
Young Writers Society

Hidden- Chapter Ten

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Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:38 pm
EvensLily says...

Chapter TEN: ALONE
LOCATION: The Bridge

My feet were bleeding as I walked down a parley lit street; the sun slowly rising in the distance. I hadn’t stopped crying, I whimpered as I feel to the floor. I dropped my head into my hands and wept, I want to go home! But where was home? Do I even have a home? “Someone somewhere has it far worse then you, sitting around feeling sorry for yourself is stupid” the thought flew into my head. Tyrone, I had told Tyrone that. Tyrone... I stared at the crumpled up picture in my hand, I had to tell him, warn him, that’s not the only thing I had to tell him. I had to tell him I loved him. I lifted my head and something caught my eye. The sun was lighting up the street, seemed very domestic... Middle class, I stared at the street sign Eves Road. Oh god, I was close, so close. I got up quickly; my feet sizzled as they touched the hard ground once again. Nearly there, come on so close. I stumbled through the street being careful not to be seen, too many questions. A shout sounded through the street.
“Katy, hurry up school starts in an hour!” I signed, as I hobbled down the street. Police tape was still covered around the area where Tyrone and I had found Nario’s body; I couldn’t get through to the alley.
“Fuck this” I mumbled pushing down the tape and hobbling over to the alley. Each step that was taken the more pain echoed through my body from my feet, I didn’t dare look down, I knew they were bleeding; I’d ran on glass barefoot near the city centre. I reached the end of the alley, all the blood had been washed away from the wall, I stared at the spot where I had kissed Tyrone, Oh god Tyrone. Nate could be after him this minute seeing if he could get to him before I did. No, I was going to get there first. Tyrone was not going to die.
“Lily?” A gasp ripped through my ears as I looked up. Sasha was standing at the end of the street his mouth wide open.
“JARED!” He shouted running over to me. “My gosh Lily, what happened to you... you’re feet... how far have you been running?” I just griped him by his shirt.
“Tyrone” I squeaked. “Sasha, Nate’s after Tyrone”
“What? What do you mean?” Sasha gasped. Someone came down the Alley and pushed Sasha out the way; Jared stood there and looked at me.
“Tyrone” I squeaked. “Jared, Nate’s after Tyrone” Jared took me into his arms and picked me up, I squealed in relief as my feet were no longer touching the floor. I buried my face into his shoulder.
“Don’t worry Lily” Jared’s voice soothed into my ears “I’ve got Tyrone right here and he’s alright” I felt something shift as someone else’s arms suddenly grasped me.
“Tyrone” I whimpered.
“What in the name happened to you?” I didn’t say anything; I just buried my face into his chest. “That’s it Jared, I’m never letting her out of my sight again, sorry I just can’t” There was no response and I didn’t turn my head to see one. After about five minutes I lifted my head, my eyes aching. I shut them again as I kissed him, he was alive and mine. I didn’t let him get away until finally, I did.
“Lily, tell me what happened” I sucked in a breath and moved myself into a better position. I found myself sitting on his lap; he was leaning against the wall of the Bridge. Brendan, Pierce, Davion and Sasha were sitting around us; I turned to see Leon with a first aid box sitting by my feet.
“This is gonna hurt” He said, taking out the tweezers. Leon was in charge out first-aid, before he ran he was in St. Johns ambulance, or did he run? I twitched as he started pulling glass out of my feet.
“I know” I said, it was almost a whisper.
“You know what?” Tyrone asked slowly.
“I know you’re-” I took a breath and flinched as Leon pulled out another piece of glass. “I know you’re all werewolves” No one moved, Leon just sat there and stared at me. Jared’s hand went from around my waist to his hair and down his face, Davion gave a shocked breath, Pierce went slightly red in the face and Sasha looked angry.
“How’d you find out?” He almost growled.
“Hey!” Tyrone warned Sasha giving him a harsh look.
“I- I” I closed my eyes and leaned on Tyrone’s shoulder, took a breath in and calmed down. “When I, err, left, I went to the town centre... dunno why, don’t ask. Someone had been killed again” Everyone around them let out a sigh of relief.
“What does this mean?” Leon asked going back to picking glass out of my feet.
“I don’t know what it means, but it sounds like we’ll be okay for the time being, the whole pack was here so no one was hurt”
“Err, guys” I whimpered as Leon dapped something on my feet.
“Sorry” Leon said sheepishly “Forgot to tell you that hurt”
“What?” Sasha asked.
“He was a werewolf” I remembered the pictures on the wall.
“Impossible” Brandon said shaking his head
“We would have known... all werewolves are committed to the Council, they would have told them and us”
“He was, he was only eleven, and it was Tameron” I said turning my body towards Tyrone.
“Tameron, the boy I saved when you turned, yeah, I was supposed to thank you for that”
“Tameron, I know him! He lives in the same estate as my ma” Pierce said “Well lived...”
“Of course, he was in a life threatening circumstance, over ten they can turn when their blood pressure rises” Brendon said, he looked at me apologetically.
“Then err, Nate turned up”
“What, the weird kid?” Davion asked.
“Yep, he made me come home with him and I fell asleep, when I woke up I heard him and his brother talking. He’s the one killing the werewolves, he’s a vampire” Everyone around me stopped.
“I knew it!” Sasha shouted.
“Oh, Sasha don’t look so happy” Tyrone interrupted; looking at me he added “What was his brother’s name?”
“Oh, crap”
“Okay, not so happy now” Sasha said
“What?” Pierce asked they all suddenly looked worried.
“Magnus and Nathanial White are here in Scotland” Brendon said, looking at Pierce whose eyes widened.
“Wait, the princes of the Silence, the Sunrisers?”
“Wait, where’s Jared?” I asked as Leon finished bandaging my feet.
“It’ll hurt for a while but they will get better quickly” he added with a twisted smile.
“Gone to Edinburgh to speak to the council about what is going on here” Sasha said raising an eyebrow as he saw my facial expression.
“DID YOU JUST LISTEN TO A WORD I SAID?” I screamed, everyone looked taken back. “A vampire is on the loose killing werewolves and Jared’s on his own... he’ll be next”
Write and Smile people! X

The magic is only in what books say, how they stitched the patches of the universe together into one garment for us.
— Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451