
Young Writers Society

Chapter Seven: Nano

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Wed Nov 23, 2011 3:52 am
Soulkana says...

Chapter 7

A slight breeze caresses Nastusia's face as she leans against her father as he explains, "So because of the sudden repositioning of Janena from dark to light, many creatures were unable to survive such a drastic environment change. They leave behind what resides on their old planet now."

His melodic, soothing voice washes over her as she closes her eyes. The warmth of his body heat keeping her frail body from freezing as a particularly cold gust of wind wafts through the small clearing they have set up as a campsite for the night.

A sensation of something weighing down her heart sends Nastusia twisting around in his hold, gasping as a bright crystal floats almost as if someone had placed it there. As she watches it in unknown terror the weight on her heart begins to burn, sending her nerves in a frenzy of pain. Unable to pull her gaze away she succumbs to the vision swirling up to snatch a hold of her, pinning her in its foreshadow.

"We'll be using this crystal to reach the Academy." Takeshi explains, holding up the very crystal she had seen just a mere second ago, outside of the vision. His hand gently strokes the crystal, eyes luminous with the flow of magic.

"How does it work?" Rayan asks, skeptically scrutinizing the tiny crystal.

"You pour the magic in and each crystal is keyed to a certain place. This is the only way to reach the Academy, therefore it is held under close surveillance. Should anyone of you give this stone to someone outside of the Ancients, the consequence is death. Is that clear?" Takeshi commands, eyes burning with great caution for those who dare to defy such a crucial rule.

All six children nod quickly, not at all wishing to bring down the frightening wrath of the Necromancer in front of them. His amethyst eyes hold a frightening glare that sets each of them struggling against their instinct to flee and hide from this angry stare.

"Good. Now each of you grasp hold of me and whatever you do don't let go." Takeshi orders, hand holding the crystal high enough to allow the children room to gather around and clutch various places of his clothing, eyes reflecting hesitation and fear.

'It'll be fine, children." He begins to soothe, before turning his focus on the crystal, "Alright, my love, take us to Reya."

In a blinding flash the group vanishes from the now empty clearing. Just as a man rushes up to it, breathing heavily before shouting in agitation and despair, "Takeshi! I need to give you this!"

Aydan stands morosely at the entrance of the bank, eyes downcast as she whispers, hurt pouring from each word, "Why didn't you come, onee-sama! The plan cannot work if you do not come."

Tears trickle down her cheeks as Aydan turns away, snapping angrily at herself, "I can't help her if I am not there!"

"Nastusia? Child, are you alright?" Takeshi leans over his daughter, whose glazed over eyes finally begin to focus as her hands reach up.

Nastusia stares at the blurry image of her father, desperate to prevent what had occurred in her vision. Forcing her mind to concentrate on the task of telling him, she watches with her sight slowly getting clearer as her hands reach up to grasp a shaky hold of his shirt.

Pulling him closer she breathes out, throat parched, "Don't use the crystal yet, please...father!"

Takeshi, upon hearing her plea, pockets the crystal, trusting whatever she had seen is the cause of her sudden need to keep heading to Amarath. Gently helping her up unto her feet, Takeshi calmly states, "Very well. Why do you-"

Just as he starts asking just what she saw in the future, a man appears into the clearing. Leaning over to gasp for air, the man rejoices at the sight of the people he had been asked to deliver to. "Thank Janena, you're here, Takeshi. I have an important letter for you and Nastusia-sama."

Startled at the honorific on her name, Nastusia stammers out, self-consciously, "Just call me Nastusia...no need to add Lady or -sama to it, sir."

Aizen gazes stonily at the girl before barking out fiercely, "Do not bring humility unto the pride of my ancestors, Princess. It has been and always will be my duty to serve those that fall before me in rank and I do so happily and with no hesitation. I shall call you as you are. There is no denying your rank. The scent of Janena hangs over you like a sweet flower."

Nastusia blushes slightly while Nova glares spitefully at her behind Nastusia's back. Internally growling at the obvious respect this no good Fyrak had earned from the legendary assassin whom just met her. Hands clenching into fists, she vows silently to make sure she learned her place...and soon.

"Where is this letter, Aizen?" Takeshi warmly questions, hand extended for said letter.

Pulling it out of his bag, Aizen hands it over swiftly before muttering, "I had been afraid you would've used the crystal by now. I'm glad I caught you in time, Takeshi."

Takeshi chuckles lightly, "You have my daughter to thank for that. She stopped me when she must've seen you coming."

Turning to face Nastusia, the assassin curiously ponders, "Seen me coming, child?"

Nastusia stares long and hard at this stranger with a slight distrust. Even though he wore the symbol of the Triunag family, whom Takeshi had explained to her just earlier this day, she didn't trust him. Assassins were never trustful in her opinion and she had met many during the times she cleaned the Redmoon Manor in which had turned against her parents.

"Yes." She answers vaguely, refusing to add anymore information, to turn towards Takeshi who raises an eyebrow with surprise but also something similar to amusement as he finally hands it over to her, saying, "Go on ahead and tell thy Lady that we will be upon her doorstep within two hours."

Nodding, Aizen spins around to take off to the forest once more. Not concentrating on anything but studying the letter, Nastusia frowns lightly as she finally opens it. The elegant scrawl came out easy to read despite being rather obvious hastily written down.

Dear Lord Takeshi and Princess Nastusia,

It seems a little fire has been left upon my doorstep and I have found it fit to give some information concerning matters that will be of most importance later on. I request that you two may come for a visit so we may set up a viable plan.

Lady Triunag

Confused at the obvious cryptic meaning she knew that the little fire obviously meant Aydan but what was her sister doing in Amarath and not at home? As she wonders about it she carefully folds the letter and slips it into one her pants numerous pockets. Finally she turns to Takeshi, "We need to go now if we have any hopes of reaching Amarath in a mere 2 hours, father."

Chuckling light he nods. Within a few minutes the fire is put out and books stored away as they finally begin the quick pace to Amarath. During the trip, Nastusia ponders endlessly over what landed her sister there and the anxiety that pulls tightly at her heart as she prays that when she got there her little sister would be unscathed.

As the village comes in sight, a young teen girl appears from the forest, chest heaving and clothes and skin torn. Blood drips to the ground as the girl whispers, voice soft and pained, "Help me...please."

Her eyes flutter shut as she falls to the ground, unconscious. Quickly, Nastusia kneels down beside her, carefully pulling out bandages from her father's bag to wrap the various wounds upon the girl's body. As she securely ties the last one around the girl's arm, Nastusia pleads, "Dad, can we please take her with us to Reya?"

"She would have to, darling. She is of the lower nobles. She will be needed to be taught how to use her powers or they'll destroy her from the inside out." Takeshi comments somewhat somberly as he cautiously picks up the girl and continues walking ahead.

Evelyn takes hold of Nastusia's arm, pulling her up to follow the rest, whispering, "She'll be ok, Nastusia. Sides, we really need to reach Amarath."

Nodding, Nastusia willingly follows Evelyn as the two get into a deep conversation about the history of Janena that pulls Rayan and Aryiana in as well. Before long the four were debating with a friendly competitive manner just as they enter the small scattered housed town of Amarath. The only truly important building stood near the back which is the Janena Bank.

Not pausing to idly waste time, Takeshi quickens his pace so that the children behind had to nearly run to keep up with is long stride towards the bank. Not even bothering to knock, he uses his magic to slam open the doors while moving ahead again to enter with a mask of cold indifference hiding his kind personality.

Several woman nearby nearly flee from the room while a few braver ones immediately recognize him and cautiously approach, eyes wide with fear. "Lord Takeshi, are you here for Lady Triunag?" They question, softly.

"Yes, I am. Do you happen to know where she is at, ladies?" He requests kindly, while Nastusia smiles at the other women in attempt to soothe the frantic fear her dad created.

"Yes, my Lord. She is in her office with a little fire." The woman hints softly the message her Master requested when she was to speak to the Lord in front of her.

Nodding gratefully at her, Takeshi takes off, calling back to them, "Thank you, Bertha. Make sure that no..unwanted company interrupts my valuable discussion with the Lady, please."

"Of course, My Lord." Bertha responds, closing the doors behind them as they enter the office.

The sound of doors slamming open causes Lady Triunag to laugh in amusement while Aydan jumps at the sudden, frightening sound. Glancing over at her laughing host, she asks, voice quavering with hesitant fear, "Milady, why are you...laughing?"

Fighting to hold back the chuckles threatening to overcome her, Lady Triunag reveals, "That is caused by Lord Takeshi. He enjoys scaring my poor new employees by startling the unfortunate dears. Do not fret, he is actually a very kind man." Her eyes twinkle with amusement as the door opens to reveal Takeshi, whose own eyes sparkle with mirth.

"Well good evening, dear lady." Takeshi smoothly graces the woman as he enters, followed behind by the others.

"Must you frighten my charges so, Takeshi?" She chides lightly as she leans up to kiss his cheek.

Kissing her hand, delicately, he grins, "Of course, milady. After all, they must be kept on guard at all times."

Aydan stares with disbelief at the two before turning to glance at the others that followed him in. Spotting a familiar face, she jumps from the futon to run up shouting, "Nastusia-nee!"

Nastusia turns her head to face the voice that shouted her name when suddenly a pair of arms encircle around her waist, squeezing her tightly. Glancing down at the mob of blond hair, similar to her own, she could only chuckle softly before affectionately smooth Aydan's hair, "Hello, little one. Are you alright?"

Not letting go, Aydan tilts her head to stare up at her older sister with sparkling green eyes as she chirps, "Now that you're here, big sister, I am happy."

Smiling in relief, Nastusia carefully picks up the seven year old, "Well that is good. Now how on Janena did you get here?"

Aydan scowls, "Mother left me here. I don't think she's coming back for me." Tears well up in her eyes as she sniffs, burrowing her face deep into her sister's chest, sobs shaking her shoulders.

Heart breaking at the cries of her little sister, Nastusia calmly picks her up and sits upon the futon, gently stroking Aydan's back. Eyes darkening with loathing at her parent's heartless actions, she glances up as Lady Triunag begins to speak.

"Takeshi, I believe that the two of them should change their names. It is very problematic if they are of the Redmoon family whose honor shall be broken when the nobles get word of the abuse Aydan has suffered." Lady Triunag watches the two girls with a hint of concern tinting her tone.

Takeshi sighs lightly before nodding, "I had anticipated this. But what name shall they take on?"

Smiling coyly at him, she cheerfully retorts, "Why yours, of course. Who else would have the protection they will need in the upcoming years?"

Takeshi mulls over the idea before speaking up to the two children in question, "Do you two wish to have your names changed?"

Aydan clutches her sister tightly whispering, "If it keeps, big sister safe then I will do anything!"

Nastusia smiles lightly at the bold delcaration before nodding as well, "Will we be allowed to choose what we want?"

Takeshi stares at her somewhat affronted before firmly saying, "Of course, you're free will cannot be taken away by anyone. We'll discuss some things that need to be cleared up before we leave in time for you to decide."

Nodding the two huddle close to each others, whispering inaudibly to everyone else. Aticulis carefully guides the others to various managers, requesting family backgrounds while keeping a close eye on his friend as the discussion between the two Necromancers gets slightly more serious.

Silence falls over the two siblings as they each lose themselves in their consideration of new names. As the silence falls over, Takeshi questions Lady Triunag, sharply, "Are you sure they're in league with them?"

Nodding, the Lady pulls out of stack of papers, allowing him to glance over them studiously. Eyes flashing with anger, Takeshi murmurs, "Don't worry. Once we are safely at the Academy I will summon the families to...discuss the possibility of placing several guards around the families in question. Thank you for sharing this, Mala."

"Also, I didn't tell her about it, yet." Mala whispers, eyes glancing over at Aydan, who rests her head upon Nastusia's lap.

"Why not? She will need to know." Takeshi beings to rant before being cut off by Mala's cold glare.

"It will not begin until a few more months. Tell her if you believe she needs to know, but let her have a little bit more...happiness before something to dark is thrust upon her."

Takeshi nods, "Still she will need to be prepared for her future as Nastusia's protector. She must know what will happen. If we do not tell her now then things will become very sensitive."

Sighing, Mala agrees with a heavy heart as the two finally approach the siblings who finally murmur their final decisions to another before glancing up.

"Hello. Is there something you wish to say, father?" Nastusia questions lightly, her fingers grasping hold of Aydan's tightly.

"Yes there is. Do you know of the curse of the Protectors, children?" Takeshi asks gently, his eyes holding a deep sadness.

"No, sir." The two immediately respond, eyes glancing at each other before the two nobles with confusion.

Mala swallows hard, throat closing with despair as she explains, "The curse is that the protector of the Queen or King must take the blood of the heir in order to keep their magic in control so they may serve them faithfully. If not the magic begins to lash out from the inside, destroying the body and mind at a rather agonizingly slow time."

Aydan's eyes widen with fear, "But isn't drinking the blood from the heir a crime?!" Her mind begins to spin with the sudden new dilemma. Heart rate and breathing soaring high, Aydan shouts, "Isn't it!?"

Nastusia wraps her arms tightly around her sister, pulling her back into her chest speaking resolutely, "If you need my blood to stay alive, sister, then I have no problems with it."

"But it's a crime!" Aydan protests feebly, knowing deep inside if it is the only way to serve her sister faithfully then she would no doubtingly do it. But despite this she couldn't resist protesting despite the fact she already knew it is futile.

"Do you want to be unable to serve your sister? The only way the protector can be of use is if she's doing what she has to...it is only legal for you to take it if she's willing. Take it if she's not and its illegal. However, for anyone but the protector should take it either way it's illegal." Lady Triunag sternly inserts, watching as Aydan sighs in defeat and grumble almost stubbornly.

"Not like many people that would take her blood would just wait for her to hand it over on a silver platter! Sides no creature I know drinks blood that still live in this world." Aydan snaps.

"In time you will learn of the ones that do, child." Takeshi simply retorts, voice and eyes hinting at her to either be silent or lose the defiant attitude radiating from her magic and body language.

Taking in several deep breaths, Aydan simmers down and nods, reluctantly, "Very well, sir."

Hugging her sister tightly, Nastusia remarks, "I honestly don't mind, Aydan. Anything to keep such a horrible thing from happening to you, my little sister."

A mutual agreement passes between the two and a silence lingers over the room's occupants before Takeshi breaks the silence asking, "So what names have you chosen?"

Nastusia smiles brightly, "Well since our middle names are rather common on only your side, daddy we decided not to change that. But I've decided on Yuuki Candra Darkcasta."

Nodding, Takeshi smiles before glancing at Aydan who fidgets nervously, "I've chosen Miko Zerath Darkcasta."

"Both are very powerful names and tie into your personalities. You have chosen well, my daughters. I believe it's time I truly adopted you, Yuuki and Miko, do you wish to be my child as well?" Takeshi asks, his hands gently stroking their hair as Miko blushingly nods, eyes glowing with hope.

"Very well. I, Takeshi Darkcasta, by soul, blood, and mind take Yuuki Candra Darkcasta and Miko Zerath Darkcasta as my daughters. May Janena accept this proposal so long as I treat them right." Takeshi watches with satisfaction as a thin red string of magic ties the three Darkcastas together before fading as Lady Triunag begins to speak.

"Because of the abuse Miko has suffered at the hands of Redmoon, half of their funds and companies now belong to you, Princess Yuuki."

Nodding absently, Yuuki turns to the teenager who they ran into on the way here. Stirring she opens her eyes, asking, "Where am I?"

Yuuki kneels down, commenting, "You're at the Janena Bank. My name is Yuuki Darkcasta. Are you feeling better now?"

She nods, shakily, "I am Amya Unar. I feel...tired." She sheepishly concedes while trying to sit up.

"Don't. It's okay for you to sleep." Yuuki smiles, gently pushing her back down on the futon with a kind smile.

Without a word, Amya slips into sleep, her head resting against Yuuki's shoulder, thinking with a mental laugh, 'Infiltration has begun.'
May the gentle moon take you into peaceful dreams. May the mighty sun brighten your new days.

No one achieves anything alone.
— Leslie Knope