that before, dad!” The whine in her voice causes his laughter to grow louder before managing to stifle it to gently wrap both daughters in his arm, much to the amusement of the onlooking students and their friends.

Squeezing them tightly he finally releases in order to pull out rough pieces of stone, similar to the one he used to arrive, explaining, “Push your magic inside and they’ll transform into beacons of your magical aura, allowing the school to recognize you. Do not let anyone get a hold of them or else.” His stern gaze pierces each of the new students in turn, before warming up at their quick nods.

“Good.” He simply hands the pieces over and watches as they finger the rock slightly in inquisitiveness.

Carefully, Yuuki surrounds the tiny piece with her magic before concentrating on the image of her magic seeping inside like the ground soaking in rain water. Eyebrows drawing together in the intense focus, the crystal slowly melts away to reveal a black orb with a silver glowing object visible through the translucent gem. Clutching it tightly, she secures it in her mark just after entering the building, knowing it would be the only safe haven for such an important object which pulses in sync with her heart and magic.

Glancing over to Miko, Takeshi notices with a slight chuckle of acknowledgment as hers turns to the form of (symbol or animal that protects) which glows a vibrant crimson with an elegant swirl in black. Holding the small object carefully as if a single movement would crush it to pieces, Miko smiles with joy sparking in her eyes.

Evelyn laughs slightly as hers shifts to a tiny white moon with a gray hand reaching out. Smiling at the meaning she simply attaches to the numerous objects hidden within her locket before watching with amusement as Rayan's changes to the form of a black wolf with fire surrounding the paws in almost a ruby like stone before he whispers, tearfully, "Mother..."

Takeshi winces in sympathy at the teen's shape and in a successful attempt to lighten the grief overwhelming him, he kindly advices, "Keep to your goal, child. If you wish to make your mother proud become strong like she asked of you."

Rayan glances mournfully at him before he turns away. Just as Takeshi places a hand upon his shoulder, Rayan shouts at him in determination, "I will be strong! I will serve Yuuki until she allows me to go find my sister. Don't forget your promise." His eyes narrow as Takeshi takes on a neutral expression.

"I have not forgotten. Nor do I back down from my promises, Rayan FireWings. When the time comes and you can survive the enemies I will give you the spell. Until then...become what can truly protect your sister in the future. The bond you have is still strong, soon when she becomes conscious she may be able to communicate through it as you do for her each night." Takeshi smoothly comforts watching with a knowing glimmer in his eyes as Rayan stares at him in surprise.

Yuuki chuckles as the two talk, knowing that Takeshi probably had noticed the action her friend did each night long ago. Patting him on the shoulder, she whispers in his ear, "I'm sure he knew about it a long time ago, Rayan."

Rayan spins around to face her, face white with disbelief as he asks, hurt playing in his normally reassuring eyes, "Who else knows of it??"

Stepping closer, Yuuki manages to reassure him, "Just Takeshi, Miko, and I. We promised when we noticed that we wouldn't tell. After all, she's you're sister. You have the right to give her comfort. It is of no weakness of the heart to do such a kind thing."

Kissing him on the cheek she adds gently, "Sides, when I saw you doing that my respect for you bounded forward leaps. You are truly someone I am glad to trust with such important deals."

Blushing, Rayan nods as Aryiana pipes up, "Hey why did mine change in a rain drop?"

Yuuki opens her mouth to provide an explanation when Anastasia manages to speak first, "Raindrops are often used to represent those who are still undeceive about just what they want from life. Falling between sky and ground, a raindrop can take on many shapes. It just means until you've decided what you want from life, it'll remain a drop. Do not worry, " She quickly assures when a sad expression flashes across Aryiana's face, "Many of the children here are just like you, darling."

Nodding, somewhat still oppressive Aryiana joins the others as they finally enter. Upon setting their eyes upon the inside of the Academy gasps of awe and contentment pass through the small crowd as they walk inside the large ballroom styled entrance. Despite its large size it was nearly packed with nobles and students who turn to face the new arrivals with open curiosity and some even resentment.

Shrinking back, Yuuki whispers to Takeshi, fear creeping into her body, immobilizing her. "Why are they staring at us, Father?"

Placing a comforting hand on her shoulder he soothes, "They're sizing you up, little one. You are to be the future ruler. They merely wish to gain some insight on what you might possibly do for them. Just answer what you like and try not to show any weakness. They'll latch onto it and rip it apart like sharks."

Nodding, she forces her mind to move her legs so she could reach the stairs. All along the way, the room's occupants murmur courteous hellos and whispered compliments. Forcing down her shyness, she manages to smile brightly at each of the people as she passes, before a lady steps in front of her, eyes scrutinizing her warm appearance with a sneer of distaste.

"You are too kind. Such kindness will get you killed, young princess." Lady Rouka comments dryly before bowing with a mocking smirk. "My name is Lady Rouka, milady. I hope that one day you shall be friends with my family."

Yuuki glances calculating at this women, instinctively not trusting her from the position the elder woman carries herself and replies with a kind, polite voice, "As do I, madam."

Step siding the woman in order to move ahead behind Takeshi, a cold hand snatches her arm as a raspy voice crackles with a hint of insane laughter, "You may be pure but there's a devastating darkness in you. So tell me, princess, " The man leans forward to breath in her scent before whispering in her ear, "Whose blood were you forced to take in order to keep living? The scars within your soul are like black blotches. You better hurry before they consume you, Princess."

Shivering in dread, Yuuki manages to force out without her voice shaking, "That is enough. If you please excuse me, kind sir, but I must get settled within the Academy. I must catch up with my group." Pulling free of the man's grasp, she moves to take a step back when his icy stare sends a chill racing up her spine.

'Let me take your soul for my master, dear princess. Your blood smells so good!'

Forcing her face to remain impassive, she trembles inwardly fighting off her frantic heart rate as Takeshi grasps her shoulder, glaring hard at the man in front of him, "Lord Unar, please allow me to give my daughter a tour of this Academy. You have all the time in the Realm to discuss such things."

The man smiles eerily before backing down. "If you may, Takeshi. WIll you send my daughter Amya into the Runes Classroom after you are done. There are things of great importance we need to discuss." Lord Unar asks shrewdly while Takeshi turns Yuuki away from the man to walk back up to the group after giving the noble a cold nod.

Stepping onto the first step of the red marble staircase, out of hearing range of the various nobles, Yuuki finally lets out a small sob before forcing back the pent up emotions tearing through her calm exterior.

Gently stroking the back of her hand as they continue up the stairs, Takeshi beings pointing out the various rooms along the right as they take the direction. "This way leads to the classrooms. The classrooms take up three floors and the library itself takes up the next four floors completely. The books within are sorted by year and magical level."

As they pass though the first floor he points out various classrooms which includes the Runes, Magical Theory, Life Magic, Art, and Language classrooms before Rayan inquires, somewhat shyly, "So what's with the large room taking up the rest of the floor?"

Eyes twinkling with approval, Takeshi praises, "Good question. That room is the study lounge for students. After hours the teachers will either be in there at specific times or in the teacher's lounge. It is forbidden for students to be loud within the room. Such distraction will only hinder the concentration of others."

Amya rolls her eyes, muttering under her breath, "As if anyone would actually want to study."

A boy's voice echoes from behind them filled with irritation and dislike, "If you wish to be strong enough to support our country and our Princess then you have no choice but to study here. Otherwise you'll fail."

The group of teens turn to face the voice to spot a rather tall teen leaning against the side rail with a bored look as he pierces Amya with an unforgiving glare.

"Who the hell are you?" Amya growls, not liking the glare he is tossing her way nor the tone in which he spoke. Her eyes narrow as she realizes with contempt just what he is. Despite this she holds the knowledge in knowing it would further serve her father's plan.

Just as the new boy opens his mouth to make a belligerent response, Takeshi greets, surprised to see him, "How are you, Jermani? It has been ages since I've seen you, child!" As he finishes talking he embraces the teen tightly, happy to see his friend's son would be attending the school.

Cheeks reddening at the affection his godfather showers him with Jermani answers truthfully, "I'm happy to be here, sir."

Stepping back to take a close look at him, Takeshi notes almost immediately the pale face and dark circles indicating insomnia before asking carefully, almost hesitantly, "Did he pass away?" His eyes dim at the conclusion that his surrogate brother had indeed passed away when Jermani turns his head to stare at the painting hanging upon the wall.

"It was sudden, sir." He shifts uneasily while going on, "With everything that happened after I had thought that maybe the neighbors would've sent you a notice but it seems now they did not. I'm sorry."

He bows his head to prevent Takeshi from seeing the tears filling his eyes as his heart mourns the loss of his father, again. A few seconds of respectful silence passes before he forces away his sorrow to smile wobbly at Takeshi with a slight determination within his eyes.

Taking hold of Jermani's hand, Takeshi moves to lead him into the group, not wanting him to feel left out as he begins to move towards the second staircase to continue the tour to the next floor. As they follow Aryiana smiles at Jermani in attempt to ease his troubles. Smiling shyly back, his haunted eyes brighten slightly but underneath there was a hidden hatred that causes Miko to ponder over the cause for a few minutes before finally deciding to leave it alone for now.

Instead, she takes hold of Yuuki's hand who, in turn, smiles down at her with a thoughtful expression at the group before it turns to a perturbed frown as she mutters quietly to herself in agitation. Finally as they head up the stairs she pulls out of it to laugh as Aryiana finally points out the color of the walls, "Oh dear Janena! The walls are green!" Her face scrunches up in disgust before being silenced by Rayan who snaps, "Well deal with it. Green is a lovely color."

"Now child, no fighting." Takeshi scolds lightly while Anastasia chuckles in amusement as he points to the different rooms as they pass through the hallway, "This floor contains the Cafeteria, History, Ethics, Ancient Traditions, and Healing classrooms."

His voice drowns out the slight bickering before they stop and pulls the rest out of their own respectable musings to gaze at the closed doors with concealed wonderment. Still, they kept moving on despite the urge to open one of the doors to look inside.

Finally reaching the last flight of stairs in the tour, Takeshi begins climbing. After a few minutes of an eerie silence, Evelyn chimes in, "Yuuki, is that Yorii?" She points to the shadow cub pacing the top step as if it is waiting for something or someone.

Turning her gaze from the portrait upon the green wall to the animal, Yuuki's face breaks into a happy grin as she rushes up to the last remaining steps in order to scoop up the growing cub into her arms. Still, she is mindful of Yori's space and did not overly cuddle her before allowing the cub to settle down in her arms for a nap.

Rayan, Miko and Jermani laugh openly at the cute scene meanwhile Takeshi shakes his head with an amused smile tugs at his lips before teasing his dear daughter, "Are you sure you're not marrying the poor cub, my Yuuki?"

Yuuki pouts at him before turning away with a haughty sigh. "You're so cruel, daddy!" She teases back while smiling as they enter the last hallways consisting of the classrooms.

"These rooms hold the Math, Spell Creation, Elixir, and Crafting rooms." Takeshi explains while Miko and Rayan simultaneously, "What do you mean by Crafting?"

"Crafting is a required class as beginners. In this class you will create wands, staffs, weapons, rune knives, and other things. When you get good enough with your magic wands and staffs will begin to hinder your magic, making it less effective and significantly lower in power." Takeshi lectures as the teens glance at each other with excitement.

They begin to quiet down and Takeshi takes the chance to ask, "Is there any questions?"

A chorus of "No, sir." echoes the hall before he ushers them back down the steps. "Then I believe it's time I showed you the dorms." Takeshi chuckles as they sigh.

Five minutes later they enter the hallway leading to the entrance where they notice almost musingly that most of the nobles have left, leaving the hall all but empty. While heading to the hallway on the left, they pause just shy of running into a couple who, upon recovering from the near run in, glare upon one of teens, Aryiana.

Aryiana pales upon the sight of her parents before her. Heart nearly stopping she chokes out weakly, "Hello, Mother. Father." She nods politely while nervously fidgeting with her jacket sleeve.

Her father steps forward, eyes furious as he whispers threateningly, "If we ever see you again we'll make sure you end up just like your precious twin."

Aryiana backs away into Takeshi face gray as she manages to shout back, "Yuki was right! You're nothing but someone who wants to cage us! I won't allow you to cage me!" Her voice grows steadily louder as she steps forward.

Meanwhile her mother steps forward coldly striking down her daughter without so much as a second thought. Glaring down as Aryiana touches the forming bruise with startled eyes, she hisses, "I will not allow such a disappointment remain living my own house. Make sure that you never return."

Aryiana rubs her stinging cheek with tears falling, unashamed by this she openly cries as she sobs, "Why can't you see the traditions have no purpose anymore! Whether or not they're in place doesn't keep us away from them! You can't ignore the face humans are all around us!"

"Silence! I've had enough of you inane rambles!" Her father steps forward when suddenly Takeshi moves to guard the fallen, distressed teen from her overly enraged parents.

"I've had enough. So long as Aryiana is within this Academy and its grounds no harm shall come to her. Not from you and most definitely not because of the stupid rules you Nobles created after the war to cage the Ancients into fearing those weaker than us. I kindly ask you to leave, now." Takeshi demands as his aura flares dangerously at the parents before him.

Slinking away they begin to leave when Aryiana's mother turns to deliver one last message, "We never loved you or your brother. What is the point of having kids when they're the bane of our existence. Don't forget that you are not needed, Fyrak. Oh and happy birthday, foolish girl." With a cruel, bone chilling laugh the couple leave the Academy not caring the damage they had just inflicted upon their daughter.

Aryiana stares blankly at the spot in front of her. Nothing existed outside of that spot. 'Not needed. We never loved you. Your brother deserved it. No one will ever want you around.' The dark words echo in her mind, taunting her very being with devious manipulation.

'No. Someone loves me! Surely my friends would be sad if I was gone, right?' Aryiana desperately tries to deny the voices, pressing her head into her knees as sobs rack her frame.

As her sobs grew louder she slowly slips into unconsciousness as memories take over. Reinforcing her parents cold truths with their evidence.

"Yuki?" Five year old, Aryiana, calls out for her twin as she enters his room, clutching tightly a rag doll made of scrap fabric.

A muffled groan comes from the bed as Yuki sleepily rubs his eyes, "Hmm?" He mutters with a sleepy yawn as Aryiana gains the courage to run up to her older brother.

"I had a nightmare." She whispers, crawling into the bed beside him. She knew that if her parents found her in his bed again they would be awfully furious, but somehow she couldn't seem to care so much what they'd do.

"Why didn't you go to mommy and daddy?" Yuki questions as he turns on his side to face his sister in the bed, reaching out to huge her close to him.

With their faces just a mere centimeter apart, she concedes sadly, "They told me I was being a bother. Told me to go to bed or I would be punished...I don't want to stand at the table again, Yuki!" Her voice turns to a more pleading tone as her eyes fill with suppressed tears.

Stroking her hair, Yuki whispers, "Then stay with me. I'll keep the bad dreams away. After all, that's what older brother are for!"

Smiling, Aryiana closes her eyes, whispering the last words before sleeping, "Good night, big brother."

Feeling his hand still stroking her hair and his quiet voice responding, "I love you too, little sister." lull her to sleep, to a peaceful slumber with no nightmares.

"I wish I could be strong like big brother, Yuki!" Ten year old Aryiana declares, weakly, as she lays in the bed as blood trickles from her mouth.

Yuki glances up from the medicine bottle he held in his hand to smile lightly, "You are strong, Aryiana. Who would say otherwise?"

"Mommy says because of my health I can't serve the heir to Janena like you, Yuki. I wanna protect her too!" Aryiana whispers, disheartened.

Setting down the bottle, Yuki carefully crawls in beside Aryiana to firmly state, "You are strong in ways I am not, Ary. Never let anyone say otherwise. If you truly have the will to protect the heir, then you can."

Aryiana smiles lightly before a coughing fit sends blood dripping to the sheets as she bolts up in attempt to prevent the blood splatter. As Yuki moves to get out of the bed to grab one of their parents, Aryiana snatches hold of his sleeve, begging between blood hacking coughs, "Please, don't leave me, big brother. I feel better when you are around." Her eyes capture his focus and he lays back beside her with a small smile of reassurance.

"If you wish for me, too I shall stay right beside you." He gently pushes her back down as the coughs subside, using his sleeve to wipe away the blood dripping down from her mouth.

As he holds her as she drifts in and out of sleep, he murmurs in her ear, "I love you, my darling sister."

"Yuki?" Aryiana croaks out a few minutes later, hands gripping tightly to his clothes as she glances at him with a searching gaze.


"Because we're twins there are some things we cannot tell each other because we are twins, right?" She struggles to get out, worry filled eyes peering into his as he ponders over her question.

"Yes and should you be keeping something from me for that reason then I cannot fault you, Ary. I love you too much, sister." He soothes as he carefully kisses her forehead.

Snuggling closer to him for warmth, she says drowsily, "I wish I had been born as Yuki's heart...then I could always be with you and I wouldn't be so weak as I am now. I would be a part of my twin."

The sure way she said that leaves Yuki startled as he responds just before she slips back into sleep, "I would rather you be just are you are, Aryiana. It means I can have your breath taking smile light up the darkness of this world."

"Where's Yuki?" Eleven year old, Aryiana, demands while during lunch. She hadn't seen her twin all day and the uneasy feeling would not leave her and only grew worse when her parents look at each other then back at her with an unreadable expression.

"He has been judged as unfit and was burned last night." Her father coldly remarks, as if it didn't matter that his only son had been killed by being set on fire while still alive. It almost looked from Aryiana's point of view that he seemed to rather enjoy the fact to which she stares in open horror.

"You monsters! How could you do that to your own flesh and blood!" Aryiana shrieks, her hands clenching into tight fists, causing blood to drip to the floor as nails cut into skin.

Takeshi sighs as he stares down at the small teen who lets out a small sob before jerking awake. Surrounding her the other teens did their best to calm her as several other parents walk up.

"Takeshi, is this Academy really safe for these dangerous time?" A common summoner questions while the other parents nod with this inquiry.

"The only way in is through a crystal that only one person has. And even if they get that far they would need to somehow obtain one of the students' or staffs' aura crystal to even enter the castle." Takeshi calmly states before adding on, "There is always a risk of someone turning but I do not believe that anyone here would attempt that if they truly wish for peace, as I do."

The parents quickly agree, their fears now put to rest as Amya turns to find her father waving for her to follow. Glancing around to spot that everyone else is busy she quickly dashes over to him and together they sneak into a nearby empty room.

Closing the door behind them and placing a protection rune upon the door, Lord Unar greets her calmly, "I see you are doing well, Amya."

"Yes, sir." Amya bows to her father before straightening to meet him in the eyes.

Grasping hold of her arm to pull her into his embrace, he orders, "You haven't forgotten your purpose have you?"

"Never, father." Amya firmly states as he tilts her head back with glowing eyes.

With a chuckle, he whispers in her ear, "That's a good puppet, my dear." With those words, he bites down on the vein, hands pressing her closely to him as she flinches.

"It is as you wish, Master." Amya dutifully replies as she relaxes. It was not her job to fight. Nor was it to disrespect him. He controlled her and one wrong move and he could more than easily get rid of her. Hands gripping his cloak she realizes, almost as if waiting to be admitted, she did not want to lose the favor and pride he has for her. Eyes dancing with a determined flame she knew then whatever he asked of her would be fulfilled. She was his obedient puppet in this show of life.
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

Maybe we're all just complex human beings with skewed perceptions of each other.
— Ventomology